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Around A Great State

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The animal sale of surplus stock on tlic Fgricultural .arm took place in L&nting i-n the '.-til uit. ïle total aniount recehred was ?2,170, tb Bixtri n Shoril urns bringing $1.895: the six Sliortlu.r.i helfera brougbt 1,040. J.M. Turner of l.aiu-ing, was tlie lanrtst buyer. Tbe foliowlugiro toenames of the buyers anii the prices reallzed: College VVatcrloo, vearling, E. B. Hale, I :.: d kapids, 95; College Aiidec, ycarling I uil, E. b. Hule. Eaton Rapids, 80; Horaee, IS in ntlis. .liu'l Leavltt, Fairneld,486; Horatio, 4tii, IS niontlis; 11. k. Mfller, Fowlerrille, SO; Horatio, 7th, IS months, J. M. Turner, Lansing, $85; Hebe's Acomb, 19 month8, J. M. Turner, LanMii'. $85: Uaralet, Uh, 11 months, J. Af. Tuiner,$5;Col. Page, 'M, 13 montks, J. II. lioswoith, (Hivet, $--0; l.oan Acomb, ! months, B. M. Peckam, Ion a, $105; Il:.mlet, 5th, „ vears. Win. Steele, lonla, $85: College Alico, Wm. Steele, Ionla, $885;Collego Keil, E. C. McKee,Laingsburg, $155;College I h i nix, Jas. tdgar, LakeVlew, íl"; College Koan Duche, Hon, E. K. Wdoci, Stanton, í'15; folíese Red Rose, Hon. E. K, Woud, Stanton, 2lO; ColPietoria Ducheai, B uontbsold, J. M. Turner, Lansing, $100. J. M. Turner also bought tbe {Jersey heller, Roseoes ]ule for $95 and the eross-brcd Aomb's Bnow Bloom 2nd., for $30. The Ilolstien College Ma -, 2nd, went to C. L. Seeley, Lansing, for $100, aml the cross-brcil Aeomb's Snow bloom to R. 15. Carrus for Í30, Murder in Port Huron. Capt, Duncan McCaig of Port Huron, awellknown lake captain, wás slot. and killed by bis wie toe otter nlghi Mrs. McCalg had been granted a dlvorce from lier husbaDd and was living witli l:er father, i ver since the divorce bad been granted the captain hail troublcd bi.uife, and, ii is clainied, bad tbreatened everal times to kill btr. Tbe nigbt he was shot, be Lad been drinking, and while under tb ■ in of lii.uor, went to his wife's laiher's and ereated a eood deal of dlstnrbance. H was driven away, but shortly alter returned and i esumeu bis abuse to Ibis wiie, calliiii; on Ler to come i'iit. 8he went out on tbe 8lao walk, irhen bernsbed ut herwith an open knife. She stopped back Into tbe house, pot B shot iiii and Bred. Tlie man feil t the irround witb a larire hole In his forebead, out of wliich tlie brains oozcd. He llngered for feveral hou s hen deatb ended tbe wretcbed life. The chlcí oí pólice ordered the arrest of the captam's wife and berfather and brother. The woman is ncarly distracted but claims she was obliged to shoot in seif-tiefensc. A Michigan Man Exiled.l poiñtod consalÜt Valár'aáíi::' 'Mls ' et" "I" Col. ames . Romeyn is ona of tbe bcstknun-u r. sldentí uf Detroit, he is the son of the .a;e 'lbeudore Romeyn, nnó was bom t.bere in Iob9. He graduatcd from Coluoibja C'ü1!ckc sta.T of the fieneral eomn andiug tbe tlrgt dlTltion of ibe Mntnarmy coips, Alter the wr be was law partí er bf his iather, aml ïo retnaineuuntü tüe lattcr's recent deatb. Col. Roniiiyn has bom an active pollttcan. Hi served gsRipres utat.v-intbe Sítate Legisla tnre In 186tí-'0, as a Btnator JS'1-4. He is : proniin ut lui-mtur of the (i. A. R. He wai married on his biribday recent y to Mr. Uenrlett: S. Davidton, of Fordham, N. V. MINOE STATE HAPPENING. Mrs 1 mma ï. IlaniDton of Deiroit, president of the woman' relief corps for the delartmenl o( Michijian, has issueJ tl.e cali íor thu tüird animal eonvention to be Leid at Juoksoi) Aprill and 23. Mis. Ilampton says will robably be about onchunored corp in the depaiiment. This will undoubtedh secure a delegat.on of at least thrce or foui humired. Up in Bear I.ake, Manistce county, the Prohibitionists and Knights of Labor have fused a toHDSbip ticket. Col. Abraham V. Ferry, an okl resident of ,Iack;on, dicd March24. He bad bcm a resident of Jtckson siuce 1SU. Thomas P. Costage was run over ena inftant ly killed by a train on the Michigan Central in bay City the other n glit. Wm. Burns brakeman, stumbled and iell He. "was instautiy tltTêaT '"■' r"" ""'' ' Cadet Dempster Lansingof Chicago died at tbe Michigan military ccademy a few day sago. Tbere are 118 cadets in attendance at the Michigan military academy at Orchard l.ake. beveuteen states'are representcd. High water in the rivcr at.Grand Rapids has compelled the milis alongthe eaual U) sbut down. An oatmeal and potato starch iactory will be built at l'etoskey, if water power, can be securcd. T. P. Horning of C lare will bulld a $4,C0 íour mili il the ( lareites will give him a $1,500 bonusMis. I.yman Cahoon of Alma. Gratiot county, has fallen heir to $32,500 by the ueath oí Onio relatives. ( i race Whitcomb, the missing JackïOD girl, bas been found. iShe hïid gone to New York wti Ie laboring under temporary abenation ol mmd. Tbe state board of heslth reports dipbtberia at it'. places; scariet fever atlo; typbü.dalü: mcasies at (irand Rapids, Algouae, Ithaca anti Wayne. Tbe followinir gentlemen r.ave conseuted to ccnstltnte an advlsory board of the Michigan bicnch of the Mount Venion l.adies' Assoclation: The üt. Kev. Bishop i. S. Hairls, dov. II. P. Baldwln. l'nsident .lames B. Angelí, Hon. Don M. Diekinson, Mr. W. C. lontiac'a counell bas yotcd to have Civil I'iiL'ii'.ccr Groen of the university, come ano survjy the city and n ake estiüiates on tbc cost óf putting in water works. 'ihe (jucstion ol bonding the city will Ie put to vote April 5. A numler of fatal aecidents at the uppei península mi es lias so lnereafcd of late tha) tbere is talk of the Knights of Labor taking tbc coiidilion of tbe mines in:o considcration with a view to eouferring witb the agents o the mining companles al out Bome way to i re Vent sueb Irequent reeunences of these terrible 1 appenings. Ou tbc evenlng of August CO, ISSr-, C'atvnci Pearson of ictor, Clinton eountv. who was II yeai-3 of age and weak of ml d, wanderea from jis bome, A severe storm prevalled a ibe time, which o'jliterated all tracks, and althouüh the woods and swamps were seoured by laree partita ot men no trace of bim coul . befound. 'Ibc rewaid of $110 ollerrd at the tin. e will Tu tu AibJej and eoh. The body was tound a lew days ago in a swiunp neor hi.bome. R. A. Enyder, a popular young man of 'St. Josepb, one of the most prominent memberi oí tbe good lotlge and a leader in the Methodist cbureb, (lied vèry suddenly recently of quicü cousumutton. Tbere are 1S: jirls in the industrial borne at Adrián, whicb is learlv the number the institutioii t&n accomoilate. The hialthof the iuniates is sjilendid. and cvidence of tv cided moial Improvement are ap au ut. Vorty two are now in In tncs in the 1 1 te, subject to recall for cause. 'I b ■ irst train erosscd over the new Mineral range rallroad bridge Mareh28. A pasfneer cai will bc run between Houghton and Ban eoek, aiid the occupation of the ferry boat will bc gone. Senator Conger has presented to the Senate a bijl to give Y181,000 to the Pottawattomle Inuians in ( rtss, Van Buren and Htrrieu Ci.uiitlea ;r pajment on tl.e unfiillmcd tieaty st'pi.l:itii:is. 'l he Coldwater road cart eompanv has commenicd theerettion of a new building, to be i;-id n connection with their ] resent factory. Thcir busiucs uow dtmands a manufacture of ■,Vj carta per day. A uew saw. planing and machng mili will sr.on be cstablisbed at Middlevillc. Kudner of tl.e Lapeer Democrat, authority for the statiment tliat a .'ix-icirircil ealf. frisky and lealtby. bas appeared on the farm of llarvc. Iü' south ot Almont, Mrs. ,' ary Kerna, nged lOt years, died at the iceidencc of her soii-iu-law in I.a eer recently. The executlve board of the state agricultura) society will meet in Jackson April 15, to deelde wherc the stat lab will bc held. The locating committc will report to the secretary April l'ó. James Annstrong, father and adminlstrator of tbe late Sarah Helen Aimstrong, wtio was killed bv a Michigan Central train at Maybury hl' in Detroit on Julv 10, has cotnincneed suit against the railroad company íor $10,000 damagc s. Olher cities takc a hint from this littlc item from tbe ].aieer Democrat: Our city expend cd over $5,100 for sidewalks last year, and dld not j;et a loot of improveuient lrom it. It n as a $5.000 jUdgement. Mr. Sweat, a Marquette architect will huild the Houghton eounty court house for $09,bUS. Dr. Charlea Rice has sccureil a verdict oT $.".0.000 against the city of Hint for damages ilontia building hicli heowned, owlngto the allegcd carelessness of city officials. The 10 Le appealeJ. Lev Arr.old of Pía nwell, a ureeder of Poland .las i ecelved an order f rom Gcr:,nv li.r si.i oí hi hogs. Mr. Aruokl feels very proui that hls reputatlon as a l.ree.'er sliuu:d ge. su lar fiüin home. The museum at 1 nising bas boen rescnted withaiuro untlquaicd bullet mo'ds ei rrled In the revolucionan1 war by tüe grandlatber of the hou. Wiiiam K. Trover, a iuember of the Michigan legislatura i It5i lrom llillsdalc county. The Knights of Labor of Man'stco r.ominnted their citv ticket upon ;a platform ol principies that elirhi honra eonst.tute a day's work upon thecityworks; tbatno contracta be lct t,i irj outsider; tbat the city engiDeer umi city oiBcers look af ter itsown work; tbat do ma I e cmplo.icd at lessthan $1.50 per cay , etc. HoveQ bas orcanized. a mutual marrlage teneflt assocJatlon. 'Ihcclub scomposed o SOyoung men, and upon the ncsrnage of. ant memoer the others coutribute ?-:5 eacb. Jacob P. De Condress, living near Holland nastbrown lrom a wagon tiie otbcr nigiif, recelvioft Injuries which resnlted In bis dcath. De Condres's wif e was lost in the City cf Alpena several years ago. Krom Marcli 4, 1805, tO March 4, 1S86, 311 fourth dasa postmasters in Michigan were removed; John K leider, who Uves near Dextef, is '109 ycars old, and still hale and 'hearty, tibie to do a day's work. ïlarr. McBowell, the traveliug man ihargeJ w!th causing tbe death ot Slvia Sawdy, be daughter ol n prominent physiclan of liowar.l City, by aborción in Grand Rapldslast December, ha been eonvieted of manslaughtcr. lic was remandvü for seutence and wlll move for n new trial on appeal. The verdict givcs general satlsjactlon. WiUle Hodgklns, the Cadillac boyreeently 1 recovered irom hydrophobia, has sulïered a relapso. Four mili 'on white físbfry were planted In the lake ofl St Oogeph by the suite i sh ; missioner tLe otberdav. Gwcn L. Allen, postmaster at Vandalia, Casa county, is undtr arrest charged witü : bezzling moncy (nier fuuds. A n ai nareed White was fatally Injured :■■ the explosión of an emery wheel in a toundry in Portland. The annuol Bhearlng festival of the Northwestern Michigan Sneep AssodttUon wül be at the resldence of Morris Freeman, Gaine?, (Ci üt Co., on 'llmrsday, April 15. Rev. S. Reed, ;f Michigan Camp Ground assoclatloD at Baj View. Baysthemeeting will oi;cn .iiüy '20; the first week to be deviJtcd to ihe. work of the Chautauiiia readlng cireles, and thut the management intcuds cniargini; the chope) this season. Tl; body of au unknown man was fi und mar luitiand the oiber ay. Jn the ruin hand was grasped a revolver," the ihainucrs 01 were tnipty. lrom all appearance ihe i In the case of the MÏcn'iganiè'dSmS niimna companj vs. W.J.Dibble. admiuistrator ot the estáte oí 1'. Ijibblc, deceasc I, theCallffe"eaii'iaVtHiíi'.'ttu1t'iyteJae.i..j.,w,.íl.i?1,í,aoX t-K Dit lo aujast claims agaiust uibble's estáte, :,iul i.cuu'.i apeliant'a n oIjoii for a new triai. Ihl8 wasan actiou broagbt by the Michigan Ohlo rallroad eomj ai.y to rueocr a lu amount of t5,tOJ sljjneu bv f ald C. 1'. Dibble uuring l'is hhtinic in aia oí the constructlon ot said Michigan iV: übio railroad. Jud Croncb'i trial wlll not takü nlacc at tbc i April term as was expected. itWill I culy bc callcd in Be tember. 1 aw Paw capitalists are taiklng about erecting a liis.-chs roller mili. Application to the manager of the Foldicrs' 1 ome coi t.nue fo come in i.aily, and the j ber oi veterans is now niaiiy '&,o. Garreit Wood of Pinckney, aged 78, was found dead In liis boardiug "house the Othei n.orning. A. J. Barrington & Sons of St. Louis will move 1he maehinery of tbelr planwg m 11 to .iontague. '1 Iicy are to as on inducement a cash bonus and a í;m,000 min tr pcrtj at one third its value. '1 be C'n.i 'water road-car comr.auy stoclcholdcis and Mr. m. ol that place, tho i wner of a valuabie c. air ] a ent, 1 ave orine i he Coldwaler manufacturii g conipany with ! tll),0(X) capital, and wili mann actuie chaira1 on a lorge eca.e. 'lliey aie i ow engagedin doublmg the size of Ihelr lactory. Tbe Michigan state trap ahootere' asfoeia' the state will be given an Oj.portunity to join. A correspondent of a Detroit paper, : ing lrom Alaska, says: Gov. tvin - lurd's glowlng account3 of Alaska's enjoyable i-limatc and great wealth of j mfnerals hus eauscd an Aiaskan fever m parjs oitbe upper península. The Govcrnor took 1 ith biin, when sent, sevcrul Michigan men, i vhohave all Becuna promUinit Roid ruart. claims ancl estimatc tneir future woalth at many n.illions each. Capt. 1'. T. 'lracy, a iiiining man oi; M. Endleinan, CAVeler, and Marlow 11. Crockcr, a prominent i;.w er of lsli];cming, lelt the -ity last. neok 01' Alaska. Tliey are now on their way to ictüiia. irom wliere they will take a fteámer tor 81tka. ltlooksai ifthere would be 1 most a stampedc for Alaska the coming summer bj miuing uien and speculators of tms d.strkt'. The Calumet & Heda miniDg company will advanee w ages about May lst. Edward Cliff of Onondaga, while attempting tu Loaid a ruoving train in tl. e Central uir.i in I Jackson the other Dicht was tbrown agaiust a ■witch ana foverely iiijured. He w-as fouuu in the yard in an insensible condition terne time late. and taken to the depot expresa ote and cared lor. A serious bruisewas louud in tibe rightgideo! Ihe head and bis right leg waa badlv crushed below the kuee, trom theeSects ui whlch he dled tl. e ncil moruing. Tuun aoetï'ut oiuua ztavcu, au yitt"BOïaler and well known to all Michigan "boj'S," died j tn lliut city a lew days ago. D. P. McCalc, one of. ihe oli 'est and best known citizens ol lirighion, (cd in Harrlson, v lare couuiy, a few days ago. lie was ou liis weiülng tour at the t ine ol his dcaih. April 0 is the dale fixcd or tLc rcunicn of Ihe Twenty-sixth Michigan volun.ecrs. LanBinjt is the iaee. Col. Kobert P. Sinclair of Grand üapids died euddenly the o.lur m rning, ol paralysls of the be;.rt while adjusting bis collar. He tank into a cbaii', and oied apparently wlthuutpaln. He was Ion in, N. Y., 17, lbH. He was collector oi interna! icvenue under Johnson. Alfred Putuam, an old resident of Grand Ra] ds, üied in that city B few ago A numlcr of Plttsburg caritalists have fo:med a company for the erectlon of steel; works r.t Uei n.untown, mar Itl pcming, ou the Plttsbur, Virginia ét CLarleston rai.roi.d. 'Ihe plani will have two live ton bi ssemercon.i rters i f the most modern pa.tern. andoperai.i ns wiil begin b.1 January l, lsi, ciï ii:. cmplovment to X'f.O men. 'li e company bas I urcJ.ased l.fty acres of laml at berniantown. Tlie 1 ranch 1 use at OtisviJle was deslroyed by Ure on the -'.ih uit. Miss Grace Whltcomb, who mysterlously , op; eared irom her home in Jackson s m t uw. as relamed to Ler home m charge oí Ler uncí..'. Misa V, liiwiiin savs the iias w-r. i.itlerocolle.tiono. her journey to New Vork, and her frlen ssay'shewaa not in htrright min i at tno time. The eoroner's jury investigating the Duurder of Capu McCal? of Port liur. n repon that 1). umi; Mc( aig eaine to his icatli lic in : hol lrom a _uu üied e bv 1 mina Moore or Jas. Moore, her lather." Botu have been held lor trial. Gov. A. 1'. Swineford's letters, descriptive of Alaska, publlshed in the Marquettc .Mmin: .Journal, have caused a Alaska lever in Marquette. In aadiiion to those w. o have, aiready eone at least tbirtv more are thinking ol BtartlDg lor Alaska in the r.cxt two montbs rom lebpemlng alone. Jf the otbertow bo the Península íurnisli a like quota ol seekers alter wealth Alaska will soon be a Michigan colon; almost exclualvely. Bhortly after the close of . service the other nigbt, tlie barracksof tbc Balvatiou Armv lu Charlotte were blown up by dynamlte. The pepretrator ol the deed is anknov n. Had tixe explosión oceurred a few monieuts soouer, the ; Ule would have Leen great. At the lonia and Montealm county BDirltualIsts' meeting at Ioala, Mrs. John Donhaun as tleeted president, K. C. Ackcr secreiair, lrs. C. L. King treasuer and Mrs. N. H. "Hitehcock trustee. A lamp explosión eauscd the destruction of ibrce buildings at bagiuaw Citv tl e otLer night. The store and uwe jinp4 of John llo. m and an uuoccupied house belonging to Chas. Miay. Loss $,500, partly insured. Ni arly 40 Maskegon county peoplc, the greater proportion being Öwedes, have iroue i withlnayear. One doctor eays the climate belng too war.n for ibero, lóirethcr ! with Muskegon whisky, Is tlie cause. BTwo companie8 of Michigan military acadcmy cade.i iroinUrcbard Lake, are to excurglonlze to Washington In two weeks. The plan oi the iannt ineludes a rev ew by the president ïbe Washington military organ.zattons will leti' the boys out o: coinpliDten to tli-uiM'vcs and 1 kut. 6-tri ng, their corner, who is an officer of thi' regular army. John A. Cres-well, a well-known Michigan Journalist, died in (rand Kapide, recenüy. i "Hip Britol Mstrrs hTe a very tine forist'si in Topuka, Kansas. Qucen Victoria bis piven her rojal command that a r al l!o t n I etu ut huil be .n. oducod at Wind ( n tle. C'onsc'enni the fat (hat a. tr'rJos are bfautiful, a curlous lnqulr r wants to know li re all the p.ain marrkd noinca come ft om. "I cauty ri oU are now pilnted wi'ti India lok on the g il of the period's (ace, an.l she thlnka it a great deal betier iban court piaster. BIsma -ck'a wlfë is described as a tal!, aristocrat.c .o iking untan deelded i ut pli aftIng features ;ind oj elegant but s.mole taste in die s. A cvnic remarks tbat al'hiladrlpula woman cars a busl Ie 0 arge that hen slio is crossin tbc ttreet hi is on onc siile beiorc lue bit t e is hail way i.vit. Ellza il rvcv. lonz a penslocer ot Trinity Chur li. i Ittsl urjt, and eupposeu to have heen ïxnnless, cled roei ntlv and vu fonnd to have i4,tUJ in tbc tai Dg bauk. A colored iroman, iíiet Carrle Bragg, is editor of tlio irïinia Lancet, published at Pet rsburif. Va.. ti? ouly oewepaper in the Union condui teil by a o.orcd woman. Burlington, t.. girls may ! fonnd in tlic shops dl n al ril y. both a c.erks and cash'ers. Mai y a di ughter ií well-io-do parents earns her flU a ee and clothts hcrself upon it. Lltlle capes with high collara are made the sime fabriC aa ;li dr bs and wiü beworn wl en oalvaligh) rraulsnre ed. 'llu-vare tinisbeJ it'i re era and Breton c-aof (ontrastln; mattral. Brlnw hp reverá are Jaru buttons Had a billous attack Mtd une of thoselrde■'■r inble ra-es 01 const ut marineas. 'Jok nulbine and otlirr lemertlee ithout relief. T'k Dr. .;oms' lïrd ClovcrTonlcf amsrron and v.vll. Ahí TnOMPSos, Logan, (,h.o. . French woman confesses tj l.aving attendrd Tii balts in the cilo:t to cateli a hisb.ind, and onl.. havlnj caagSt Instcad b oncbltlB fourt --n times, pleuiisy thrics and 120 cd. ds .il tbc h .ui. As a toilet lnxury, Ilall's Halr Rcnewer never fail; to il, e: satisfact o i. Suft. rers f : om Bronchitis wlll lind speedy relief by taklng Ayer'e Cberry Pectoral. It is with our good intentions as with our ilays; to-niorruw is but too oftcn the hash 01 to-day.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat