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Washington Waffles

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The president lias iiominated i-enatot Jack ton of l'ennessee to eucceed Judge Baxter deccts d, us judge of Ihe sxth Unitd States cirou.t. d.rit. The i:omiuation'wa?.J atjonce conti rmed The lacrease in the postofHce 'evenues, ex clusiveof .ostageon seeond-class matter, from tlilrty of the largest offices in tbe country foi niiie .-uontlis endcd March 81, 1JLC, is ÍStt4,44:" (li i cl. o shows an inerease of $151,551: 8 Louis, $40.417; Cincinnatl, S5'.,3U2; Cleveland nr,941; Detroit, t9,866; Louisvillc. - Indianapolis, $4,53fi; St. Paul, Í3P.840; Min ncjapoM tlt(,2SO, an:l Toledo, ?:1,542. The in crease of seeond-classlmattcr mafled during the same period at the thirty oflices was. 5.7S5,255 poUnas. Uecrctary Manninp continúes to improvu. For the week endin? April 10, 463,888 standard dollars were coined, as ajtalnst 196,498 for the correspondinj; week last year. Second Comptroller Maynardhas disallowed the claims of the Globe mutual insuranee company of St. Louis and twenty-four other in■nrance comno,,i,.c. .... ;.'.„ ;„ tvn nnnra. L:ite to i4,i74, lor losses under policies taken liy them upon steamboats employed in the governmeut service in transporting troops anc tupplies for tne use of the army dorlng Che civil war. Claims by the owners of twenty Ihree eteamboats for their earnlngs while ín government service durin the civil war, urnounting to $73,0üO, were also dlsalloweil. )vcr 200 clerks have been discharged I from tbe troasury department sincethclst ofjanuary. The least little error is bein? cnrefullv noted and monthly reporta are made of tbeiri. It is believed that a tnorough cleaning out is coming justas fust as the heads of ' departments fooi that tliey can get along without the older clerks. A fcreat scusation has been caused In WashIngton bv tbc i covery ihat naval officers have bceb systematically defrauding the government. Labor Coinmissioner Wright says his reslgr.ation bus been in the üand9 of the president since March lü, Us85. It is now denicd that ex-President Arthur is sulïerine; from Brlght's diseasc. He has been very ill but bas not lost flesh. Col. Thomas II. Koger, Eighteenth infantry, has been pJaced ■ in command of the department of the Missouri, reiieving brig.-Gen. Miles. President Cleveland "has "sifnil tln act auLiu)ri,njj; tire uiuitiuu ot tue conressiunai library builiiini;. April 1 i was the tventy-fourth anniversary of tbc emanclpation of the slaves in the District of Columhia, and the event was appropriately iclebrated in Washington. The eongressional comraittee are investijiating the labor troubles.


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