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Hap Hazard

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Soon Mrs. Shumann's voicc was heard, calling: "Girls, - breakfast!" - "Yes" called Maud, slecpily. and the girls snored in chorus. Aiter breakfaat as the girls were having a snow ball convention in the front yard the little Haeard cntter cama op, - and Ted was in it! Happy gavo a cry of joy and ran toward him. Her penitent " feelings were strcngthened whea slio noticed that he v;is pale and lliin, and she held out her hand cordially. But she cooled very soon as he took lu-r hand, sayingearelessly, "Howde-do eousin," audlifted his fur cap to tlic girls. "Thought I'd come up and carry you home, you know, coz," ho added. Ready?" "It was kind of you to take the trouble to come for me. I will not detain jou long," said Hap frigidly as she tnrned toward the house to get her wraps. Ted looked after her, dini'j' wonderiiiíí what had stiffoned her so in a few -hort weeks. "She ued to be a jolly sort of girl,' he thought, "hope she don t put on airs in honor of me. It doa't improve her." Tte cousins were very silent as they rode home, until Ted re i arked politely: 'Disappointed not to see you last night. Spose you had a ni e time." 'Oh, yes, the girls had a little jubilee, and I couldn't miss it," said Hap care es-h. Ted opened his grey eyes "Aha!" e thought, 'my fair cousin thirsts for revenge; she won't get it though." and after that he was politely indifferent to Happy while she as courteously igtiored him until Tie went back to school. As spring came near Ted wrote often er than usual, and in his old frank, boyish way The firs few weeks of college life had given hlm a teuiporary superliciality, which he had exaggeraicd while with Hap because she was "so stiff" as he called it Hut the lad's genuine heart at last gaincd the victory, and he saw the ïollv of trving to be soraething besides hinisolf, and not half sogo d. rie dared not write to Happy, so confined the correspondence to Gra e, ahvays speakIng in his old atfei'tionato way of his comrade. Happy reien ted, of oourse, but she could not bring her pride down so far as to malee her write to him. She just let it go and gave her attention to study, for Aunt Edith had sent her some of Raskin' 8 works in the winter. Ted wrote that he was keeping up pretty well, (his lungs had been weak all winter) but said he would be glad t get home and rest when school was out. Papa and mamma Hazard looked worried when they read this, and even Happy began to fear, though she couldn't think anything would nappen lo Teddy. When, at Tast, he carne in une, their fears grew, for the boy was vei v pale and had a bac' cough. Happy's heart ached for him, but she did not show it plainly. She knew it was wrong o remeniber the litlle jar of last holiday ti;i e, but her pride ruled her. Do not blai-e her too much, you who criti ise for she had been greatly hurt by Ted's indilïerence bhe could not endure "college-y ness," and to see it in Ted, - it wounded her. Ihewas generally ruled by her wholeBouled gencrosity, but sometimes her pride and seusitiveness would get the best of the fray and carry the d;iy in spite of all. It was so now, for though she was occasionally familiar and good natured with her cousin as of old, she was never the same. With rest and change of air, Ted im proved a little, but he seemed to have lost spirit Hap's ever-vigorous energy hich ad ahvays upheld him bef ore was withheld now, and really ho did not realizo how much it had affected him. The Hazards all feit relieved when Dr. l'lnl wrote that he and aunt Edith would stop off at Madrid for a visii on their way to the Rocky Mountains, Yosemite, &c, for a summer sojourn. i íu'y líame itiiu iim-l utipyj wibu more than tlicir usual warmtli, for they t hought they savv an element of heroism in the girl's little saerilice of the winter bofore. This made lier very happy of oourse, though sho insisted that her winter with Ruskin and Gr ace had been ihanning. 'Why," she said, "Auntie, i've learned so much of art ir. mi my reading this winter, that I don't believe 'twould pay for me to go to Boston now, anyway, unlcss it was to teach patatera how t paint." She thought this exaggerated gelf satisfaction would cover up Eer disappoialment sothat Aunt Edith would not Bee it. But A nat Edith did; she bad boen a girl hewelf, not loug ago, either, and bosides her experience, she had quick pereeption joined with her admiiation for this "glorious young creature" as she called Happy. Before she left Boston, she had said to her husband: ''Now I'liil, Hap Hazard must go with us to the Vosemite. Slic could gain no end of help from the Hardfogs who have promised to join us, - why they could give her lessons, too Then the scenery would be a constant delight and inspiration to her. Mother Hazard will let her have the money she has promised, and there's no reason why Hap Hazard can't leave home now, for Cirace is nearly well, they write. There's no reason in the world why she an't go!' Mrs. Edith had a bnght, positivo little way of speaking wlien telling her plans, as though she was sure to be opposed; but she novcr was Dr l'hil smilcd and took the bright little face between his big hands and said: "No body has said Hap Hazard couldn't go West. little s he xer, and in 1 I think it a delightful plan - just what I shouli expeot from my wife." Mrs. Edith's plan was disL'losed to the Hazard's at the earliest opportunity after the arrival at Madrid, ant was gladly received, espeuially b; Grace. "I knew something lovely woul( come to reward you Hapjiy, for your sacrifice to me last winter," she said. "Reward! ' said Hap. "It was enough that you enjoyed the winter with me; I ut this is more than is like turnips!" "A line simile," said papa Hazard, ' and quite worthy of you, Hap " "Yes," said ïed, "it is a turn-up, you know, and we have all been Micawbers, waitingfor it." The family all smiled, but Happy raised her eyobrows, and poor Ted wondered if he would ever regain hia vi'insome cousin's favór. llio party were to start west before Ingust and to be reioined on the way n Mr. Harding, tiie artist, and hu riends There were to be several months of trave! and perhaps a winter n Sania Bar ;ir.i. Happy's hearl and ii i ii 1 1 won; full and she was busy with ireparatlons, bnl one day sho found me to go to the lake for water lillies o put iu the antique pitcher in Aunt Sdlth's room. She was rowlng alone, 'or although Tod had joined her on the jank sayintr; "May 1 go with you, my iretty maid?" she had replied trying ,o be merrv, "thank you, no. 1 learned ;o row some years ago" and left ïim. She was but ill at ease for she knew cnew Teddie was sitting on the bank where she left him look ing ' glunr ' a use his own expression. She was so oecupied with her houghts that she carelessly leaned too :ar over the water to pet a Uly, and the joat tipped süghtly. As she regained ïer seat whioh she did quickly, one f ;he oars slipped out and Qoatéd away. 3ho tried to paddie in to shore, luit tne Qy-pads were th'ck and to add to her rexation she heard Ted's familiar ■ oice sing out: ■;lf I liad a wife the plaguo oí my life, 1 teil you what I wouM .In. I'd Bet Eer afloat i" a leaky lioat To paddie her own canoe." This, of course, exasperated Happy more than ever. teara oi ralion came :o her oyes, but she did not look up. She pusiied the boat away from among the lilies, and paddled aboul irying to ret to the clear place bevond where slie ( 'ould land. It was but slow work, for the oar was large and cumbrous, ind the bont tipped easily. "1 would nmp in and swiu," she thought, "but ïhere's led looking and he'd langh to see me coiie up all drlppl' g and that I could neer endure." She knew there were other boats at the landing, but all were chained and loeked, besides she wouldn't have Ted coaio to help her anywav. If he would only go and not sit there laughing ! she glan ed at hrn, and saw that he was lot laughing, but gravely taking oflf lus sho s, preparatory to wading in. " Don't you do that, Ted Remers. ot L'll jump in as sure as l'm Hap Hazard. The water is eold and you'll get your death. Stop! I can row in." ',No, you can't, consin." said Ted as he waded out, "that oar is too lica y I Bhall never forgivc you if yon don't. Iet me help you this time You have lielped me out of worse scrapes than this, more than once, and I owe you something to pay tor last winter, Hap." All the tiuie he was wadlng out tak ing an oar with liim and as the water grew deeper he swam a stroke or two and soon gained the boat, handing the oarto hiscousin. "I can't get in," he said as Happy iooked at Kim in blank amazement, "for this boat will tip. I'll run to the house as soon as I get to shore. It will do megood. Now Hap Hazard gained her voice, and she said, "feddiè, I wouldn t have thought you could do such a thing as this af ter the way l've treated you. You must take hold of the boat while I row ashore Oh! Ted, can you ever forgive meP" Teddie smiled back his answcr and put his hand on the boat as she told iiim. She rowed rapidly, and they soon reached the shore, then hurried bim to the house. He did not come in to toa, but kept his room. Poor Hap Hazard was miserable, for he had made her promise not to teil this little incident, and this made it all the hard er to bear. Her tears and self-re proaches wore many, and kept her long awake, "scoldmg herself ' The reaction of her feelings made her exaggerate the wrong she had done until it s;rew hideous to her. The pendulum swung from pride to humility, and stayed there. 'Oh, if I could only talk with him," she thought ' I'll just do anything for him now, give up anything, to sliow him how sorry I am.' In the morning she feit better and af ter a long old fa.shioued "talk-over" with Teddie, was quite herself, though she still thought "I'll show him yet tbat I can do good as well as ugly thiDgs." That day Ted grew weaker, and the next day, kept his room. Dr Phil said at breakfast, "Ted will grow worse all summer if he hasn't a change of climate, and no one knows what winter will'bring to him " Papa Hazard said: '■! will mortgage my farmto send him, if there's noother way, for something must be done. You know how ill fortune has visited me this year, I'hil. It scems as though everything conspires asrainst us." "He can't go to college next year, anyway," said Dr. Phil. ' He ought to go south or west, right away." Han Hazard's heart heat verv fast while this talk was goiiig on, and her eyes glowed with the peculiar red light they always had when she was exeited. She ate no breakfaát but excused herself and went out on the south porcli, where the niorning glories were peeping out in their pink and blue freshness. Happy didn't see tbem: she didn't see the suulight making golden linea and dots on the grass; she didn't liear the birds singing in the apple trees. She was thinking, and her eyes glowed moie and more. Únele Phil carne out in a hurry to speak to papa Hazard, who was ginr to a neighborhig city, about gome medicines forTcd Happy caught liis sleeve. "Un ïe- Mr Hazard- Dr. Phil," she said breathlcssly, "Ted Remers ought to go west " "Yes, that's what I said, my dear," said Uncle Phil as hè hurriedon, thinking, ' that girl has sonie scheme in her niind, but thore's no use in my trying to guess what it is; she'll burst in on us in a clav or two and oarry it out before you can say ! Jack Kobinson. It takes these wo i en j to plan - God bless 'em !" Happy stood on the poreh in the sunlight, until grañdllá carne to train the morning-glories, and then she wa ened . from her revery. "Grandma,' she said, 'I'm going to j stay at lio ne thi.s siinmier to read ■ kin, and "Ted is going West with uncle and auntie and yon' re o Ie lii n have my n oney, and"- here her breath gave i out and her courage faltcird. Slie ! needed opposition to strengthen her. Grandma made use of the pause to ' put a word in eelgeways ' and i claimed: "Happy Hazard, what be you ta'kin' abotlt, or are you tryin' to make believe you're dead irazy? You act crazy- i ( razy as a wood-pile " (You see Happy's talent for siuii'es ca i.e straight.) "Who said thinars was sroinï to be like that Heppalony?s' "I said it," said Hap, strong enough, now that she was opposed a litue, "and who lias a botter viglil? You were going to give ïne live hundred dollars, and I can give it to Teddic. There are no two ways about. He will die if he stays here, and I will indeed enjoy niy western trip then, won't 1? l owe him agood deal, grandma, you know how ugïy l've been to him." As Happy paus d with a ehoke in her throat, Grandma looked up out of her bright eyes, the color of Happy's own. There was no spectacles over thoso eyes, and there never luid been, They were as bright at sixty as they had been at sixteen. So the brown eyes under the gray har and the brown eyes under the aubura locks met in a I keen glauee. "Heppalony," said Grandma Hazard, ■ "Iloppalony, you're made o' the right stuft' in spito of Hanner Simpson's ! growls." Happy amiled gaily, for sho knew her point was eained here, and then she , went to teml her flowers with a lighter i heart. Still she kept dreading to see Aunt Edith. That uttle woman came oul where Happy was, after au huur or more, jusl whea the girl was trimming a choice rosé and tryihg to tliink of a Uttle spcccli whioh should be "calm, cool anacoüected." ii wus alltthe harder to gpeak after auntie said briskly: "Well, dear, you mnst begin to think about packing." Hap Hazard feit hor heart sink but she looked np bravely from the rosc-lmsh and said: "Yes, to pack for Ted. You know it's Teddy instoad of me who is togo, Auntie. It's all arrangod, and oh, don't!" - for Aunt Edito liad seen iln' -iiiiatinn at a glande and hereyes had lilled with toars of love and admlration for her brave niece. She stood a moment looking at the girl, whose ii ars would come, thongh she tried to gmile, t'ncn she put her arm about her and said quietly, "Dear sfitl, 1 did ; know !i was arranged for Teddie togo, I but not without you. Do yon euppose tliat I could slee]) last night, after your unele told me of Teddie's danger, until I had planned all? 1 deoided n a minute to lena him the money from the nice littlc sum ray father lefl me. I didn't mention it to anybody until jast now to your unele and it is all arranged, Hap Hazard." Fonr nionths afterwanl, had yon been at Santa Barbara, Cal., you would have seen a party of tourista from the east, who seemed to thoronghly enjoy every breath they took. Amo g them you would have noticed espi a:l a girl of seventeen, and a boy soni" tu o years older, who were constant eompanions. From the boy s quick springing walk, and good color, you who would not have imagined that a few months before he was said to be doomed with coneuraption. And you wouldn't have snspected that the tall graeeful jrirl with the sketch book had onco thought herseli his "deadly foe." You would have been pleased t; see this cheery eomradeship, and would have liked especially to watch the girl, who, from her laughing brown eyes, jou would know to ie Happy.


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