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■BIK! - s l f! Bu aS.01! a c-o 1 f ! HH 5? g f su i wam sJb 2 ïsi CJ S m g The most legaot, platblo and efecUvo prepnmuori on tliii mnrket. BpectallT a mi tod lor ■i ci rlul.lren'í use li-liildren like itj Purely veeeiaiilo. No nauíea. No griplug. A genilo but eüojli u cuthitrtlc. A ccrrjiln ami speetly cure for Con6tlput!on, Sicit b h aobe BilloaanAM, Heavtburn umi ui. otber formn of Indlgeatlon. I5o i"t Kulfcr from these romplalnu. Trj bottle and yon will "ever lloutlU !■ Ice Ow '"lr i' 'o I. All live drueulst keep It. If vours does r.oi. senU Í1 00 und we will oxprei you n bot Je fruü 01 cuargt'. Ask tur (iluTor Nicol'a Cwean. Glover & McI. MaimfaoiurlnsCiietniiit, ■ ?l3iul 115 Kaat Vort se. Hetroit, Mlcii. : SÍ2 EZ A "MONTH &W. HB ■VoiingMenorLiidies inenchcoautj i % JH0F.W.ZUUULll4bO.CUM{T'. IJL i lm -orïanp TSTien yon visit or ltave New York City, save baggngc, expressage, and J3 carriagn hi;i, nnd xtop at the (Jkand Unios Hotel, te Graad Central Depot. "if. iilted up at the cost of one ii dollars, $1 and upwards por day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant subpüed with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevnted railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any ether flrst-elass hotel in the city. The Boston postoffice yields the government an annual net rovenue o( over 18.000,000. _ PrcimY Davis' Pain Killer is an excellent regulator of the stomach and bowels, and should always be kept on hand, especially at this season of the year, when so many suffer from bowel complaints. There is nothiiig so quick to relieve in attacks of cholera. The EngHah sparrow hag crossed the continent and appear in f uil forco iu Cal Uoroia. Hink cli Cnred by Carler'a Smart Weert and Bellndonna Bock A'-hs Plasten. Uncle 8am welcomes into his doniain .'!,- 200 baliies a day, not counting those who come by sea. TnE hnblt of running: OTor boots or shoes correctou with i.yon's Patent 1m:I Bliffeners. SmaUpox was first doecribed A. D. 90C by Ubazes. an Arabian ihysician. Jf you hud taken two of Carter1! Little Liver I'ills hefore retiring you would not have bad that roated tongne or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with yuu for occasional use. A Maryland man ana ware of ude year ob Jubilee," boreewbipped hUcolored housetuaid, and lias just hcard of emancipation f.y of a judgment for damages in the Frazer Axle Grease, 'tis the best in the world- will last twiceas lonc as auy other. _ The first time the halls of congres were Illumlnated with gas was during the Folk administration. JAY FYE SEF'8 DrWer, E.lwtn D. Blthor, n?=cs i'ole's etcrinary Cari olisalve, and a thorongh ti il ennbles him to endorse it as tho boet reme y iba' ever fhw for üenerul stable uu. Boltl lj D,ug-;it8 atSOc andSl.DO. A new salad reportad from New York is nitide of lettiue nnd frog legs, capers and henvy nii.voni aite. Best, easiest to use and chenpest. Piso's Remedy for Cutarrh. By diuygists. 50c. Thore are still somo Seminóle Inilians liviug iu the everglade región of Florida. Many l ruis oi -ivoiih Di ijiiiii In raon yleld to Carteu's Iitox PZLL8. It is the fashion to plnoo gold pajior hearts and lrid roaebude wrapped in magnolia leaves on the tomb of.Julictat Verona. Juliet's tear. are sold inVerona; but they are contectionery, a sort of v'eiona brandy ball. $300 Nat fiillcil For. It seems strange that it is necessary to )er.sude men that you enn cure their dislases by offering a premlnm to the man who faüs to receive benefit. And yet Dr. Sage nndoubtedly oured thousands of cases f obstinate catarrfa with bia "Catarrh iemedy," who wonld never have applied 0 him. if it had not been for his offer f the abovo sum for an incurable case. vFhols the next bidder for cure or cashj A Massachnsetts man has invented a machine which he snys will tie a square ;not. hitherto regarded by inventors as ,cyond the power of maeliiñery. A WotMterful Fr !k of Natnre sometimos exhibited in our public exhilitiou-i. AVhen we gaze upon sonie of the eculiar freaks Dame Nature oceasionally odalges In, our minds revert back to the 1 eation of man. '■ who is so fearfully tul woiiííerfullv made." The 113'steriís of his nature have been unravel(1 by Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo. and hroup-h hla Unowlelge of those mysteries i.tioii ablö to rojnre his tl Golden ' ■'! al I li 'i very," whichfe a specifle for all blood tnir.ts, joisons and humors, such nsscrofula, pimples, blotches, eruptions, wellinirs, tumors, ulcers and kindrea affections. By Druggists. Prairie ohickens have this year appeared a abnndance in the valley of the Coloráis, western Texas, where they have never en soon hitherto. A Boiianxn itine of health is to le found In Dr. R. V. Pierce's favorito Prescription," to the merits of fhich, as b remedy for témale weakness ■"■1 kindred affectfons, thouuida testify. Your Vacation M:i do ynu mach good. bnt if you wlsh to pet ourself Into tborouhly good eondltlon, strong, tand ii.aMïiy, ivii'ly to frorfe banl w!itn you tiTü, yon p hou ld aiil Nati tí in her efforts todo ■ . -. g Bood' a Sar-aparilia: it will ako all ihti Impuritlea from your blood, créate an ■'M'tlt promote heatthy dipotlon, nnii xi ; you itrengtb Insbead oi ireakDMS. Try it now. "lbavo bOdn osing HoímI's Saraparillaand am ïreatly Improved in heftlth. It has toned up my ■ntirL1 jsystt'in, enrlcbod my bloot!, and given me an aopetitv." Ja. A. Cvven, New Albany, lnd. Weeded a Tonic "Ivas Rcncntlly run down, had no appetite, indnOöded a pood tontc. I never uod anything that did me fo much pood aa Hood'a ?:rft:iparilla. í now have a good appetitö and foei renewod all ver: am bet tor than I havo boen for years." : H. Rand, 41 Wat OlIi Btreet, Oswego, N. T. "I roeominon.l H o Vb Bar apartlia as a wonderHl blood puritler-a sure and relluble remedy." i Bubgbss. Weit Bforris, Ct, Hood's Sarsaparilla old by all druirgists. fl; ix for $6. Prepared ; C. I. ÏIOOTJ & CO., Apotnccarfsïs, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar iXDAUSTEDVITALM. ILLITS'! G.n ED SAIII'I.E FB E. A Great ?l11fi Work on Manbootï, NerTonsnnd hy?ical 'o rirv. Trcipature Decline n Mnn, Bx I aiiBted Vitnlhv. .-.-. f.r., and the nntold miseries ■ esultinit frnm 1n1tcret1on or excoi: f00 pasros, Mibütanrtaltr bonnd in dilt, mulin. Conïnins more ihan V2 inTa'unM pre.-rriptlon, embrncinir every re nrle reüipriTíntho plmrma-''í f-irall acut andcliroiii.lica-o-. ]t is emDhatif-nny a book for ever? man, Prloonlyfi br mail postpaid, concealeo in nlaln srra 1 f t IJS it ' ivk AMl'IJE ril K TO AIA4 youne and mlddle-aged men for the neit nlnety ö:iy!. StMid nnvr, or cut ihis out, n you mar never peelticatn. Atldref-s W. 1[. Píukku.4 Bulflncb bt., lío-tnn. N. 11 Dr. Parkor can be confltlentlally consultad on all diseñe. of man, hts speclaliies. iwib Pi iQi I [f] lil t - the bM BESTTONIC. r Thl medicine, combinlng Iron with puré vegetable tontea, qulnkly añil comi'U'tely Curca Dytepsla, llidicratloii, VVtnlc ness, Impuro lilooil, Malaria, ClliJU and Kever, and Neuralgia. It Is mi anfiuiiug remdy iur Diseases of Ue HLitïiiey and Ilver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Womcn, anil all who leaü sedentiiry lives. Itdues nut injure the teetli, cause liea1avhe,ot produce eonsiipatinn- othcr Ironmallcnmdo. It rnrlclies and purifica tlie blom!. etimiiluics the appetlte. aida tlie oimilation of food, relieves ituartburn and BelvUlug.aud strengthens the muscli s and nurves. For Internilttrnt Foren, Lamltiule, Lnclt of Eneryjr, etc., It has uo equal. OT The germine has above trade mark and trosscd red linas on rapper. Take no other. üd. onl. kj nunn ciiri ai. o.. imltixobk. ■ DR. JOHN BULL'S Süi'sToÉSyrii FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and ACUI Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEACÜS. The propriator of this celebrated "dio justly claims forit a superiority ovei all re: edies ever offered to the publio r tho SAF CEKTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT en : of Agüe and Fe ver.or Chilla ancTFe ver.whet er of short or long standing. He rcfors to tl entira Western and Southern country to be him testimony to the truth of the assertii that in no oase whatover will i fiil to cure thedirectionsarestrictly followedandcarrii out. In a great many cases a single d oso h i heen sufticient for a cure, and whole famili have been enred by a singlo bottlo , with a pi fect restoration of the genera, hcalth. Iti however, prudent, and in ev rycase more o tain to cure, if its use is coutinued in smali dosss for a week or two after tht discase h been checked, more 63pecially in difBcnlt ai long-standing cases. Usuaily this medici: 1 will not require any aid to keep the bowels good order. Should the patiënt, however, i qnireacathartio medicino, afterha ving taki ; three or four doses of the Tonic, a single do Of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PUI will be Buffioient. Use no other. DR. JOHN BULVS SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPAR1LLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYEI Tho Popular Remedies of the nay. Principal Office, 831 Mala St., LOUISTILLI.I RADWÁY' PILLS The Grcat Liver s Stomiicli Rcmd roí Ujo tr of all diaorder of the Stomach, Lii Bowtf), Kidneys, uitttiiier, Nervuus Disí; Los of apnetlie. llt-adache, Costiveness, I. otion, )ïi i lunnesft, Frvcr. liittnmnuition oí owol-i, pilen, mul all iloranffemonts of the tnter viscera. Puii'ly vrgotabie. containiiu o tuercu mineralf' (ir it-li teriOQfl diutfA Frite. oenti per box. üold by a!l dTDKgUU. DYSPEPSIA DR. RADW&Y'S PiUS.ïSXS'ï, 1 1 t'iifiih to the stomacb and euñble 't U p form lts fnucttons. The Kymptoros of DyspoMtc appear, unü wüh thcni the linbiltt v of .kt tem Tatia ilip metliflne .'. -óniünif rve what we sy ia "Kaliei True" rïspectinff üiet. A lew !iiuiples 'of letters wc are conatajitiy rmt ing: David Rtahnr.1, T.uiKnourg, N. S.: Pili sn4 bteREiinc that be will lakt; no otl r. H.A. Carr, I. m., Kscambia, Ala.: "B&t flUi baiïever med." B. Hummel, Tïoonvillcs Mo.: Curcd him wl allothors uui.-i. Altee K. Uto a ver, ML Storm, W. Va.: "I posttlv iay tbat Kadway's are the best Ml, I ever had wspepaia." G. V. Kotiilior, n&mmonton, N. J.: ElTectiv cnre'J of Pin Woruis. aud rccumni cruis Uadwa PilU in thti taigUct manner. tySend a letter stamp tn DR. ADWAY A No. 32 Wakuen Sticlst, Hew Yüuk, íor "1C ftnd True." VBe sure and got RADWaY'S. CTho oldest medïctne !n the worM ta prohaMy Dr. IsRao Thompson'1. i:m:brvii: i:vi: wate This art tel e Is earefnlly pmpare'l Phvsl.'tnn'a icrlptlon, mui has heen lu óonstani ry, arfi : ig the raanT othcr preparat tnot tiavpiM !';i lnirmliii'fl In'o Ihft marker, t !♦ ofthiR firt te laeonatamljr increaslDF If thed tlons ajf f lloved II .- II nev r ín), we particu' Invite atieption vf i'hyslrlnns to Itsmerlts. JüIIN L, THOMPSON, SONS 4s CO.. TKOT, Jjdjffi' to aiiy prffi tbatntn farnlib gtit&f Auton'ütïr SinL'in Straw Star, WKI that raii do beller work tlian tlie B IIV1PERIAL STACKER JhÉÊ thnt we are bíilldinc feend tí SJSLjgft c anti priee list whichw " bp mniled free. All ar w rnnted to do goxl worfe ur no sale. NEWARK MACHIliE CQ.. Columbus, ■k JOPEES JHL 'Mrjíí 6; ""joses'oVb'iÍbh'á'm'toÍ! ' J " niNUHAJITO.N, N.l Plao's Ti#mly for C&Uirrh Is tL-s I H Best, Eaaitst to Use. and ChwpML I BB AIk rox1 fbr Ca'.ft In the Head, SM I Hoadache, Hay Fover. tc. 5)co;iu. pB ARMIEia nnblt. QnlrklT and Pa! aiM Hfl lycüicilit home. Currcci-oudei 1 1 I ! I ftti Bullciletl anü r tr.u! il r.u rei I 11 16 1 hocesiliivoêl calor. TüiJivml


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