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GOODRICH HOUSE, AH. GOODRICH, Proprietor, corner Arm and Fourth Btreets, opposite the Court Honse Bañare. Everythlnein firstclass order. Kewly furuished. Barn uccommodations. _ -. J. R. JOYÑerI T ICËÏT&ED AUCTIONEKR, is nowpre J-J purod to render his services to all dosirinji thein. Wl n you wlsh to sell anything at auction give him a cali. He may be found the first door west of Nat Dralre 8 place, Hurou street. P. M'KERNAN, ATTORNEY-AÏ-LAW. Collections promptly attended to. Money to loan. Houses and lots for sale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postoflice, dealer in Fresh, Smoked aud Salt Heats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. D. M. TYLER, M. D., pHYSICIAN. Office over the Post Officei -L Ann Arbor, Mich. CHARLES A. MATTHEWSON, pATl'ERN MAKER, Agricultural Works, Ann Arbor, Mich. COOK HOUSE. MRS .11. HUDSON, Proprietor. Newly Furnished. The leading house in Ann Arbor. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in all respecta. Eyervthing new. Fine rooms, wel] furnished. TVrms, $1 per day and upwards. Special rates to woekly boardcrs. Meals, 25 cents. .John Schneider, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of Wasungton and Secoud streets, Ann Arbor, Micli NICHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. C. NICHOLS, D. 1). S. Dental office Masonic Temple Ulock, over Saviugs Bank, Ann Arbor. JO8EPH CLINTON, TlfERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wlnes & jjL Worden's. All work euaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY ATLAW. Office, nos. 3 and i, (irand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a eeneral I&w xi colleotlon and conveyaoce business. A moderato patronage is resDectfully solieïted. Office In the court house, Ann' Arbor, Mlc:h. O. C. JENK1NS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and Gravestoncs nianufactureil bom 'IYnnessee and Italian Marble and Sctoch and American Granite. Shop cor. Detroit and Catharine sts., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN'. Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Gilding, Calclmlnlng, Ql&zing and Paper Ihimring. All work done in the bost style and warrauted togive satisiaction. fc Shop, No. 4, West Washington street, Anu Arbor, Mich. Abstracts f Titles on Real Estáte 1KAVE a complete co'ini ilion of the Official Records of Waihrenaw County lo date, in 'n'l ing all Ta x litles. Ex ctUions or anv incumt r.inrrs .0 on Real Estale, thal i oí Record in the Rfgistcr' ofliice, is shown by inv books. Oflice in th officcof the secrttary of th.A'ashUnaw Mutual insurmee comtianv, in the basement of the Court House. C. H. ANLY. Ann Arbor. Mich. N EWlMA R K E T. C.W. VOGEL, Proprietor, Late of Chelsea, at THOMAS MATTHEWS1 OLD STAND On Ann Street. Fresh and Salt Maats kepton band. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank prfanizd 1869, uadv the Otaeril Uankini Ls K UiiatUt bu now, inoluaiuc capital Eltcfc. iw.,to., OTMB $800,000 ASSJ&TM. Bulnui man. Quardlans, Tnuteu, Ladtei and iÁr persons will flnd thii Bank a SAFE AND CONVENICNT "lace at whloh to makc Depotiu and do biuinn. riterest is Allowed on All Sïvings Deptsltt Df $1.Majid upward, accordíng to the rúm ei lb bank. and iutereit cmpounded n-mi tuM Monay te Loan In Sums of 120 IB.OOO. iMond ky ünlouaberd Keal Iiuu and otfcat iod lenritlM. DIBBUTOR3- Cbrlulan Mack. w. W. TinM W. D. Harrioamn, Vflll'nm Deuble, Dand Riuftey, Dultl HlMeak nd W. B. mltk OTTIOXBB-CtarUUaa Maok. rrealdent; n. W Wüiea. Vloe-Preeldenl: C. S. Hlscock. Cumiar ; illf! Walters' Fatent Metalic Shlneles weie award ed the first premium and gola medal at the World's Exposltion at New Orleans. They an manufactured from the best grades of tin and and steel. THE STEEL SHINCLES, Palnted on both sides, can Do laid on the rooi forabout the same prlce as pine shfnglos. Foi particulars and prlco cali on or address CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mich. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MÍLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, Do. i South Main itraat, Ann Arbor. Th oldot arencj in the oitjr. IsUbláüied a quartr l ■ eantur age. RepreMotine the followlns (Int, clase compaula, it orar {10,000,000 imU. Home Idb. Co., of N. Y.; Oontinutta] Ib. Co., cf N. Ï.; iñaOTralnA Oo., (4 N. Tj Girará Ina Oo., oí Pbila.; OnM Id. Oo., oí Hartford; Couraerciál XJaiom of Loiddi; LiTarpool uni LondoH uj GW W Ba,lei low. Lian KbweJly a4Joata4 it nmtHffáá. O. % MltjJW. H


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