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COOK HOUSE, EH. nUD8ON, Proprietor, Kewly Furulshed. Th leadlng home In Ana Arbor. UNION HOTEL. T?IRST-CLASS in all respecte. Ercrythlng X1 new; One rooms, Well rurnislied. Terras, VI per day and upwards. Special ratas to woelcly Doarders. Aieals 35 cenb. John Schneider Jr., Proprietor. Corner of Washington and Seo' ond ttreets, Ann Arbor, ilich. NICIIOLS BROS., VXT W. & A. C NICIIOLS, D. D.S Drnta v' O Hice Masonic Temje Biock, over Stvinjp Rank, Ajan Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPARY, O AKERY AND OOHntCTIONEKY, Cor. Fourth and AanStreeU. EDWÁRD PATE, MACHINIST, and repairer pt Surglcal laitro ments, I-oci. Ümbre41a and Pttaa Ftn Machine and Bicycle V, ork a 8peclftlf. Nfi KKorUi Mainst, Aün Arbor: Mich. JOSEPH CtINTON, MercbantTailor. sbopóVè'r Wm. Allaby's boot and sboestora. All worV (uaranteed or at coarte. JOHN F. LÁWRENCE, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. OAe, Nos. 3 Bill 's Opera Home. Aun Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. DoeS a general law, V coüoction and coDrorace buínes8, A noderate patronage Is respectirelf uolicited. Office in the cmirt house, Ann Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SÜRQEON DENTIST. Rowns No. 19 Bouth Main Street, opposiu tse firit National Bank Uin Arbor, Mich. ANTON ÈISËLE, ' DEALER IN M0NÜMHST8 and Gravestoan masufactured from 'nonexee aud lttJian Ifarbl and Scotch and American Cranit Shop Dor. Detroit ard Gathritt st3., Aun Arbor.. BUk. WILLIAM IÍÉEZ, ' HOUSI. SI9N, Ornaojtntal aad Fresco Pain ter. Glldinj, Calclmiulng, Glrii:' and Paper rarraniea to iriTesatisf&ctfpn. Shop, Ne. 4 West Washington sti eet. A tin Arbor, HicUgan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET SIUSIC, Instruc tion Books, Vlolins, Guitars, Tlutes, &c, oheap at Wllsey's Slusic Rooms, No. 15 Fourtli Street, one block south of tiie Cook House. Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brouifht into Washtenaw Countv. Vlolin and Quitar Strlng3 a ipecialty. N. B.- It wU bo to your interwst to cali before purchasing anythinj; In tha Jlusia line. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte[HAVE a complete cqmpilatiún of thu Official Record of Washionaw County to dato. Inclu-' ling all Tax TUI' Exeeiiljgiia, ttnv incumbranca' in Real Estïto, that U Record in the Regfster ifflce. is shown b my books. OffiL'o, in the ffloo of the secretary of tlr Washtemiw mutual ' ince coinpauy, in the bauement of the courf louse. C. H. MANLY. Ano Arbor. Mlch. C. VV. VOGEL, Propiuetor, Late of Chelnea, at THOMAS HATTHEWö1 OLÍ) STAND On Ann Street. rBBSn AND SALT MEAÏ3 KIPT ÜN HAND The &nn Arbor Savïngs Bank Orranizsd 1869, undr the Oeneril Danking Liw II tliissute haa ndw, incluuin? capital Si Mik.' itc„ etc, OTER $500,000 ASSRTS. liuilnesi ran, Ouardians, Trustees, Ladies and ther persons will flud tlii Bank a SAFE AND CONVENICNT Place at whleh to make Deposita and do busiiiw, riterest is Allowed on All Savings Deposirt Df $1.00 and upward, according to the rul-w ol vhe bank, and interest compouuded stini-aium' lUy. Money to Loan In Sums of (20 t tB.OOO, iecared by Unlnoambersd Real Esta'.o ni) o:r. ood securttlea. DIHBJCTOH3- Cbrlttlan Mack. f v win .V. U. HarrimaD. VTilliam Ueuble, Djvid ltiiiscv Oanlel Ulscock und Yf. B. Smlth. OFFICER8- ChrliUtu Mack. Prwldonf W. w winei. Vlce-Preiident; C. B. Hlcock. cilcr SHINGLES! A alters' ratent Metalic Shinglc-s were nn-tird '.','! the lust premium and gold medal at tbn uorWs Kxposition at New ürleans. They re manufactured from the best grades of tin and' and steel. THE STEEL SHINCLES, Halnted on botli sides. can bo laid on tlio roof rorabout the same pilce asphie shingles. For partícula aud prico cali on or address CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Nlich. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 South Main truet, Ann Arbor. Thn oldait Kency in the city. Establbjhed a quartr of ■ century ago. Repreffntiï.g the follnwlni; fin cías compames, tb OYar 80,000,000 a'swU. Home Ins. Co., of N. T.; Contintital Ins. Cocf N. ï.; Niajfara Ins. (X, o N. Y.; Girard Ins. Oo., of Thiji.; Ont Ing. Co., of Hartford; Oonnfccrcïal üaitm of Londoi; LiTerpool and Londoiiand Globe. Ratea low. Isse Ubrtllv djusted á rotnpUy paJd. C. u' H1LLX. TA SHIfCDTICL uiifncn wiih successr 6 U HU I Eli I Idk quirei n knowledge of üu value of ncwspapcis, and -j correclly (Iisplaycd .idvt. lo secure such loformaüon Ilin !CnilCJlV (twill cnnble yon lo advertid J UU 1 V' f U U!) L I consult LORD ets THOMAS HEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sunsett'os reoommenda thattho salary at Ihe lurkiib mini.-tcr 1 e increasc;:l from len to twelru thoueand dolari. It Is rosaiblc lliit üie sultan is a skillful fioker-playcr ;


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Ann Arbor Democrat