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Ja8. E. Duffy is a kicker. Unwashed wool 15 cents. Another f rost Monday uight. David Henning is in Pnris, France. The schools will be closed Monday. Dr. Breakey was in Jackaon Friday. Died in Saline, Saturday, Will Isbell. They have a berry box manufactory iu Dexter. The first circus of the neason has come and gone. Wm. Ball of Hamburg, was in town Satnrday. Don M. Diokinson made thia city a visit Saturday. P. Wall of Lansing, was in town the last of the week. _ The high school commencement exercises occur June 25. Fred Huhn is now working at Adolph Hoffstetter's old place. Dr. Srnitk was called to Pontiac, Wednesday, to see a patiënt. J. E. Beal returned Monday night f rom bis Washington trip. . Dwight Peebles of South Lyon was viaitorin the city Taesday. Elizabeth street is being graded under the direction of Aid. Keating. Base ball bet ween the University and Cass teams at Detroit, Monday. A new Bidewalk is very niuch needed in business portions of Ann street. L. B. Kellogg is on a trip west. He expects to be absent everal days. MrB. E. J. Knowlton is in Adrián visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. H. Lana. Wednesday was a day for the average small boy - it was circus day. Rumor has it that a mad dog was shot and killed on William street., Monday. It only costs $1 a year to be a member of the business men's association. Cheap enough. Miss May Hudy succeeds H. P. Finnell as school inspector in the township of Ann Arbor. The Huron cornet band is furnishing most excellent musie at the rink during the walking match. All the Q A. E. posts in the county have been invited to take part in the 4th of July celebration. Otseningo lodge, I. O. O. F., voted, Monday evening, to take part in the decoration day exercises. There will be a meeting of the 4th of July celebratiou commitoo this evening, at the Franklin house. Next Saturday evening, June 5, Col. Jno. Sobeaki is to deliver an address on temperance in thiB city. Prof. Winchell entert ained some 300 guests last evening. A F. Hangsterfer furmshed the ref reshmeuts. Jno Hagen announces in another oolumn tliat he wül pay no debts oontracted by any person on his account. Wm. Caspary announces an opening to-morrow at his place on Fourth street. He will eet up a big lunch all day, mind you. The alarm ot fire Tuesday forenoon, was caused by a chimnoy burning out ín the building occupied by Fred. Q. Schleicher. The Detroit bridge company will ereot the bridge over the ralroad track on Detroit street, they haying been awarded the contract. The members of thn fire departtnent are requested to meet at the origine house Monday at 1 o'olock p. m., to take part in the parade. Sheriff McKernan of Mason, who wbb injured in jumping from the cars, Tuesday, is a relative of Oommiasioner McKernan of this city. Hon. A. J. Sawyer left f or New York oity last ovening, where he goea on business connected with the opera house. He expects to be absent about a week. It moBt strike the average citizen that the depot to be put up by the Michig tn Central company wül not be a very hundsome ornament if etuck down in the ground. Landlord Stone speut Sunday in Al bion. Eighty-five inmates at the oounty house. Solomou Weil of Chicago, 111., was in the c:ty Wednosday. Very few cases are being grouuil ou in the justice shops. Mrs. Qeo. Weeks was visiting friends in Dundee, last week. Paper social to-morrow evening at the Congregational church. W. A. Chambertain of the Register was in Jackson, Friday. Satutday was about the warmest day knorn in May for many years. Kayne, the truss man, has sold uíb 120 pound Newfouudland dog for $55. They hare commenced work in earnest t the new Central depot grounds. All of the Grand Army posta in this county will observe decoration day. . E. G. Stiles, ho resides most of the time in Detroit, Spent Sunday in the city. Aid. Swift is building an addition to his residence and making other improvements. Gil. 8now has had his livery office decorated and painted, and otherwise improved. Representativo Remick of Detroit, was the guest of Jno. F. Lawrence over Sunday. Ludbolz & Bro., grocers, have dissolred partnership, William continuing the business . Geo. Clarken has purchased of W. 8. Hicks the old Woil house, on West Huron street. A uew plsnk sidewalk has been laid around the Duffy block. A decided im provement. The umversity and Cass ball teams will try their merits on the fair grounds tomorrow afternoon. Jno. Mclntyre, a wealthy Grand Rapids citizen, has been visiting bis broiher, Wm. H. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. L. Branch of Stockbridge, were in the city Saturday, visiting old friends. George Gilbert has purchased a yery promising standard bred young mare of Dr. Maclean of Detroit. George ülp has made many improvements around the old Baxter barn,which he oocupies for a livery. Eev. Dr. Ryder of this citv has been elected a delégate to the national oouncil of Congregationalists. A horse belonging to Louis Rhode, the coal dealer, dropped dead near the postollice Sunday morniug. There is every prospect of there being a regular old-fashioned 4th of July celebration in this city. Good. Mr. Eufcene Mann of the flrm of Mann Bros., ard Miss Recka Weimer of öcio, were united in wedlock yesterday. Tho big bridge to be eonstrueated ovor the mili poDd at Hamburg, by the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R , will be 900 feet long. Miss Hattie Palmer of Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Palmer of Utica, N.Y., are visiting Geo. W. Palmer of North Main street. Ella 8. Chase of Howard City, died in this place, of ovarían tumor, last Friday. The remains were taken to her former home for interment. R. S. Clark received by express from Texas, a centipede a trifle over eight inches in length. It will be presented to the unversity museum. Ann Arbor sporte are terribly interested in base ball, and during the series of games recently played in Detroit, many went down to witness them. Fred Wagner of Pleasanton, Kansas, who has been visiting his relativo and many friends in this city for a week or more, has returned to his western home. Early Sunday morning nn attempt was maae by one or more parties to effect an entrance into S. P. Jewett's residence, but they were frightened by the barking of dogH. Mayor Iiobiuson has eorrmnoed the erection of a brick house on the south end of the property he recently purchased froin the county. Walker Bros., oontiactorg. Mr. C. M. Coe, well known to many hore, and a member of the flrm of Coe & Howard of Aberdeeu, Dakota, was mar ried, last week, to a young lady of Taylorville, 111. Mrs. Goetz of the socond ward, for a number of years a resident of this city, was found drad in bed last Tuesday niorniug. Death was caused f rom heart hemt disease. We hear people complam every day because the city does not erect, or cause to be put up, a number of drinking fountaius. What oouncilman will prepreaent the matter? Louis L. Lamburn and Miss Mary Schiller were married Thursday and they have gone to Detroit to reside, where Mr. Lamburn has a situation in a photograph gaHery. 0 A. llendnek who has been stopping in New York city since he lelt Ann Arbor, undergoing treatment for deafness, ha gone to Kansas City, Mo., which is his present address. Howell üemocrat: The citizens of Corunna have pledged the right of way through that city tor the T., A. A. & N. M. road, also $S,(KX) for the erection of a depot and freight buildmg, to be raised by tax. The Obi Psi fraternity have purchased, tor $4,000, the property on the corner of East Uuiversity and Washington avenues, owned by Mre. Bishop. A $20,000 society house will probably be ereoted within a year. Mrs. Sarah Slattery, died Fnday night at her residence on East Huron street, in the &5d year of her age, of sumption. She leaves three children to mourn the loss of a kind and affeotionate mother. Between two and three o'clook Sun day morning burglars bröke into J. D. Stimson's house, NV est Huron street, by removiug a paue of (jlass. They succeeded getting some $5 aud Mr. Stimeon's pautaloons. Jno. A. Koch of Superior, had a barn raising Friday last His friends and ueighbors to the number of nearly a hundred, turned out and assisted him. There was plenty to eat and drink. The barn is 36x00 feet in eize. Milan Leader: A blue racer 5J feet long was killed in the river here last Sunday afternoon by a man whose name we did not learn. Laying aside all jok about vrhere the man got what he had to drink, we will say tuat the raoer was a fact, as it was aeen by a number of sober persons. We were in Ann Arbor one day last week and while there necessity compelled us to tako a drink- of water and we must say that we think Ann Arbor ha the flnest system of water works and the best water of any town we ever visited.- South Lyon Picket. So thinks every'oody who visita the city. An exchauge says that Peter Cook is the owuer of the whole city of Urania, on the T. & A. A. road, grain elevator aud all. He relates the story about a traveling man Ketting olï the cars there and ínquiring wnere the town was. Peter told kim that he was in the heart of the town, and that the lots ranged from 80 up to 4uO acres. The following gentlemen, committeemen, are interesting themselves in arranging for the coming 4th of July celebration: Finanoe. H. S. Dean; invitations and speakers, O. H. Manly; printïng, J. T. Jacobs; decoration, A. F Hnugsterfer; mystic order of the veilec prophete. P. R. B. De Pont; trade rep resentation, Herman Hutzel. The re ception committee is as follows: Mayor Kobison, E. D. Kinne, E. Duflty, J. & Beal, Dr. W. B. Smith, Hon. Alpheu Felch, K. Kittredge, President James B Angelí, A. J. Sawyer. J. F. Lawrence Judge T. M. Oooley, H. J. Brown, John Keek, Moses Seabolt, C. überbaoh, and Dr. J. Kapp. Saturday at noon the thermometer registered 91 in tue shude. Chas. Hicks, telegraph operator at Bay City, was in the city Monday. Mrs. J. T. Sunderland left Friday for a three weeks visit iu Boston. The old Baptist church is now called by muny the temperance tabernacle. On 12-13-14, June, 1841, everything was killed by the f rost in this couuty. Three-fourths of the inmates of the Pontiao inaane asylum are foreigners. Next Tuesday is the flrst day of hearing claims in the Thos. Walker estáte. Jno. Weitbrecht commenced woi'k Monday (r Jno. Reynolds, on Ann-st. Chris. Donnelly was one of the busiest men on the circus grouuds in Chelsea, Tuesday. The city has paid Mrs. Julia O'Neil $2,50ü for nearly 100 feet front on Detroit street. Cornelius Gillcspie bas been committed to tlie Kalamazoo insane asylum by Judge Harriman. Chas. Hewitt of Northfield, lost Ub house by fire last week, including all the furniture. No insurance. Parlor goods and chamber suits is what Keek k Co., talk about iu their chaugeof advertisememt to-day. Capt E. P. Allen of Ypsilauti, delivers an oration at Otsego to-rnorrow, ut the unveiling of the soldiere' monument. Capt. .Schuh is drilling his company tlmost every night. Ho proposes to ïave the boys in good trim for enoamp ment. Miss Lottie Garduer carne home froni Detroit Monday evenin,', ad is gpendng the week with her parents on Aliller avenue. Next Sunday evening, at the Uaitarian oburch, the Rev. J. T. Bixby will disourse on " Samson's Kiddle and its lleauing." Jno. Clark, after many years absence, returned to his old home the last of the week on a visit. He is a brother of poiceman Clark. "The New Government," will be the ubject of Bible readings by Air. Orozier at the old Baptist ohurch, Sunday niornng at 9 o'olook. The Chicago Opera Oo. is to play a week's engagement at the Grand, commenoing June 7, with a change of progarm each ovening. 8ix membere of the bioycle club went o D3troit Saturday, and Sunday, in ompany with Detroit cyc'ers, took a ride through Canada. For Bargains in fnrniture John Muehg Hoems to be offering great inducements just now. He has a change of adertisement this week. Anumberof Germán editora of Toledo nd thie state, wi I meet in thw city timorrow. They will be entertaiae ! bj he Beethoven society. Again this Treek we publish testimonils in regard to Hoptonic, which all will o well to read, eepecially those who are n any way nfflctod with disease. The oíd Weil property, consistiDg of even acres on West Hurón street, recently purchased by W. S. Hicks, was oíd Wednesday to Geo. Clarken. Henry KioBards is agent for the ■Chamion harvesting machinery. Machines an be seen at his wood yard. His anouncement appeare in to-day's Demobat. Bishop W. X. Ninde of Topekn, Kas , will preach at the M. E. church Sunday norniug, and in the evening he will deiver an address before the Oocker eague. The entire third floor in Joe T. Jacobs' lock is to be fltted up for the Odd Felows at an expense of several thousaud ollars. They will then have one of the est lodge rooms in the state. Work on the Leiand cut-off, on the 'oledo road, is being pushed rapidly. A arge nnmber of men and teams are omloyed, and up to last night some two miles of the road had been graded. The entertainment given Monday eveing by the Oocker league, at the Methoiot nhnroh. consisted of vocal and inirumental muslc, ana acUiresses by 'rof. Calvin Thomas and Hon. liufus Waples. A large crowd was out to witness ie circus performance Wednesday eve ing. Many of the students present onducted themselves in a boieterous nanner, much to the disgust of the beter class in attendance. This city can secure th car shops of :io Toledo road ïf business men will ubscrib9 liberally to a fnnd for that jurpose. Who will be the flrst to subcribe $500 or $1,000? If there really ib desire to boom the place, now is the ;ime. In the probate court Monday, John pinnegan was appoiuted administrator f the estáte John Devine. Bond $5,000. 'he appraisers are John Coyle and John [arria; commissioners, John Coyle and Altred Valentine. Geo. ü. Page of Boxer, was appointed administrator of the estáte of Mary Hoban. In another column UI be found the dvertisement of Luick Bros. Their laning mili is on the oorner of North md i'ifth streets, where tüese gentlemen can always be found ready to take rders for all kinds of work in their line. )hey are not overrun just at present nd can fill all orders promptly. The committee having the 4th of July elebration in charge ure bound to niake a grand sucoess. It is safe to say that, rom present indica timis and the manier in wnich it is being worked, an im mense crowd will be present to take part n the celebration. A dozen or more military companies have been invited. Bemember the entertainment to be fiven tliis evening at the grand opera ïouse by the univorsity dramatic associaion. " More Preoious Than Gold,7' is he play that trill be rendered; also the arce, "Cut OH with a Shilling. Ihe 3Lioquamegou orchestra will play. Reerved seats can be secured at Osius fe jo's. The adjourned citizens' meeting Monday eveningat Fireinen'shall, coucluded o organizo a bu iness men's association. L'he obj'-c 8 of the meoting were fully set fortli ly N. J. Kyer, Col. Deau, Dr. iV í Breakey, C. Alack and others. .urther time was granted the committee o arrange detailu o( organizatiou, draft a constitution and by laws and report at a future meeting subject to the cali of he committee . The annual convention of the Woman's Chrittian temperance union is to e held at Manistee June 8-11, 188Ö. A 'uil delegation from every union in tb state is desired. Address ara to be made by Miss Francia E. Willnrd, president of tho natioual teinporance assocition, aud other well-knovrn speakers. Every umon havinar 20 or leas menibers is en;itled to one delégate, and to one addi;ional delégate for every 20 iu excesa of the flrst 20. lïeduced rates on the railroads and at the hotels. Those delegates who contémplate attcnding should address Mrs. Mand M. liussell Munistee, chairman of entertaniment oommittee. Next Hinulny morning at 10:30 o'clock a apeciul divine service will be held at the Congregational church to which Welch Post, G. A. R., and Company A, M. S. T., have been nvited. On Monday, the 81st inst., will occur the obaervance of memorial day. Those design ing to send flowers for de or.tting the gravea of the soldier-dead, nhould have them at the court house basement as soon na 8 a. m., At 9 o'clock the squad detailed for the purpose of dec orating the graves will proceed to Forea Hill cemetery, where a special service will be held. At 10 o'clock the post wil move in a body. The procession wil form arouud the oourt house square at 2 p. m., and under the direction of the marshal, Maj. Houle, will proceed to uni vereity hall where memorial services wil be held at 3 o'clock. The address wil be delivered by Col. Sanford of Lan amg. A poem will also be read an short speeches made. If the day i pleasant there will undoubtedly be a large turnout. K. J. Kiiowlton is repairing bis resilence at a cost of several hundred dolare. Eberbach & Son shipped, Tuesday, a arge invoioe of drugs to Providence, R. I. Freedom is a healthy townsbip, there eing 42 birtbs and only 8 deathg the ast year. Prof. Davis left Monday, accompanied y a dozen young men who are studying surveying. Jas. M. Asbley, jr., reoeived a young ear by express, Tuesday nigbt, from Sveret, Mioh. D. F. AlmendiDger reoeived an order Puesday for a eburch organ, to be sent o Fobeta, Kas. Some 40 persons were confirmad by Jishop Harris, Siinday, at St. Amlrrw's Episcopal church. J. Wahr is going to put up a bouse on West Huron street. Building in thi vicinity is on the boom. Alimendinger & Sobneider are manuacturing the one-stave barrel in which hey now sbip their flour. Prof. R. W. Putnam, superintendent f the Ypsilanti schools, is recovering rom a three months' illness. Mr. Cook, so long a taember of the 3hequamegon orchestra, has gone to lint to play with Qardner's celebrated )and. The Aun Arbor Scbutzenbund will ave a shootmg match at their park on uly 3, to which all lovers of such sport re invited. Allen B. Pond has to Chicago, where he vrill engace in business with lis brother Irving, who has made a repu■ation as an architect. Several of the members of Arbor Tent l. of M., went to Ypsilanti, where they assed a very pleasant evening with lieir brethren, Tuesday night. Messers. Pulcifer and Purcell, government inspectora, examined into the affaire f the postoffice Tuesday, and found verything in ship-shape order. The Eaton Bapids camp meeting o pens une 24 and closes Sunday July, 4, with ;he OToniog flryifsfl. Sam Jones comwi une 29 and remains until July 3. Mra. Dr. Seymour, late of Manistee, ias contracted tor a $3,000 house, the oundation for whic has been laid, adoining Ben. Brown's, State street. Fred. Weinmann, who is charged with ;hrowing a stone through a window in . P. Jewett's residence, some month's ago, was jailed Monday by offioer Suthrland. A sub-committee, consiating of Ooi. )ean, C. Mack and T. J. Keech, was apappointed Tuesday evening to solicit membership to the business men's assoiation. A little daughter of Wm. Lamburn was sent down town a few days ago to nuchase some bread. íáhe vas met by i boy who took 15 cents f rom her and hen skipped. The following are the ofiScers elected y the engineering society of the univeraity: President, J. O. Moses; vioe)resident, L. B. Ambler; secretary, B. P. jamont; corresponding secretary, J. E. Sinclair. The report of the inspector of jails Ik wh t IjhI 'iiinii t.ha ]tuuf aix m(intli ihere were confined in the Washtenaw county jail 74 persons, and for the folowing offenses: Larceny 21, dieorderly ïouse 1, insane 2, drunk 13, drunk and lisorderly 15, assault and battery 3,highway robbery 1, bastardy 1, till tapping 2, vagrant 1, false pretenses 1 . Jno. W. Nanry's horse was hiohed in ront of Collins' wood yard Tuesday, when he became f rightened at some paor that Henry Wilmot was tearing from Mie oL his bill-boards. The animal broke oose and started on a run down Fourth treet He feil near the railroad track, where he was caught. The carriage was not broken, bilt the horee out himself by alling on his knees. The go-as-you-please match at gymnasium hall, opposite the Franklin house, will be continued to-night and to-morrow ïight. The pedestrians are Noremac, legelnian and Vint, all of national fame. ach man is in first class condition and ;he race is very exciting. They start again this afternoon at 2 o'clock and con;inue for eight hours. Those who are ond of such sport will be repaid by visting the rink. Wednesday George Zeeb's horse ran away. In bis dash up Main street Robt tioss was run over and severely injured. l'lic wonder is that some one was not iilled, as there was a large number of )ersons on the street at the time. Th unaway next colided with Hangiterfer's ice wauon. The driver of that vehicle was thrown out and escaped with a few slight bruises. Mr. Zeeb had the back of his hand somewhat lacerated. The most exoiting field-day contests sver wituessed in this city pcourred on ;he fair grounds in this city Saturday ifternoon.wheie a large number of spectators assembled to see the fun. Severa] special prizes wereolTered to those breaking the best college or amateur record . F. F. Bumpus won the 100-yards dash in 104-5 seconds. The drop kick was won by Jas. L. Duffy, who succeeded in puttinir the foot-ball 168 feet 1% inches and fuither by 12 feet than the best amateur record of the world. The dash of 110 yards was won by Fred. N. Bonine, time 1 1 secouds, beating the best reoord onehalf eeoond. Bonine also run the 80ysrds dash in eight, and the 50-yards dash in ñve seconds. The standing broad jump, without weights, was woe by L. Carpenter, distance nine feet and one-half inch. The running hop-stepand-jump was captured by Wm. Morrow distauce 39 feet 2 inches. The 220 -yards run was won by Fred. N. Bonine - the champion 50, 80 and 110 yards sprinter of the world - in 23 and 4-5 seoonds The otker prizes were won by Wm. Morrow, pasainj; the ball contest, with a reo ord of 121 feet and 11 inches; H. S. Tib bits, one mile walk, in geven minutes an( 49seconds; CD. H.Wright, hurdle race of 120 yards, in 21 and 4-5 seconds; Wm H. Morrow, running broad jump, 16J feet, and who also won the quarter of a mile run, time one minute 15 2-5 seconds


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Ann Arbor Democrat