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Council meeting Monday evening. There was a soaking rain Monday morning. Next Monday the schools open for the fall term. O. W. Belser left Friday night for Carthage, 111. To-day The Dkmocbat enters upon ite uinth year. Will Holland of Jacksou, spent Sunday in the oity. Fred. Sohmid went to Lianaing Tues day, on business. Mrs. McKernan is visiting friends in Toledo this week. Judaon. on State street, is building a brick store 22x40 feet. W. A. has sold his thoroughbred colt to F. St )fflet for $175. Laat Friday and Saturday were about the hottest daya of the season. Q. Josenhans moved into hh new house on Ann street, Saturday. O. Alaok expects to leave for New York to-morrow night, tu purchase goode. Editor Woodruff of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, paid this city a visit last Friday. Geo. Roth, a well-to-do farmer and an old citizen of Freedom, died Saturday. There were 16 applicants voted for by the prohibition olub last Friday night. Wm. Arnold bas had his store hnndsomely decorated. Chas. Stabler artist. It ia aaid that DeForest lost $599.25 by the collapse of Cooke & Oo., brokers. Ann Arbor is to have a dime museum. Plenty of curiosties to select f rom about hete. The prohibitioniats have called their senatorial convention at Dundee September 14. Next Monday occurs the annual meeting of the board of education at Firemen'a hall. Gardener Clark has about three acres . of meions from which he is reaping a rioh harvest. Rev. James L. Oloott will offioiate at the Unitarian church Sanday morning and evening. Saline village is to have 15 gasoline street latnps to light her citizens home on dark nights. The finance committee of the council meet this evening. The'presentation of billa is in order. Geore E. Pomeroy and Jno. 11. Whee Ier, have been appointed oommissioners in the Jos. J. Ellia estáte. Henry Richards dealer in coal, wood and fiour and feed, makes an important announoement in to-day's paper. Dr. D. C. Wright will address the temperance meeting Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clook, at the old Baptist church . Jno. Dow is gettiug some of the seaaide brown on his face by putting down thoae excellent tar street crossiogs. A large number of oars loaded with gravel pass this city every day on the Toledo road, for use on the Wabash Trains will be running from Toledo to Mt. Pleasant, over the T.. A. A. & N. M. R. R. by Oot. 1, a distance of 171 miles. The time for holding the greenback congressional convention at Adrián was changed until Sopt. 4, which is to-morrow. Miss Ora Royce, assistant writing teacher in the high school, is to tike lesaons in drawing at Cooper institute, New York oity. September 18 ia the day fixed for hearing the final account in the estáte of Jacob F. Schaible. Christian Walker, ad miniatrator. Jno . Q. Hawley of Detroit, appeared for Henry Liesemer of Saline, Monday, in a case brought by one Rowe, before Jnstice Pond . Jno. Lindenschmidt, who has been living on Ingalls-st. for nearly two years, is to remove to Fifth street, so as to be nearer to business. Elmer Oushman and Ira C. Backus have been appointed commiasioners in the estáte of Rachel S. Savery. Claims are to be heard by the court. H. D. Bennett has aold his ho ïse and lot on División street to A . L. Noble, who owns theadjoining mansion. Noble will fill up the lot and repair the house. As more room is required by the school of music, the directora will take the neoessary steps lookiug to that end. Additional instrument are to be purchased. Attention is called ro the change of advertisements for Blitz & Langsdorf, ready-made clothing; Koek & Halier, Keek & Co., and Jno. Muehlig, furnituro dealers . Cooke & Co., who had a number of bucket shops in this state, have gone to the wall. ín this oity there are aeveral gentlemen who are out from $500 to 83,000 ach. There will be a meeting of the pomological society to-morrow afternoon Topics: New features of the fruit exhibit at state fair; how can we m-ike the oounty fair more attractive and instructiye; fall work, etc. The material interest of this city depend on our uuivei-Hity, and, of course, what we neel is the right kind of men in the legislature- men that will look after the needs of the university. A. O. Crozier prohibition nominee for oongress, addressed an enthusiastic meeting in Detroit, Wednesday night. It waf" his first speech of the campaign. He will now make a thorough canvassof this district. Willie Walker came within an ace of drowning last Friday aftaruoon. He feil from the trestle work of the Toledo railroad bridge, and had gone down the second time when he was rescued. He was taken from the water more dead than alive. The snmmer has about passed and no drinking fonntains have been put in by the city fathers. It is a líame, for there should be water furnished for man and beaat. If it is the coat, then the oonncil should curtail expenses in other directions - it should be done. In a challenge shoot, the f] rat of the week, between Herman Armbruater, Jno. Mayers and Reuben Armbruster on one side, and Jno. Armbruster, Fred. Gakle aud Chas. Kempf on the other, for a purse of $30, the former side won by a 448 to 419 points, out of a possible score of 500. Albeft Qotg haa been in Hilladale tliis eek. There was quite a havy frost Tuesday night. B. F. Bower of Detroit was in the city Wednesday. Miohael Keelnn died in Chelsea Sat nrday night. The Hobart guild mansion is looming np splendidly. There were nine prisonere in the jai Monday night. Supervisor Buroh of Manchester, was in the city Monday. Dr. Randall of Deerfield, paid this city a visit Tuesday. Dr. Breakey is raaking some improvements to bis residence. Gill Snow drove over to Hillsdale Sun day, a distance of 55 miles. Mrs. Annie Terhune is visiting her father-in-law, Enoch Terhnne. Mr. Bennett in building a cosy residence on South Thayer street. Miss Viola M. Uollister of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. F. EI. Belser. O. A. Millen and wife left for New York Tnesday, for a two weeks' visit Miss Hattie Taylor of Beose, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Webster (look. luv. iienry Uemton preacnea at tüe Presbyterian ohurch Sunday tnorning. Mr. W. J. Stimson aud children have been rustioating in the country the past week. Dance to-night by the local club,for the benefit of the K. of L, in the assembly room. We publish todáy calis for a democratie county, senatorial and representare conventionDetective Des Bosiers of the Miohifjan Central rond, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. Bichard Wheeler, a resident of Sylvan, died Sunday. He leavee a wife in oombrtable circumstanees. Miss Grace, of Jadge Huntngton of Mason, died Saturday, of diphtheria, aged 18 years. Mrs. Prof. Williams and daughter, iIish Louiso Richards, have gone to Pullman, 111., to be ubsent for a year. Qeo. H. Pond of the Courier, is the atest candidate mentioned for the office of olerk on the republioan tioket. Miss Huttie, daughter of Aid. Swift, s visiting friends in Detroit. She exects to be absent about two week. Mat. Winegar offers a reward of $25 or the apprehension of the. party or par;ies who desecrated his father's grave, ast week. Kred. Stimson returned frora Kansas City last week. He is not certain about ciirning. and may possibly engage in UHiness in this city. John Murphy and Thos Kelly were irrested Monday and placed in jail on lio charge of stealing from a freight car n the track at Chelsi.-a. The peaches this season are of exoel;nt flavo r and the meions much sweeter lian in fonuer years, owing no doubt to ie lonrf, dry hot summer. Everybody rejoices to have the schools pen again. That intolerable nuisance f rough, noisy children on our streets will be abated for a season at least. The new house of Prof. L. D. Wines, dow being rapiilly built on the corner of Washington and Thayer etrootg, will be the most elegant in that part of the city. Last Saturday was a powerful hot day with the mercury at 96 in tue shade. Eberbach's men were putting on a tin roof when the reein they used melted, and, procuring a thermometer, the mercury ran up to 136 degrees. Bemember the dates of the county fair in this city- September 11-24. In addition to the regular premiums special peed purses are offered amounting to 1,500, and the trotting will come off on the last three days of the fair. Married, last evening, by Bev. Dr. Haskell, .Mr. Chas. Cunmngham and Miss Ella Cumings, both of this city, at the residence of the bndes' mother, on rifih street. Many handsome and useful preseuts were presented to the bride. There is to be a school caucus at Firemen's hall to-morrow ovening ut 8 o'clock, o make out a ticket with the names of irustees to be voted for next Monday. ley. Crozier says that in this movement ïere is necossarily no proLibition or woman sutfrage. The young men's prohibition club now umbers over 50 members, having enolled 16 at the last meeting. Meetings will horeafter be heldiweekly during the ampaign in the old Baptist cliurch. 'rof. Dickie will probably open the oampaign in two weeks, although the xact date is not yet flxed. Walter Pollard, chief of the Leadville re department, at a tournament in reorgetowii, Col., August 12, won the ïurdle race in 14 2-5 seconds, which is ie best time on record. Mr. P. is well en o wii in this city, and is a gradúate of ur univeraity. He is a son-in-law of no. O'Kief of Thayer street Excursión to Marquette. Persons presenting return portions of Detroit, Lening & Northern, and Grand Bapids & odiana railroads special excursión tiok ts dated September 7, 188(5, can procure tickets at St. lgnace to Marquette and return for $5, good to return uutil Sept. 15. Three trains each way daily. Timothy McKone, father of Thos. McKone, postmaster at Chelsea, died at nis residence in Lyndon Saturday evening, at the ripe old age of 90 years. He lea ves a widow and five grown-np children - three boys and two girls - to mourn his loss. The funeral took' place Wedncsday f rom the Catholio church at Chelsea. Last Saturday the Detroit market qiioted peacbes: Stocks very large with fair demand, at $1 to $ 1.50 per bushei, and green gage pluma abundant at $1.50 to $1.75 per bushel. Ann Arbor people, where orops are abundant, h ive to pay p rices f ar in excess of those above quoted. Are not our business men responsible in part for this state of things? Chas. B. Whitman: "Please sty to the readers of your paper that, though somewhat disappointêd in not receiving the nomination for congreso, I am uo kicker, and Mr. Sasbury shall have my hearty support. Mr. Salsbury is a worthy gentleman and I shall take off my coat and labor for his lelection. It is far more important that the district be represented in congress by a democrat, whoever may be the candidate, than the personal triumph of any person seeking the nomination." Such were the instructions Kiven us by Mr. Whitman since his defeat of Wednesday. - Dunde:; Reporter. A. Waldo Quest, the Michigan artist who committed suicide at Baltimore recently, became estranged from his family on account of his marrying a Catholio girl. His fathers st renuous ellorto to have Waldo leave lus wife, but even after the woman became addicted to drinkjthe husband remained faithful to her. After he dropped dead his body was taken to the city hospital, and that same night the (1 runken wife who had been rescued as slie was about to drown herself, was taken to the same hospital and there found her dead husband. The body of the nnfortunate man was buned in the potter' s field.- Evening Journal. Ouest's relatives are residente of Dexter. A grand Washtenaw county good templar and prohibition mass meeting will be held at the rink in Milan on Tuesday evening, Sept 14. The meeting will be addressed by the old veteran Bev. Jno. Bussell, and A. Ü. Crozier, the nominee of the prohibitionists for congress in this district. Albert Dodge, O. VV. C. T., of Michigan, is expected to preside. Milán cornet band will f uruish music, as also will Wilsey's prohibition quartet, whioh will accompany the excursión from this city. The district lodge of good templara for this county, and the senatorial convention for this and Monroe coun ties, will meet there the same day. The excursión rato over the T. & A. A. E. B., to Milan and return, will be 60 cents. Au excursión train will return to this city after the meeting. Gub Williams, 8ept. 10. Oapt. Fairchilds returned ffom Ludíngton Monday. The Ohelsea fair is to be held Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 1-2. The funeral of Philip W. Stockbower was held Satnrday last. Demooratio conventiou to nomínate county officers, Sept. 28. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Keams was buríed Monday. Míbsos Nellie and Graoe Seabolt are visiting friends at Eaton Bapids. Grove Sanders a reepeoted oitizen ol Ypsilanti died suddonly Tuesday. The earthquuke shock was quite peroeptibly telt in this city Tnesday night. Tne Mis8ea Henion of Detroit were the guests of Miss Nellie Seabolt, last week. Fred. Schmid, guardián of the Neithammer minors, advertist real estáte for sale. Jas. Kitson has sold a portion of his household goods and expeots to return to England. Mrs. 14. J. Wise, for the past fonr years a resident of this oity, left for her home in DeWitt, 111., yesterday. Mascot Bailey has returned from nis flshing expedition. He hRs some big stories to teil about Injins, etc. Ueputy county clerk obison leaves for Detroit tomorrow to accept a position as reporter on the Free Fresa. Lester H. Halsimry, democratie nominee for congreso, and Seih lioan, of Adrián, were in the city Wednesday. There was a meeting of the democratie county oommittee at the court nouae, Tuesday. Chairman Schuh presidod. The time for holding the democratie ward caucases will be fixed for the evening preceding the county oonvention. Weloh Post, G. A. R, some 25 strong, attended the re-union at Hilludale. Japt. Manly was one of the offioers of the day. Mrs. E. L. Cobb and daughter have gone to Walhngford, Vt, where they will make their home with Mr. Cobb's aged futher. There was a social at the rosidence of Willis Boughton Wednesday evening, f i ven by the home miss i on society of the M. E. church. Jacob Hoffstetter has rented Paul 3hristmans store, South Main Street, and will engage in the saloon and restaurant business. Joseph H. Peebles, at one time chief f pohce of tuis city, died at Howell iuiuluy, to which place he removed about two years ago. Geo. W. Pulmer's hennery was raided rloiiday uight, but the thief was f rightened away by O. T. Houghtby, who works at the city milis. Mrs. A. J. Shivily of Brooklyn. N. Y , s expected to arrive in the city this eveling, for a visit of several weeks with her mother, Mrs. C. Best. The pólice made 17 arresta last month, ;he greatest number yet aince Chief Sip ey was appointed. He also distributed mong the indigent poor, for August, 8108 $5. D P. Olay of Grand Kapids bas our ;hanks for a complimentary to the Wesrn Michigan agricultural and indusrial society' fair, at the Kapids September 20-24. Ed. Fleming was arraigned before Judge Joslyn, Tuesday, on the charge of stealing a suit of clothes at Chelsea. He pleaded guilty and got off with three years in Jackson. The many friends of Hon. J. W. Wing of Scio, who has been sick tor several weeks, will be pleased to know thut he is able to ride out once again. He carne to the city Wednesday. Tueaday A. A. Terry received from the each per special order for a gentleman n this city a derbv hat 7% inohes in aize. The size of the hat would indícate that the man had a great head. A meeting of the directora of the Washeuaw mutual insurauoe company was ïeld Wednesday. Several fire losses were tdjtuted. The assesment on 81,000 w:ll be the same as last year- $1.75. Worth Axford, who removed to this ity about a week ago, for the sole purof educating his ohildren, died Wednesay, of inflammatory rheumatism: His emains were taken to Oxford, his for nier home, for iu terment. A prohibition club has been organized n the township of Webster. It starts ff under the most favorable ciroumtanoes. It is also proposed to hold meetings every two weeks, and to make a horough canvass of the town. Jno. Parker, manager of the brokers' office that collapsed in this city last week, was also a loser to the tune of sevral hundred dollars. He eau keep comany with Messrs. DeForest and Treadwell, and others, who are said to be moug the victime . "Pe wee" Johnson, the baseball en ■ husiast, has resigned in favor of mum ian Hora. Hora, it is said, is so wraped up in the g.une that he can not wait ïutil the score is put on the blackboard t Rettich'H, but will astnally take it rom the delivery boy's hand au 1 read it efore it is bulletined. Mrs. Edwin J. O'Neill, who oame here rith her husband several months agu rom Socorro, N . M., to be treated for ancer, died Monday, after a very long nd painf ui illness, at the age of 30 years. 'he funeral was held at St. Thomas' buren, and she was buried in the Catholio oemetery. E J. O'Neill left Tuesday or Marshall, Mo. A horrible murder was committed at Willis Station, in the southern part of the township of Augusta, last 'f huruday. Chandler S. Wells out his wife's thruat with a razor, and her lifeless body wan found a short distanee from the house by a little 10 year old daaghter on her return from school. The mnrderer is about 35 years of age. It is said that for years he has been in the habit of quarrehng with hia wife. When Wells was arrested his actions and behavior were those of an insane person. On searohing the house the murderer's white shirt was found in the stove, partially burned. He had bIso attempted to clean the blood spots from the Hoor. When taken to xpsilanti he again attempted to play the "orazy" act. When it was intimated by an official that a mob might attempt to kill him, he begged for his life. It seems that his mother-in-law held a mortgage on his little farm of forty acres for the value of the land, and he had in vain persuaded her to release it. This is thought to have irritated hirn, and he became angered at his wife, whioh flnally culminated in murder. Wells will have his examination to-day.


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Ann Arbor Democrat