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Sparrowa aro overrunning northern Alobama. The Yuma Indians disposo oL their dead by cremation. (irneral Moltke is the most taciturn man In Europe. Over 300,000 people are engaged in laco making in Kramr. South África has 1,503 miles of railroad in working order. In tho Connecticut valley tobáceo yields 1,4(X) pounds to tho acre. Qrenoble, FrancO, is the greatest glove making city in the world. Kansas ladies put side-saddles on cows and ride thoni for exercise. Heliotropes and gornniums in California grow as large as lilac trees. Jerome Napoleon's younger son, Prince Louis is said to be very shrewd. ïlie Great Eastcrn brought L20,200 when receotly sold at Lloyd's, in London. The Rev. Phillips Brooks' Boston ehureh, Trinity, hus cost $750,000 so far. New Orleans exports 3S per cent. of all the cotton that leaves this country. Prof ef sor J. G. Wood, the English naturalist, is Boston's greatest social lion. The Panama cuñal construction is costing at the rate of thirty millions a year. A building in Atlanta only six feet wide commands a rent of $100 per month. Miss Susan B. Anthony is still in Washington working for woman suffrage. There are more colleges in Ohio than in France and Germany combincd. The Duke of Rutherland is a great inventor and passionately fond of engineering. The renning of wines by electricity is an experiment that is being tried in Los Angelos. A salmón was caught in the Benicia (Cal.) straits last week, weighing 4S pounds. The Boston & Albany railroad has a circulating libraryof 2,000 volumes free to its emploves. Cannot be washed off. The color produced by Bnckingham'8 Dye for the Whiskers. Asan antidote for . malarial disorders, Ayers's Ague Uure lias no equal.' xIt never fails. Stern parentsbeat carpets with impunity, but they take a stick to their children. TlIEHE 18 SCAI KI.Ï V DISKASK, Of the human system, acute or chronic, which Vineak BlTTBKS will not rotard and lessen, and ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it will cure. In large the Bitters is cathartic and tonic, in moderate doses it is a tonio, a gentle purgativo, invigorator, and corrector of the blood. Houses painted white are again coming into fashion, and no other adornment is prettier or more lasting. An 0 ensive Ereath is most distressing, not only to the person afflicted, if ho have any priile, but tothose with wlimii he comes in contact. It isa delicate matter to spe:ik of, but ithasparted not only friends but lovers. Badbreath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst cases, as thousands can testify. One little Greece spot worries all the European honsekeepers. Especially to Women. "Sweet is revengo éspécially to women," said the gifted. but naughty, Lord Byron. Surely he was in bad humor when ho wrqte such words. But there are complaints that only women suffer, that are carrying numbers of them down to early graves. There is liope for those who suffer, lio matter how eorely or severely, in Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription." Safe In ils act ion, it is a blessing, especially to womrn and to men, too, for when women suffer, the household is askew. Is it any wonder inthese days that the blind staggers Organio crealcoMS or loss of power in eitlier sex, however induced, speedily and permanently cured. Encloso 10 cents in stampa for book of particulars. World's Diroensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Linen dresses trimmed with lace, are sweet. Athlophoros, which I sell, gives good satisfaction. It cured of inflammatory rheumatism a man who bought a bottle at night and at one o'clock the next day said tho soreness and pain had entirely left him. F. B. Keech, druggist, Waupun, Wis. Barbírs near Mono lake, California, whose water is heavy with salts of sodium and bórax, use it a a natural shampooing water, to the satisfaction of their customers. If there ever was a spre'lic 'or any one oom plaini tb n C-'art r's I. tt e l.ivcr Pilla área sp;cific :or S;c; H ■ d che, and eviry woman shoul I kno v th ■. They rj nit only a positiye cure, i u: a sur r ventive, if taken when the approach is telt Carters Little Llver Pilis art dnctl.Y on tliel.v. r aml bile, and in this waj m vr ihecauaeol dlsease without lirst makinii yoo s ck by a a ceniog ïmrge. if you tr the ii on wl 1 not La disuppointed. Soaenfa Dudget, Fort I'lain, N. Y., for Mareh, 188(5, says: In the multiplicity of medicines placed upon the market, it is sometimes diflicult to'diatlngnlah lietween the meritorious and the worthless. Thero are at least two excellent remedies widely used, the efficiency of which are unquestioned. We refer to St. Jacob's Oil and Red Star Congh Cure. A writer in the JSoston Transcript explains to hisown satisfactlon how the glass eaters chew and swullow glass. Hetmnka they edúcate their throats as does the sword swallower, and then introduce a tube which receives the glass and bolds it until it can be removed without detection. Irox's Patent Metallic Stiffeners prevent boots and shoes írom running over, ripptog tn the seanis or wearlng unevenly on the heela. Goat Islam! at Niágara Falls is said to be worth $1,000,000. Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remeay for Catarrh. Hy drujigists. 50c. There are still some Seminóle Indians living in the everglade región of Florida. It is a pleasure and satisfaction to many to learn that Allen's Lung Balsam, that Standard family medicine for coughs, croup and all hing disensos, can now be procured at 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle at any drug store. Crude petroleum is a recognized gpecific for the growth and invigoration of stunted eye-brows. A MOST LIBERAL Oí i Kil 1 The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Bki.ts and Electric appliances on thirty days' trial to auy man afllicted with Norvoui Debility, Loss of .Vitality, Manhood, &c. Illustrated pamphlet in xttütd tnvdope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. Holiness, as well as pardon is to be had from the blood of the cross. - Ucrridge. If afllicted with sore eyer, use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. DruggisU scll it. 35c The key-noto of good broeding is "B natural."' i PSíírx J IQI I lll I-THE WV BESTTOMIC. ? Thls medicine, combining Iron with purO Vegetable ton ios, quiekiy and eompletely Cure lyprpsi;i, f miJ ík' iin, i'hÍímcks, ImpureBIooct, .Ualuriu,! hiïU and Fevcr, and N't'uriiliiiii. Itisaa unfailinj? romedy for Discases of the Klrlm'y nnd IJ ver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to TVomen, atid all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoesnot injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation - other Iron medicines do. Itenrichesaml purifies the blood, stimulatea the appetite, aids the assircilation of foodf relieves Heartftiirn and Bolching, and strengtliens the musclcs and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, I.ack of Energy, tc.( it has no equal. The genuine bas above trnde mark and erossed red Unes on wrapper. Take no otltcr. owlrl.T HK(IU ('HSMICir, CO.. BALTIMORI. HF. ,4H0PS MALT BITTERS. Ttwill euro any cftft of Ijiver and Kldnoy troubles when properly taken It Is a perfect renovator and mvigorator. It cleanses the sy tem of the pofstoiiotta humors that develop iu I-Ior, Kldney and l'rinary diseases, carrying uway all poisonou matter and re storing tho KloodL ton hoaltliy condition, cnrirlilris it, reflreshtng nnd mrlgorating mind and Body It prevpiiti the growth to Serioiin IIlneNS of a Ian;eroiiN Clatf of Siseases that besla in mere trivial ailments, and are too apt to be neglected as ucH. THOT'SATfnS OF CASES of tilO worst forms of these terrible diseasea have been oulckly rollevod and in a short tirne perfect! v cured by the use of Hops & ÏÏXalt Bitters. Do Dot ff et Hops and Malt Bitters confounded with Inferior preparatious of similar name. Take Notliliif? but Hops&Malt bitters if you want a su re Cure. -. HOPS &JALT BITTERS CO, Detroit, Mich. 5tuTSu}tt. ef th# Louisvflle anJ JefTersoDrllle Fi-rry Co., Mr. J. C. Doraej, who livca on Wall St., JefftrumYiUe, Ind., auflTcred from Neuralgia in the face, aart wat tjuickly cured by ATHLOPHOROS. Tbla Ís the only ture aod ae remedy for Neuralgia. Ask vour druftfflst for Athlo phoros. If yon rannot got il of bim do not try somt: hing le. but ordor at once from u.t. We wilt wad it exprM pald on reífiin of price, $1 00 pc bottk. ATHLOPHOROS CO.. 112 Wall St.. New York. EXHAlISTEjrVITAUTÏ. iLLirni IIA'I K SAMPLE I BEK. KNOW THYSElF.iíáH W A Grcat Metfloal Work on Manbood, Xi-rvonsand Physical DcMlity, Prematura Droline in jtan. Exhansted Vltalltr, c. -. nd the ontold mueridi resultlng from fndlftcretlon or excede 300 pases, ■nbbtantially bound in (rilt. musito. Cootalna more tli;m 196 invuhiitti)-' preflcrlptionR, erabrftclng every TOffotuble reme ly ;i tb o pb&rmacceplfl for all acute and ehrontc diseaos, n fa emphatlcallj :i book fr OTeryman. riioeonlyfi by mail postpald, conooml cd in plntn wrapper. ji.i ijs i ka iivk uamii.i: i i;i i; 10 all ymni: and mlddle-axod men for the next ninety Öays. Bend now, or out thts out, at you mar m-ver seê it apcain. AilUress Du. V. II. l. uki:k, 4 Bultínch st.L Boston. K. B.- Dr. Parker can bv COnfldentlally consulted on all dLueases of niun, lüs speciultiu. Red Star TRADEWÍ MARK. JPree frant Opiates, lïmctics and J'oison, SURE. OKfitS. PROMPT. m ÚU '.'UK UUKI.KS A. YWKI.ER (O..HALTIM0RK.IID. P_- 11 ■Cures Rhoumal'sm. Neuralgia, rflr rSlffi iMtóL5r BfSj '■ V CENTS. _ ?! AT Dll ID IIKALER3. Mimi." . vniii:i.rn ro „iui.timiirk, d. DR.luriH BULI'S Smitü'sTonic Syrup FOH THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHiLLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEAOES. The proprietor of this celebrated : vedicine justly claims for it a superiority over all rem edies ever offered to the public i' r the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cun of Ague and Fev6r,or Chills and Fe ver,whetlier of short orlong standing. He refers to th entire Woatern and Southern oountry to bear him tostimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will i: fail to cure if thedirectionsarestrictlyfollowedandcarried out. In a grcat many cases a single dose h&s been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a single bottle, with & perfect restoration of the general hoalth. It is, however, prudent, and in ev ry case more eertain to cure, if its uso is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in diflicult and long-standing cases. Usually this medicina will not require any aid to keep the bowel ia good order. Shonld the patisiit, liowevir, requireacathartio medicino, afterhaving taken three or four doses of the Tonic. ?. single doie of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILT PILIS will be sufficient. TTse no other. DU. JOHN 0T7XX.'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, The Popular Remedies of ths Day. Principal Office, 831 Bain St., LOUISTÏI.LI, KT. RADWAY'C The GREAT LIVER & Stomach Remedy For tliO pure of all disorders o!' tho Siomnch. 1-lvcr, , Knini'vs. Bladder. Norvoiis Disease. IjO?I of Appetlto, tleadacbe, CosiiTsneu. [ndlnstloa, Bilioufmesfl. Kirver, Inflannntttlon of the Bowols, I'ilt".. ;iiii Hl other derantronienta ol the internul visceru. Piurely vegetable, contalnlni no mercury, iiiincntN. r defeterloufl droe. Prloe. 2ö cents per box. Bold by ft'.t dmyülsts. DYSPEPSIA! DR. UADWAY3 PILLS rc ;i mire i:nrc for thii oomplalnt. They restore stienütli to the stumucti and enable t Co perform t funciionü. The ympiDiiis of Dyspepsla dieappcar. iunj wiih tiiem tlia üjibiiiiy i i tfie B7st6m to conlmct dbense. Tuk the medicine nccordin to lUrectlona, and ob-erv whüt we say In " Falso aiid True" responinff j tot tarpcnii it letter Btamp m JJU. BAWA1 A CO. HO. '■■". WAKKKN ÜTliLLT, NBW YuilK, ÍÜT "falai and 'J 'rut." # Be surc an-i get IíadwaV.-. DR.RAD WAY'9 Sarsapariiliau llesolvent Builds up the broken-down oonstltutkn, purifies the blood, restoring heiiltli ünd viyor. BcW bf druggist. llabottlo. RAüWAY'S READY RELIEF Por the relief and cure of all Piiins, Coiu'Ciiiofit and Intlammations. DRKADW.Y&CO., S2 Wftiren Sí., .ï [STËRBR00KSTPiE Léadine_Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERSROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camdcn, N. J. 26 John St,, New Ytrk. FREEFARRSSinsaSWs. Iho most Wimrtrrfnl Aqriculturnl Pitrk in Americfc gurrounded by prop' roi:s miniivr !n 1 nianufactnrlnl towns. FAKMEK'M IMHA1I1NE! MllrniflKnt ernps miscil in UU. THOl'SASD O? ACKEWOFOOVKKXME.XT LAND, subjlel to prermptiun and homeste&d. Lai'ds for B1U to otul settlers at ÍS.00 pr ncre. I.H TIME. Park irrifrated by ImmenM canala. Cht-ap railroaa rat.; Kvery uiten i n sbown ■tl.■rá. ror inap. jMunphlots, etc, a.l.lnss, COLOBADO LAND & LviS CO., Opera House Block, ten er, folo., li-J a0. ffj WPAYSthe FREICHT kL Qy 3 Ton Hiuon Sculm ■ EmSr I'on Leven, 8lfl Beriai. Brui KT liii ricam and lU-jin Rox for jlgH Sj Krrrvii7,s . Kor rr.'prietlUI rvL T5if InejÖISt'0frBiMrOHMT0rSl? sJf " BINGIIAMTON, N. Y. I ïRVUUsVlüALEorl HHKAKRISS 11 WDIBILITïPrrlïALFJwP DEC1T. A Ufe Kxperience. Remarkablo and qnickenres. Trial Fackage. Consulta. tion and Books by Mail 7BX& Address Dr. WARD A Co., Louisiana, Mo. Plao's Remedy ftr CaUrrh la the I I Beet, KaBiest to Utie, and Ctaeapest. B Alao gami for Cold In tb Hoed, I I Badiclw, Hay Fover, 4c. K ceiite. I GONSUMPJION fbiTi ft poiitlro remedr lor tue boye dise"-; by Vs uf thonïndi of cftoca of tho wnrtit kii.d ml of long lundiDfi hebencure.l. Indeed, ao ■troar is mj filh In !' ercy. tht I will tend TWO BOTTLB3 WBMM, tocerher wlth a VAl UABLE TREA.TISS on this any stifferer. Givo ZT pril ud F. O. ftddi C9i. VX. T, A. üLuCCM, 1! l'ewl St., N.T. A FREE SAMPLE. To Introduce ííic KTeat booseboid ramedj, GO DON".S KINti Of FÁIN' intoeveryfamlly. I wül aenJ a Bamplf free to any oue sentllng adilress. Mencioi Uüi paper and addiíss K. G. K1CHAKDS. ïoHJa. O. A0). FACÜ, HANDS. FEET, flrrira smi ftll tl'eir ImperftioDi, laclu.iinw' Fiolal, BE tC PanlAptment, Suprntuut Half, Kirth Mitrki, 3M U ,f fMm, Wartt, Motu, l-'r-klw, Hl , Aon, l?B1DVl'OrTÑ"HrWOODBlJtRY1r'' 37 N.iwiSt. . iiiju,,: n.. Ksi'b'd i:m. s..i locncuok. , ■% ■ I ■ ■ U Hablr, Qalrkty an: Patalee. ■ ■IQ ly curcdat bonie. CurropoudeDC 1 1# 1 1 I lUS Bulicitod and fret trial oí cure sent lili lu'iH's:l:ivi'Hl"catora. TrntlIriiiN W ■ IWIII kimujT Ccuu'any, Laiaycttc, lud. iir AllldV Bv scntUnt; votir and G VtN AWAT Odd-ewtoJ W.Co:cCo. lilack B.M-r l''..i.s, W'i.. somohiD ot value to cvervfvimilv will bc mail cl o you irec. HBHMHBBSKHB9MM3b Sare rpller ■ orjlTTM l vmncD'o nitcvi! i r 'ro.."cts Soiu.ns KtOUCKO rflbllLLLO.h.vinaH. StowellCo. ■a- WiWIW" ' "" ' in ina W. N. U. D.- 4 - 24 Mni] Morphlne Rabil Cnred In ! ■ Kil lloSOdayi. o pny tlll tirJ. Ui IUH1 BS. J. STimiiisa, Lebanon, Ohlj. 1 0ÉÈL &Q L IU I%CJ1 coat. E I U ViT TheFlSH BRAND SUCKERl.wrrnted,-.', mi 111 krcp you dry Id L►! _ . tSXl tlio brlBt Ilorm. ThemwPOMMELSI.lCKKi:! n-l-''-t li r.-t, nnd "CJJ TTJ K ► coY.rilbomllr.MaHe. Bwr.orimlttlon. ■ " ln vHIlóal II "I la V?Jj P f llr.nd" li.kmrk. Clnloguo ín-f. A. J., lición. t..


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