J )r. JJull's Baby Syrup by ito mild yot epecific iullueuce quieta the little ones. Price 25 cents . The best thing to relieve a suffering horse, cow, sheep, or nog is Day's Horee Puwder. Pnce 25 cte. 8ick headache thorougly tinfits one for active effort. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pilis always cure this distressing disorder, giving prompt relief. Like lilies' bloom, Drexel'a Bell Cologne. No reciprocity treaty should be ratified whioli does not contain a clause surreudering Wiggins. We ghould economizo at all times, but more enpecially wheu times are close. Observe the purchases of your thrifty neighbors. More substantial benefit.s can be obtained from a 50 cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positivo Cure then a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is prompt, safe and pleasant ome lor all throat nul lung troubloH. Hohi hiuí en dorsed y (;. Eberbnoh & fion. (tiicthe Raid: "We óiifc'ht to look at so ne piotaro cvery lay." Bn( this wasn't au opinión in favor of au üIubtrated daily prees. Careful Httoutiou to diot is tho beat Kiiui'd agtiinst iliHoaso. Jt is a f act wluch all should know, that over eating not only corupts the blood but destroys nerve torce, ana induces üyspepsia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, beadache, agüe, malaria, and all stomach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones Red Clovor 'Ponió quickly cures the ubove diseaes. Can be taken by the raost delioate, Prioe 50o of C. Elniibach & Sou. France is out annexing the Hébridas. Turkey is busy unnexinj; the Shebrides - difference between a republic and an Oriental despotism. The best on earth, can truly be sald of Grigffs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuta, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Only 25c. Sold by (;. Eberbach & Son. Subscriber: "No, you are wrong. Your brother's daughter in Japnn might be Japanese, but his son would not be a Japanephew."
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