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Pasteur is suïïering irom ovcrwork aud fears a seeond paralrtic stroke. A new kind oí inoculación is needoJ. l'rintcrs are Üie gaüey-slivea to the barge oí progresa. One ivovJ, one step may iuake or mar one's wbole future. Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonie 8 toe proper aiove when you have uyspepsai, bad breatb, piles, pimples, agüe, maluria, low spirits, heádachei or any stoinach or Ijver Uvublcs. iü cents. Be rigid to yourself and gentle to othere. The song of the consuinptiye - -'In thesweet Rock in Kye." Tbe highcr up the mouctaln you climb, the hlgber yöu eau see. Henry Lolio;.'nüá!s, íoremau Henry Kru? Packiug Co., St. Joicp'a, Alo., uses Dr. Th ruas1 KcivCtric Uil wkn hia meu for, cuta, braisus, eliappjd hands, etc It ia tixa best. John Ruskin wants tbn scving-mavhlne to go. U's easy tnouh when you know bow. Tue Seckeí1 Art op Beauïï lies not in cosmetics, but is only in pure biojd and a hcalthy per.ormanco of the v.tal lunctions, to be obtained by usin? boröock Biood BitWri. Matthew Aruold is to come to this country witn the "sweetneös and ligut of eerly Swing." Fon Bbbomtism, Lumbauo, Neukaloia, Cramo and Colic ihere is no rerardy superior tu the genuine ijr. Thomas' EclectriC Oü. Jennle June says that "low-necks are as full uress lor la'dics as gwaüow-tdiU aro geuts.'1 Erysipclas and Salt Iiheuin was driven entirely aviay Lrum SI. J. C. AiKierson, Pehtif;o, Wis., by iiurdock iiiodr Bitters. No cqual aa a bl.jod puriQer. "Fatty Reed" is wLat the pagf of the House cali the big Congreisman lroji Maiuc. Oon't Gei Gaisght TliisSpriug, aa you may have been Lofore, with your bli-wd iuü of Impurilies, your dlffestiuu iinpalrc-tl, appi t'ie P or, k'.uevs a1"1 i1- ttia, wnd whow i 1 en 1 c prostrated by ttteeat;O- but got yui:r -elf into kooü conditlön, and rei iy for the chnugiag uud wavmer w s her ly takii:g U il".'. uisairiHa, lt SvEDds uacQuailM icr purifyint the llood, givi:.g an appeti'.e, and for a rOíU.atlnj and aci.era tmlLL medicine. Besuro togot Uood'sSarJaiíiuilla. "Myv;f3 had ver poor healtU for aïonatime, sufleriui; from lndltfestiou,poor appotltCi wid Cünstiut hcadaehe. 81ie trted ovcrythiuy wo could h?aro; but found üo relief tlil alio triol U 'Oi'a Saraapaillla. She T8 now takiug tho third boiür , and m:ver i;t Lettr in bar liio. We fel It our tlu:j to rerommead i: to every ene we kaow." Gso. Súvbvílls, Moralwm!, Cook Co., Ui. "ItookHood'g Sarsaparllla for general dobility and w&s woudorfully beneütod by lt" J. P. Johvsük, Martln's Ferry, O. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold t'y alt drugglsu. W; bU for $5. Preparcd bv C. I. UOOD & O, Apotaecarlw, Loirell, Ma. 100 Doses One DoHar Our griet may be gueseed from üie lolace and solf-deception we n;srt to. "BOUGH O PAIN."-Li-aid "Rougii on Puin Llqnld SOc. QuisK cure. Ncura-1 Kia, r.umiiiSni. ;íc::üs, l heddacüo. la(i;er, lift Seeretorv Lam ;;at ötigh"on caïassh"! correct oflenslvo odoraat once. Complete cura of , woret cliruuto caos; .'vii.0 uneiui:lod ;:s arglö for dlpiiUieria, suri tliroat, foul breath. 50c. Tho people ot Borneo oat monkeya. ' KOUÖH ON COUaHS." 1 Ask ior 'Tougü on Coushs," for courIii, nolds, eore j throur, hoaraen-.-HH. Troouea 15c. LlQuid, 25c A üght aítair- A lamp. TRAD E Vi MARK. iipil Tree from Opiatcs, Etytetlcs and I'oison. SAFE. éTbtsrni. SURE. 5,?KCtS, PROMPT. Li%Jè' '.UK charlus a. ma:i.;:it CO., DALTIBORK, Bh PauR ■ Cures Rlieumstism, Neuralgia, pfir Híiín Bs&zpLr I O III FKIOK. Ï-IFXY CÉNÏ8. tOS CBABIia A. TOOELÏB CO., UAMnrauíPL' Pcople are rccognlzing the drager att ding the u-e o' opium, and leiiUlativc bodu'8 are bcing callcd u; on lo anppre-a the trrowius; evil. The only couf;h mixture wbieh does not contain op:ates, and vet Ig of remarliable eiücacy, is heil E-tar Coüsh Cure. '-'5 cents. K;prr Humbt-rt of Italy never looks a glit glass of champagne iH the foam. Time raav "heel tbc breech," but we eerlously doubt :t he will '-heal the brcecheö" that are badly torn. Do as you please vhen you pleass to do rigbt; and you ivill always do tlie proper tbing in takins1 BiRelow's l'ositive Cure lor COOghs, co!ds and all tbroat and lung trouble. Pleasant to taks and cure speedy. 50 cents and $1. Have you paid what you "ode to sprlnjr." The home eircle - Walking arouud witli the babv ;t nlght It is more profltable to look up our defect tlian to boast of our attainments. " STRICTLY PURE. ITCOHTAIMSSOOPICMINAjSY FOB CENTS r-&CEMS G ohyoiAn roup. IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. FSIGE 25 CENTS, 50 GENTS, AND $1 PER BOTTLE f)t CENT B O TT LUS are pul up: f er the accomX mntiaiiüti of aU icho ücslre a Good and Loto "" PrtctU Couali, Cold and Croar) Remedy THOSJ? DE8IR1NQ A REMEDY FOR CON8UMPTION OR ANY LUNG DISEASE, ühouli fSemre the Large $1.00 Boules. Dl-rctiens accompav v Kart Jloltle. SOLD U1Y ALL MSDWISE DKALEItS BITTERS. It wlll cure any case oí 1.5 ver ajid KI(1 noy troubles when properly talluil. Il Is a perfect renovator and invijyorator. It cloan&ss the iy toni of the poisonouic hiiuioi-s that devolop lu Livor, Kldney and (Tt-inary diau:iai?-s, carryiD nu-ay all of onous tnaitor and ro. toriiijr lbo í2íood toa Ucalthy eonditlou, enrJcSjlns it, rcfreslilng; aud invigorating mind and Body. It pruvrcU the growth to fcrrloiis )!lii(M et a Uauicrou CIns of Slaeaaes that bein in mure trivial oilmttais, and ai'o too apt to ba ncglccted as ucli. XEOU9ANDS OF OASES of tlio worst forrns of these terrible dlflases bavfi hMn liicklv ríilSaviul and in a gíiurt tTinè perli'ollv cuisu Dy tna uSíTor jtioa x. Malt Bittor. Do not eet Slop and Muit Bitters confounded witb interior preparatious of similar name. Tuit Nothins but Hopa & Malt Jutters if you wunt asure Cure. HOPS & HALT BITTERS CD, DeibotJ b THE LMk Gold & Jewelled TOM MEDAL B0íJ-"-? Tai tiïrardod by tb V . p : ;, íatloual Medical jRB&a ' ,T Aaocintiou tPUBBMËSSr TO TKE AUÏHOÏl OF THE SGiEHOi Ö.F UFE (wba ï tbc i:Nïtil" (ni!liiïiff Pliyuit iau of ilie lüubotly MCealoal I.istítuto Itbelng the brst Medical Treatise on Manhood, ExliatiBtea Vital ty, Scrvou a ui 1' y 1 reblllty. rremaiuro HO In Man, the Eriora of v uth. -utl the unhoid miseries reíultlnc ípsin ndcrctiüt.i or cxces-i tn oarly life, whfebtb. i fu'hor i a provert may lie alleviard . nl posrive-y t ireü. lt la u KtrnJanl Medie l W rkou tlu bove, and Is a tr;it-u:e toevery yotinu and minaie-tigo-J iu, Wun-Hutc l iti reprosented r the moñey refundeu In fvery 'ut mee; una pages; embosied mu.Mln, fuli ffili; 136 pre'ip-'ons ior all (1 sraioa. Trice onïy lui 1-y ::ial', r ilfd. past noia, lllustrQtftd aaüip;?. fpee t Sm l now. Th: w.irï is universaiiv reeommended by tnc prejw, clergy, parema and teru-liera. arui cTeryoue of iu more tbán a mlilion reader. Every man, young or old. atiould roaii ttl.1 boolC niH evi-iy piiorer sIh.uM on-ul' il."ii.(, "liirv lm "iiu 1:1 ( ; ilvmi : tlti' ie H pljysU-ian ther." Address ÍK.V.H.i#AJaitE1I,4Buliiuclist..Hoaíon,ira(is. All Peopie Appreclat8 Honast 6oods. MIDUSEX INDIGO-BLUE FLONEL SOITS AJSIS AI'Sj I'UKE WOOJj, Always look well and, srive long pervlce. C'oats of lhO ííenuine urticln bave on a tiilk hangttr, "Only p;trincnts made from Mlddlceax Planuols bear thls hanger. hEX CO." Boaton, New Yc- Phukdelphla. SOLD BY ALL LEIMB CLOTHIERS, FSTERBROgL8plNs Leadinff Nos. t4,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Statior.ers. THE ESTER3ROOK 6TEEL FEM CO., Works: Camdcn, N. J. 26 John St., New York. ▼Incsar SUtXcrs, a pnr and klúiiejr, nuú wijl restan hciilüi, buwovcr lot. Viategar Bitters iath. best rcnittdy discovered foi promoting dfgetüon, curlnt iieadacho end toaron re Uu Vincsur Bitter sasim üates the Lood, reguïaisa ihe siomaoh and h 19, giïlng Lea'.iiy and natural alcap. Vluoaar Bittors is Uio grr t dUeare pr Tsnter, and stauds at t!ie head oí U üunily leía odies. Ko house slioulil evtr bo t hout it. VineRar Bitters cures MalüKal, Eilious cuifl other fuvera, diseases of th Heart, Liver oad Kldneys, r.nd a liundred other patnful disorders. Scnd Sov either of our valuable refrnci books for ladies, ior iarraeifï, Tor merohauts, oiu il Treatiso on IMscaees, ov our Catscaisri on Intemperance aud Tobacco, which last LouW Lo In tbo hanía of ereiy child and jouii in tka 001111117. Any two of thcabove booliR mailed fxoe os receipt of four centa for rotiitraliou feea. R.H. McDonald D:r whlmHiw Bi-.T V. HOPTONIC i ' - -i A WOJfDKKPULi A.ym1é$fojff COMIMXATIOJI mSL PEPTONIZEB xm1 BEEF, HOPS i jEB HBE Bfa ti OKI-Y :.: A .■.;:--:';■■ rfSLÜ9" PRXPjjKjK PABATION fr IB ImparUní Pl'KII ALBUMEN UjJJBfr-:; - ' : ,a31 IBá tlw ïIös y. It Ib aa fcaaiüto Cor for KiwTOuoir, Debilltv und Iimomul, aud wmi'Js ott tUott Tcirilüu íivüs whicli are tUe l'lrst Staíe el ffgSANSTY. For BvblHialed Zc-n for EnfoahloU Womeni for Dclfcate Ubildi-au I fr al1 wbo ntei Su.uíih. -HÜPTOWIC IS A BI.BK8IMC." For Sale liy all DruücUtx. l'rtpaicd uul by tho EÍC5PTONIC CO., QB.AND BAPIOB, MJCH. lIISHIlj SiGl( Heatlac13' P fifi&F Bcbdook Blood B 4ffi(8Ï81ffik Bitters cural me ol PJnJaAaftigMk of t-recurriii!; 8 i o k Vsí{ KHeadache, irom whieb g MggKJJpjfC I have suffcrrd foi fcsiVnö líilRye"9, often rcudcrlng " in T&VMIi ftili labor imposs'tle. CT]?LACKETT ROBINSON, PybliBher Canada J'resOytfrióa. Chaklestown, Mass. I thauk you for the grcat good Bukdock Bloos Bittjsbs have done me. I was lougs bjcct to very eevere iSick Headache. By usiug two hottlcs 1 was permanently curcd. Mauöiz Sullivas. ÍF YOU WANT Tö KNOW 1,001 Tmportantthiun yoa sover kneTrer tboncht of ftbont tl:e human bely and ite curions otuaum. }I(wlifeisprpLt.u4iUdtïi&allKaved,di8ea3êinctjieeel, JÍH0 to avoid pitalls oftfneratice and ináitc relien, JTúio to apply Jeiue-Cw to allforms of discute, JIow t cars Örcup.Oid Ëyes, Jtupture, Ph+moxit, etc., Jtow io mate,be li appy in marríajcj h ave prize ha hUê fou WK Hifi whiVb Pl&irKliftjiA oür 1 Hl!íl3 BLua 1 aiiillIJUIÜiij liuay ÜUl Pub. to„ 129 E, 23U SU Uw Koriu Yo.i ure allawed a free trial of thirty day of th usoüf Dr. Dye'sCelehratedVoHaïcBtiU Yiih Jïlectrio Suapeneory .ppilaiices, for the speedy relief andpermanent, cure of NervouM Dtbiüty, loasof Vit&U ty, and tetifihood, and all kindre, troublw. Alao for many otherdiseaíes. CoinyletercKtoratlon to Health, Vijjor andMaohoodgnaranteed. Norfcüt Is incurrid. IlliUrtrated pampïuct in êoaied envelorw niallod froc, hy ftdarculog voltaic Belt Co SUrEïiall, Uch. FOÜRE FITil When I iay cttro i ai t maan mreiy U up tEtüfl wr B time nd tien k ihm rnra tmln. I bicau .l; cal curn. I !ito mad the dlnenao r PITS, fcl'lLEPSY er KALLlNü ICSNKS8 llfe-teng tuily. I wmriuil nJ Wmedy 10 MXO th worgt cateft Bc3tlso olhora hare ff.iloJ i no roason for Hot n Kweltlne turo, ëf ■! M onco for trsMJso rji.l a, Frs BottJo of my Inlaiubla reuL&dv oivo UxpriMa and Pose ürlioa. Xfi coi-.w yon ■ AlR (Ivrmnii AeÜtiun Cure nvtr ai to icircia gff tJtitieJuiíA rtíiíin the worm MM, trisurca com-M HlortuUle stcw. : eiTtwu vurvn wtierc all dthera fail. Sj Mirt'a (onvtni-tt tb vtast tktptitut. }'rice öO -(■ . auJ Ba B #1.00. of Dra?gtxtn or bv mil. Sample FUEK furW ■sUmDlRiSCIIlLFMANUlftutMIaBj EhKS VKULL EsJTa!iS. "TSn lu tLu. Sold by druggiBta. Wgf __ A FREE SAMPLE."" TelutrOÍHM the ;;ret bousehoH rrmsar, OOrt DON'ë Ktst; OF PAIN Intoeveryfamlly. r.v[lle?nl iSKUiple ft-oe Vj s;:t onc nea-Jini; ttddrftus. ri'tif.;att Uil pnncr aii &adixs K. U. Kliïll .vnjJi. ToUio, a AfiaipftA I rrow tbom mynell and teit VhhBIlI thembííorefaüiii. Tbe; ars Ir H R13B fresb and regable, don't buy ff ÜSSBStZ-J1 T ny rceU froia second hand rlenlcra. Wriio lor uiy splenclid Uluitrated Cata luicue, I'JftKÏ!. IJ. W. BUCKBF.K, Kociíord, UL AR1III8 Eablt. Qulckly and PatniM. B lycuredstborae. Corrospondcnco I B I B i (Hes tollcUed and ree (r.a of cure sent il honeallnTil:ga'ori. TnBlirimi ■ ■ ■ " ■ Ukmxüt Compaky, Lafuyctte, lad. linur STU!)Y. Hook-kciplntr. Bntlnoaa forms nU'"' Peumaushlp, Aritïimctic, Bïioitliand, etc, (horouehly i-huíu. by mail. Circulará írec BliYANT'S COLLKGE, Bufïolo, 5. T. Mrl D WAMKD. 850 A TVItEK and ex11 I I r pendes paid. Vuluabic :itii and partic ll1"'1 itlanfrec. .I.F.HiuA-Co. - fusta.Maln. I ' T'RT'Rn-T? APTTV LEAUN hero and ■ r.atlonBíuruished, Valentino Bros. JancBvtUc Wiu W. ÏT. TT. D.- 4- lö EtERBieitllft Drugs, leéiiliii Francb üair Brushw AH- Enellsh Tooth BrushM. Chemical Olass-wara, garatitf, Pure ChcmJcds of our ov.o loapsrtatioiTIEMAN'S SURG'L IN8TBUUÜIT.9 AltM psltit. 4n oordi&ll} taviuá te aja.wtea uur rtock M3 BSSRBACH &8ON, UCKSUN FiñE CUY CQ. Stone Sewer Pipe i. urn AU ourPram Til MBad oí Hit Ota. U4 at umiMual strenjiU ani lifbt WAtght, vkiclk my Uiri;illy reduces the lrsj f iua H trttDBprtüüuu. TU dltchlite o ttii lu X 1 ing i les sxpeuílvo. ai Uio)' i et iíuU tá be Id bolow (iet but euly dp uouj. (a A cape tbe pluw. Wlills Uiís U isr eo&uaBjiítJ i aku aids la oUttelas a bttar tU r yrala te the draia. A futí nwrtet sl uU hui, tak lalc.iu Emu'J ijuauUiloB, ax gv load lot, a UU FEEDON LÏÏMBEB TA1 James Tolbbst, Agcnt ' Tilo, ttae C rea t eet Lobor-Savlaa Machine of th Aa." 3b Uu Editar ut ïïi Coloco gHsouu, Dwiawi. Hl.. llagxh 1S.- Ooe I kb ab-oafa) and nt aiuvlaaiaf ticte tba I bv jt m witli regard u tile di-aluaro 1 brougit a V) the Beccinbcr report ui tka AylfttUui) BMf maní oí UUnoia. ItUtUIa: ABKga la pra w LlviaesU CJS, Aoie&e li '"ra llugac ÓóuiU7. 165 L. 148.UB liTingstoa vsr Loé ... ,- ....... 1X7.7M YlKXJh. TIeW of rern in LItIdssSou County.lSÍÍ. .,1MÊ TieM of coro la Lein Cciuity, lsa.......9I,M( LrrlngetOB cverLofio. , „.l.SüS.aí ín other words. Laeam Ceuaty tu -Ucíl aa ly as much coro o l-ií.159 ar 4S Uiïlagstoa couñty bu ob SíS.wr uir. Eut tt te uottial foroi. Uae (jTBírs Ín Ll:! Our hTO of laúd !&..=). a t' rl4 ♦ f to-eOiam i Lug Ceuntf. wbo ftiüv htd lo alo J40,Sí acre. Ií us gl U &t '}' Á A frmrwUo k.s hls ld wsll tilUd Bi werk elshiy cro of laad 4 p U!1Í1?JS as mach cor s U mB t& otow 1M ufl utes all tie rlsICB í drutli tuod fcmah beM4 labor-savisc machis M-brtliSjMVwO drain? Trom iha sama wuf 4 fcitowinnw I gatbsr tbc fUvlug as fogaril úm ginymi 4 tiie-d raiimsa i" tluts 1 wo euuuüü i Total Bumber f fe taid la tltlaga CeuotvuptalKl ...., UUfi Total nuraW of í$ Uid tu Lefu CouBtyapt Itt ..VMM Thi tafel proreí by3 frU Ui)' Ui wl te the free us of tU tluit as usljr kai ble to predut" ua-!r u xtaah air SB 144.M cre ef lsní amtJr osiwly bu w4 pon S6,0Oe jLcrtí.wlílcb I ' al. e beamy I th wjaol U Ut U w d wlt kalf the work: Mr. Editor, tujpau a kuid Pro dence heuld lecjrúu! su. tW ta of ur Ui UBtil va kow iñiBoit tbsreue! Ul-irlas! wbrr waulü be put. tko cera tíiAt tliú tUt iroiild produce, cad vktl woulá 4 vilb euf "ilTer doilArsí'Bambkh. y. K. yut.' B1NSEY & SEABOLT" No. 6 & 8 Washington 8t#' UúnsUUw Grocery Line. Teas, Coffe and SsU'A In luwe umus Wk Aé I CaslL DP3roes And unUat Low Fiif t. Th lMgo In volee af tejls thev Buy tod SU. Il goud preoi Uut Lb Quality and Priee ihey Sive Bargains. ïUey Eoast tblr owa Off ver; vk. Mi uoiie but prUac artisla ar unad. THeir Baker; taras eut n-olleni Brd, Cnkj) uu CS-ackfrs. Cali and Umot. PricesGone Dowo A Jorge ítock of Vf ilj Faj)t 8elling at A GREAT KEDUCTIORU I claim to bare the UrgM EBd BEST SELECTED STOCI Of Wall Papar and Deeorations is Uu connty, and enn eive perfect stisfaetios ín Ooods or Work . Pailita aad t exaUsa Bupplies a spcoittlty. AllDert Bo3?g, Buoce or to F. & A. Sorg, 30 & 28, WabsUgtott tt. Juu JLrbot y er SODA BestintíleWftcIcL


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