Eleetion next Tuesday. L. G. Stilrs is in St. Louis, Mo. Council meeting Monday evening. Dr. Hall spent Sunday in the oity. Dr. Obetz was iu Detroit Saturday. The new coaches on the Toledo road are beauties. Eugene Helber of Saline, was in the city Momlay. Mr. and Mra. .1. J . Read have returnod f rom Europe. The gasohne and as lamps are to be offered for sale . Vote for Geo. L. Yaple and the entire democratie ticket . Mrs. Byron Green of Detroit, spent Sunday in this city. Sam Kranse has opened a branch shoe house in South Lvon. Albrecht Gwinner and daughter vinited Detroit last Saturday. Attention is called to Wni. G. liurchfield's change oí advertisemeut. .Mr. Sarah Bagley is building a $1,200 residence on West Huron street. Montbly session of the finance committee of the council this evening Lester H. Salsbury niad1: a host of friends at Ypsilauti, Saturday uigUt. Temperan ae meeting at Gropsey's hall Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. One man is selling on our streets a barrel of sweet eider at 10c per gallon. Prof. Delos Fall of Albion wns the guest of his brother, D. C. Fa!l, Saturday. The next annual meeting of the grand lodge of good templara is to be held in this city. Jas. Bobisou of the Detroit Free Press staff, was a visitor at home Sunday and Monday . Some 200 school ohildreu f rom Ghelsea, visited the city atid the university, Saturday. A. O. Grozier addressed an enthusiastic prohibition meeting in Saline Tuesday mght. January 21 and April 23 next, are the days for hearing claims in the Geo. S. Brush estáte. ■I as. Blythman han been taken to Ionia on a 90 days sentence for assault and battery on his wife. Everybody can eat apples now as they are selling on the streets at f rom 15 to !0 cents per bushei. There has been more building in this city this season than for years. Surely the town is booming. Xew time-card on the Toledo road. Kegular trains are uow running between Toledo and tilt. PleaBant. Jno. J. Enright of Detroit, was one of the speakers at the democratie meeting in Chelsea, last evening. The supervisors, by a vote of 18 to 3, Friday, decided to loan the county money to the highest bidder. A portion of Delhi was sold at chancery Bale Monday to satisfy a mort gage held by Binsey & Seabolt. Wm. Walsh has made one of the best aheriifs that this county has ever had. He should have 1,000 majority. Conaert this evening by the city band at Beethoven hall, for their benefit. The boys should be well patronized. M. G. Niethammer, who has been living at Smith Genter, Kas., several months, returned to the citv Tuesday last. We understand that a number of citizens will go to Ypsilanti to hear Hon. Wm. M. Bancroft to-morrow night. Miss Arinstrong'sclass in the 3d ward was excusad from school Mouday on account of the sickuess of the teacher. Jno. O'Hara, jr., has 18 hogs that came into his enclosure Thursday last. He advertios for an owner in to-day's paper. The Yandepoel light and power oom pany. expect to have their plant comlilí'tfíd ni! in rnnniiií ardfiir hv t.tiA firsi of January next. Mrs. ('alus Hill's mother on East Liberty street, who is now 84 years old, ia still in good health, bright and cueerf ui, and a constant reader. Mr.O'Neill's impersonation of the character of Edmond Dante and the Covint o: Monte-Cristo is a line piece of work Ardent in youthful love, hearty and sincere in manly quality, full of tenderness and pathos in periods of sufTering anc grief, calm, dignified, and courageous in the episode where pride and death are in the trial. - Chicago Inter-Ocean. Wo are having regular íall weather. Judge Harriman was in Chelsea Tuesday. F. L. Parker'8 monument still haunts passé rs-by. Maor Corn weilof Ypsilnnti paid the city a visit Tuesday. Patrick Brennan has gone to Devils Lake, Dakota, to live. Mrs. Byron Green lost an envelope containing f150, last Saturday. Don Briggs of Dexter, was in the city Wednesday, on professional business. In the circuit court, Tuesday, Isabelle Taylor Flinn was divorced from Flinn . Bishop Cox of New York officiated at the Episcopal church, Monday evening. Stimson Bros., Main street, have one of the bandsomest grocery stores in the city. Joo. Boss and a Miss Smith of Rochester, N. Y , were uDÍtedin niarriane last week. Orville Sai;e is janitor of the third ward school building. He suceeds J. L. Grose. Sophie Lyons has been arrested in Philadelphia, on the charge of shophfting. November ;i is the first appearance in this city of the greal actor, Mr. James O'Niell. All liberal voters can work and cast their ballots for C. H. Manly for represen tative. The nocessity of polling a full vote next Tuesday, must be apparent to every democrat. Henry Matthews lost a $150 horse Monday, whioh died of inflammation of tbe bowels. Ex-Gov. and Miss Baldwin of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. Prof. Palmer over Suuday. The tie game of foot ball will be played off to-morrow forenoon, on the university campus. Mr. and Mre. Beal of Marshall, were ihe guests of Dr. W. F. Breakey the ürst of the week. Fank Minnis is selling a fine amber polish for furniture, and is meeting with latte ring success. The supervisors voted to have water int in the court house, and Hutzel & Do., will do the piping. Judge Cheever speaks to-night in Firemen's hall, on prohibition. Every)ody invited to attend. The front of the Duffy block is being tnaterially improved by a coat of paint. A. Hiñes is doing the work. W017 í Í ft I . ( ' fj i7 in r 11 ill rituuuu a urn. libition meeting at Liberty, Jackson oounty, to-morrow evening. Although the audiences were amall that attended the Mexican Typioal orehestra, ;hey were appreciative ones. Peter Shulters of Holly was in the city Wednesday. Several years ago he was a resident of Ann Arbor. Jas. O'Neill with his " Monte Christo" will be at the Grand Wednesday eve ning, Nov. 3. He is a great actor. There will be a meeting of the Yaple club this evening at the old masonic ïall. A fiill attendance is desired. Bobt Arthwrs, formerly in the employ f the Toledo and Ann Arbor rond, died Sunday at Flat Koek, aged 50 years. Wm. Arnold, the jeweler. has purjhased Henry Binder 's store on South tfain street, now occupied by Keimold. M. F. Guiñan, editor of the Petoskey Jemoorat, is the tusion candidato for )rosecuting attorney of Erumet county. A cow that is worth having is owned jy W. G. Burchrield. From seven days' milking 18Ji pounds of butter were made. Ou accouut of the jail cellar being )artially lilled with water, a sower to ;airy it off is tobeeoDStruoted to Allen's creek. Several carpenters have beeu busy for a week or more in üxingup things about he nnk, and puttiug tbc gymnasium in shape. There will be a nieetini; of the land eague to-morrow evening at 7 :'M o'clock tandard time, in the hall over Bach & Abel's store. J. Keek & Co. make an important aunouncement in to-day's Democrat relaive to parlor furniture, cbamber furniure, and carpets and curtains. The meeting in Lodi, Monday night, was largely atteuded. The speakers were J. N. Bailey, who spoke in Engittli iitw! I )r ÍT fituvMMk in ilprniïtn Sonie years ggo a governor was eloeted n Alassachusetts by juut one majority. Dhere are also cases on record where membere of congress had just ow maority. Grant Jenkins and Miss Lome Sweeiey, both of tuis city, were married WednesJa., by tlie Eev. Fr Fierle. The nde w as the recipiënt of a numoer of ïandsome and useful presenta. The addition to the Goodrich house vill cost about $1,500. In the spring it vill be further enlarged by adding a ilock of three more stores, and the hotel roper will le raised another story. Mrs. Mary L. Eaton of Saline, died Sunday, Oct. 17 . Sue left an estáte val ued at $6,000, the income of whicb is to e used in caring for her brother, D. O. Jhurch, an inniate of the l'ontiac asyum. Chas. Weisinger and W. Todd, memtere of the Adrián bicvcle club, were in ,hu city the last of the week. They made the distance from Adrián here, ome 50 miles, in tive minutes less than 'our hours. Sunday was a great day for bishops, here being no less than seven in attendanee at the service at L$t. Andrew's Episcopal church Öunday. Bishop Cox of few York addressed the Hobart guild n the evening on " The Institutes of 3hristian hwtory." A. A. Terry has the only exclusive hat store in the city. He keeps in stock all he latest shapes of the leading manu'acturers. Mr. T. says he has no sideihow attachment, but that his principal jiwiuess is selling hats. It is worth going a mile to see his hoisting machine at work. Next Monday eveniDg there is to be a sig blow out in Ypsilanti, on whioh occasion Prof. S. Dickie, the prohibition candidate for governor, will address the meeting. Several bands will be present to enliven tnings. Wilsey's quartette of this city, besides many citizens, will ?o down to boom the meeting. Service will be held Sunday in St Andrew's Episcopal church, as follows: At T:;iU a. m., holy communion; 10:30 a. m., morning prayer, litany and sermón ; 12 m. lecture by Prof. Morris, and Sunday school . The evening service will be otnitted on account of the Studente' Christian associalion meeting m university hall. Messrs. Richmond and Wheeler bid off t morlgage sale, Monday, a large portion of Delhi Mills pioperty on which they had a claim of several thousand dollars, which was given to them as endorsers of notes for Frank Goodale to secure the First National bank for money advanced to him at the time the improvements were made at his mili. The wife of Dr. Stanley Woodruff died at her home m Clyde, O., Oct. 11. Dr. Woodruff graduated with the medical class of 'Si, and during his college course, he aud tiis wife made their home in Ann Arbor. They have many frends in this city.who are grieved to the utmoat by the sad news, and extend their sympathy to the bereaved husband. Mrs Woodruff was but yeare of age, and beloved bo all who knew her. Springñeld Republican : James O'Nei was greeted with a house packed from the foot-lights to the gods. The dramatic Bituations wnicn "Monte unsto" ahorrts was followed with a show of delight auc appreciation. The melodrama took the crowd, while the wonderful power of ex presaion on which O'Neil's repuiation is based, commanded the thonght of the more critical. Both support and seener; are worthy of mention and the whole performance was thoroughly enjoyable. Martin Clark aud O. C. Jenkins will offieiate as coroners after January 1, next. Gov. Alger, Capt. Allen, and Mre. Hazzlett, addressed a fair sized audience at the opera house Wednesday evening. Fred. H. Beleer is the man for county treasurer. His election is assured be yond all peradventure. It is simply a question as to majority. Let every deinocrat vote for the reelection of Jas. Kearns for register of deeds. He has made a good offieer and will, of course, be elected. The reg'stration board in the town of Ann Arbor will be in session to-morrow from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m., at Edmund's shop on West Huron street. The supervisors adjourned Saturday. They managed to get along without holding an adjourned session, oonsequently the taxpayers are just so muoh ahead. A thief eutered James McCarthy's room at Marinette, Wis., andstole his weddiug olothea. The ceremony had to be deferred. Somo men always appear to be in luok. The first leoture of the course, before she Studente' leoture assooiation, will be given in university hall this evening, by Oen. Lcw Wallace, on "Turkey Rnd iho Turks." If a Mr. Brown marries a Miss White, and a son of this oouple marries a Miss 3ray, and a daughter of theirs again marries a Mr, Blaok, what color is their offspringV liepublicans aro making desperate ef'orte to trade off their county ticket for democratie votes for their legislative candidatos. The TT. S. senator is what hey are after. The democratie rally in Ypsilanti was a big a flair. Weveral hundred went from lere, aocompanied by the City band. The speakers were Gorman, Whitman, and Salsbury. Mrs. John Lee a lady from Lapeer, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. darlos Hill on Liberty street, returned ast Monday with her father, who is neary 85 years of age. The council bas flnally deoided to ight the city with electricity for 365 nights of the year. The number of ights will be (J3, and the cost per year ör a term of three years, $6,000. U UnKey- "Uia you üear, smitü, tnat onufr Daubs had married thut old Miss Bonee? Isn't it a strange match?" Smith- "Not at all, my dear boy. Danbs always had a passion for anoient works of art." Capt. Manly, the gallant soldier and upright soldier, is the democratie nominee for representativo. He is ably quahied for the position. If the demócrata only do their duty, he ull be eleoted by 200 majority or more. Lester H. Salsbury should have 800 najority in the democratie etronghold of Vashtenaw coanty. Old soldiers, remember the gbllant private who fought it Chancellorsville, Antietam, Malvern lili, and many other battles of the war. On Tuesday nest the democrats of Washtenaw county can make a clean we p on representativos, senator, and ;he whole county ticket, if they will only mil true. Let every democrat do his luty. Loyalty to the party is every;hing. We are indebted to O. A. Matthewaon or the following facts relatmg to the irst fall of snow in each of the followng years: In 1874, Nov. 14; 1875, Nov. ; 1877, Nov. 5, 1880, Oct. 17; 1881, Nov. 3: 1883, Nov. 13; 1883, May 21 and Nov. ; 1885, Oot. 5; and on April 6, 1886, uow feil to the depth of 15 inches. Our reporter, in gatheriug items for ast iveek's paper, was given one which was to the effect that Wm. Walsh had )urchased a new piano. We supposed he Information was reliable, but it apears it was not, nor is this the first time 'he JDbmoorat has been imppsed upon. Sheriff Walsh says the only piano at his ïouse was given to bis wife years ago. Moüthly meeting of the Washtenaw omological society on the 6th of Norember, in the court house basement, at o'clock p. m., at which there will be a eport of the committee on a fruit preerving factory ; review of our this year's xperience with grapes; Dr. Oarrigues u Di. De Wilbur floyt's address on ruits f rom a dietetic and hygienic point of view; exhibit of f ruits of the season, 'ruit preserves and ttowers. Of M. O'Neill, who is to appear at the 4 rand opera house Wednesday evening, iov. y, the New York Times says : Niblo's Garden was packed from parquettt; to gallery to welco ne this favorito young ctor's chai acterizition of Ednioud )ante and Count of Monte-Cristo, which re weü known to the inetropolitan stage. 'h play itself ia one which never Iones ts oliaiin, aud Mr. O'Neiil's personation of the central figure will never fail to lease nis auditors. In "Monte-Cristo" Ú.T. O'Neill acte with energy, force, and athos. His performance lasi night wan hailed with salvos of applause which were well merited and gracefully reeived .
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat