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Register! Register! ! Register! ! ! Dr. Darling has been eleoted jail physician. M. M. Green has an Englisli greyhound. Less politics and more local after the campaign. The Argus has been enlarged to an eight-page paper. Spencer Crawford has been re-elected court house janitor. Wm. Alaby is in Chicago, where he has a very sick brother. Mrs. Frank Murray of Howell is visíting f rienda in the city. Fay Oillon ot Petoskey has been in the city for several days . Registration day in town of Ann Arbor, at Edmunds' shop, Oot. 30. A ten pound boy is tne latest arriva' at the residen v of Wm. Hay den. J. N. Bailey talks democracy at the Lodi town house, Monday eveoing. ïhe democratie township committees hould see that all voters are regiatered. Col. Grant and wife of Marquette are spending a few weeks with Gov. Felch. Mr. Miner is erecting the largest anc most elegant residence on Liberty street Sheriff Walsh has purchased, of A Wilsey, a $500 piano, a present to his wife. Quite a numbers of shade trees iu the eity were ruined by the evere gale las week. A eongress of female lawyers are to meet in tJtds city sometime in the nea future. Yale bas opened a branch store m the Goodrich house. Sheriff VValsh was in Jackson and Manchester Monday. Capt. Allen Rpeaks at the opera house next Wednesd&y evening. A new house is going up on the oorner of Detroit and North streets. A baru owned by Dr. Herdman, second ward, was blown down last week. Mr. and Mxs. L. C. Risdon returned from their Kansas trip last Friday. A special train will carry a orowd to Ypsilanti to-morrow evening to the democratie rally. Chas. H. Manly and Jas. S. Gorman addressed a democrat rally in Ypsilanti last Friday evening. Mrs. Mary T. Lathorop, addressed an enthusiastio prohibition meeting in Ypsilanti Monday evening. On the campus Saturday the university team defeated the Albion team a game of foot ball 50 to 0. Gen. Sam Cary will address the demoorats of Dexter next Wednesday, on the political issues of the day. Fred. Ray, who was injured while attempting to pass under a moving train of carR, last week, is dead. Mr. Bycraft of North Main street, has raised bis house one story, and is also making other improvements. The election of the direotors of the Star Mountaia mining company, has jeen put off until November 8. Fred Schmid has traded a house and ot he owned in the flfth ward, for Herman Lipski's pluce in the first ward. At a democratie meeting to be held in Dundee this evening, L. H. Salisbury and Jas. S. Oorman are to be the speakers. Wm. Lane, wife and daughter, of Beavi-r Dam, N. Y., returned home Monday night, after a five months' visit in Ann Arbor. A two-pound onion was left at this office, Saturday, as a sort of a curiosity. 't was raised by Mr. Suikey. Who oan beat it? D. S. Barry, private secretary to Senaor Oonger, has beeu in this city and viciuity severnl days, working up a boom n legislative mattere. 0. K. Ober, college secretary of the f. M. O. A. held services in the univerity chapel Sunday morning and in the afternoon in univer.-ity hall. A delegation will go from here tomorrow night to attend the democratie meeting in Ypsilanti, which is to be adIressed by l'rivate Salsbury. For the year ending Sept. 30, 1886, 0ü5.35 fine money was received by ounty treasurer Belser, the largest moux-t reported in many a year. Chas. M. Jones of Charlotte, formerly f this city, was elected president of the Oth Michigan infantry at a reunión of be regiment in Langing last week. Wm. Exinger broke grouud last week or an eating house on the corner of State and Fuller streets, opposite the Michigan Central railroad grounds. The Aun Arbor temperance associa:ion has ronted Copsey's hall for the oming year, wliere the meetings will be leid, instead of the old. Baptist church. Conger's man Friday has been lookng over this county with a view of asertaining just about how much money ught to be squandered in the coming lection. Iiuke Coyle for many years a resident )f this place, and engaged in business or a long time on Anu street, died Satirda. flis reniaius were brought to lus oity for interment. H. D . Benuett, one of our most repectod and bouored citizens, accompaïied by bis estimable wife and son, Ienry, left for their uew home in Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday. Josepli Kitchen one of the oldest drygoods merchants in Ypsilanti, and a irominent demociat, dropped dead Monlay. He leaves a large estáte to be divided between two daughters. The heavy blow last week did considerable damage in this city and viinity. Shade trees were leveled, fences were blown down and a wagon-load of late was torn from the university buildngs. Paul Snauble has been elected n diector in the Mioliigan Furniture Co., vice J. J. Ellis deceased. The oompany las sold more goode this year than for any like period since the company was organized. The Weil house, corner Washington and first streets. recentlv nnrfihBHfid hv ?red Schmid, is being thoroughly overïauled at an expense of several huuared lollars. The place is beiug put in shape or resideuces. Registration day next Wednesday. Svery voter who has changed his place f residence since the last spring elec;ion, must register his name Oct . 27, if ie wishes to vote in November. Demo crats should bear this in mind. Every knight of labor that votes to send a republican to the legislature, virually votes for Alger, ilcMillan or Stockbrid,e, millionaires, one of which gentlemen will be elected United States senator in case of a republicnn majority in the next legislature. Six o"cock Sunday dinners is the newest departure at the Cook house. Last Sunday the newspaper men of the city sat down to a bountif ui repast, to whioh they did ampie justice. Under the management of Mra. Hudson the hotel continúes to increasc in popularity. Bro. Chamberlaian who has been re porter on the Ann Arbor Register since W. H. Hawley left, and who is a natural newspaper mau, has accepted a position on the reportonal staff of the Minneapolis Evening Journal, and will leave for his field of labor after the November election. John Doran of this city has accepted a position with Miles, Hom & Co., con tractors and builders, and bft Sundav evening for Atlanta, Ga., where he will remain during the winter. The above firm built the Ann Arbor post-offioe and put up the walls for the new library building on the campus. Republicans will try to trade their county ticket for menbers of the legislature and congressman. This is the only hope they cling to. Don't be fooled but vote the straight democratie ticket and every one of the noininees will be elected by handsorae majorities, from governor down to coroners. Wm. J. Sheldon pleaded guilty to steahng from Wm. Denman's house in the lst ward, and, as he is an old offender, Judge Joslyn gave him five years in Jackson state prison. Sheldon is the same fellow who went through J. L. Stone's safe, when he run the St. James hotel, stealing 870. He had but recently been discharged from Jackson. The Courier conveys the idea that F. A. Howlett, the democratie nominee for county clerk,. is a wealthy farmer. To be sure he owns 80 acres of land in the township of Sylvan, and ifl a hardworking industrious man. His opponent, W. A. Olark, reeeives a pension of eome $24 per month, or $280 pi:r vear and owns a house and lot in this city, besHes having money at interest. Robert Shankland, a resident of Washtenaw county for 56 years, died at the residence of his hou Thomas, in the town of Salem, last week Thursday. He was bom in Otsego county, N. Y., Nov . 1791. He passed his early life on a farm, and received a common school euucauon. in o uiy iöiz ne oiuiHteü in the war of that year, m Captain Blakesly's company, and he again re-enlisted in Oatober 1814. He remained at Sacket's Harbor during his last military service and participated in the conflict ot capturing the three Britiah boats at Hendurson's Harbor, under command of Major Aphng. In 18130 he carne to this couuty, and located 80 acres on seotion 35, Ann Arbor township. Politically Mr. Shankland was a democrat. He is about the last of the old 1812 war veterans in this section.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat