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Detroit Markets

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Wjieat- No. 1 wlnte, f put, SSc bid; No. red, rebullir, SSe bid, 8S onskcd; Mlcoian, (jyc bi.1, Je asked; Mkj, :6,000 bushls at b'.i.'.c; June 5,000 buriel at ö.-'Lc; No. red, 80c" bid, Ssc asktd; rejeeted, 5 cars at Oc. Cobx- No. ?, spot :?v.c Wd, :fic; .-skcd; April, 10,CUO busU-ls at :i'Jc: hiuk mixed, i car l 3: e. Oats- Xo. 2 white, spot, 2 cars :.t TS'rc: lay, ót;.c bid, Kcaskeü. Cloversebd- Pume, spot, $3.25 asked; ] ri:, Í5.U0 bid: .No. 2 pot, ÍÜ.05 bid. IJrovis:ons- Neiv n:e-s ]or,-, ílü.50(gl0.75: css pork, family uew, 11.00@ll.ij: holt ear, (12.01 ( 12.25; lard In i ■ B 4e; ccl'?, iijj(g7c; pais, 7].," ;,rus, 4@.'Mc; sboulders, &Xfe5?íc; breakta.-t baton, Í3í@7j c; i.ried hiel üains, lt'QiUjc; extra mess beef, í' q Flour- Mlcbüfan wlntir wlieat, sione rjrocess, Í4.5ü(a4.?5; Michigan winter wl i ut, rollei; proceu, tl.7"i"i; Mlvbiean Ínter Leat. patent-, o baKers', winter wheat, tS.LC@s!7e; fuckwtcatT 3i 2.W per cwt. GESEBAL ir.ODCCE. Hops 10 O 13 Timothy Sced 15 m 1 flO Appiesperbbl „ 1 CO (ï. J 7." Ulied Apnle ö) t, 4 Butter ib ■ 14 (, tg Cheese Vi (a ii te ii (i n2 Maple frunar U @ I.JÍ Hloea - t.reen city p.rlb !M ( i Coantrjr.. fiij yji 7 fured b' (} tj Green calí ti (í. iu Salud }reen calí... 10 M H Shceuskins 50 @ 25 Chickcns ..." 11 (yP 13 Turkey8(dreSi6d) IJ &5 ia Ducks V Ui 13 (.6 ia Geese s Í; 'j l'otatoes ";i bu 4S c 50 Turnip ,t !.:() @ Onions bbl 'Ju) (.: i 25 lluuey 12 (i Beans, pieked I lü (g ] 13 Beaüs, uupicKeti 4i (i ;á Hay Í2 ix) (u (3 00 Straw ó M (a 6 U) ijsesHiU 5 (u mi UVE STOCK. Catti.k. - The niarkot íor valnee süon. anda shade higber; cholee and cxtm uuü gradea oí Bhippiog steera, y5u to l,5uu .ls are ijUoted at jv4(úo; good to rbo ce sioche: ai ü feeders at jw ..Wwt M; comiaou and ;o; :: d mixed oatlve cows, helíera anü cunu.n.riai are quutcd at ♦(í1.J l-U; bu.U graucs ni í J VO (3 5J. Hogs- The mnrket is s!ow and 5gl0c loer; conimon roujrh and i xed oí hoy:s are ouotcd ni , . r;.ii 1 .. .' ; güuU aud c-boice osforti'd l:civy packlng and ehlp eraaes oí hojs at f4 15(4 45, fomn.on (otood light and baron grades ol bogs at ïa MJJ i;U; skipsaud cuiicii gradea :it-:; Sbeep - The moi ket is stroneer and h.'r-bcr; Inferior to fair nabve fhorn eh ep ure Loica at $3(ü; lamba, per head, at i dV The Drovers' Journal special eabl.srani írom Liverpool ijuotcs tbe eattie inarket si w, . ut prlces steadj at tbe aicllne o last weck. fcappllet oí cattle onlv alrjv lart;e. n the demaod continúes weak; best Ainciicau steers 12c dressed. A colored womiii, Mlf Carrie Era??;, is editor of (be Vlreloia Lance:, i ubli.-iic.l at letirsbure, Va., the only neugptper la the Union conducted bj a colored noman. UniU'd Sia:cs Senator Bawyer ). adoptott eaw-log as a coat-of-innK. Á lmz?.-s.w vould be appropriattí .nr gome S mators. General Bherman has Ueu abuslnj poor oíd St. l.ouis a.a.n. It ia uuücratojüd tl);. t ilie last Si. Louls ({Irl i!:;: pTucsouHi oíd wairior sissed bad ln-i-'ii catlns oiuüus. l'rinccss Beatrii rilea well, preferrinü ícotidernud ftect, sturdj Scotch pouics, bowcver, Her favorito pony; s a tidv hule pour uttnivd Bandal. Senator Edmunds Is saM tojbe ths most tcrestinir figure in the Senatu. Uc looks ilke a patriarch of the olden I Bismarck stays home ererv I venlng. Prince Bismaiik is racked with rbctimatlsm. A lady of charltablo diípu.tion askcd a nnin if .lic could not ::ssit pltn bv nun ,iiL bis clotbes. "Ves, madam," be said, , bave a button and if yon will eew a sh n ou it I 11 beireatly obliceii." Blsmavck's wlíe is dcacribed as a ta!l, ar'sto:ratic looklnir noman w ih decided bot p: asDg features aud of elegant but simple la.L ín di esa.


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