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Mra. Ccorgí U. Peadtaton i credltod with lCTcl'.ng ai Oscar Wilde one o tí e ke nest sh:ttso wit uf whi.'li he was the target when v.-iüuir this country. He haa remarkeü, dspivsLin.riy, that "America baa no ruin and nt d curi s t (;■=, TOD know." SIhï ís sa d to bave retorted, "The runs will come in time, aml a? lor the cur.os'ties we Import tbem." A wake Americana and leave all mraner things To low amb tion nn 1 the priJe of kinrs; Ron't sigii wltb palDS or bui us or accident, But use Sftlvcilon üil, the eieati-st linlment. New polonaise are model ed by l'arislan de sijjuiTs til lit. the form lile a .Tertey. Oue Bniceful ehipc ;s made with a vest and revira bevond o. velvct. lt bas on single c!art on each stilt" of ttie front and a deep cnrrlng one uuder the anus. A laJy Tvho boards In a hotel at Litchfleld, Cono., wa annoyed ly the slainminEC of a wiilmv ghntter toe otber nijcht. Flnally, wlth much trouble, plu; loi'iited tbc room, entered, ratst d toe wlndow, lastencd the nitter, and was horrided hen the culm volee of a Bostun drummer tn the bed said: "Thank jou, ma'am." Mis. General Sher'ilan is very ) unetilious about return. nir calis. 8t devote a iMirt.on of each day to tbis y.urpose. Senator Edmunds :s said to bc the most interestinsr figure in the Sen ile. He looks lilse a patriarch of the o djn t me. AVhen a man is Borionsly 111 he sl:ould cali on bis doctor ut oiice; but wben 1 i s nou Ie is only ft lough or a tore tbroat hu necd onlv In vest 25 cents in a bottle of Dr. Bnll's Cough Syrup. Is Hiere nny animal that gives butter-milkï Yes: the goat. Best, eas:et to use ond eheapfist. Plio's Reineuy lor Catan h. liy drupgisL?. 50. Gkt Lyon's Reel Bliffenert Rpplled to your nev; boots aiu'! thoei before you run iluin over. PATE WTSobtained by Lom is Bugger & Co., Attoruey, WaahingtoDiD.C. Est'd 1861. AUviot free. H OPT O N IC I I A WONDERFUIi ATOt COMBINAÏIOW & PEPTOHIZED t&WÊNi BEEF. HflP ■ -" .. . Ueins the OtLY . KOV!V PHEm M ALBUMEN lt I on Absolute Cure for Xervomnps. DebllltV nd Insoiniiia, anti wavdf off thof Terrlbl BtIIi whleh uro tbc linl Sestea o INSANfTV. For Debillttd Men; for KiiTrrlilcJ Womcn Chlldrcn ; for all who urci Sireneih. " IIOTTOMC I A BI.ESSING." For Sale liy uil Druxsitits. Prcpared unl by Ibe HOPTONIC COM GRAND RAIMDB. MICII If n clilUl I prtvc)-:y nourishcd, ffdlet niph's and f toyou-i, bftppy ii "idiiood is tlie reffl ir. Thouundsol In e nnts in e pcevteïi :-iiü f rei ful bccn"-e tliv r " belm Blowly B(ftrvetiow'n9to the IsabMIt r ' f mothew t supplytlie nropvr no ií-'i'itiii, H ; _'■ s I"od wil suiiply tho aoflcleniy bu e tinn any o her; Indee1 ♦ iv.i si fif hare opu buccvsi f .iiy rêaretl on HIUkc'i ïood alone. All People Appreciate Honest Gootfs. MfDDLESEX INDIGO-BLUE FLANNEL SUITS AMH-: AJLMt PVMB WOOM,, Always look vM and eivo Long servtoe. Coate of the íít ïiuin1 mi-I i'l have on a slik hanger, "Only carmente made f rom Middleeex Flannels bear this baiurer, U'KM)i;ri . FAYAri m, A:r-nT', MIDDLt SEX CO." Bo3tOD, New Yorlc, Pblladelphla, SOLD BY ALL LKAD1NS CLQTHIERS. I W %J iwi t Pi Kcrílliis rcncwe! fttrciiLtlt, or wim uufTcr l'roin lnflrinltlu peculiar to their w., nhould try BRff0M ' ftJ" ■ BE5TT0NIC. This medicine combines Iron with puro vfRHtable tóales, and is invaluabla for Diseaeas peculiar to V omen. and all who lead wsdentary Utos, It EnJ'ïrïics and 1'tiriftCH tho lïlom!, SliinuliitPH the Appctite, Sfrciirtli.tii tho Oluaclea aud i Ncrvcs ín fact, thorouKi'b' I avigórate Cleara tho complexión, and makn" thf; skin nnooth. j It does not blacken the teeth, canse hcadnche, oí produce constipatiou- all other Iron medicines iV. UBS J.W.Hor.T.St. Charles, Mich.,s:iys: "Xuatd Bro'A'ti's Irnn Bitters for femalo irenkness with groot bensHt.and ohsñrfnliyrttooniliMndlttoUliOLKiffflren." Mbs, S . A. GORSY, LansinK, Mu:h., saya: " I havo boon ti'oublod with woaknessos pociili-ir to finíalos for years. but found no porraanont relief unti) I Brown'sIroaliitters.waicliJtuuicomitluUlyuureftiUv'.'1 Genaine han abovi Trade Mark and rr'-wned red linea on wr.viprr. 'V ' - '■' oí ;;-. ' ' ; ■ ■■■!■. ty TREATED FREE. DR. H. H. CREEN, A Sperlallst for lleven lcnr Fat, lias treated hr.jjt'V ftnd lts ooraplicatloni wltti ihe n.oat won iprfiíi suecas; osos Yfgetftblu ro nedn:s. en. ivly harn lei l.einovea all syinnwiiis of drujuj Ín rlghttoiwo itvay-. C ircB p uleiili proiiounccd h'ipe'.csj by the beit ol [illVSÍ tft'lS. r.rsc dow thí ympíonis raM4!y dlsappcar. :in :n umi il:ys ai ltait twu ih!rd of ail syuipftome my cry h'ambng without ira-í"Y mvttimí ?L.' , - ...V tui n-, i.f mv trcat'iien' o' yon Mlf '- Tamcons an lv.ur nccursnt 1 n s sndlne. ca-et iliat hiv b on tiipiel a iu;m' o ■ ol 'I íes, pn-i tlt pftileiií dedurvil final)1 c cu li.c a Wfck. Glv fu1 j Ist ry of oaO. Ka ne bcc, ho.v lonc alcted, h -n badiy rw nD anl ucrí. libnvrino !■ e. hare -gj ■ s c : an i 'i Ippe4 water, S-ni fie ■ n-j pam hlt, con a niig teií-nionfals, n. e'C 10 tl:iv treatment furnUhed free by malí. Epllepy fltsro ttneW oarod. lí oruur trial, bcud 7 cenfs ín stamn 'o par rosega ■, #LIQÜID GLUE [■TÏ!aJfOy(-tiin:i, Kurniturc, ric-a-liroc, de. ■ xUjÁVvS Strong aa Iron, EoliJ &3 a Eock. tSlS$C. YZBM TIie tilta nantity -líli diiring tho me3V.j sx&uik imht five -íir nmoiiniod id over P2LfflPÍ 32 MiLLION 4Ntegffl3bot(li-. etf.i:vh;ijï WAX1SIT. QSSují I'ronouncoil Stronirit cluo known nTT. SeTiddonler'scnrd snd 10c. Confams no And. „ jriimpi :..,.. Yo.i aro nl:.wcila reetna! of thirty davs ot the' uMofDr. Dye'íCelobratedVoltaloBeltwlth JBlectrit Applkinces, for thc speedv roliof anclm-rmanent cure of SmowDcbillty. lowot VUatitv and Jíanhood, and all kimlred troublus. Also for rnanv otnerdlseaa . ComijIeterestorr.üHiitoIIcalth.VIror and Kanhood gnarantaed. No risk is lncurred tratod pnmiilih't I ti sealrd envetan mnUod Ir EUtdtbesliUC Voltio líflt í'o.. Mfirah11 M..!v 1 RÏRÏOUsVllAl!RrlttiiïESS AS3 A Lifa Experience. Remarkablo and quick cures. Trial Fackagea. Send Btarap for scaled partlculars. Address r.. ufAmn o í ,-...; fru-?;. Mo, CThc olíost medicine fn the worM Is probaiil y p i-:a,i:stsE,tri:i eye ati-:1 ThiR artld is ji carefally prppíin' 1 Phvsi'-Ian's prcïcrlptidn, nii'l hfts been tnconstiiDt ujms aearlj i itury, and not wl hstanding the man y ira [oni inathavi'ii i Ininidiirril ini tnc market, che - il ■ ofililsiir I Is ly lncren"Inr. ir ili (ion? are í lloved k w 11 nercr faí!. t. partii-uhu-iy Invite : ! -■ nttrnMon Of J'hyslclans I" !: r;"T---. JOHN .'.. 'III.iMPSO.N'. SONS 6 CO.. TKOY, N. T. íJQSEPHGILLOrrS STEEL PENS Sr.r-.RY ALL nEALERSTHnouonouiTTiE WORLD ! I OOLD MED AL PARIS EXP0SITI0N-IS7S.J ; I Piso" Remedy for Catarrli Is the BH i Best, Easiesi to Use, antt CheaposL I B Also good for Cold In the Head, flR lleaaache, Hay Fever, Scv. fio cent. R OTSTH' M ACURE dIS I ff& Gcrnan Antbinu Cure Derer misto ?ivcH ■ !■■■■■ ■■■ i Uto worrt caea. fnsures com-M Hfcrtablc ÍHM{k; clTccta curen wbere a!l o:heri fail. AWÊ mtrinl conviuctx tkt inst .k'ptí. lrii:o .(► ■( onilH H#I.(H), of DrofgUU orbrmall. Sample KKKK forB pONSUMFTiON I bive % poRUlve remetí lortu ii:in-t i11ba by l:s uko tttoi; of cate or tí. WArit kitij an I of 1 n% j:.mjiug bve twen curcil. Iiiilecd. to ítrone í my faili in i cüi.-acy Ïht I wlll nniil TWO EO1 n.: i hrr v. lis a VAL. ÍAliLE TRKATISE oa thla tnj anrrercr. QiTsKxpreMand I'. O. aadicíi. DÍÍ.T. A. Í.1.IJCU11, 1: 1 i.ul !■!., íi.y. PpVQinVQVKOOÜREDOE NO Í'Ay". X JCiiolU.Ni?for 8oldlcrs, WiCowf.Chll-....■..„. j.. ! --■ drenaml Parents. Anj díaabl Itv, dist'nso, ininü or Id jury tntitU-s I'FS1ON- I. KKAS D. üoimtvi'ni pavcollected. FITZGERALD k Co., "Att'vs, Wash.ngton, D. C'. W. ;rt LadlesandOentlemec i .-..ii i „.i i, t tako Ught work al ihe.i owñ h imes. íl to K mude, pnt by . Nocanva I] . wchave acmanuforour -urk. and ítu-iiihstcady nyment. Addresswlrh sti K,Z)irneSt.,clncinnatt.O. A FREE SAMPÍ.E. To Introduce ili" aroat houairh l I remo y. (JOBDüN'S KINU ()!' PAlN Intoeveryfnmlly. i wiiucad fteamplc irre t:i any oue Bendlne aüdress. Mntioa UUí papur aiui ajios K. ti. lilull AUUi, Tole Jo, U. i M WRfHi I "r! '■■'■■ ''■""■'■' ■)■'■'' "ni tost ; E? ÍU Ka BH SC? thaiubctoreselliiiK. 'Jlicy uro If" ff" DBl lresh and reiiable, don'L tniy 0 RSQBnfej? sr a;iy ceci írora secoml luind dealers. riri for luy splemiid lüustrutetl ('ntalocue, FKJJH. U. W. BÜCKBEK, Kuckforu, 111. - - - _ _____ ■ A m M AITCrt An nctiti Man or Wq ■ Aff HHI Cruiintylosriloiireoods Slrj 1S. HH JH B ■ per Sïoathnnd Kxpenses. Kxpfnses tn a(l■■ Mm vai:i-t'. CunvuísinRoiutit FltKl:: l'arlinilnii W 13 fre. Stand-ird Silver-ware Co. lios:on. Mass. P I f] 9 El R í'"'1'. QntrHy and In tnlpu. lilj llHfl lycurcdallsoiiie. ('Mi-ri'spniidem-e I BB 1 1 Wmu 8"Hciledand free of cure sent H ttl BMh linncsiínvc.s! galoi'á. Tul: II rjíAVa ' "■ ■ 'r ■■liitiuiuTCoill'A.sï. Lkíayette, juU. A Casket ot Silver Ware Free To nay TMTif a who wlll siiovritto thoir r jml sena oHan, Oln rnuriMarwt iri addrra. CÜ-N.N. MANP6. CO,.IIAUTFO:iI0ON.V. liri n WATKD. S.W A H i:i:ii hanr r penses paiil. Valunblc mufii and I "-1-1 i arefree. I F.Hni t( , ■■ : la.Maine HiBSB9 ■- Iay. Kapny lili Cuicd. VI IWill Dk. J. 8UFUEH', Lebanon, Obio, linWs" "v' s'curc " Business Bducatlon by nU"M mall.from Bhtast1 CoLLBG,Ba(liklo,K. V 6r PN I Por " Ww Chiwmo Bcran & Gol! 1 EN ' Cards. l.s.-KX C.Uíl) WOHKS. Ivo C nii. 'ii( Now s -rap Picture ind'Agent'a album of 49 ''" Card Sampoa fur i(-. Bíeara Card Work, Vi l'IM I1 !Aílt'luntntn1ii" 61 sanples of New ,A '! I T; ""C'i-l,f..r ttiln t . rjtKBI CESTEBBnoOK All) CO, Center' brook. Oonn. W. N. U. D.- 4- 14 M & fJrZ:n AI.KSMI-X.TraTeTiñíaiid EBERBACH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a Sne lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brosheii WcU pedal attention toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicsls of our own Importation. A (uil line ot . TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At liat pricoi. Are cordiallj invited to examine our stock C jiiality and prices. EBERBACH & SON. IACKSUN FíRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera ot i Stone Sewer Pipe AND 3Dïi,IlSr TIXíIFH I All ourTj-ain Tile are made of Fiie C!y, art of unusual trengih and light weight, wh;eh materially reduces the brrakage and extene o traosportatfon. The ditclu'ng1 of tliis ela-.i of til ing h less rxpensivc. as they do net require ta be lakl below f.ost but only deep enoug.. to escape the plow. While this is nrnre económica! U also Aids In ohtainlng a beUr fall or rrade to thf drain A ïull assortment of all si zes, for sal; i u smalt quantuies, or car load lot, at tbt FHEDON LUIER YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. ' THe, tho Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of The Chlcaao TrtouTie. DmenT, 111., March 16.- On of the strongert and convincir.g faets that I have yet seen with regard to tilo drainage is brought out in the Pecember report of the Agncultural Depar ment of Illinois. It s this; ACREAGE. XHg9 in corn in Livingston Conity, lbSl Í8,59T Aerease ín r.orn in Logan C'ounly, 18S1.. 140,859 IiTinfteton over Lonn 127,788 T1KLD. TIMd of rorn ín Livingston Oountv,1881..6,9fi3.5M Yield of corn ia Logan Couuty, lé&i 6.070.W4 Lfvingpton over Logan 1,902, MS In other words. Logan County bas raised near ly as inttch corn on 14U.859 acres as Llvingsto county has on 08.597 acres. Put it in anotber form, the farmers in Livingston County hav btien obügfd lo plow nearly rtoubh thO cret of land (SB8,nrf, and have rafeètl but a very mail percentage of increase of corn over their brethern (n Logan County. who only had to plow 14O,8.i8 acreB. Lt-t us gire it anotber twist! A A farmer whc has lus land well tüled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as nuicn corn as the man who plows 16U and takes atl the risks of druuth and much bnvide. iaboF-Sarng nfift?hihíeí0íay'í1f ÜiS VeBRwltttdrain? Froni the saine sourtre of iuformaiion I gatner the fol'.owing as regard the progrnss al tUe-drainage in these two counlies: TeeL Total number of feet laid ín Livingston County upto lL'l 1,140,791 Total number of feet laid In Logan County upto 1SS1 3,189,409 This table proves beyond all theory that owlng to the freo use of tile that one county bas be ahle to produ nea-ïyas mui;h corn on 110.000 acres of land anuther county has produced Apon 26,000 arres, wliicli is nearlv doublé, and tJbíí beaniy of the whole is that it was done with íialf tho work ! Mr. Editor, fiuppose a kind Providence shouM It-ngthenout the sptn of our daya antil we saw Illinois tnoroughly tile-drained, whrre wnuld be put the corn that this Htfct would produce, and what would we do witb our "aiJfer dollars?' Samlkl T. K. Primk.- RINSEY k SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hunda complete stock of every thing in the Grocery Line. 'X'oufif, Coflbes itinl Surtir, In lare amounta. and at Caslb. Prioes And can sell at Low Figures. The lavgo Invoice of teas thcy Buy and Bell, k pood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thej Roast tlieir own Cofrera every week, a&d none but prime articles are iiaed. Thelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cakea nú Crackers. Cali and se thera. Prices Gone Down A large stoi-k of Wall Paper selling at A CREAT REDüCTIONl I claim to have the largeet and BEST SELECTED STOCK Of Wall Papar and Deeorations in thj connty, and can Rive perfect satisfnotioB iu Güoiis or Work . Paiats and Painteri Supplies h specialty. .lTDex!: Sorg, Buocf aor to F. AA. Sorg, SS k 28, Wabiii?ton st. lui Irbot . Jr S' ff ft 9 jL n Air fl I ' " íi SODA Best in thsWorltL


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