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White Wiieat - The market is dull, and without any special feature. No. 1 wliite is quoted at 82@823. No. 3 red at from 83 to S4cts. Cobn - Prices range from 33 to 35 cents. Oats - Market fairly active at from 30 to 33 cents. Floir. - Quotations are steady and quiet as follows: Michigan patenta Í5 t)0@5 Vichigan roller, Í4 60 (1 tT; Michigan superfine, f'i 75(: r5; Minnesota patents $,ri2r(aT 60; Minnesota bakers' $4 25(5 l 60; Michigan rye 53 55@ ■Í 66 : Illinois rye,í3 77@3 85. Provisions - Detroit, new mess, $9 50(u 9 15; Detroit family pork. $1U short clear, $11 75@12; lard in tierces (H4c; half bbls, t;1...(n(ri,,c; 11 pails, 7T.,-; liams. : shoulders. d', i;i ; dried beef, l8@18Wc; bacon, 7J@%c ; extra mess beef, $8 25(S 50; family beet, ílKáO 25. Fruit- The fruit market continúes very bride and prices are keeping steady. Strawberries, cherries and gooseberrkis are in the market in large quantity and findiug ready sale. GENERAL I'KOUUCE. Chickena 11 @ 12 Ducks V 13 @ 13 (Ierse 8 ftf 9 Turkeys 12 @ 13 Potatoes %í bu 27 @ . 30 Pota toes (new) per bbl.. 7 50 @ Turnips 30 (a Onions f bbl 2 75 tó 3 00 Honey 12 @ 13 Hides - Green city per fe. @ 6 Country 6 uú 6)4 Cured ï @ s'4 Green calf !) (S 10 Salted green calf .10 @ 11 Sheepskins 50 (i) 150 licans, picked 110 (ik 125 Beang, unpicked 45 uc 75 Hay 9 50 (n) 10 50 Straw 5 00 (ifi 6 tiO lireswai 25 uc 80 VppU's perbbl 2 50 ! 8 75 Butter 13 (! )' EKgs 10 (u l Cheese 10 g 10' LIVE STOCK. Cattle - Market strong and shade higher; shippiug steers, 960 to l,5001lis. %i HXi ."1 Uil; Btockera and feeders. $2 75@4 50; COWS lmlls and mixed, 83@:( 75: huik! $2 60 @3 ; tlirough Texas cattle, $!!@:i 75. Hoas Market strong and 10c. higher; riingh and mixed, $386@490: packing and shipping, 4@4 30; light, $3 '. skiiis.i'3 75@8 75. Shi:ki - Receipts, 1,400; shipments, none; market iiim; uatives, $2@4 80. A apeolal cablegram to the Drovers' Journal reports: Cattle - Moderate receipts of American and home-bred catile iinidcrutely brisk and priees firm at last week'8 advance, best American .steers .selling 143ÍC ; dressed light. WOOL. Says the Detroit Free Press : The season of wool clipping is now here and woo] is lieooming quite an important factor in the commercial world. The farmers n.l sluip raisers throughout the state are jusl in the midst of the clipping season, and 1' the end of this week a great niajority of the sneep will be sheared and tho erop of Michigan will be almost fully known. Michigan of late years bas put into the market abont U, E00,000 pounds of woni and is looked upon as an important state as regardt wool growing. The samo paper publishes an interview wit li Mr. Thimas McGraw, one of the : est boyera of wool in the state. Tliat gentleman says; "This yenr's clip, will, [estímate, be fully 1,000,000 pounds !cs than that of last year. Last year's iiii amonnted to 9,000,000 pounds, but that was a good year and ibis does not come up to it. My buyers have just gone out into the state, and from the few reports received up to to day 1 can hardly teil you whether tli" farmera are going to sellatonceor hold the clip. As a rule it pays the farmois to Bell at once, when competion is brisk. as it always is just after clipping season, but many of them do not see it in that way and hold f or higher prices, which seldom come. The prices paid so farto my buyers are from 20c to 25c per lb., but the great majority of purchases are effeeted at from 23 to 24c per pound. By the end of this week I will be able to give you taller partieulars ou the subject oL the Michigan wool erop."


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