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Detroit, Mackinac & Harqnette R. l{. "mackinaw suort line." The only T)lrect Routf Betweeu the East and the Uper Península of .Michigan. KAST. TIME TAB I. E WEST BUD down in effect Dec. 23, I8S5. iiead ur. No. I No. D. M. A M. R. R. No. No. _i LJ 1 8 a.m. p. m ' Tpm" Dm 7 00 1 40 Lv. ..Marquette.... Alá OÍ 530 8 ar 3 30 Onota I 1 18 405 05 S S0 AuTrain.... 12 45 385 1000 JB Mnntalog 18 05 280 10 30 8 44 Roodshoro.. .. ïi'ïr. 20ü p. ni. lü ai 150 Sene} 10 II' Vlilb I i m 145 5 50 Dollarvllle 9 56 HOO 0 667 Newberrj íi so 1080 1 ÍS I 7 2i Palms 31 815 5 00 7 46 Moran 8 11 745 55 8 15 Stlgnace 7 45 700 a 00 A..MackinacCity..Lv 7 00 Express Tralns Nos. 1 and a make clos. nections with nighi traína from and toall l'istern and Canadlan points, o-i both Mloblfran i cutral and Grand Kaplds & Imlinrn liailroucK Cioaeoiiiini'ctioiis are alao made al Maoldnao Cltv witb the M. H. O. RR.. and Mineral Hiingp K. ií for points in Wisconstn and the i 'opper Cornil rv A. VVATSON, E. w! ALLEN Gen'l Superintn t, Gen. Pass. Ticket Ag't, Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Mich Michigan Hentrai The Jfiagara, Falh (Route. Time Table, Nov. 29, 1885. AH tniins run by Ninetieth Merii-i -m, or Central Standard Time. I1O1NH KAM. - ____ STATIONS, d xL _- X.Q gL L ÏO 5 CW SR 9, s a -5 a ? a A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. P.M Jhicago Lv. 6.50 00 4.00 9.o6 9 55 Nilcs 10.201 12.15 7.45 12.28 1 ? Dccatur S 30 2.1 Lawton 8.45J a. M. 2.2: K.alamazoo.PM 1.42 9.15Í 6.45 210 8.0 Battlc Cróck... Ï.28 7.3Ï a.50 3.60 Marshall 8.07 7.57 3.18 4 1 A-")lon 3.32 8.20 3.43 4.4 A, M. Jacknon Ar. 8.10 Jacksou... _Lv. 3.14 4.15 9.15 4.35 5.25 3rasaLake 8.88 9.36.... -54 Jhehtea. 3.56 9.57 g og Dexter 4.12 10.12 . eti innArbor 4.22 5.30 10.2-1 5.45 6 40 ïpsllanti 4.50 5.45 10.45 6 00 6-55 rt-ayne Jnnc... 5 15 .05 11.(15 .eo 717 Spnng-veUs.... 5.50 6.35 11.35! 8 50 7 M) Oeirou Ar. 6.00 6.45 11.45! r.00 8X1 8t. Thomas Ar n.iü ' ' 10 45 ""'8.40 A. M. Weiland 1.53 1 51 6 28 FallsView ' a 29 Niágara Falls 2.22 2 83 i; 56 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 2 50 7-i( Buffalo Ar 3.351 8 55 8.10 GOING WK8T. . i H á Si si STATION, rq .S Si L .2 a$ 33 1_ __ , A. M. P. M. P. M. A. A. M. A. V. Buffalo L. 6 00 1130 goo 11.86 Susp. Bridge.. 12.31 12 35 Niágara FallSj 12.48 igj FallsView p - i' I'ntroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 H.15 Hprmgnells.... 7.10 9.20 4.1'), 8.10 9 U5 ■liinc... 7A(i tt.58 4.451 8.40 9 55 YpciUnti. H.01 10.18 5.18 9.0o 10.21 Aun Arbor 8J6 10.2Í 5.80 S 28 : 10 88 Uuxtur 8.351 5.62 9.551 Lhel8a--; 8.48 07 i 10.00 Gmbf Laku 9 lu , 6.89 10 20 P. H. Jacksun r. 1055 Jukaon Lv. 9.35 11.42 7.07 12 03 Albion liïg S.10 11.33 1246 "■rshll í.O) 8.4H 11.58 BitUe Orelt_. sI0 J-8T Galesbnrí; I 9.57 iA2 Kiilamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 12 05 2 32 Lawton... p. h. .... 6.18 1.10 ....... g?.0"- 5.35 2.10 le 1-47 3.45 6.40 3.06 4.13 Ihiciigo Ar 5.10 7. 10 10.85 :.O0 8.05 The New York Exprtís, a f ast train leaves Chí;"" t 3-30 in the afternoon and makea the f ollowlng stops, Mich'gan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kalunazoo ,.23; Battle Creek, 8.01: Jackson 9 15 Ann Arbor, 10 U0; Ypsilanti, lO.h; Sprintrweíls llJtl5;arrivinginüotroitat 111.5 )■ M. t,-Ti''.9hwifh'oExl)res!!í -a fa8t traln leaves I)etroltat 1..W p m. makiiK? tile tuiu,,,s „,„„„. Woyue Junction, Í.08: Ypsilanti, 8.80; Ann Ar Hr 2,?a I,Jaofaon' :! :M' Albion. 4.UI; Mnrahall, i ff' ?.atl;le ('reek, 4,40 ; Kalamazoo, 5.15; Niles, II..W; Mchigau City, 7. 30; Chicago, 9.30. y"", y cxceI"c(l i Jatiirday Kunday exeeptoo Q. W. BjIQOLSS. H.W. HAYK6, w. f t 2. A.. Chicago, AgU Ann Arlmr. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan lluihvuy. TBROUQH TIME TABLK. Takln effect September 37. 1885. Traiiis run by Standard Tune. Ooing North Qoiug South. 4 12 1 STATIONS. III3 Ex. Mail I Standard Time. Ex. Mail. I J í-eave Arrive a. m. "p7m". Ía' J i"5 Toledo 9:80 5:0C ■J4.) 7:14 Manhatten Junctiou 9:26 4 55 401 7:23 Alexis Jtiiiution 9:1 4:47 Jjo 8:15 Monroe Junetion 8:42 4-14 85 8 80 pandee 830 4M !5 8 40 Azalia RíO 3B4 5CC 903 Milán 806 3 4 508 922 Urania . ?í 330 5i :2 PittsflHd i 7 4( 3 22 ! í(50 Ann Arbor 7 7 sin 6 I 10 45 South Lyon i 60Ú 2 85 . Coimections at Tol.lo with rallroads divereing. At Manhattan Junotloo with WheeUngS UkeBrie K. At Alexis Jnnctlon with M C. B. K. L. S. K'y, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junetion with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee, í a? iSfe-' ■ P' K At Pittsfleld with L. b. & M. fc. R'y., andat South Lyon with Detroit Ian.sniK & orthern H. R., and O T K'y Two trains, numbered B and 6, run' between Toledo and Detroit, daily except Sunday via Milán Junetion ; No. (i arrivés at Milán Junetion at l):ü()a. ni. and reaches Detroit at 18:00 noon: No. 6 Ieaves Detroit at 2:35 and reaehes Milán .lil.iiMlonat. 3:45 autlTolodn at 5:0 D u Oen. Superintendent. Hen. Passenger Agt. GRAND: TRUNK RAILWAY IXCLUDINO THB GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falls Sbort Line. Pullman and Wagnor sleeping Cars and Elegant New Dining Cars on all Express Trams east and west. All trains arriyo at and depart from Bruah-sl lep r on Central Standard Mine, which is 28 minutes Blower than Detroit city time. Malï line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOOT OF BLiUSH STREET. Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 ain $9 5 am guttak) SOOora 606 pm Port Huron Express 4 20pin "SOüpm Toron o, Montreal and East. til I pm +9 35 pni BulTalo Kast Express $12 U0 pm 0 31 pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express (! 35 nm SS 35 aui Express h!05nun &20pni London Express B80pm s-S50pm ior upply to deueral Hclcet Office. 169 Jefferson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office foot of Iirusli street, {Daily. Except Sunday WM.KüBlNÍ06KS0NT'Gl;nt-1-'tlManafIerMich. & S. W. Pan Agt., Detroit. QiubertBliss Pass & Ticket Ast.. Ann Arbor. AflTPfn SlÉ"' '" '■"'■' postase, and we wil ItIH I mail vou, free. a royal, valuable Uil 1 smple box of gooda that will put yon In way of makiug moremonev at once, than anythinji else in America. Both sexes of all ages ean livo at homo and work in siaretlme, '"■ all tbe time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay gure for those wlio start atonce. Stinsom & Co Portland Mj TAfíW DlflCRAl


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