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Stop that ooughing; if yon do nay kil) you. A bottle of Dr. Buíl's Jough Syrnp only oosts you 25 cents, and te timely use may save your life. That Chicago dog with nydrophobia, which rushed into a saloon, was in search of congenial company. Everybody there was a I raid of water. I had always been much annoyed by neuralgia and headache. At length I determined to try Salvation Oil. 1 am fiad to recommend it, as it made a per'eot cure in my oase. Marks New, (2 Aisquith street, Baltimore, Md. A sure preventive ot hog cholera is Day's Horse Powder. It cures cough and measles. To anxious mothers. - Should your jaby suffer with colic use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup at once. To ignore the warnings of an approachng malaríal attack ís foolhardy. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Filis taken at onoe are the best preventive. It's sweet to inhale Drexel's Bell Cologne. "These are hard times," said the young ooilector of bilis. "Every place I went o-day I was requested to cali again, but one, and that was when I dropped in to see my girl." Bbnews Heb Youth.- Mre. Phcebe 3hesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells he following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents f the town: "I am 73 years oíd, have een troubled with kidney oomplaint and lameness for many years; could not dresa myself without help. Now I am ree f rom all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed comletely all disease and pain." Try a jottle, only 60c. Eberbaoh & Son's Drug Store. A thief entered James McCarthy's room at Marinette, Wis., andstole his wedding clothes. The ceremony had to be defer■ed. Some men always appear to be in nek. A Captain's Fortúnate Discovert. - Dapt. Ooieman, schr. Weymouth, playing etween Atlantic City and N. Y., had )een troubled with a cough s that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to iry Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme Borenessin iis breast. His children were similarly iffected and a single dose had the same ïappy effect. Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of this Standard remedy at Eberbach & Son's drug store. If a Mr. Brown marries a Miss White, ind a bou of this couple marries a Míes 3-ray, and a daughter of theirs again marries a Mr. Black, what color is their oll - spring? Büoklen's Abnioa Saive. - The best in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcera, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, ckapied hands, chilblains, coras, and all skin sruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. Jt is guaran ted to give jerfect satis taction, or money refunded . Price 35 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Bon. D'Onkey- "Did you hear, Smith, tbat ronng Daubs had married that old Miss Bonee? Isn't it a strange match?" imitb - "Not at all, my dear boy. Danbs always had a passion for anoient works of art." You will notice how quickly a thoroughly successful artiole is imitated, and ilso that the imitations are without mert, as they are gotton up by unsorupuous parties. Beware of the imita;ions of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The germine is sold by Eber:ach & Son, and promptly cures dyspep sia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, agüe and malarial diseases, poor ippetite,low spirite, headache, or diseases of the kidneys, stomach and hver. Prioe Sfty cents. A baby was bom in Pennsylvania the other day that had a fine growth of whiskers. We were going to say that he starts in a fine little shaver, but on seoond thought we won't. Throat-ail seldom gets well of itself, jut deepens until it nndermines the conititution, wastes away health, strength, iesh, and finally fastenn itself on the ungs, cornpleting the wreek and ruin of he whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Positive Jure is the only safe, sure and speedy remedy for coughs, colds, and all ind lung diseases. Sold by Bberbach & 3on at fifty cents and one dollar. Plensant to take and safe for children. A New York policeman found a man eating his wife with a club, and put a jullet through him. Such treatment as his tends to discourage the wife-beating business. The best on earth, oan truly be sald of Qriggs' Qlycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, jruises, scalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25o. Sold by C. Eberbaoli Son.


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