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MASOMC DIBECTORV. A.NN Aruob lommanukrï, No. lí-Meets firs Tuesdaynf eaci) raonth. W. W. Mcnols, &. . W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. Washtknaw Cbaptík, No. 6, R. A. ïi.- Meeto flrst Mondayuf ech mcntn. C. L. Hiscock, H I'.; Z. Koath, Secietary, Chíthah Lodok, No. 130, Ordsr Sons of Saint George.- Meets the First and Third Wednes day Veninas each month. at St. Qeorge's Hall over Stimson & Son's grocery, Ann street President, Chas. T. Houghtby; Secretary, Jno H. Nickleg. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. TRAINS EAST: j,a1 4 83p. m ñraas " 5 30 p. m stw YoK Tnd' ÜmitedExpres 10 0 p. m Atlantic Kxpress ?■"' Night Kxpress Vn 1 Grand Kapids Ü$g5gLgg? " M.n ' .' 8!Ha. ni rhicatro Express íS1 Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Express 5 JO p, ni Eveninglíxpress inS"m 1ai'n' ExD-ess 10. p. m The New York and Limited. Atlantic, and NiKht Express trains east, and the Chinaco, Evening, and Pacific Express trains west, nin every day in the week, Sunday included. AMUSEMENT. _ THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ONK APPEARANOE ONIíY. Saturdav Evening, Oct. 2,1886. Grand produclion of Augustin Daly'R great spectacular and sensational play. GUNDER THE AS LIGHl With new aml meihanical eflfects. and a Bpecially selected company. New Features. New Songs. New Muhic. Admiss'ron, 75, 50, 35 Cents. No extra charge for reserved seats now on aale at Yale's l'ostofflce News Depot. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ONE APPEAKANOE ONIY. Tuesday Evening, Oct. 5, 1886. THE ORICINALS! BARRY AND FAY ! Tn tbo New Versión of " IRISH ARISTOCRACY." HUQH FAY BILLY BARRY AS AS MULDOON. MüLOAHY. Supported by a company of metropolitan artists of extraordinary excellence. Scale oí Prlces, - 75, 50 and 35c. No extra charge for reseryed seats , now on sale at Yale's Postoffice News Depot. THE GRAND OPERA IIOUSE. ONE APPEABANCE ONIT. Thursday Evening, Oct. 7, 1886. AB e vent not to be míssed. The worldfamous TONY DENIER'S HUMPTV DÜMPTY PANTOMIME, Together with a magníflceiit olio of all star specialties, presenting 3 DISTINCT PANTOMIMES: 1. On his Native Heath. Ï. With the Mikado in .Tapan. 3. In the Wild West among the Indiana. Laughter on top of laughter assured. New ïricks. New ÍTcenery, New Music, New Wardrobes. Admission, 75, 5O and 35 Cents. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE POSITIVELY ONK APPEARANCE ONLY. Friday Evening, Octoher 8, 1886. The Talented Actor, MR.E.T STETSON Supported by a company of actors in his great realista: drama. " NECK AND NECK." New York Herald: "Neckand Neck," stands without a rival in the role of modern sensational melodrama. A drama full of heart ipterest, See the execution on the scaftold. The most reallstic scène ever placed on any stage. Admission, 35, 50 and 75 Cts. Reserved Seats can be secured without extra hargo at Yale's Fostoïflce News Depot.


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