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A Legislator's Story

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The peculiar pulitical changes whlch have oecurred ia Michigan within the past few years, cuusing It to :be transferred irora the liet of f&jl&j Republiean States to that ot doubtiul unes, give a seasonable interest to a story told by Mr. M. J. Ludington, Jr., of Vcrona, I that State, an ex-member of the Mitigan i Legislature. Mr. Ludington, who is ne of Verona Mills most rtrogressive citizens, was clected to the Legislature by an appreciative constituency some six years. Tbat Mr. LudIngton has not flgured largely in piblic life since he returned from the State capítol is due to a peculiar concaténate ui of lircuirstances tbat aptly Ilústrate by wh:vt apparently trivial matters a political career may be made or unmade: "The second day of Aucust, 1S79," In the honorable gentleman's words, "wat a very hot day. and I ate a hot dinner and got very warm. I got lnto my busrgy after dinner and starteJ toward Verona Mills, I bad driven about three miles when 1 met a Northwesi wiDd and hail storm. I got a little wet and became chille 1. I drove on tome, sixteen miles dlstant,; and when 'I reachcd there feit s'.ck. I wetit to bed and my wlfe made inc some giogoi tea, but not cnough co gweat me. The next niorniuii a pain, sharp and piercing as a knife, caught] me in the anklea and I could hardly step. The next day 1 could not walk at all. Wejdid everytbing re could thlnk of, witli wormwood and vinegar. smartweed and other remedies, but with no gooil effect. Nelther mv wife nor 1 could discover what the matter was. "In tbree or four diiys i cou'nt not stir nor turn in bed. A doctor was caüed in who said 1 had rheumatism of the worst kind. Herelleved me a great deal and drove out the pain wherever lt c&nsed swelUngs. I got btiter in six moBtlie aml was able to 'walk a little, but the dlsease settled in my ankles and contiuued to trouble me. Ltst Oetober (1884) I legan takim; a prescrlptíon which the doctor said would drive the swelling out of mv ankles. In November the rheumatism began to scatter flrst to my toes, then to my hips and buek and all over me. I then quit laking the medicine, as I was gettlng wors. 1 tried evcrything iu my eflorts to get better, but eontiuued to grow worse. Finally I could not turn'over in bed and lt nearly took my life to draw a long brcath. My wife had to put mustard piasters on my breast and side to eatj mo so that I could breath. "I read an advertisement of Athlophoros in a religious paper pnblished at Detroit, and though I hail not much inith in it 1 sent for a bottle. I thought 1 should die before it arrived, so great was mv Dain. In thirtysix hours af Ler I had begun takinij the medicine 1 was cured of my rheumatism, have been abU to sleep ever since, and have had no more pain. That was on tbe 14th of last May. I sent lor and got six bottles more irom Detroit. After takin four of them the twelliuc hus nearly all gone, except in one of my anklvs where 1 was hurt last fall, and that is getting better cvery day. Thank God for Atblophoroí. Ithas done everything for me.'' And all this loug sickness tame from '& hot meal taken ou a. warm dav. followcil bv a chili. If Mr. Ludington returns to pablic life it may be safe Ui say that he will go around with a bottle of Athlophoros as a cure for the physlcal evils from which not even "legislators are exempt. Ifyoocannotget ATiii.ui'iiiiiios ol yoru. .rngglst, wu wlll send it expresa ptiid, on receipt of reifular price - one dollar per bottle. We irefer that you buy lt from your OruKKit. lut il hu (i:isn't it. do not be persuaded to try Romethhig clsc, but order at onco frorausas directed. ATULOl'UOHOS ;CO., H2 Wall Street, New Yoi k. ,


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