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Estáte ot David Forshea. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office ín the city of Arni Arhor, on Monday, the üsïnd day of Mareh, in the year one thousaud eight himdred and eighty-six. Present, William f). Harrinian, Judgo of Probate. In the matter .)f t h estáte of David Korshee, deceased. EzraC.Robinson, the administrator of said estate, comes lnto court and represente that he is now prepared to remler his flnal account as such administrator. Thereupon , it 13 ordered, that Tuesday, the 20th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon heassigned forexainlngand allowing such account, and that the heirs at iaw of sair] deceased, and all other persons interested ín said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the ciy of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be. why the said account should not be allowed: And it is f urtker ordered, that said adminiKtrator give noticeto the persous interested insaidestate.of thependency of said account and the hearing thnreof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Aun Arbor öcmocrat, a newspaper printed and clrculatlng in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARR1MAN, (A true copy.) Judgo uf Probate, Wm. Q. üoty. Probate ReKister. cnancerj nnuw, STATE OF MICHIGAN: in the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, In Chancery, SBA11 HERO:', VS. VVALTER W. HeROD. Upon due proof by afftdavit that Walter W. Herod,tlie defendant in the above entitled raust?, ptnding in this court, resides out uf Uu said state of Michigan, and in the state of Nebroska, and on motion of J. Witlard lïabbitt, solicitor for complalnant, it is orderod that the said defendant do appear and answer the bill of coujplaini Illed in the said cause, within fourmonths rrom the t'ate of this order, olse the said bill of complainl shall be taken as confessed; aml further, that this order be published within twenty days from this date in the Ann Aub r Dmocrt, a newspaper printed in the said county of Washtenaw, and be published therein once in each week for six weeks In succession; such publicat .ion, however, shall not be necessary in case a copy of this order be served on the said defendant personally, at least twenty days before the time herein prescribed for his appearance. Dated this lth day of February, 18SB. Attest: 0. JÜSLYN, John J. Robison. Résister, Circuit Judge. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw os. In the Matter of the Estáte of Gustav Brehm, deceased Notice is In-rel) y given, that in persuance of an order granted to the undersigned, guardián of said Minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate, for the County of Washtnavv, on the lst day of April, A. D. 1888, there will be sold at pubiic the highest bidder, ttl UlO t.nuumwi oL H.ü Oww. i Uoo, in the city of Ann the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, A. L. 1886, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encuinbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale, all the right titln and interest of said minor, the following described Real Estáte, to-wit: Lots ten (10). eleven (ll)anl twelve (.12). n block four(4), in range (3) west. according to the recorded plat of William d. Maynard's se'ond additon to the city of Ann Arbor, in the county and state aforesald. LOUISE BKEHM. Dated, April 1. 1886. Guardian. Commissioners' Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Washtenaw, O ss. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Oommissionera to receive, examine an 1 adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Ellen Maloy, late of Montgomery coudty, New York, deceaxed, but having estáte in said county of Washtenaw herebygive notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of sald Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of sald deceased. and that they will meet at the store of William H. Mclntyre, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said coun ty, on Saturday the 15th day of May, and oa Monday the 16th day of August next, at ten o'clock a. m. , of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claim. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feoruary 15, 188H. LOVKL HARRISON. WILLIAM H. McINTYRE, Coinmissionf r. Jfotlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. made on the 28th day of jfarch, A. D. ;386 six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estate of FreoericK Sorg, late of said county, de ceased, and that all creditors of said deoeased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court , at tne Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and atlowance. on or before the tí7th day of September next.and that such claims will be neard before said Court, on Monday. the 2Sth day of June, and on Monday, the 27th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenonn of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. March 27 A. D. 1886. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. For CoaÉ, Part or Tori. PLAGLEE ! Trial 2:85; sire of U. P. Flagler, 8:40 at 8years, own orother to stallion Rodmam, 2: 11, and Ripple. slre of Col. Crocket. 8:80. By Romulus. 271 (by Rysdyk 10, dam Seeley's Am. Star 14). sire of Richard Wheelock, 2:89; Rulston. Ü.2; John A Rawlins, :33 1-4, etc: lst dam Simon Kent id, lmp. Bellfouoder; 3d, Mambrino; 4th, Tipppo. Wil) nwlco the -easonof 1S88 at uiy stableson West Huron street, Ann Arbor. Tkrms-To insure, $20; season, 815; inares kept from $1 to 82 per week. Ann Arbor was never beforo favorinl with a stallion having so much si.e. stylw and speed, with such brei'ding He is handsome bay, vtar and one white ankle; 16 hands hieh and veighi over 1,200 pounds. Cali at my office and see his pedigree, with back crosses. J-A. DELL, V. S. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving been made tn tlie conditionsof a mortgare executeJ bv Joseph H. Bowler and Bridget Uowler tuin wife), oí the township of Dexter, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Charles S. Gregory of Dexter village, county and state aforesaid, for the principal sum of $l.88U.iW, and hearing dato September 3, 1884, and recordeil In the office of the Register of I. rtls for the county of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Uber 57 of mortgages, on pago 868, September 1. 1884, wliieh said mortgage was on tne Uth day of September, km, dulv aarigned bys&ld Charlas S. Gregory to Charlea S. Gregory and Hi-nry C. Gregoiy, and saM asslgninent was on the l'tli day of ,anuary, 1836, duly rucorded in aald Regisl sr'a ofilee in Liber S of assignmems of niortgages, on page ilJ. The said mortgage haviug expresd; provided that should any default. bemade in payment of the interest, or any part thereof, on any day whereon the sanie is made payable. and should the same remain unpaldand in arreara for the space of thirthy, tlie principal sum secured by said inortpag, with all arrearages of interest thereon, shull, at the 4ption of the inortgagee or his assigna, beoome And be due and puyable immediately thereafter; anl detault having been made in the payment of one hundred and twenty-six dollars and seventeen oenta ($126.17), interest money, wliieh by the terms of said mortgage became due and payable September 8, Ib85, and mere iha.ii tuiity days lm ving elupsod since said iustallment of interest becauie due and payable, and the samo or any part thereof not having been paid, the sa.d Charles S. Gregory and lleiiry C. Gregory, by virtue of tho option in said mortgage contained, have elected aud do hereby eicel and declare the principal sum secured by said mortgage, which may now be unp-:id, and uil anra&ragea of interest thereon, to be due and payable immediately. And by meaus of said detault and election, the power of sale comained i said niurtage, have becomu operative. There is claimed to be due on said mortgagu at the date of this uotice, the sum of nineteen hundred and tweuty flve dollars and tw. nty-seven cents vSl.s.'i') 21), for principal and interest; and no suit or proceediügs having been instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by naid mortgage, or any part therof. Notiee is theretore lirreiiy giren that, by virtue of the power of sale contained thereiu, saïd mortgage wül be foreolosed by a sale of the mortgaged premisos therein deserfbed, or such part thereot as may be necessary to satisfy the amouut now duo thereou (wltli interest to the date of sale a reasonableatorney feeand allothercostsallowad by law), at public auctiou, to tlie hihest bidder, on üaturday, May 15, 1886 at twelve o'clock iioon, of that day, at the east front door of the Court House in tlie city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan (said Court House being the place of holding the circuit oourt for said county), waid premises being described in said mortgage as f oliows: Tho east half of the northwest uuarter of section twenty-twu 138), In the tuwnship of Dexter Washtenaw county, Michigan, concaining eighty acres of land, more or lesa Dated I'ebruary 16, 1S8. CHAKLKS S. GKEQORY HJENRY C. ÜKËGORY, J. 1. Honkv. Assigneesof Mortgage. Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage. Mortgrajje Sale. DEKAULT lmvmg been made in the condJUon) of a mortgage, exeeuted by Bridget Bowler of the town&Elp of Dexter, county of Washtenaw, Michigan, to Jeni y C. Uregory of I exter vülage, county and state aforesaid, f..r the principal sum of $l,(Wt.94, and beariuj; date September 3, 1884, aud recorded in the office of the Register o? Deeds fOT the county of Washtenaw In .L,iber57 of ilortgages, on page 66Ü, on SepUamber4, 1881, which said mortRage was on the llth day of september, 1884, duly assigued by Henry C. Gregory to Charles S. Grejrory and Henry 0. Gregory, and said assignmeut was, on the 1 -th day of January, 1886, duly recorded in said Kegister's office iu Liber 8 of assignments of mortgages, on page SJ8. The said mortgage having expressly provided that shoulu any default be made in the payment of the interest or any par; thoreof, on any day where.m the same is made pjyable, aud should the saine remain linpald and in arrears for the space of thirty d.iys, the principal sui;i .Kewsiluil'esT-iúereoH, KüfiSTfi, át'tlie option of the mortgagee or his as signs , becume and be due and payable iinediateiy thcreaft.'. And default haviug been made in the payment of one hundred and twentysix dollftrs-ajid.'ïe.uf.'.'.n.wip 'ftl',!8 i7.VÁifeKe'üecame iine and payable September 3, U85, and more tlian thirty days having elapsed siuce said inr ataiUment of interest became due and payable! and the same or any part thereof not having been paid, tLe said Chañes tt. Gregurj and llenry 0. Gregory, by virtue of the optiou iu said mOi tgage contained, have elected und do hereby elect and declare the principal and sum secured by said mortguge which may now be unpaid, and all arrearages of Interest thereon, to be due and payable immediateiy ; and by means of said default and election the power of sale contaiued in said mortgage hos become operative. There is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this r.otice, ihe sum of nineteen hundred and twenty-five dollars and twenty-seven cents tLi,95 27), ior principal and interest, and no suit or proeeedlngs having been iustituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or auy part thereof, either at law or in equity. Notice is, therefore, hereby given thdt by virtue of the power of sale contained thereiu, said mortgage will be foreclosd by a sale of the mortgaged premises thereiu described, orsuch part thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount now due thereon (with Interest to the date of sale, a reasonable attorney's fee and all other costs ailowed by law) at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, May 15, 1886, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. Washii-naiv county, .Michigan (said court house being the place of -holding the circuit court for said county;, said premises being described in said mortgage as follows : The west half of the northeast quartor (except 0 rods wide off the -ist side thereof), and the west half of southeast W&EtS'VOo'hV.'""; MÜTfs1ïïp""or DèxtêF. Washtenaw County. Michigan; oontaininit in all eighty acres of land.'.moreor Ies5. Dated Fobruary 16, 18S6. CHARLES S. GREGORY. HENRV C. GREGOhY, J. T, Honey, Assignees of Hortgage. Attorney for As'ignees of Mortgaee. Estáte of Mnrthu K . Grcgory. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate eourt for Be COUnty Of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, he lOth day of .Jarch, ior the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty six. Present, Wiltlam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Marthn R. Gregory, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly veriled, of James L Gregory, praying that adininisration of said estáte may be granted to himself orsome other suitable perront Thereupon it is ordered that Monday. the 5th day of April next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are roquired to appear at a session of said court. Uien to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of he petltiouer should not be granted And it is further ordered, that said peitioner give notice to the persons interestea in aid estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou, and he hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi? fo be Duhlislied in The Ann Arlnir Derttcrat, a newspaper pnnted; and clrculated in said county. three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WIl,LIA?I D. HAHRIMAX, Atruecopy.] Judge of Probate. Willum G. Doty. Probate Register Etate or il lia ni Hnuiphrey. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. Ata session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of Ice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 8th day of March. in the year one thousand eighc huiidred and eighty-six. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Ilumplirey, eceased. Comstock F. Hill, the administrator of said stal ■. comes into court and represents that he s nnw prepared to render his animal account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday , the 13th day of April next, at ten e'clock in the forenoon, ie asaigned for examining and allowlng such account, and that the heirs at law of said de ceased) and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requy'ed to appear at a session of said :ourt,then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, wby the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said administrator give uotice o the persons interested in said estáte, of he pendency of said account, and the hearing .hereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published iu Tlie Ann Arbor Democrat, e. uewsaper printed and circulating in said county, hree successive weeks previous to said day of hen mg. WII.LIAM D. HARRIMAN, Atruecopy) Judge of Probate. Wb. G. Doty l'robat b Register Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 3 ss In the matter oí the estáte of ( 'luist uu Frey, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned adminisrator of the estáte of said Christian Frey, deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the counyof Washtenaw, on the 4th day of March, A. , 186, there will be sold at Public Vendue to the ïighest bidder, at the late residence of the said leceased, on the premises below described, in Northneid, In the county of Washtenaw, in said tate, on Tuesday, the SUth day of April, A. D. 886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon or that day subject to all encumbrances bv mortg&ge or rtherwise existing at the time of thedeath of iaid deceased), the folowing described Real state, to wit :" The southeost quorter of the nerthwest quarer of section thirty -six; aNo that part of the west twenty rods in width off from the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said ection thirtj'-six, which lies south of the Pontiac erritorial road so called, being about ilfty quare rods of land, All in township one south, aoge six east (Northneid), in Michigan, and 'iniaining forty acres and flfty square rods of and, more or Dated March ), 188t EMORY E. LELAND, Aduünlatrator, Notice to Creditors. QTATKOK .MllllUi l.S, County ot IV.ishtenaw O ss. Notice is hereby given, that by au order of the probate court for the county of Washte law, made on the lst day of March, A. D 8Sti, six months from bat date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against theestate of Thomas Walker, late of said county, deceased. and that all creditors of said deo ased are required to present thetr claims to said probate court. at the probate office in tlie city of Ann Arbor, for examiiiatiou aud allowance. on or befare the lat day of September next. aud that Buch claünfl will be heard before said court on Tuesday, the lst day of June, and on Wednesday, the lst day of September next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Ann Arbor, March LI D. 1886. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judee of Probate. FOE _A. HT I CO TO A HAT STORE. J DOOOlf THB ■- o jL ÜF 2 m 8 ca =j 1 A. A. TEERY, OD HAT8 "jg -EZ AUN ARBOB, --. I- me. - FROM S5 TO 6O CENTS. NEW MERCHANT TAILORING. ESTABLISHMENT. WM. THEISEN, Late of Detroit, formerly of Syracuso, N Y Rnd Uil later cutter for W. G BurchfleM of thii city, haa opened a store West of Ann Arbor Savings Bank. A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES. (ïarm nts Ciit and Made to Order. Perfect Fits in Every Case Cuaranteed. Patronage Solicited. W.M. THEI8EN. HENRY BINDER, DEALER IN DOMESTIC AIVI IMPORTO GIGARS ALL KINDS OF SMOKER'S GOODS. Samóle iriooim In eonnectlon, where can be found the Finest Grade of Imported i,... . . -.-., vuiuil-AUKES, Ac, A-C. One Door South of Farmers and MK„l„„ B.n, Ann a - J. D. STIMSON". w. F. STIMS(. STIMSON&SON! - DBALEBS IN - SFDIB GBOCEEIES ! TKY THLM. iïW East of the Post-Office. BOARDINC AND LIVERY STABLE ! Is situated on W. Ann Stroet. opposite the New Jail. Best Turnouts in the City REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Orders attenried to In anypart: of the clïy and vicinity. Telophone conneotion. HACKS RUN NICHT & DAY ADOLPH HOFFSTETTER, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS A.iyr cigabs. Milwaukee Lager on Draught ! LUNCH FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. REMEMBER THE PLACE ! NO. 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. Adi Arïor Oku WotIís D. F. Allmendineer Manufacturer and dealer In Pianos, Orps, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyonft calling at the works, foot of Washington atreet, can examine gooi is and priceg. I can convinee you of the Great Bargains ! I am offering, 1), F. ALLMENDINGEH. ANN ARBOR Still Ahead ■ We have just reoeived a largo invoicO of SPRING STYLES ! Of Dress Goods and Suitings, as there are those who wish to get their ui(s before the rush comes, thereby gotting them cheaper. In order to reduce our winter stock we will give Terribly Low PrioeB for the ne.t thirty days ; also lover prices on the Spring Styles. Without much talk, we will do just what wc say. A for flne flts, is scarcely worth mentioning. for we keep the very best cutter and tailora we can flnd. we cheerfully guarantee a flt, or refund your money. Rememberthe place, No. I O East Huron Street, four doors west of the Cook House. We take dclight in showing our stock. Com6 Lne, come all, and see us, vhether you parchase orriot. Respectfully, WM. C. BURCHFIELD. , uiq Arbor, January 22, 1886. All Beer will be Delivered Free of Charge. BMBBwp S A WONOERrUL COMBINATION - OF - IPEPTONIZED BEEF, HOPS] AND MALT, Erin? tbe OI,Y KXOIVNi PSSji'ARATIOlV for EmIartiiiL l'lKi; -{ALBUMEN;- To the Body. It is an Absolute Cure for NervOTuntn, Debility, and Inaomuia, and wards ofl those Terrible Evils which are the Firl Bíagea of INSANÏTY. For DeblIItAted men, For LLiitcebled Woisioa, For Delicate Clilldren, For all wlio noeil Strrnxth "HOPTONIC ISA BLËSSING." For Sale by all Drnerpists. Preparad only by the HOPTONIC CO., Grand Rapids, Míen, Before buying elewhere enqulre prlces of HENRY RICHARDS DEALER IS FLOUR AND FEED, ALSO ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Wood, and Coal ! Special rates on large amouutH. Telephone No. 111. East Huron-st. next to Firemen's HallGrCOLLfflS, Dealer In STONE, LIME, WATER LIME CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERINGHAIR, -And all Kinds of- WOOD AND COAL. ÖT'OFF-iCE:- Uorner of Fifth & Huron Streeta, opposite Kiremen's Hall. Aun Arbor, Mich. Telephone No. 110. "HENRY "MATTHEWS, trlasthii j)leaU!f' to lnfonn the public that beb reaay to recei-re (hezp in his new brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOB EAST OF I.E0NAKÏ HOUSE. Evorythlng in lis Une irül be firsi-class, am At ReaL rsabie Rates. HO returna nis sincr.'e rhanks to all hia oíd cusfcomers fortheir gt-in-i ■ ui putroiiage, 6id corói ally Invites tnem, and all new customers to hi. newquartera, wlwivlmh !!■■! hy f:i.ii dealing ca nlariíí Wr aJreadv Krowijia: bnsines' CHEAP""7 BIBLÉSÏ rfrlnr.-.. ü.ii'i rlon.Niwl , PORSHBB& NI' '. KI i JOHN SCHNEIDER. Fo. 37 North Main Street, opposite the Postjfflce, dealer In Fresh, Smoked, and Salt Meats }f all kinds. Lard in any quantity. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I nni now prepared to deliver to my cus tomers, or otliers in want of BEER! A tfrat-Claaa Artiole, posltlvely manufactured oí oníy Mnnc&Malti EQUALTOANYIMPORTEDBEER. Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINGHAUS. johnIíotzkF! THE Fine Boot and Shoe Mato ! A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only Establishment in Ann Arbor that Manufactures its Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALI. AND SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURC'S. No. 43 South Main Street. CROCER'ES For No. 1 Orocerics MANÍ WAGNER Keeps only the Best in stock. Teta and Goffcco a Spcoialty. A Full Lino of Chewing and Smoking Tobáceos. o Giassware and Crockerjf of all Kinds o Water White Oil.Canned Fruit, &c 33 South Main-st, Ann Arbor. KMANUEL WAO3VER. Tothe Ladies I am now receivjng my SPRING STOCK MILLINERY GOODS a n.l invite the Fadies to cali and examine the New Styles in Hats and Bonnets. Everythtng pertaining M the MUllnery Line kept in stock and At Very Reasonable Prices. MISS J. CANNON, Opera House Btock, Ann Arbor. CHARLES RETTICH, Dealer in Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper Ware Particular attentlon paid to putting up ROOFING AND EAVE TROUGHS. Repairing Done Promptly Stencil woi-k deblgned; Signs made. Millers slmuid leave orders. I also do HT ENCRAVINC ON WOUD Repuosse work furnisked to order. No, 1. East Liberty-St. - Ann Arbor, [■lili more nioney than at anything else be til I Mtaking an aeency for the best selling ■V inibuokout. Beginners ucceed grand II Illly. None faiL Termg f' Ballet Look t Oo - Fortlandj Malne.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat