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Millions for honest pensions, but nu one cent for congressional almsgiving. If the trainers of the democratie buil dog want him in fighting trim for 188Í they will hare to ent off lus Bandall tai in time to heal before that date. The tariff utterances of tho cominj democratie state convention must üe o no unct rtain sound or doubtf ui meaning Michigan doean't want any Bandallism nonsense. Telegraph and electrio light wires are being put under ground in nearly al large cities. Business centers shouU now demand that politioal wires follow the same course. The Flint Democnit gives some excol lent advioe to the Wayne county demo cracy. A united front in Wayne wil not alone save a oongreesman, but wil go towards electing the on tiro state ticket The expenses for pensions were tive and-a-half millions more t'iis year than last and yet nearly fifteen million dollars were saved to the tax payers this year All this simply by econom-y and stopping leaks. Hum. Bandall ohould be returned to contrroBo, if at all, as a republican, al though he is more usef ui to the latter party while acting in the name of demo craoy. He has done more to obstruc democratie measures than any republi can in the house. Those very few members of the demo oratie party, who are supposed to fine fan lt because remováis have not been made fast enough are respectfully refer red to the numerous republican state ments made ooncerning the very few republican left in office. Jim Stone, Jim Hiñes, and Jim Bu-stow, have become owners of the Jim Blaine organ at Detroit known as the Tribune. This tri Jim combination wil give the republican party jimjams from the start. The ui, 'hts of the Jimmys, yill be full of labor. - Adrián Proas. The republican bosses of Iowa are bok and ingenious. Thev Lave invented a new "boodle" method. One republioan legislatura appropriates money to a state institution and a part of the same is used to "persuade" the next republican legislature to appropriate some more money. If Gapt. Miller, is not nominated for congrees, he must hold the Times respon sible. That paper printed a cut purport ing to be Miller's protrait and we protes' though the captain does not encroach, much on the realms of handsome, he hasn't Buch a villainous look as the por trait indicates. Heavens what a phiz ! - Adrián Press. The Coldwater Bepublioan is afraic that Farmer Luce is being talked up for governor by some designing republicana simply for the purpose of "dropping him like a hot potato." Ho wever, it hopes that the mannes of the party will make their power feit in the state coyention and nomínate the great granger in spite of designing politioians. The question of politics is one of the highest consideration to the American citzen . This is the more so because the ballot box is surest, safest and in fact, the only method by wbioh important revolu tions can be successfully and permanent ly inaugurated; the only meansbv whicl the people can expresa their approval o condemnation of the aots of their public servan ts. We observe that that old irrenconcila blo, Bon Ooivin, is going for W . D. Fulle because the latter is in favor of makinj another combination with the demócrata Colvin is a crank of the crankiest kind and 11' inUuAnw in Michigan politioo amounts to just nü. He has opposec fusión ever finco he entered a greenbacl party for the purpose of betrayingit, an yet the sentiment in favor of fusión is stronger to-day than ever before. The refusal to conñrm Mr. Matthews the colored demucrat whom Presden Cleveland nominated for recorder in th District of Columbio, shows that what ever nghts were conferred unpon th negro by the amended constitution, th tuoni, in me opinión ot republican sena tors. No doubt was entertaind of Mr Matthew'o huutwljr ui uauauHya Tko color nf his okin and his politics lefeatei him. Isn't it one of the brightest ideas o the ninteenth century, to cheapen whisky tobáceo and cigars, and pile up a heav; tax on clothing, sheleter, fuel and food: Isn't it a strange kind of political econ omy ? Bandall thinks drink and smoke of more importance for the public, than olnthea, food or fuel. He does not sesm to agree with Adam Smith on this mtbjoot but we are foolish enough to beheve,tha the public in general will decide with the latter. It is perfeotly true that boycotting is a bad foreign invention of whioh the less we have in this country the botter. It is also true that recent boycotts have been the work of foreigners. Hadn't our pro tected manfacturers best stop the importation of foreign laborera? We refer to the men who go to Washington to ask for proteotion for American labor, anc then bring over Hungarians and Polef and Bulgarians, and all the scum o Kurope they can buy in order to cheapen wages. lt appears that the republicans have fears that they will lose Maine at the approaching eleotion, at least they are going to great expense in their canvaes. Blaine is to speak eighteen days in succession. Besides other local speakers, Logan, Finnerty of Chicago, Senator Evarts, Senator Jones, of Nevad, Harrison of Ind., Hiscock of New York, MeKinley of Ohio, Goff of West Virginia and other big men are to make speaking tours throughout the State. Cleveland'e wise and just busiuess administration has frightened the republican politicians seriously. It is pretty high testimony to the quality of President Cleveland's nominations to ottice that the rejections by the senate at the end of the session will not amoimt to one per cent, of them, s smaller percentage of rejections than under any republican administraron. Nor will it do to say that the senate has been generous in the matter, for on the contrary, the republican majority of tuat body has shown a bitter spirit of hostility :o him. It must be remembered, too, that unlike one of his predeossors. President Cleveland has never made bargains with senators in order to secure votes lor conflrmation. The republicans of Pennsylvania now 'deprécate the infamous work importing lortign labor, criminal and contract abor, and t.he products of penitential labor, and thelpassage of a national law summarily and positively prohibiting such importation under any pretext what ever." Their party were in power a lumber of years without making the east effort to stop any part of the in'amous work. Of the 600,000 laborera ihat come to this country each year, about one-half of them are imported by such fellows as passed the above declaraion. It is exceedingly gratifying to mow that they have at last discovered hat this work is infamous and it ought o be stopped. If they had read a demoratio paper or two they would have :uown years ago what they have just discovered. The State Bepublican of Lansing is one of the leading republican newspapers of the state. It, however does not apear to have a very bright feeling in regad to its party's prospecta of carrying he state at the coming eleclion. The ;reat question this year is, whom can we elect, the time has certainly gone by when the republican party can elect, iiiy man whom they desired. It is also rue that the democratie party, with the aid of fusión, has a strong chance to elect, rovided it makee strong and popular lominations. The democrat and greenack partios should therefore see to it, but their very strongest men are placed on the ticket. Each should also be willing to ooncede to the other its full rights, and not split their forces upon some trivial techmcality that is in itself of no importance.


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