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r - _ , - ■ : -:-■■■■ „.---... - i3t. . ..' - WM. THEISEN, Merchant Tailor ! Has tbe flnest lino of CLOTHS In the city frem trhich to make selectioas. Garments ent and mode tn order. Oly flrstcla.s wuik luiued out. Satiifaition guarauteeu, Next to Ann Arbor Savings Bank, On IIur.oN SteEET West. i. D. STIM30N. W. F. SiniSON STIMSON&SON! - DEA1EES IK - 5FINE GEOGEBIES ! Tirsr ïiiEJi. tw East of the Post-Offlce. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I Am now prepared to deltvpr to my cuitomui-s, or uthers in want of BEER! AFirst-Cla Artlde, nositlrely manufucturcJ of ouly Hops c Malt ! EQUALTOANYIMPORTEDBEER. Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINCHAUS. BESI WIER SELLS LLOYI) &KEÏ'S inglMi Ales ! -- ASD C V. VOIGIIY'S PILSEK"EE - AND - - IIEINGOLD ■D "TT "ET "ï Tl .Ma Ui _i2Ls irf. O Ai irtor orean ïïorts D.F.AIImendincer Manuf acturer and dealer In Pianos, Ornáis,! AND MUSICAL IN'STKUJIENTS. i Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. ' Anjono calling t the woik, fnot of Washington ' Street, can examinr gnods aml prices. Ican e rnvince j'ouof the , Great Bargains ! lam ofTcrhiK. t. F. AI.UIENülSUia. A.NN ADDOB MACKINAC. Tho Most Dcligb tful SUMMER TOUR falaca Bteamers. Lew Hatea, ïour Trips por Week Betwoen DETROIT AND MAC KI NAO And 3tery Wcok Day SctTreen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our " P!cture8que Mackinac," lllusf raied. ConUlnm i-ull Particular. Maüed Pro. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. mst., DETROIT, MICH. HENRY MATTHEWS Keips a First clasa MEAT MARKET! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt dnd Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Priccs Kcasonablo. Ttmnkine tlmse who hnve bo liberallv patrón. iced me In the pusl, I a !so cordiall solicit trad (rom utjw patrou8. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Stieet, Aan Axbor, l 'oh.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat