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(cu. tít:hofleld assumed cominand of '.the división of the Atlantic on tbc 13 inst. i members of the New York board olalclermeo have been iirrestcd on a charge of bribery. Dr. J. II. Arnett, iged 70 years, isuperinten1 rtent ot'the American Kxpress company, died av'Nlagara Kalls on the Ï3th inst, from the i'lïects of a stroke of apoplexy. ; Ann Jane Mereer dled in Philadelphia atfew' days ago. and left a wi)l bequeathing $400,000 to establlsh a home for tbc support and maintenance of disabled Presbyterian elergymen whu ilo not use tobáceo in any iorm orsbape. (John II. Noyes, thej founder of the Oneida j eommunity, is;.dead. Penusylvanm Republlcan1 state conTentlon will be licld in Ilarrlsburg, June 80. Considerable eorrespondence has paesed beI tween Goulif and Powderly of late regarding i Ibe troublus in tbc southwest. Powderly pleads for a Bpeedy termination of the strike, and proposes eeveral plans with that object in view, wliile üould vc-ry plainly tells the labor leader tbat bc ( i'owderly) is resp DSible for tbc continuanee of the strike. A memborial meeting ol ootti houses of the New York legislatura was held on the Hthinst, in honor of the late Horatio Seymour The New York state Senate has passed resolution requiring every telephone company in the state to report to tue Senate the amoun of its capital stock, wbetber or not it is all paid in, where it is held, its gross.and netearn ings, dlvidends, surplus, etc. A vietory for the government - na3 been won in the case of Kdolhoff against the collector o the port of New York wbich was on trial fo the past three (lavs before Judgc Coxe and a jury in the Inited States court. The suit wa io determine the rate of duties on all material used by the l:at-inakers and milliners of th country and ou its ultímate result hangs a claim against 'the government amounting to 5,000,000 or $0,000,000. The case will, be appealed. Mr. and Mra. Charles Ropney of Eric, Pa. a newly marrled couple, retired the other nigh and nothiiig more was icen of them till'ch next inorniDg, wheu a neiglibor, thinking sometliius was wrong, forced tbc door, and a horrible spectacle presented itself. Kooney was a raviug maniac, and his wife was as phyxlated with coal gas. Airs. Kooney died the next evening and her husband is insane from tbc effects of the gas. Mr. Gladstone bas sent the following repl to the lougratulatory eablegnun receivcd b bim from tbe mayor of Bostou : "I have receivei your telegram. 1 tbank you for your courtesj in informing me of theproceedings of Ibe mass meeting held in Boston to take actiou on tht subject of tbc proposals oL Ihfl nnnni iiiit if 1 rel and. Lieci AtnCTlonn opinión, alued ai it N iitli regard and altection for the old country, alïords her majestv's government a powerful and moral suopórt." Gov. Pattlson, of Pennsvlvanla, tas de■nanded tbo resicnation of Kêv. K. L'. llicbee, state supenntenueui ol puDiicinsuucnuu, .a removed Rev. J. W. t-ayres and .Mr. E. E. Huttcr, inspector and assissaut inspector of soldiers' orphans sckools, for gross mismanagemenj otthe schools and neelect and cruelty to the scholars. AVIlliam Thomas, who nad servcdj In the army in the Fourlh United States cav.lry, entered tbe wine room oi Frederick D. Friclïe in New York the other afternoon, and after baving a drink went into a closet and blew out his brains with a 33-caliber Kcd Cloud revolver. Tbe body was taken to the morgue. He was at one time an inmate of the National 6oldiers' home at Mihvaukee. Vupils in one of the public schools iu Coluinbus, ühio, uuited in a petition to the teacher for but one session of school each day. Tbis was refused, when the boys walkcd out in a body. The teacher endeavored to force them back, when a regular uielee ensued, and it wa uecessary to summon the pólice. The boys were iinally driven back. Amelia Morosini, dauehter of ,'Gould's rold partner, and sister of Jlr. Soailling-Huelskamp, was bitten by a mad dog in her iather's grounds at Riverdale. It is fcared bydrophoLia will set in. , Gov. Bate of Tenncssee, bas just fappointed Hon. W, C. Whittliorne to suceeed Howell E. Jackson as Cnitíd Mates Senator. Anotber street car strike was inaugurated in N'nv Vork cm lh3 Icnii. Koi'n"-i-niaiivi.s nl the Knlghts of Larjor (lemanded me discharge of a number of men on the Third Avenue line. 'lhis the directors ot the road peremptorily refused, and the men quit vork. Ilcnry Tissinstou, for over 30 years a noted orchestra leader in Nevi York, died tuddenly on the löth inst. The Rev. Willlam Cleveland, brother of the president in an interview the otber day, Eaid: "Grover is to marry Miss Folsoui this summer."J On the mornfug of the lütb inst., 22 liucsof New York street car lines in New York city were tled up by order of the executive board. The tle-up pi omlses tu last íur some timo. Stephen N. (.ifferd, the venerable olerk of the Massacnusetta Btate senate, ütd suddenly a few days ugo of pneumonía, aged 70 vears. II e was servi'ng h!s twenty-niuth consecutive year as clerk of the seuate." Hou. Cornelius; Deoiborn, national bank ■xaminer and treasurer of the Bostou & Lowell railroad, died u Nashua, N. 11., re ■ently, aged 71. lle was one ot the most prominent citlzens of the state] and held mauy lonorable posltlona, i A inold holding 1,01)0 pounds of molten steel, exploded in a Pittsburg foundry the othcr day, sdriously lnjurlng 20 men. Mr. and Mrs. John Donthett, an aced couple ivinir near Xenia, ühio, were burned to death nthc iire jïhicl itrorcd tfavtr home a fcir uiglits i.o. Tne lire' is.believed to be the work of an ineendiary. Mrs. Maria Hojpie and v ady friend.were standing ín the door at II jgue's resideñee in JJeweastle, Pa., watching á 'passins; electric storm, hen a ilash of Üghtnmg siruek both adíes, killiug Mrs. llogue instaotly. and inuring tlie olier lady so seriouslv tLiiït she died shortry alterward. 1'. ï. liarnum's [clephaqt Allee, lately acjiiired Irom the London Zoological society, irrived in New York on the steamKbipEtqrptlaD Monareli (rom London tbu otuer moruing. Nolwithstimdiug the jjrotracted voyage, the buge animal is apparcutly in good condition. -


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