Koch & Haller
A Grand Success ! We had male large preparations tor the Fall (rade, yet onr immense stock did not hold out in the msh, and we have been oompelled to repleuish our stock. Those Bedroom Suite at #15.00, $18.00, 19.00, and $20.00, in Ash and American mahogany, haye been excellent sellen, and the $23.00, $25.00 and $39.00 suite proved to be the beat article ever offered in tuis city for the money. Tliey can not be excelled ia beauty of finish and excellence of wormanship. Now ie the time to furnieh your house at great bargains. Our new supply is just ready. Cali early and select f rom the f uil assortment. Parlor Suits in all style from 825.00 to $201) . Respectfully, No. 52 South Main and 4 West Liberty Street.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat