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doctors told me I would have to have I the bon e scraped or leg amputated. I nsed, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Buoklen's Arnioa Salve, and my leg is now sonnd and well." Electeio Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buoklen's Arnioa Salve at 25c. per box by Eberbach & Son. That Chicago dog with bydrophobia, which rushed into a saloon, was in search of congenial company. Everybody there was af raid of water. Bccklen's Aknica Salve. - The best in the world for cuta, bruises, sores, ulcera. alt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chappd hands, ohilblains, coras, and all skin eruptiona, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqnired. It is guaranted to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded . Pnce 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Michigan (Tentrai The JJiagara Falh (Route. Time Tablb, Nov. 29, 1885. All trains run by Ninetieth Meruiian, or Central Standard Time. soms kaut. - i &i I "a I & I _?__ ?a_ fi SU íL_ _ a_ A. X. A.H. r. P. M. V. . 3hicaeo Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.00 9.u6 9.58 NilCB 10.20 12.15 7.45 12.38 1.20 Decstur 8.30 3.10 Lawton. 8.45 a. m. 2.37 Ka!ma.oo.px 1.42 9.15 6.45 S.CO 3.0S Balusbnrg 7.03 8 21 Battle Créele... 3.23 7..S1 2.50 3.50 Harshall S.07 7.57 3.18 4.17 Albion 3.S2 8.Ï0 3.43 4.40 A, M. Jsckaon Ar. 8.10 Jackson... _Lv. 3.14 4.15 9.16 4.S5 5.25 JrassLake 3.33 9.38 5.47 helgoa. 3.55 9.57 6.08 Dexter 4.12 10.12 6t2 Ann Arbor 4.22 6.30 10.23 6.48 6.40 XpsIlantL. 4.50 5.45 10.45 6 00 6.55 vVayne June... 5 15 6.05 11.06 6.20 7.17 SpringweUs.... 6M 6.35 11.35 6 60 7.60 Detroit .Ar. 6.00 8.45 11.45 7.00 8.00 P. X. F. M. St. Thomas Ar 11.10 10 45 3.40 A. H. Weiland 1.53 151 6 28 Falls View i S 2 Niágara Falle 2.22 2 33 6.66 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 2 50 7.10 Buffalo Ar 8.85 I 8 55 8.10 eoiNa lm, i ". . . I TT '. t A! a m t t MATIOBi. d ►.SSgL-iggag as a3 O. kCL V So. ï C a o o as m Lk H M ++W W A. M. P. X. P. X. A. A. X. A. X. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30 9 00 11.35 A. X. P. X. Susp. Bridge.. 12.31 12,36 Niágara Falls 12.46 12.53 Falls View r. n. 1.0Ï Bt. Thomas... 410 4.10 115 4.46 Detroit Lv. 7.00 8.10 4.00 8.00 9.15 Springwells.... 7.10 9.20 4.10 8.10 9.Ï5 Wajne June... 7.4C 9.53 4.45 8.40 9 55 Ypsilanti 8.01 10.18 5.12 9.06 10.21 Aun Arbor._... 8.J6' 10.2J 5.30 'J.2S 10 88 Dexier 8.351 5.62 9.55 Chelsea 8.48 6.07 10.00 GriB Laki! 9.10 6.39 10.20 Jacküon Ar. 10 56 Jackson..._Lv. 9.35 11.42 7.07 12 03 Albion 12.S2 8.10 11.83 12.46 Marshall 1.06 8.48 11.65 1.10 A.K. Battle Creek 1.81 9.2a 12.S0 1.87 Oatcebnrg 9.57 12.42 , Kalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 14.05 2.32 Lawton...p. x. 6.18 1.10 Oecatur 6.85 2.10 Nile 1.47 3.45 ..._. 6.40 3.05 4.13 Chicago..-Ar 5.46 7.10 ...... 10.85 7.00 8.05 The New York Exprus, a fast tram leaveo Chí" üago at 3.80 in the afternoon and makes the fol" lowing stops, Michigan City, 5,17: Nile, 6.13; Kal' imazoo7.28; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson, 9.16 Ann Arlior, 10.00; Vpsilanti, 10.21; Springwells 11.05; arrivingin Detroit at 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast traía leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. making the folowing stops: Wayne Junction, -i.0f; Ypsilanti, .20; Ann Ar bor, 2.82, Mackson, 3.32, Albion, 4.03; Marshall, 4 22, Battle Creek, 4.40 ; Kalamazoo, 5.15; Siles, 6.32; Michigan City, 7.30; Chicago, 9.30. Suñday uxeepted. JSaturday & Sundsy excepteo fDally. O. w. Ruoolïs, H. W. HAYES, O. P 3 . A.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. NEW CROCERY HOUSE. This space ír reserved by Fred and Philip Stimson, who will oceupy Qeo. Clarken's New Building, No. 9 North Main street, wirh a fresh etook of Dry and Wet Groceries. Ann Arbor, Oct. 21, 1886. CEO. OLP ! PROPK1ETOR OF THE New Livery Stable Boardlne and Farmers' Fend Barn. Al Baxter1) Oíd Stand, Comer Hurón and Second Streets. TURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT. Charges Reasonable. Telephone Conuectiun. A. CWINNER AGENT FOB THE Graser & Brand BREWIKG & BOTTLING GO. OP TOLEDO, OHrO. I desire to announce to my f rieuds and :he pnblio generally, that I have acoepted the sole agency of the Celebnited Jracer & Brand Pilsiner Beer, of Toledo, Dhio, for Washtenaw coanty, and that same will bti fouiirf ou tap at my place ïereafter, or in bottles. I will sell the game per keg, quart or pint bottles, and fill all or Jers in the city up to 9 o'clock each evemng, delivery free. Excellence of qualhty guaranteed. Orders addressed Postoffice Drawer No. 25 will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction and prompt delivery guaranteed. Solicting :he patronage of a generous community, [ am respectfully yours, A. CWINNER, No. 4 Detroit street, Aan Arbor. JOHN WOTZKE ! THE Fine kit and Shoe Maker ! A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only Establishment] in Ann Arbor that Manufactures its Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURCS. No. 43 South Main Street. BURCHFIELDS Is the place to Order Your Suits ! The stock is complete and you will be astonished at our prices. Yon don't need to buy ready-made clothing if you will but come and see our goods. Brlng on your cloth if you want it made up. Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing. Rememberthe place, No. 10 East Huron Street, four doors west oi theCook House. NoSideShow "DOGO TH tí co S A. A. TBBBT, o" HATS S- tfX ARBO, TheLatestShapes IAY AS TTOTJ GO ! I am still in the FLOURANDFEED! WOOD AND COAL BUSINESS. I am dow doins: a Strictly Cash Business, and will sell anything in mv line ascheap as it catx be bought of any dealer, and will alao give a DISCOUNT OF 4 PER CENT On all orders for Flour, Feed and Wood, amounting to $5 and over. HENBY RICHARDS, Next Firemen's Hall. Last Huron Street G COLLIES, Dealer in STONE, LIME, WATER LIME CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERING HAIR, -And all Kinds of- WOOD AND COAL. lyOFFICE:- Corner of Fifth & Huron areets, oppokite Firemen's Hall. Aun Arbor. Micb. Telephone No. 11U.


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