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The worst Scaid or Burn cnn bc. curetl without a ecar if Cole' Carbollnalve ie promptly used. It tnctanüy etops the pain. Sold by Drugeiats at 25 and SO centa. Natural gas is said ti be "death tO rats. ' If a eough disturbs your sleep, take FisoS Cure for Consumption and rest well. During tlie past winter no less t-han on Uundred childreu have him-.ed to death. GKT Lyon's teel PtJfTnern apulicl to your new boots and shoe befare you run them OTer. The cultivation of bamboo has provee quite successful in California. To be free from sick-headache, bilious ness, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pilis. 8trictly vegetable. Thej gently stininlate the liver and free th stomach froui bile. If afflioted with sore eyes, use Dr. Isaac Thompson 's Kye Water. Druggists ssll it 25c. _J Not a Purgativo; Carter's Little Liver Pilis; tlii i r action Ir mild, pleasant und natural. The Frazer Azle Grease is better anc cheaper than any other, at doublé tht price. . Ihat Bearing Down Pain Iseuredbj Oabtebs Ibos i'u.i.s. At aruggtotf. BROWNS RON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTIÓN BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTI PATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. They do not vaccinate womcn in Bur malí, as they are not considered worth the trouble and expense. As a horse and cattle lotion, Salvation Oil has proven tself an infallible remedy. It has received the hearty Indorsemeat o( many old and well-known horsemen. The electric liglit is shortly to replace as in the Faris grand opera. More than 0,000 incandeseent lamps will be used. A well digger in Oseo, 111., found a hollow log as feet below the surface of the ground, and in the log a vigorous frog. A reward of jEIOO has been offerod in England fortheproof of a cnse of dranken nes that he has been curod without total ab8tinencè. It will cost $4,000 and take 6,000 books oi gold loaf to gild the great dome at Norte Dame university. Indiana. The work ií going on DOW, A eompany has invested $150,000 to open : a gold mino at Abingdon, Mass., wherc traces of tho valuable metal have been dis covered. An effort ais being made by a colorea clergyman and editor to raise fnnds to es tahli-h a trade training school for coloree boys in Texas. What wonld our forefathers have saic if they had imagined that a cough could rel CorSQ cents - as by that reliablc remedy- Dr. BnlTsCough Syrup. Llbby prisoii s now factory j and Castle Thunder has been burned to i the ground. Charts of the the Fleiades show. as visi ble to the djrect eye, S stars, but th photorni'h rereali 1,421. ■Kj fff i Twf Vjdh PARDEES REMEDY (Tbs 01I7 Bellatb B'.ooi Fstilit.) -A. SPECIFIC FOIB, RHEUMATISES Scrofula,Sa!t Rheum Neuralgia, RingWorm AND ALL OTHER SKIN AND BLOOD DIS. EASES. IT REGULATES THE LIVERKIDNEYS And Cures Indigestión And all Discases ariiing from n enfeebled condition of the syitem. It h proven itaelf to be the most reliable remedy known for Female Wtaknesi, and foi .listases peculiar to the ex. Send for our pamphlet of testimoníala, and read of those who have been permanently cured by its use. 3BAsk your Druggist for DR. PARDEE'S REMEDY and take no other. Price $1 per bottle, or aix bottlet for $5. Maaufactured by the PARDEE MEDICINE CO., Rochester. N. Y. of the Looisrille and Jefferronville Ferry Co., Mr. J. 0. ! DoriOT, who lïves on Wall St., Jcffenoiiville, Ind., fuft'ered ■Terely from Neuralgia lu the fice, and wn qulckly oaredby ATHL0PH0R0S. ThU U theonly ture ani tae remcd? Tor Neuralgia. Ailt jour drogglat for Athlophoros. If you caanot get it of blm do uot try omething 'A, but ordt'f at ouec from as. W vlH uaa it xprcn l .-ti'i on of (trice, $1,00 Pr bottlc. ATHL0PH0R0S CO., 112 Wall St. New York. ELY'S CaTAQDU nmácured t E WlRF AU RCAÍA Halm -vas exliaust Wf!?0lQL# ntADJ , ,. !WM lroilclW)fif. f EVER lt" A tarrk fiiWi'i'i'iirtHÈf y 4rj m e Ay( . dtjficult) I $H (' breathing 'K'WËÊÈKE SÍM iscAtws rom , KjV6 9plihuMph",. " ' HAY-FE VE R A partióle 19 applird luto eaHi noRtrllnnd li aftreoablc touse. Prlce 50 ets., by mail (ir :u drugglats. oiiï '"yenl". KIA' BROTHER8, Dragglsta ÊXHAUSTEDVITALITY. iLLriTKATio inri. fr: m. KHOW THYSELF. JSSfa AOreatMell!-l Work on Manhood, Nerrensaail fhyuical De!. i'i'T. Prematuro Decline in Man. Kr■■utd VHaliif. i: Ac. and the untold miserie [ resultinj? fpom IndlscreUoa or izommií 00 naces, fubttantmllr lv,nnl in (tilt. mnlin. Ountaln.i mor I tïian liTiinva unbl prescriptions. embraeing every ▼CKetabie rerii"'iT in the pharmaooepia forall &ctit ' and cUroiii.'rtiii'ae. It ia emphalii'allr a lonk fnr . SSXSrJSSSi n bT mail "- conceaI' Il.I-US KAMVK BAMI'LK FREETÜAU Jouug And midtlifl-ad nion for the next ninety ' ayn. Send now, or "ii t tliix out.ati you may never eee Itaain. Addrcss Viu W. 11. Pjrkkr, i Buinnch st., Boston. , N. B.- Dr. Parker can be confitlentially conmlted on all dlseac of man, hts speciatties.


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