A Valuable Book

Concerning that valuable little book, "Facts and Figures about Michigan," comfüed by FranE J. Bramhall of the General asseneer Department of the Michigan Central railroad, the Grand Rapids Morning Telegram says: The most complete and accurate lists of the National and State Exeeutive, Judicial and Legislativo Departments; of the State Boards, institutions and associations ; roster of tho state troops; statement of the state finances; county offlcers; terms of courts; oflicers and condition of the nutional and state banks; condition and trafile (passenger and freight) of the railroads; general ollicers of railroads; railroad stations wltu mileage and postal and telegraph facilities: expresa compauies; the newspaper press; post-ofliees; political and economical statistics; a terse but comprehensiva summary of the geography and history of the state and its mineral productious; together with other valuable and practical information, will be found in a compact, handy little volume juut issued by the Michigan Central. Seud 15 cents to O. W. Huesles, General Passenger and Ticket uros about Siiihigan.0
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat