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" Merrlly, mtriilv, f hall I live now," the llttle Rirl Vk d. -lor I ' in nol lo bc kept in beeause of that lorrid neuralgia. M y mamma bas Dought a bcttlc ( lalration OU." Six weeks ago John Micbes of I'arker. Ind' t the risk of bis lile saved several cliiliiron tbat were with bim id a wagon wben h team ran awuv. TLe twcitetnent and exeillon uubalanc d his m!nd, and on Thursday te killed liims. .1' with a revolver. The next best tbing to havinsr a bundred real Iriends is to have one open enemy. There are 95,020 beer si'oms in Paris. Slnce tbey have become so numerous not ?o many thirsty tliioats as formerly are cryini;, "On to Berlín!" The solí of nortbern Vir:in:a. upon whlch occurred fO inany battlc?, is now bo poor tbat it does not lurnish pusturage and cattle raisins" there I as been abandonad. The best ükenus of utU'iun, according to Virginians wi o itnew him intiniat?l.v. Is a steel eugraving in the American state Papera publithcd by order of Consjress. Sarah liernhanlt, high in spirit and low in tunds, is coming to this country to pav for a dead horse. Allshecan makewon'tdo more than cover her debts. Siily Sarah Í The oldest merchant vessel allüat is sald to betbe bark True Love, whii-h was built in Pbiladelphia in 1764, and I, thcrefore, 13; years old. She is still In u:t:ve service, anu is owned by J. S. Ward of I.ondon. "Be canclid, do tor," said the patiënt, when found with a bottle of D. Buli's Cou;b Öyrup. ■■You knoiv it is a gooi medicine," and tlio M. 1). left in dissust. A true loe for a good woiimn I-i a great fjiní. It shapes many a rough feüow. A recora Kcpt in central JLUKOU shows ioat tbe past winter wasusuaily mild. There were but b'ó days the inercury stood at or below zero. The preeeding winter l.ad5J such davs, the one b(-fore 50, and in the winter of ltbá-3 tbere were 91. With Ely's Creara Ealm a child can be treated without pain or dread, and with perfect safety. Try the reraedy. It cures Catarrh, Hay Fever and Colds in the Head. It is casilv applied with be tlager, and gives relief froni the ttrst appllcation. Price 60 cents. At druggisU, BO cents bymail. Ely Bros., Owecb, Hewho runs after a sbadow has a wearysomc race. The bottle of Ely'a Cream Balín that 1 obtained of you last summer has eutirelv cured my little boy of a gevere attaek of catarrh. - Mrs. Sallie Davis, Green Postoflice, Ala. One must te poor (o know the luxury of eiving. After belng a vicliiu of severn rhouinutisin for tbree years, I was induced to try Athl ipboros, and am now glad lo ttate that 1 am free from pain. Mary 1. Wbiting, 810 University avenue, Madisön, Wis., one of the oldest residente. lie who is hasty flshes il au empty pond. lef?TiyllnTía'TOVcfi''cÍDno{"'15e"rnrovca"wirii soap ana water. I cherrfully leccmmcnl Hed 1,'lover Tonic totho-e su:'(riDg Irom troublea ot the sto.nach and er. 1 am now on my s":oud boitle, and it makes me leri a neto -:cm. C'. M. Coxsok, .Nashua, lowa. All is but lip-wisdom wh ch wants _x penence. If ou haye provïdeO o;1 Ufe, apfl have noï provided lor e .;h, v lat better "111 jou be In the end. Venus I r rself would not havu beeu bcauti' f(ll lf her compleiiou had been bad. Ladics, inslead of rasortlnji to pa uts :md powders, ehould renKDibcr that an impine, blotchv or sallow sKiu is tbe j;-. oí of feeblc digestión, torpld livcr or vitiated blood, for all of whlch 1)H. WALEJSK'e Cl Jroi MA Vimc Alt BlTTBBS is a safe, sure and eilcctive remedy. The Erst duty of vouih Is to bc young. Not a Jfadud or pray bair to be seen, after uslng llall's Hair Renewcr. A powerful for lung troubles. ;'afc for young or oíd. Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral. He wbo knows himself best, esteems himseU least. The trupst eml oí I fe is to know the life tbat ncver ends TETTER. A nipmfccr of the Trees fitaff, truubV.-'l for eleven yc;irs witli obstínate Tettcr on hin bandi, hns completely cured it ia lea than a montb, hy tbc in of Cole'e Carbol Ualve.- .l'ioiiccr Press, St. Paul. If afliicte.l -.v.tb ííore Eyes, use Dr. Itaao Thompson's Eye 'atc-r. Dragglsts seli It. 6c TTYSPiËPSiT 1 dnïro;u ca veil tui distreMÍDg aompUlnt H neclwuia, it tenda. bv impiritg nutrition. nnd deprMdin lii tone of Üe ajitem, to prepare tho waj for KJipid Docline. _ ■ p B ' BEST TÖMIC 5 Suickli sml completoli tures IJybliepBiu in 11 i form. llenrtbiirn, Bclrhinsi Tiistlii tho I'ood. etc. It enriolies ml purillee the Moixi s( imulateo tbe appotite. aud aids tho ai;himuation oí í 'MS. MB. Will Lawbbnck. 4C5 S. Jiicktion St.. Jnck bou Micb., üajfl: " I hayo ufd Bnnma Iron Bitten for byapopsia and conidur it an unoqualed ïoiuo-ly." Mu A A Geiffin. Basiil iw City. Mick.. saya: "I have been troubled with DyspvpaB '' ryeara. ana havo tried m.ny rftmodioa with UttM or no benefit. I ud Broirn's Iron Bitton with much bunoit and cheoriuliy reooaunend it." Genuine ha aboro Trad Mark and crossed rod line OD rrappor. Tllke uu otbor. Made only bj Biwwif oieaicAi, co.. baltimobë, uo. Every nervous pcrsnn tLoulil try Carter's Llttle .SEKVE Pilis. lh?y are made specially ior niTvous onl dyspept ë men and women, and are iust tlie mea due needed by all persons who, irom any ( ause, do not sleep vell; or who fail to eet proper i trengih (rom thelr food. Casca of weak Btomacb, indigestión, dvfpepsla, rervous and slcli hcadache, SC, readlly yield to the use of the L ttlc Nervc Filis, particiilarly if eorubined witli Carter's Little Liver Puls. In vials at Ü5 cents. JVb Ojiiurti lu I'iso's Cure íor Consumption. Cures where othcr remedies fail. 'ik. PATETVTSobtnincilbyLoui8Ba?ger&Oo.,AtturijLjü, Washiuiitoii.D.C. EatM 1801. Advio free. MALT BITTERS, H j-ou wish to be relieTcd of those terrible Slck and that miserable Soiir Stom achí It will, when taien accordlng to direo tloD3, care any case of Slck Headaclia or Sour Stoinach. It cleacs tbe lining of BtomacH and bowels, promotes healthy actlon and sweet secrftions. It nmkos pnr blood and gives It freO flow5 thus snding nutrlincut to every )iart. It ia the afct, peedleat nul au rest Vegetable Heinedr ever Invented ior all diseases of the stomacb and H v er. J. M. Moore, of Farmins'on. Mleb.. says: My uílerlng f rom sick Ileadacbc and Sour Stomach vraa torrlble. Ouo bottle of Hopa and Malt Bitters cured me. . J)ajio.t.j:it..]H!'.ls ad ITIalt Bitters conuame. For sale by ail dYuggists. HOPS & HALT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Mica. ---' Catar hH CREAM BALYMPFEiS It ís '.vonderu WcÜit Cream Batm h,s9o[%fl ntADJ helped and ""■n'HAVFEVEtï'Sl1" 3? me. I }-"" '-t-f 4 f rom acute ii,',:r -nÈ 4P." SÊ 'tintion in mv t;otc mb ScBS -icek at a time j BjHíftVoí Hartford, Con,. HAY'FEVER A part lele tn kpplled Inw esobnostrtl nml í.inírreonble to uve. Prlcu 50 ct. hv mat' or nt druKtiint-i, Pon,! fnf nirculur. EIA' BROTIIKUS, Dndsts. Qwego. N. Y. HATS ANP ' TAPS f ƒ To ific dealen o ■ h lt " IT WILL PAY A BÜYEB ro W( onri Hiaw ba i i .tesan c i F. ni'riL &CO., HSand MS -..'' A3!i rtê'" W. L. DOUCLAS Best üi'i'n r. i'. .. .(TiSiilioc, ovtrv pair ■ -ko i2üce uii:üs tamped "V. Il Uu .. - -: ft, warnnled" tton Í7 anit ]i . , - r ' l .Kriignts ut S.' i W Labor Macle. aí,1'' , IMPERIAL Egg FOOD And diieasG canno thrlvn cogetlier lu the same ruai Will Make Your Hens Lav. Sold by Dm-Q Wd Grocrs l'KckflKeB uinileü for SOcenta umi si. ütx lt. lioxes ri; io 11. lïoxe. S3;5 Ib. Ki Bj cxnrcaíor ï'relght Co. WnoLKSALX Ai km.m i:.W. Iïoblnsun & Bon. -N. V.;.I. 'J. Lyng, N.Y.í Denwn. Maule a: en.. Phila,: Parker A Wood. Hoáini; C. N. Critteiiilen, N. T.ï Klchardsun Dniu Co., Sc Louis, Mü.; -J. M. Mccullouph's S ma, t tu., o.: öeo. A. uclly & Co., pittsburffb,Ta,; riant BC" i Co., St. Louis. Mo.; John Ansluin A Co., Deuvoi'.; Ooo. u'ksonfis Co., San '"rancisco. Cal.: iW Jvo ui, Lilchmomi, Va, F. l'.STUKTKVAX'l',. ],::■■ !l:irtfonl Conn. Mauufacturcr oí aü roaltrj buppliid. A Casket ot Sil ver WarO Free üü Aoypcrson wliowUl show It to titcir Ddgiibor3,ctMOtrr ageal sadieod orders. G.a jnur nearcit cxpren amt Vost O,Tlc ftdtri, AJUna OO'N. 3IAXFO. C0..JlAli'110Ül00. DADWAY'Í Id PILLS ! U The GREAT L1VER and btomach Round y Kor the curfi of all disorders of the f'omucli. 'Llver. Boweis, Kldneys. lürdder, Nervoui J" -cases, Loss of Appetito, Hu&atiche, Cotilveness, m digestión. Bfr louraess. Kever, lniiawmatiou Df the BowelB, Files ui d at) dcraiij;cinf iits f liie lurernal viscera. Purelf vegetable, contalníog noineu'urv, mintrals, or del terlous drugs. Price, 25 cents per'Jaox. Soïd by all drugclsta. DYSPEPS1A! DR. IRADWAT'S 1MI.LS are a cure for tltls tornpialnt. Töey restore stiviiKth to the stomacli un tl PlWfcfiSaMiiWfln?'tlïeiTïaBinïy of the sv-reni tu contract üiucuaea. Tafce the medicine nccordlng to (lircvtlons, and uoaerve what we Bay In "Falso and Trae'Weapectlng dlet. ISrsen'to letter stamp to J)U. KADWAY & 00No. 32 Warren . streut, New York.for "Falae ano True." V Bc fiure to getZiADWAY'S. DR.RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Besolvent Builds up the broken-down ronatltatlon. purlflei the btuad. restoring health and vigor. Solü by drti'glsts; $1 per bottle. Fot tlit relief and cure of all Palas, Oongestlon'and Inflainniatluii. DR. RADWAT & 00-, 32 Warren etreet, New York. Yüli arealïoweda free trial of thirt y days oí the use of Dr. Dye'sCelebratcdVoltalcBeltwIth Electric Suspensory Appllanees, for the speedy relief and permanent cure ofXervaus Debtlity, loss of Vitality, andl iïanhood, and all kind red trouoles. Also for many othirdlseasi-s. Complete restorationtoIIealth.ViKor audManhoodaruarantecil. Norlskisinciirred. IIlustraU'd pamphlet In tteated cnveloite mailefï f ree, by iwldrcsslnj? Vnltatc Brit Co.. Marshall. Mich. rncc taiimc "t .e'íss The most WrmitrrM Airfrultural Park In Amerlc. Surioun.Uii! bv pnmnu minlnï anrt manufctMnnit town, kaüSiíÍk's ,r-:v,,Ii!iï:l-Ii'iïïip ent crors raieed In IMS. THOl HAJSBH UF AKK!OF OOVKR.XMEST I-AM, 3ubjot 10 i:rMMiiptlun umi homted. Londs '";!. " ?" tual sctclera t ÍS.00 per acre. LOM JIMfc. Tart irrlMlcd bv Iinninnso canals. Ch-a) railroad rat Kvery alten i n -hnvn seltlcri. tor map3, pampino: s, c'c , addr as, 00LORAB0 LAND LOÜ CO., Op.ra Uouso B.ock, Dt-nvcr. Colo , U" wLeadinffNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camden, N. J. 26 John St,, New Yorlh ■ J OJIES JmL Vf 5 '- on Yxcon Scalef, TT fyi {■! ""jÓ'Ses qVbingh mto'S', JK niNGHAMTON. N. Y. Piso'o Remedy for Cstarrb. is the WS t I Beu, Easlmt tu Use, onl (,'henpnt. I ' ) Al coat (br OoM In th Eradi I I Hcadnclic, Hk' Fc-vor. fea 90 cents. BB COÑSUMflOÑ ibftTO a noiiiivo nmady lortn above tliMRi-; lir lif um lhov.sin.3s of case of the Wnrtt kind n of lonr gtaodlnfi have iwcnctireJ. n: n niy füh in I pffleter UlttlwlU MDd TV.'O 1 tuce her wlthYAL U4.ULE TRÜATIñE on tina iüscis,to anysuíTerer. G1tKbt prc.i üd 1. O. dd.'ess. lili. X. A. ÊLOCÜM, 1W Prl St., N.T. j&gGb, FACE, IiAM)S, FKi:i, KI iV lrv]M-tuM.l, Suirtiooui Iliir, binh Wti, V X L W'rt4, Mviib, frklt., Bad Nom. Acn, -Síríl b''d r." joh n ' ' h!" woodbu'r y',1' ' ' Lyy .. IVarlSt. Ail.jiiT, . Í . r.tV'.l '". Hll l.!cr-o. j% ak ■ ■ B ■ ■ nW t, Qniokly ml Fatale IHfi '■ Ji' ''al ticme ( jrrespoudeüce 1111 Inn soücüt'clsntl fru of euro Bent ■ f I hoseatlnvutigmton. TihUvuki r '!" KïmïutCoju'a.nï, Lafayetie, lnd. nnfilIBfl Moi-j.hlnp Slabl i.iio.I In ! iiPIlIM a ''"'■ XopiiytlUfure (J IV III Du. J. Sriíp:E.V8, 1.oVnon, ühlo. 11 pi f) WAKTED. S50AlVKKK.ri.hlHM lptii!."i paiil. V'nluablc outfitand pttrtte" I I fcl-l ularsfrcc. J.K!Iil.lACu.,Aus; .i.-,l:i,M:iine. ÖnTIVlmQ Kor 51 Novr Chromo, Scrap & (Jold Edge Ulj iU C!irai.i:ssi:(Ai;;.VoKKS.Ivoryton,Ct. Qfin Ncwbcn-, llmmofO UU iini Samples tor 10c. Steura ('ml Works, Hurtford, Coun. w' V1PI I.1 PUüL7 oontftiölng ól Bamplea of New ■.l.ill ljfi DVVn Carda íor O ot. to pajpostam. FR !■: k ■ ckstbbbbook' TELEGRAPHY. ■■ I rationsfurnisheU. ValenUuc Bros., Janesvlllc. Wit U f) AA L s tui'. Beoure a lucatlon by II U (Tl Lmall.from Bbvakt'5 C.iLi.tí..ii,Uuaalo,r. Y. wPs. V. D.- 4- 18 vmncD'fi dsctm i i iSTHML


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