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When vou need a lriend, select a tru-i one. Dr. .ones' lied Clover Tonie is the best Irii na iTiiinkiud bas Ier all diseases oí the etomach, llver i.r.d kldneye. Tbe best blood mritier ïiv.l tonic known. 50 cents. He who knows not when to be ailent knows not whon to speak. A citizen oíDavenport. Ia., was converted rcccntly at a revival meeting, and gron: avvcsic i iur Uisorderly couduet :inü fined ílü. l'Oi'lt SCORE TEAItS AND TEX 1IAVT. sekx Tin; equal of Ely's Cream Balm as a rcinedy for Catarrh, locis in the Head, ni Uay lever. It wori.s like magie, glvlng icbe. at once, an! permanent benefit. & tho treatment cures ihe worst cases. Apply willi the i ntter into the nostrils. 1'rJce mi cents at iruigists. (50 ceuts by mail. Eiy Bros., Owej;o, N. Y. A Xebraskr towu fcas a business lirm compofced ol au Iniian andan Chinanien. For all forms of nusal calarrh whcre thtre Is a drynesa of the air passage with what icommonly called "ftufflna; up," especially when goins to bed, Ely'a Cream Balín trive perfect and .nimediate relief. lts beneSt ta me has been priceless. - A. G. Cbase, M. D., Millwood. Kansas. "Apostle of the Genteels" is tbc appellation of a lashionable church rectorin Utah. I BATS uscd one bottlc of Ely's Cream Balm nd it Is tbc best remedy I have foun'l for catarrh jn fifteen yeara. - V. G. Babbage, Attorney, Hardinsbufr, Ky. Life penerally beins w.tli a f-quare ucal,and accordiuirly as you piay your band wi'.l promInes bc kept. T1RËD QÜT! At this aeason ncr)y evory one needs to nee ome ort of tonio. 1RON entre into itlraoflt every phyician's proscription for thosa vrtio ned building up, filTTÉK PiüL_BE5T TONIC For W cu linean, Ianiiltudr I-ark oí EncrffV, etc, It IIAS N( KQUAK, and ii lbo oiily Iroa medicine tb&t Is not Iiifiii'Ions. It Enriches tho Blnod Invlvorutcs the bywtcin, Itentorus AppetUc, Aid Digestión It does not blackon or in jure the toeth, c&uee headftceor produce Gonstip&tion - other Iran wudicitiet do Mna. Jank Andhewb, 8t. Heloni, Mich., lays: "I .vi sHiTcring from livsr cumplaint, bad tuch & Anguid fccliDí; itnd no Ktreof tu. I usd Broirn's Irou Bitters with creat bonent, in fact novcr took anything tliat did me as luucu cood." Mits. J. L. Chevai.jf.r, 47 Eaat Montcalm St„ botroit, Mich., sys: "I was auffering from tho tttwXñ of malarÍAl fersr. wm uoarly pnitf-triied bjr tre-iknesA nnd Kneriil debilitj. I uaed Brown'n Iron Bitters and rogained my etrength and Cticrgj. It nrichoB tha blood, and givui new life and btreneth to th wholfl Bystero." Omuine !ni above Trado Mark and crossed r;d lines on wrA;er. rl'n.ko no olher. Made only by jimw ":v;iJco„ BAX.TÏMORK. vn. T.TST 09 DTSEASF.S XWAYB CURABLE BY USIN3 MEXICAN" MUSTANG LINIMENT. 07 HEHAN FLESH. OF AMHA1S. Rheumstinm, Seratches, Barus and :cald3t Sores nnd Calla Btlne and Ultci, Spavin, Crack, Cnta and Itruiacs, Srrcw Worm, Cirud, Bpralns& Stltchea, Foot Kot, Hoof Al!, Contrnctcd.tJcicleu, Lameneii, BtlffJoinla, Swlany, Foundcrc, Biickzcbo. Spralns, Straini, Eruptlom, Soro Fet, Frost Pitea, StlOne, and all ex temal dlgeases, and arerj hurt or accident. tor genctril use In f amily, stablc and itock-jard, It la TUE BEST OF ALL. LINIMENTS


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