
JOHN WOTZKE! THE Fine Boot and Hér! A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only Establishment in Ann Arbor that Manufactures lts Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURC'S. No. 43 South Main Street. S COLLffiSL ■ STONE, LIMeIwATER LIME CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERING H AIR, -And all Kinds of- WOOD AND COAL. gpOFFIfE:- Ctonirrof Fifth & Flnron Streets, opposite Firemen's Hall. A.un Arbor, Micli. Tele)liHio No. 111). Before buying elsewhere Inquire pricesof HENRY RICHARDS Dealer in - FLOUR AND FEED, Alsu uil kinds ol' Hard and Soft Wood and Coal ! special Bates on lariio anounts. Telephoae Ho. 111. tast Huron Street, next Firemen's Hall. DECORATINC. PAPER HANGING ! Paintinq and Ghaining, -Done by- CHAS. STABLER. I keep only the best ol' werkraen, and guarantee all jol)s to K'( Ontiro satisfac Oêiuê (■ Gofa. CHARLES STABLER, Ann Abbor, - MioniaAN. CEO. OLP ! PK0PR1ET0K Oí New Livery Stable Boardlng and Farmers' Feed liarn. At, lïiixiM-"x OW Stand, Corner Huron and Second Btreets. rURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT DO OW THB gfi.n mat." á A. A. TEEEY, HAT8 AUN ARBOB, HEOb NOTICE TO LADIES ! THE POSITIVA CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES. Hs effeote are marvelous. Every lady can Every box warraute I. Trial boxea f ree. J. A. M?OIJL.L, M. r., trie Fbyslcian, South Bond, Ind. CHARLES A. MATTHPWSON, PATTEBN M&KB, Agricultura! Works, Ann Arbor, SUch. ffilGHIGAN (TeNTRAI The Uiagara, Falh (Route. Time Table, Nov. 29, 1885. A.I1 trains run by Niiiotioth Merii'ian, or Central Standard Time. 901X9 EASi. STATIONS. 3 -l _-g CQ I g el pl_?g af fl A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. P.M. Jhicaeo Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.00 9.j6 9.55 Snëë 10.20 12.16 7.45 12.28 1.20 Dccatur 8 30 2.10 Lawtoi 8.45 a.m. 2.27 Kiiluma.oo.PM 1.42 9.15 (i.45 2 CO 3.08 UalOBlmn; 7.03 3 21 Battle Cruek... a.23 7.81 2.50 3.60 aarshall 307 7.57 3.18 4.17 Mbiou 3.32 8.20 3.43 4.40 A, M. Jacksou Ar. 3.10 Lv. 3.14 4.15 9.15 4.35 5.25 Lakc 8.88 9.36 5.47 Juelsea 3.55 9.57 e.os Dcxtcr 4.12 10.12 622 AnnArbor 4.22 5.80 10.2S 5.45 B.40 rpsllautl 4.60 5.45 10.4S 6 00 6.55 ftnyne Jnnc... 5 15 (.05 11.06 1.2O 7.17 Springwells.... 5.50 8.35 11.35 6 50 7.60 Detroit Ar. 6.U0 6.45 11.45 7.00 8.00 p. n. P. m. Si. Thomas Ar 11.10 10 45 8.40 Weiland 1.68 151 6 28 Falla View 2 29 Niágara Falls 2.22 2:13 0.56 Snap. Bridge..] 2.30 2 50 7.10 Buffalo Ar 385] 8 55 8.10 (1UINU WKST. ■ . öc . vj L3.b gat o STATIOK. ,5 ï „ 58 S l_ Wwtïlj Ujíi A.M. P. M. P. M. A.M A.M. A.M. Buffalo L. 600 11.80 900 11.35 A. M. 1'. M. Susp. lïi . 12.31 12,35 Niágara Falls 12.46 12.53 Fall8View 1 p. h. l.oi Bt. Thomas... 4 10 4. 10! 115 4.15 !)itroil Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 !).15 Springwelte.... 7.10 .2O 4.10 n.10 9 25 SVayuu June... 7.IU B.68 1.40 8.41 9 55 fpgUantl I 5.ia ;i.0j íu.ál Aun A'lHir 8.J61 :0.2ó 5.30 '.1.23 10 38 6.851 5.52 9.55 Oholsoa 8.48 6 07 10. (10 OraBeLake 9 10 6.39 10.20 Jackson Ar. 10 55 JackBon Lv. 9.35 11.42 7.07 12 03 Albion 12.S2 8.10 11.33 12.46 Uunball 1.05 8.48 11.55 1.10 A.M, Battle Oieelu. 1.81 9.23 12.20 1.87 Oalesbnrg Í.57 12.42 , Ealanuusoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 l-i.05 2.8S ..P.M. ! 5.18 1.10 5.3ÖI 2.111 1 1.47 3.45 6.40 3.05 4.13 . 7.10 10.351 ?.00 8.05 The New York Exprbus, a fast train leaves Chi :a?o at 8.30 in the afteruoon and makes the fol lowing stops, Michigan City, .'),17: Niles, ii.13; KalEhmazoo 7.28: Battle Credk, 8.01; Jackson, 9.15 Aun Arbor, 10.U0: SpsUanti, 10.21; Sprintiwells 11.06; arriTinglnDetrolt at 111.5 1J. M. TIim Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroli at 1.80 p 111. niakiu the folowing stops: W.i'.nc Junctton, .06: Ypsilanti. 8.Í0J Aiin Ar bor, 2.82, Jackson, 8.32, Albion, 4.08; Mitrshall, ■1 tt, Bi I 10: Kalamazoo, 5.15; Niles, i:.M; M . - .8O. iday ezeopted H.W.HAYE8, 'J. t' Aut Ann Arlmr. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan Uailvvay. TUROÜOS T1MK TAULK. Takliiir effecl June 27, 1888. Traína run by Standard Time, Qolng Norlh. Ooing South. i I 2 I I 3 Ex. Mail 4t .i-.i Time. , Ex. Mail. p. m. a. m. 1 Arrive a. in. p. m 5 (in :)-, Toledo :' 5:0C 9C6 r:U Manhatten Junctlon 9:2 45. o 18 7.-28 Alexis Junotion . ... 9:lt 4:4 548 8:1 Uonroe Junctlon.... 8:42 4:1 6 51 830Dundee. 830 4:04 5(16 846 Azalia 820 3 54 21 :mi; 'IiI.iii 80fi 34 K v9 S 28 '. 62 8 8 (11 '.1 !2 fituaeld 74C 32 71111 960 Ann Arbor 7 27 31 7 13 10 45 South Lyon 650 225 na at Toledo with rallroads divcrj l .Manhattan Junction with Whoeüngi Erle I!. lï. At Alexis Jnnction with M ( 1{. lt. L. S. ü'y. and F. 1 I' 51. K. H. At Honro Junction wilii 1. S. & M. S. K'y. At Dundee with 1,. S. & il. S.. an i M. & O. K'y. At Milan withW.. 8t D.&V li'.y. At l'ittsfleld with L. s. & M. s. ll'y.. and al South Lyon with Detroit, Uu)8lng& Northern li. R.,and O. T. K'y. Two trainSt numbered 5 and 6, run between ToUhIo aud Detroit, daily except Sunday, yia Milán J i Milán Junctlon at 11:00 a. m. and reaches Detroit at 12:00 noon; No. 5 leaves Detroit at 2:35 and reaches Milan Juüction ;ic 8:45 and Toledo at 6:0 'p. m. II. W, kSHLEY, W II. BENNETT, Qen. Buperintendent 'ïén. PasseiiKer Aíít. Detroit, Haekinao & Marquette R.B. "MACK1NAW SHORT LINE." Theouljr ')roet Route Betwt'en the Musí and Uu1 Opper Península of Ulotügftn. TIME TABLE. EAST. REA DOWN lll 1-nVi-l Juni' 81, 1888 j BIAJJ UP. 6:05 1 ........ Detroit I 10 45 ! 00 hi.m l. m I a. iu. 108Ü (i SO lv....8t. tenace s 80 6 00 2 58 9 W Seney f 15 I 1 38 iaü . ... Marquette 2. ... ■; 16J ■.ni p m p nu 8 00 la 50 lv... Marquette. . ur J (Hi 6 lo b 35 I ín Niemen 1 5 3a 1 55 Iahpemlng .... 19 58 5 30 Houghton ... 'J M 5 50 Hancock .... 9 ni ... . I S86 Calumet .... fS 15 Mixed trai 0 a. m., arrivesal Marquette 6:30 p. m, leaveí Marquette al 7:i)ii a m. arrrives si. Ignaoe 5:65 p. m. t ,.n BCTios- ( 1 1 Via M. T. üo'a boato wlth (he Mlchlgao Central and Qrand Baplds & Indiana railroads am Jeganl alcfewheel steamergof thc Detroll & Cleveland Steain Navigatlon companj Por Detroit. Cleveland and all points Ín the east, goutheasl and BOUth. Theboats of thle Une leave si. Ignace Honda; and Wedneaday mornings, TI nd Baturday nlghta. (1) With boal linea tor SauIteSte Marie, Chicago, Mttwaukee and all Bhore pointa, (8) Wlth M. 11. & o. railroad for Sougliton, HancoclCí Calumet) etc , and points on Chicago and Northwi railway. Standard Cutral time. I)Uly. tDuily exlunday. (Daily except Baturday. A. WA I SON, E. W. ALLEN Qen'l Superlntn t, Gen. 1' Ticket Ag't, Marquette, Hieh Marquette, Mich JOHN SCBNEIDER. 17 North Main Strefct, oppoBlte Hi I'ost office, dealer in Freab; Smokea and Salt Meats of all kinds. Lard in uii' quantitj . D. M. TYLER, M. D. HlYsUM.vv. Office over the Post Office, Aun ' Albor, Mich.
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