Not To Be Bluffed

"President and if; git la town last nlght?" e i'uunacutially inquired oa the market yesterdny morniog. "No, sir. They are not coming tbis way that I've heard of." "Thcy ain'tl Don't they take in Detroit on their brVlal tower?" "No." "Wall, that's funnv. They got the story 11 oyít our uarborhoou that the president and wife wouid bc Ijcre to day and notliin would do but the old .vninan must ride u with me to eee om. Say, Jauc, tbis man gavs thev wou't be hcro. "1 don't b iieve It," 6he bluntly rpjillcd. "I aeanre you, madam," he repiled, that any Riich report is false. The preaUlunt and wiie are in Washington." Sl:e would not L convinced until her hiisband liad ir.quired of seviral other persons aud receivod tü; samu repile. "TS all, you've had your trip fornothlug," ho remarkeü. "I puess not," she replied, as she cllmbed down over the heel. "Samuel, the tirst thing on tbc prosranime is ginjrer ale. Theii comea soila water vi ib sarsapaiilla 6iiup. Tbeu we'll bove puaniüs and popcorn, and it we feel llke it weil spread out pome on candy. X3 n jgoinx to show tbc president of the Ünfted States j tbat bc can't blufl me wuth a eeut!" - ie()vti ! i ree J'rt s. Tlie French courts h ivo rulecl that even a Uey cun do duty as a wedding ring. A letter awaitlne a claiiuant in the West Poir.t, (ti., jiostoHice i-; thin addressed: "To My P-Mpti. in West Point, Georgia, America.'' The misive eomefrom linnover, Gennany. and ia supi osed to have been wiitten by a siuall child. Hall's Hall Kenewer ahvays glvss satisfaction, and is endorüod by our best physicians. As a stimulant to the stomach. liver and [ bowels, the safest remedy is Ayer's Pilis. The California quail is successfully i mesticated apon several English e tates; but our eastern variety resistsallattempti at acclimation in Brituin.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat