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Michigan News Condensed

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The Marquette, Houghton fc Ontonagon ruilruiii] deterniined tp rovide more doek room at Marquette in Umefornext scasoii's ore sbipmeuts. Their present bij; doek is to be extended TOO feet, making it the largest ore doek on Lake Superior, or in the world. li will be 2, h 0 feet long and will liave 24 poekets; from the-flrst pooket to the last pocket: or onter end of the doek. will be 1,800 (eet. When thls ia completed the road ill have unequaled doek l'acilitieg, having three ore docks, one merebandise doek liearly :i.iKX) feet ljng, one smaller one, and a fuinber dock 1,20(1 Leet long. Jason Atwell, for over 40 years a rasfr deut o' Lawton, isdead. The guvernor has pardoned Vktor Mominee, sent from Monroe county April 13, IS85. to three years at Jackeon tor the larceny o( $2 ". He is pardoned on bondition that he hereaftcr abstain f)-oin u,iiip; ïntoxicating liquors as a boverage. Henrv Bailey. acquitted of the charge of train wrecking, aeaV Augusta, Kalamazoo county. hassued Sheriff UaUigan for $10,000 for false imprisonment. Seth H lcoinb. charged with uttiiig n rail on the G. lf. &I. track at vickslmrg. Kalain;i.'n county. h is LeejJ acquitred. Jad l Sranrli'ii i ial is set for the Novem ber tciui of court. The case will probably be for the miirdor of Eunice White. Hannan, Lay & Co. of Traverse City, sold their standing pine, saw mi!N and docks to John Torrent of Muskegon, for $Pti0,000. They will continue in tlip banking and mercantile business at Traverse Ciiy. E. .Morse, of Birch Run, brought suit t " ■ 1 1 1 - 1 .( -i s I. TlioiHtisnn f ni' f" wLn t. ,'-{vc cents. The case was thrown out of court, and the costs íál were paid by Morse. Dan Strohn, aged 80 years, a muclf esemed citizen of Cheboycan, who broce a eg recontly,has since diedf rom the eff ects. Ie leavesgrown up children, all well-tolo. Thomas Barber, an old resident of Sara lac, is dead. His oldest son was over (0 rearsold: his eldest grandson is over 30 rears. while his eldest great-grandsan is .0 years old. Altogethor his family riumjers over 70 persons. Anson Rowley, a highly respected :citien of Romeo, died recently of dropsy of ;he huurt, aged 80. He went there rrom Etochester, NT Y., in 1827, and purchased a íarm, cleared it up, and lived and died on it. He leaves a wife and six childrun. The T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. aro proparing to build a new depot at Alma, and that town will undoubtedly get tho machine shops of the road - a good locution having been already selected. The PresbyteriaH synod of Michigan at its recent session in (irand Rapids adopt ed a resolution reeommending the etal) [ishment of a JPresbyterian college in Michigan. John Striker of Paris, Montcalm eounty, was killed by a logging train the othêr day. A rich vein of Bessemer oro has been discovered near Goose I.ake on the hou Cliffs property. nn B. Griswold, whose grandfather and e;?Jit mieles werd poldlers in the ievolutionary war, is dead at Cheasarling, aged 79. In tbe case of Nichols, Shepard & Co. vs. Marsh & La Fever, all of Battle Creek, growing our of the neglect of the secretar; of the interior to lormallv tippend his name to a patent, the defendknts liave ohtained na nllowance of an a)iie,il and issue of writs of error from tbe United States supreme court to the supreine court ot Michigan. Marsh & La Fever invcntiHi i steam eligiae reverse gear, wbich through the secre.tary'9 oniission, waa uot legally patentad, and Nichols & Bbepard appropriated it. Daniel lladley, the murderer of Douglass Taylor of Kuu Clairo. was captured pear Grand Rapids the i)ther night by ollicers Bovlan and Pulver, while walking on the railroad track. 'He made no resistance, and was jailed for return to Berrien county. Kstella, Gratiot county, is agitated over thp prospect of securing the Chicago, Kalama.oo & Saginaw railroad. Tho crack lias been graded through there for a numher of years. The crossing of the T. A. A. & N. II. railroad will probably be made ut Banister, and that town booms At a public meeting in Muskegon the other night it was deeided to pledge $50,DOO. the riglit of way f rom Greenville aud terminal r'anlities to the Toledo, Saginaw it Muskegou rallroad, aiiil the otticers of the company aiinouuced tliat the road would be tinisued by Jauuary I, lsSS. When the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. acquired control of the L. A. M. P. & N. R. R. the junction to Alma and north was made about one mile and one-flfth out of Bt. Louis. ïhis has neeessitated the backing out of trains that distance before proceeding northward. The company have concluucd to move their freight depot out there and will reconstruct it as the passenger depot. The present brick depot will liave all partitions removed añil will be used as a freight house. The citizens are indignant ana talk of serving an injunction. Their rights are based on the claim that a large bonus was given to the road to come to St. Louis, and th provosed locatlou Is out oL the Corporation. Two Jackson convicts who were missed for several daya. wero fonnd bidden In n dust collector, not 10 paces from whOTS they had been at work. Robcit Shankland, the oldest pioueer in Washtenaw count v, is dc;ii!. Victor Momlnee, genteneed to Jackson from Monroe county. for three years. for larceny has been purdoned. The irou comean y'g mili nt Elk Rápida cut 7"), 1 s: fcet of two-inch hemlock luml i r in eleven boon recently, which is thougbt to l)o a little the largesi Job ot the Bort of which any mili can boast. Platcher. Park & Co. of Alpena recenüy recelved i cnrRO of 10(1 tons of galuhur Crom Italy. It was bronght to New York .-nul thence by canal boate to Lake Brie. It is for use in tho pulp mili. J. M. Slosson. formerly of Jackson, waa crushed by falling walls in Kansas City nearly a yoar ugo. and is now supposed 1" b dying trom injnries sustained. Mrg. Slosson Eecame insane (rom constant attendaace upon her basband, and Mie is now .-i hopefen patiënt in an asylum. .urs. liodc of Howeli, Ikis bou raspl Inislii which aro boaring thelr erop this soason. It is r'.-rtorted in Oakland county that Dr. N. ('. Hall. who has tlms far lost ovory ife which heiiven has giveu hini, has lelt l'ascnde, Wis., for Germény, where ho will mrsue hia medical itudios. ductor is accoiupnuivd by youngMiss Murgittroyd. The soldier1 home in Grand Rapids will 1 be ready for occupancy about December iThe wife oí the Rev. J. M. Koljerts, pastor of the congregatlonal chureb at O11 Mïssion in Urand Traverse county, died very suddenly the other night. Mr Hoberts had retired, and waking in the night went to find lus wife, and discovered her sitting in her efaair as he hail left her in the early evening. dead. Robert Fleming of Port Hurón passed a BHcoessful exannnation for appointmont t( West t'oiut ncadcniy. Howell was treated to a surprise .the other night by" n report that a horse belonging to S. 13. Lockwood, togother with the bnggy, had been stolen from in front of the church during service. II turned out the thiof wasa youne gflrl by tlie Dame of Lena Falrbanks, a residentof the village who was heard driving at a furious pace on ïhp roadeast of town. The horse and the thief were captured near South Lyon. Dispatches from all over the state raention the prevalenco of an unprocedented gale on the 14th inst. and the doing of niucli damage to trees, roofs, chimneys, etc. The roof of the chapel of Adrián college was blown oir, and the walls blown ilown. causing a loss of several thousand dollars. The dome of the normal observatory at Ypsilanti was blown and the telescope injured. Detectives Abels, of Lansing, anl Xewton of Jackson, have arrested "Doe" nnd st Bentley, brothers, Charles Cannon and William ïvagle, for the burglary oL the Detroit, Lansing & Northern freiu;ht oflice a few days cjo. Tho same gang Burglarized Bennett's second-h;nul store in Lansing recently and also robbed Cirant Carr's general store at Meridian, of $3öü worth of goods. The proceeds of all threo raids were recovered. The Bently boys recently served 90 days at Ionia for burglarizing the house of the Grand River boat club. The now roller mili at Middleville is now ready for business, it haa the latestand inost modern inachinery and has a capacity of from li" to 15Ü barréis a day. After lieing out all night tho jury in the Royce casn, charged with marderingone Purdy in Millbrook lust July. rondere I a verdict of manslanghter, with rocommendation to the meroy of tho court. ïhe iirst liollot stood six for CQuviction as chargel, and six for acquittal. Judge Fuller imposed tí fino of ífjmi to lie paid ín ten days or oue j-ear's imirisonmeat.


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