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Detroit Markets

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Wmka -i The inarket is firmer and prices soniewhat ad vaneed. White wheat is quoted at Tl .';■. and Red wheat a 75ii$ T6c. Corn-- Market fairly at :i7(WJLc. Oats- Quota tions range f rom !2T).2@)ür Ci.oveii Seed - The market is ijuiet at $4 tiü@4 62. Rye - Sellers of No. 2 at 51e por bu. Baklkv - Quiet, No. 2 state offered at $1 25 per cental. No. 2 western quoted at tl atf. Fked- Bran $10 00@10 23; raiddliii $1035@18 75. . Flour - Prices steady ns follow: Patent Íroeess, $4@4 25: patent. Michigan ti i ow grados, $2TO@3; patent .Minnesota, $4 75@5; Minnesota bakor.r, fl.'jl 20; rye, $:i@3 50. Quiet luit syaad; at íltól 7S per bbL as to (juMlity. l-'ew dwtlefl ut outside figures rnported. Stocks moderate. Bnxs - Quoted .is before. viz. : $1 !ï(g $1 40 per bu for old and SI :!-'@l 41 for new city plcked mediums, in car lots. with an improviníí inquiry. Tbere islitti4 or no deraand tor old unpicked and prices are about nominal at 50@80c per bu. New dltto íind freo buyers af 85c(3 1] 'ïï ov bu, as to quality. BeesWax- In light demand at ÍS@30c per lb. Butter - The supply liberal and iho demand well filled, Prices range at ll'x1-r for choice to fancy fresh dairy, andï(i@ 28c for same of creamery. Choice June pao.ked is plentiful and nominal at buyers' figures; "many years ago'" this kind of stock would havo sold readily and at good figures, but at this day buyers demand fresh or nothing. Ceanbbekieb- In fair demand at $7(5)8 Íier bbl for Cape Cod and fl.5O@5.26 per bu or Michigan. The market wellstocKed. (iiKKsE - The movement moderato at former figures or I2';i" !'.': .■ per lb for New York full cream, UW@12c and Michigan. Ohio grades i]tiuted at 10@llc. ('m ■ri rs - The market verv slow. Good to choice offered at $5@5 60 per bu. The stocks liberal. Eogs- For choice stock ISc continúes to be realized in a small way. l.arger lots of ordinary receipts steady at ]7m I , Grapes- The market steady at :: for Concords and 5@6c for Catawbas per lb. Game- Perdoz. woodcock. $3;snrpe,$l 50; per pair partridges sound, 40@5Uc; wood duck, 30c; Mallard. (Utc; blue wingteal, wv , per íu ut:nr suuuics. dc, venisoD. saudies, 9@10c. The iveather more favorableand trudc better. Hajt- New quoted at $?(■: forclover; $10 5ü@13 for No. 1 timothy and ÍX 10 B0 for No. 2 do. per ton.baled in car lots as to quality. Market quiet. Hops- Best eastern. 80@TSo por lb. Fair to good Michigan. 2O@25 t. Inferior grades 15@18c. Honet- Demand light. Liberal offarings at 12@13c per lb for comb, and 10e for extracted. Lbmohs - Messinas steady at $7@7.75per box ; fancy at outside. M ai t - Quoted as to quality at 90c@$t per bu for Canadian and 75(:S5c for Michigau. O.viON-8- $1.75@2 per bbl. Dead dnll. 0TMBBÍ - Cans, standards, 25c ; select?, 86c: in bulk. standards, $1.2ü and selects $1.00 per gal. l'i u tus- Choice nominal at $8porbu; stocks limited, demand do. Peaks - Stocks lightand the market firm at IM 1 for ordinary good stock and $4.50 (.'..5o fot t Ii e? Bnet vartetlea per bbl. Potatoes- Shipping trade is picking up, as yet is light. Track lots steady at (5@38c per bu. Local inquiries are few and far between, and are filled at 38@43c ,rv bu. OilVrings generally good. PouintT-This is the only thinftroally active, tho crisp weather bringiug out a better inquiry. Stocks are Tight and prices firm as follows : Per lb, live roosters, 3c; fowls, (ie; ducks, 7c; turkeys, 'Je; spring chicks, 7c. per pair, pigeons, 20@ 25c. QdujCBS- A drug at 8@8.60 per bbl. Swki.t Pui AHii:s -Dcnmiid at $2.25ftï2.75 per libl for Jensevs and íl 75@2 for tíaltimores. Stocks liberal. Tai.i.ow- Quiot at :;.c per lb. TIIH l.IVIC STOCE MAHKET. Catti.h- (Jood steady; common lower; shipplng steers, 050 to 1500 lbs, $4 00(a 5'J0.6tocker and feeders, $2@380; cow, buil -. and niixedS150@350;bulk$2 20("Ji;:l: tlii'ough Texas cattle, a shade lower at $2 4O(iL3 40; Western raneera, slow; nativos and half-breeds tSQi l Mi : cows, $2 30 "■■: 15: winter Texans, 3k 'J0. Hogs- Markot strong and 5c higher; rough and mixed, $3 65@4 30; packing and shipping, $4@4 60; light, $3 05(L4 45: skips, $2 8O@8 40. Hheep- Market steady; nativea $2@4. Western, $3 4O@3 05; Texans, 2 30@3 86.


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