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Khea May 31. Vegetation is rapidly coming forward. Jno. Olair has also retired f rom the saloon business. Wilson & Hendriok's fire loss has been adj usted at $384. There are sevon divorce oases on the circuit oourt calendar. Wesley Howe is building a residence on West Huron street. Miss Adelaide Moore played to a light house. Tuesday evening. There will be an excursión from this city to Detroit to-morrow. Harry Sayles, the ainging evangelist, is still holding forth in Ypsilanti. An A tent, for a dressing house, should be placed on the university campus. Jno. Camp of Ypsilanti, was visiting friends in this city the first of the week. Prof. Delos Fall of Albion College, spent Sunday with his brother, D. C. Fall. Geo. B. Sohwab has prepared plans for a new building to be put up by Peter Long. S. S. Blitz was elected a member of Washtenaw Chapter, K. A. M, Monday erening. J. C. Stevens, dent, left Monday for East Ta was, where líe will spend the summer. Jno. T. Morrison left Monday afternoon for Milwaukee, where he has steady employment. Airs. E. Lewis of East Saginaw, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. il . Andres, fifth ward. W. A. C. Lymbumer and Jos. Martin were in Grand Bapids sight-seeing, Monday and Tuesday. Constable Itnus has found Edward Fitzgerald's watch that was stolen some four months ago. Mr. L. Blitz, a brother of 8. 8. Blitz of this city, addressed the Y. M. C. A. in Detroit, last week. Reporta of the ball games will be re ceived at Boaey's billiard parlors, and Saxton & Cobb's saloon. Uafer & Heusel occupy the grocery made vacant by the deatli of J. F. Shaible. See business notice. Jno. Crippen formerly of Ypsilanti, in the employ of Alban & Begole, is working for Blitz & Langsdorf . - . Everybodv seems to want water, judgïng from the numerous petitions before the council Monday eveniug. The Livingston Demoorat published at llowell, appeared in a handsome new dress last week. Qood enough. The strike of the U. S. of B. has been declared off, and many of the membera have gone to work. It is good. The hook and ladder boys want f 25 each for their servioes the coming year as members of the fire department. At the Unit arian chuch, next 8unday evening, Rev. J ames Bizby will preach upon "The O ld and the New Eden." The Howell Democrat says conductor Dannaburg of the T. & A. A. road has been promoted to yardmaster at the above place. The city treasurer has been directed by the counoil to turn over to the school fund the amount of dog tax, with the uxception of $100. " Judge" Oreen talked temperance at the old Baptist church, Hunday afternoon. It is said to have been a very very tame affair. Chas. A. Kuiohen of Detroit, Chas. H. Kaiohen of Cincinnati, and Mr. Olay of New York, were the guesta of Mrs. 8. 8. Blitz over Sunday. Citizens' meeting at Firemen's hall, May 25, evening, for the purpose of organizing an improvement association. Let the good work go on. Frank Joslyn has been re-appointed oity clerk of Ypsilanti; R. W. Hemphill, treasurer; C. U. NV hit man, attorney ; and Martin Cremer, marshal. The roadway in front of the old jail property is to be graded and put in better oondition. It is nearly a foot to high for several hundred feet. The fire departraent offloers elcot have been oonfirmed by the oouncil. Albert Borg is chief engineer, and B F. Sanford and Jas. E. Harkins assistants. Hutzel & Co. keep several men at work making connections with the water works mains. They have about all they eau attend to laying pipe, etc. The Michigan Central railroad will sell round trip coupon tisketa to the opening game of each series of ball gamei to be played in Detroit this season, for $1.15. The train north on the Toledo road, Wednesday morning, was several hours late on account of the engine running off the track at the switch, whioh had been left open. The opera house has been well supplied with hydrants, and several hundred feet of hose has been added, so there is very little danger in case a fire should break out. Jacob Hoffstetter says he has only reretired from the saloon business temporarily. That he is enjoying a yaoation and when ready will reppen again. He feels that a little rest will do him good. Geo. Clurken went to Chicago, Monday, on business. May meeting of the school board next Tuesday evening. The circuit court jurors are to be in attendance May 11. J. E. Wyman of skating rink f ame. spent Sunday in the oity. Ypsilantians were quite nnmerous on the streets Sunday afternoon. Fred. Root lias been very siok for some days, with intiammation of the lunga. ïhe boys are liavinR lote of sport catchmg eels in the nver at Manchester. City treasurer Sorg will have his office at his place of business on Washington street. E. Robinsou of the town of Saline, han partially recovered from his paralytio stroke. The pólice have received their pay for April, consequently the boys have smiling faces as usual. Bed James has the contract to lay ft etone walk about Mre. H . Bower's residence, on Inedia street, fourlh ward, Albert Sorg is repairing and otherwise fixing the front and interior o.f H. Binder's handsome little tobáceo store. Confirination occurred Sunday at the Germán churches in Soio and Freedom. Some 200 young people were conlirmed. The handsome now sign wliioh adorna the front of J. T. Jacobs & Company's clothing house, is the work of O. O. Sorg. The editora of the Chelsea Echo and Herald seem to be by the enrs. Ib it beoause one bas the inside track of the other? J. T. Jacobs and family are now living in the country. Joe seenis to enjoy himnelf iinmensely since joining the army of grangers. Edward Pardon, with an eye to business, has purcüased for $1,950, the old Matthew Howard place in the 3d ward. A ten strike. Fred. Black, charged with burglarizing the Toledo depot Friday mght, has been arreeted. The papers were issued by Justice FreaauiT. Frank Murray, of restaurant fume, has succeeded Wm. II. Gamber in the saloon business at Howell. Frank seems to be just at home behmd the bar. The Taylor-Hendriok's assault and battery auit has been continuad until tomorrow, when Justice Pond will examine into the merits of the case. The game of base ball Saturday, between the Detroit Hiawathas and the Univereity clubs, resulted in a score of 16 to 14 in favor of the latter. Dundee Reporter: A quartet of bonton women from Ann Arbor were doing the town in great shape, according to their ideas, Wednesday forenoon. The court calendar for May contains only 39 cases, aa follows: Criminal, 4; issues of faot, 13; imparlanoe, 3; chanoery, 19, of which eight are for divoroe. J. V. Seyler of the Detroit conservatory of musio, and Edward Tj. Seyler, with Pingree & Bmith, spent Sunday with their párente, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Seyler. Keek fk Co. report their saels as 40 per oent. larger last month than a year ago for the same time. Attention is again oalled this week to their change of advertisement. The Savings bank bid 5% per cent. and will handle all moneys collected by the oity trasurer the coming year, The Farmera aud Mechanica bank's bid was M Per cent. Ed. Sommers, an old Ann Arbor boy who Jiyed many years ago on the corner of División and Bowery streets, has been paying his many friends a visit in this oity and vicinity. D. Oramer. , alterantes between Ann Arbor and Dundee. We see from the Reporter, published at the latter place, thut he is engaged in the trial of several cases weekly. The old barn on Ann street, adj : ining F. L. Parker's residence, and owned by E. W. Morgan, was burned early Monday morning. It was one of the old land marks. Loss about $100. The regular monthly meeting of the Hobart guild will be held in yt. Andrew's chapel, Monday evening, May 10, at 7 o'clock. Members are at liberty to invite any of their friends to attend. Suuday was a delightful day and hundreds of parties wended their way to the glen west of Cornwell's big pond, where they passcd several hours pleasantly. The pond was also fairly alive with rowboats. An eight-pound blnek bass is a good one. Brother Blosser of the Enterprise Touches for the truth of the statement, for the item appeared in his paper last week. The fish was taken from Coluinbia lake. Miss Jessie Couthoui, one of the finest elocutionists in tne country, gave reading last evening to an appreciative audience in university hall. This ends the entertainments uuder the direction of the S. L. A. The fair grounds will bo open for parties wiahing t ) drive on the trackTuesday, Thursday aud Saturday afternoons of each week. A gate keeper will be present to exclude boys and other objectionable parties. Moiea Seabolt who has been ohief of the fire department for the past five years, and who filled the position with credit to hlmself and honor to the city, ran to his last flre in the oapacity of chief, Monday morning. Senator Oolquitt Bpeakes at university hall to-morrow evening. Admission free, but to avoid the rush and to obtain good seats, yon can do so by securing them at Osiua & Co.'s and Moore's book stores, by paying 10 cents. T. F. Hill, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs Qeo. Kingsley, at Paola, Kas., returned home Friday. H9 brought with him the remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, for intermeat in Forest hill cemetery. In the estáte of John Adam Koch, of whioh Eugene Oesterlin is administrator, Judge Harriman has appointed as appraisers Henry Feldkamp and James B. Morey; oommissioners L. Qruuer and Jno. Goetz, jr. Bond $5,000. The sidewalk on the north side of Miller avenue as far as Gott street, should be ordered re-laid or repaired at once. Perhaps when the city is coinpelled to pay damages for broken limba the authorities will wake up. To-morrow eyening, in university hall, ■ Senator Oolquitt of Georgia, will address the prohibition club. It will probably be a long time before our citizeni will have another opportunity of again hearing this distinguished southerner. Supervisor Brining was the first to make returns of the birtlis and deaths, there being 41 of the former and eighi of the latter. County clerk Robison says the ehildren were all born of democratie parentt", anil coming events, you know, oaat their shadows before. Now it is Saxton & Oobb- theee two "aporte" having pooled their issues will hereafter " trot" doublé. " Maxey" has a record of 2:13 and "Sile," though inclined to "single-foot," is reckoned as quite speedy, henee they may be ooneidered as a hard team to beat. They can be found at Saxton's old stand. The People's Pictorial Press, publishat Buffalo, N. Y., every Saturday, the flrst number of which is on our table, is flnely illustrated, and containa a yery large amount of valuable infonnation. There are btories, fashion plates, miscellaneous reading matter, eto., for the ladies. The price is on I y $3 per year. We can recommend the paper to onr readers. O. Eberbach, hardware dealer, in advertising that ohampion of gasoline stoves, the " Quick Meal," also present the card of the manufacturera, who offer a reward of 81,000 to the pereon guessing nearest the number of " Quick Meal" gasoline stoves sold from Januaary 1 to August 31, 1886. Cali at O. Eberbach's, who will f uruish you with circulara and other infonnation on the subject. Mrs. J. W. Caee died Wednesdiiy, af te a long illness. Read the water works notice. in another column. Herman Baur has gone to Washington territory to live. Dr. Smith was oalled to Adrián Tuesday tbr consultation. Paul öipley of Reed City, has been home on a visit this week. Temperance meeting Sunday afternoon at 3 o'olock at the old Baptist churoh. Walter Calhoun has been committod to the Coldwater home by Judge Hamman. The oity band concert and danoe at Beethoven hall last eyemntr, was a fine affair. The KaulTman house, on Detroit street, is being enlnrged by an addition on the nortli aide. The Maple Leaf social olub give n ball next Wednesday evening. It will be a tony añair. Mra. Fred. Wood of Pittsburgh, Pa., ia visiting her mother, Mrs. Nichols of Ingiilla street. M. Rogers advertisea threshing machines, this week, and a new kind of beat. Scan it caref ully . G. Schippacasse is having a píate glass front put in, and other needed improvemade to his store on Huron Street. N. J. Kyer has been presented with a handsome sil ver water service by his personal friends. Col. Dean made the presentation speech, which was feelingly responded to by neighbor Keyer. "I threw my love at him and it hath gone astray," sings Lillio Drake in an exchange. Lillie should have thrown it in an opposite direction if she wantod to be sure of hitting him.- [St. Albans Messenger. The season is about one month in ad vanee of a year ago. Within a few days cegetation has come rapidly forward, wheat is well along, and grasa has a very large growth. Garden stuff seems to just leap f rom the ground. George Olp, late of ïpsilanti, has opened a fine livery in the old Baxter place, corner Huron and Second streets. Everything in the barn is brand new and parties desiring a handsome turnout can be acoommodated by Mr. Olp . See anAdvertisement. Mr. Theo. Laubengayer of Scio, and Miss Kate Stabler were united in marriage yeaterday, at the reaidenoe of the bride's father, Mr. Fred. Stabler of West Huron street. The daughters are now all married, and Charles, it is said, is on the anxious seat. F. G. Schleicher has receiTed from the manufactory one of Osgood's folding canvas boats. It is 12 feet long 33 inohes wide and 12 inches depth of hnld . It bas one pair of oars 6% feet long and one paddie. The total woight, inoluding evei-ything, is only 50 pounds. Tliere seems to beu deep-laid soheme to increase the water mams, which would necessitate the putting in of ten more hydranta at an extra expense of $450 per aimum . The óommon counoil had better go a little slow in the matter. As the board is oomposed largely of oareful business men it is safe to gay that they will look (Feil to tht interests of the oity. The first annual exhibition of the Detroit Mnteum of Art opens on Saturday, May 29th, and continúes two weeks. It will be held in Merrill Hall, corner of Jef arson and Woodward avenues, Detroit, and will be open daily from 9 a. m. till 10 p. m. Tickets, 25 cents; f uil catalogues, 10 cents. Futher paticulars will be found in the Detroit daily newspapers from day to day. Artioles published last week in a oity paper and a Detroit evening paper, relative to the law department and memburg of the graduating law class, wliich are so utterly at yariance with the truth, has stirred tip quite a commotion. It is safe to say that the person who penned the artiole, if it can be proven against him, will be made to suffer. He is at present a member of the Washten;iw county bar. "The Honsekeeper," Minreapolis, Mmn., vrna bumed out for tho eooond time in six yearg, April 12th, and a part of üh larg subscription list destroyed. Several of the ladies employbd barely escaping with their lives. Such of our readers as do not recieve tbe May uumlier promptly, should writ to the publishers, giviug f uil address, time when subscription was made, and length of time paid for. The May number will then be forwarded and the name restored to the list. Hattie Wells of Bradford, Pa., wants to ascertain the whereabouts of her sister, and writes Thk Demoorat ior any information that will aid her in doing so. When last heard from, some 15 years ago, the sister was then living in Ann Arbor, her maiileu name being Francés Wells, but she has sinae been married. She was a grand-daugkter of Mrs. Oonrad Stone. Any one furnishing information that will lead to her discovery are asked to commuicate with Hattie Wells, P. O. box 1002, Bradford, Pa. Oats seem to have become a farorite medium for obtaining money out of farmers by unprinoipled sharpers. The suooesa met with by the Bohemian Oat agenta, in spit of the warui ng of the newspapers. tends to lead these sharpers into the belief that they oan find many farmers wlio are willing to part with their money without consideration. The followiug from the Sturgis Democrat exposes another game just now being worked: ".V iiew oat f rand has taken the place of that opiiruto'l ander the name of Bohemian seed, and sold in small paokages at $5 per box. Farmers are paid fabuloufl prices for all oats that grow from the precious seed, and are secured from imposition by bank deposita or other apparently safe obligations. Many farmera in this State are biting at the bait.' This is nothing bnt the Bohemian oa dodge under a different guise. But we trust that the guise is so thin that here in this county, where farmers have been so severely bitten by out agente, the game may flnd no viotims. There is no royal road to wealth, and he who attempts to be sharper than an agent is api to be sadly outwitted.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat