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Euougk Left to Live On. Wc do not sec that Prince Alcxander, the dcposed Bulgaria monarch, is goiug to have very inticli d flleulty In kccping tlie wolf awav froin the door. In adüitiou to tbc lucotne íiom a fü,(XX),000 legacy, he has a numher of prolltablc lnvostmenta in Am rica tvhlcb be can realizo upo ut any time. He ownu con sidcrahle real est:ite ia Ciir ■ Kruisus City, Denver anil Ornahn, anti h p Tt. tuviifr in one of tlie laiüust tjterp ritiiclica ■■ New Mexlro. His American prupsrty is lul I uncler the name of Alexandna Marie Wilhelm Liidwïj MarM'chkolT, and bis fntcrests in tliis countr are loükcil at'lcr bv Col. J. 8. Nixt in, tb.; well kuowu attoriK'v ijf this city. Col. Norton teils il., tbftt lie WÖUi 1 not be surprised if Prlnce Ak'XandiT wt re to come to the Uniteii State lo live. lu a li'tti'r to Col. Norton list June the prluee 6ail: 'If ever it Is the Divine picasure to release us from the haraAsing reFponslhililies wliicll DOW rest upon u. It will be our cTlolco to llnd a home in that great country bevond the Atlantic, wherc, removed írom tíie Intrigues of court uiitl state, we may enjoy tlie quiet emplovmtnt umi pcaec-ful meditaiion for wh'ch we have always jcarued." - Chungo A'eie'. "It is as lriiniless as it is efTective," is said of Red Star Cough Cure by Dr. S. K. Cox, D. D. Aurjlytienl Chemist, Washington, 1). C. Frico, twenty-flve cents. A yonng man found a handhag in a cnrriage at Túsenla, 111. It contained Í35 ar?d belonged to a young widow at Atwood and w'hen the young man returned it to her she rewardod bim by marrying him the iiext day. An intelligent fow entcred the chapel of St. Faul's church. iu Kingston, Canada attracted by a choir rebeara d, nnd tefore she went out had ripped up several benches and torn the garnient of several tenors and basses. Corporations with a saltcd mine nre always looking for fresh youuK fellows to go iuto it and tako stock. - Now ürleans Picayune. The virtues of St. Jacobs Gil, as proclaiined by millions of rflitored sull'erers, should induce everyone to supply his hou-iehold with thtsgreal speelde. It conquor pain. A 6-year-old girl in Florida dropped her kitten'down a well ever 5!) feet deep, and at herearnest eptresty her fatlier lowere.1 her down by the well ropo. She got the kitten out all right and was pulled up again, damp, but happy. In the bezinning of November the first Kod will be out in the new canal which itoconnectthe North sea with the Baltic. In honor of the event the provinco of Schle-Avig-Holstein has arrauged for magniScent fete at Kiel. ElowinjUp Hsll Oat9 has been a laborious and costlv work, but the end jutifies the effort. öbstruction in any impoitint channel menns disaster Ob tructions in the organs of the human body bring inei'italilt' (licuase. They must le cleared away, or phyit-'al wreek wil! follow. Keep the liver in order, and the pure blood oourses throuti the lxdv, con veying heulth, streusth auJ I i ie ; let it beraiiiv di ordered aud the chimuels are clogged with impuritie, whicb result In disease and death. No other melicin equals Dr. Pierce's "UoMen Medical Uis covery" for acting upon the liver and purifying the blood. A child with six wall deválopo 1 toe? on eacb foot, and siic BhferJoo the risrht hand was born at Atbion, lnd., la?t week. "TlieProp)r 8tady of Mankind is Man,' says the illustrious Pope. lf he had in cluded woman in the list. be WoJld have been nearer the truth, if not so poetical. Dr. R. V. Piarce hut mmle them both alife study, especially woiuan. and tho peculiar derangenients to whicli hor delicate sys tem is liable. Manv vonten in the land wbo are acn,iiuiiiri{ with Dr. Pleme "nly tbrough In- -Kavoritti Pioscriptiou' bless him u ith all tbeir beartt, for he bas brought tliem the panacea for all those chrouic ai inents pecUllrtr to their sex: such as leucorrhoea, prQlapsua and other displacñments, uiceralon, ''internal fever." bloating, tcnleticy to internal caucer. and other ai'.aii'nts. Price reduced to one dollar. By druggist;. A society of six wealthy ladien nnd gen tlemen ot Berlin ha, baas formed for the purpose of giviug yo-uly Wagner festivals atBayreuth No T.oafcle ta Svallow Dr. Pleros's "l'oüets" (the original "little liver pills") aiul nu p iíii orgriping. Cure sick or bilions he ijache, 8our stom ich. and cleaase the system and bowels. 'Sets. a vial. Prince SáJm-Salm, a meraber of the Prussian logi-lntiin, la dead. This is the last of hymn.- Norwirli Bulletin. ilMore tlinu n'! ulker ,nu fitmaüa,'1 is what E. W Fairman, adrugtistat Dayton, Ind.. writes about the sale of Allen's Lung Balsam. He has sold it for oiht years. and it gives satis'notion. Suld by all druggists at 25c, 5Jc. and Sl.Oü a bottlo. Little Mary Duke of Clanton, Ala., not yet 7 years oíd. has atarted an infant bchool and charge í 10 oiits a ïnunth for teaching little oms tbeir A B. C. Fitb dollars aven rcarly In boot nd ñhos b ufciug 1-yuir Heil 8tidyvrj oopI O'ity c The population of Cniüvla is not much iliun that of New Vork, IATEHTSobniin'íliTT,ti!iisI:ii5rífrJtno., At torm.), Vttpliii]Ltuu,l.C. Ei'.i 1861. Alivie frec A lg eagle thnt meatird nlne fetfrom I tip to tip. captured laat spring near Binghainton, N. Y., a released theotherday. On its leg is a brasa tag givine the date of its liberution and ofíeiing casn prizes for the return of thu bird. It is nsserted that Misses Kellogg, Abbott, Oates, añil our otilar famo'is ; BtresseB m:iii:i.;i' lo keep Uieir voice- cleur ' liv the iio uf l)r. Bull's Cough Syrup. I Frice, 5 cents. There is an artesian well 1,030 feet deep in Aberdeen. Nnb. that throws out iiinn. liers of fi-h that look like the ordinury brook minnow. Cheap cigars have no effect on the heart. So says a ooctor. lu his opiuion only the oxnensive brands are dangeaous. Tuis will be a gre#t relief to the patrons of the tive cent variety. - Haltimore American. The invention of ihe word "dude" is claimed for Mr. Oelrlch of the New York Union Club. Unless ho is also l'ound guilty of the invention of the dude ''itself he should not be killed.- Norristown Herald Lawyer -'But why don't you applv for adivorcei Your uusband will bj obligad to support you." III treated wifo- "Will he? Tteu l'H do it. He has uever supported me sinco we were married." - Boston Transcript. Physicinns, Lawyerj, and Iiueiness Men are enthu.-,i istic in thoir endorsement of Salvation OU. It cures the worst cases of rheumatism. 25 cents. Whenever a New Englander getdyspepsia he kiiows that his siomach is in applepie order. - Puck. AEonarknile Care whic'i is Ajraicenins Great Interest in and Aboat Cackson. Jacksox, SUy 28, 1886. Rheumatic Syrup Co. : Gentlemen- Por ten yoars I have been a great anfferer from Uyspep.ia and Neuralgia. About twelve yenrs ugo my kidnevs became Ui-e.%sed, my whole system ilerauged, my Btoinaeh we ik, and I was attacked with the worst form of Dyspopnia, wliich lastfd until quite recnntly. About Mie Mime lime iyi1ps'.a tooK so urina hold on mo Neuralgia et in, soinetimcs nttacking mo 111 the hend about the temples, then in the back ot' mv ueek and -houlders, tlien in my Btomacti. The sufferinï and extreme pain which I have en dured the past twelve yoars is more than I can describe. I have taken early eveiy medicine I couldlearn or uearof ;have employed the most skillfull physieians. Dr. Slenou, tne ot' the best and aule-.t doctors of our city, oHice !St3 Maiu strtet. doctored me for a long time, and oan tetify as fo the severit y "f my diseaRe. 1 uever sueceeded in getting any permanent relief until I had used Hibl aid's Khenmatic Byrup. I have gained ten pounds of llcsh in seven wcek-i. The gallowness wnich so disfigured niy comulexion and oaused me ycms ol Kin-ruw has been entirely removed, and iny general health is hetter tlian it, has been in thirteen years. The severity of the Neuralgic pain i caused a oontraction of the muscles, or nervcs on the right side of face to such an extent as to partially close my right eye, wbicb your syrup has entirely cure_d. Hy fiueiindeye are restoreJ to tbelr natural st;ite. 1 most cheerfully recomiuend it to any afflicted in like manner, or for general debility. Very respecttully, Mits. A. I). NOBLE, Corner Mechanic and Mason streets. Hibbard's Rheumati-"" Syrup is put up in large bottles, and is sold hy druggists generalij. Frico $1.ÜJ, or .-■': bottle-i ior $.OO. If your druggist does 'jot liave it writo us and we will send it to any luldress on receipt oí price, freight prepaid. iáend for our medical pamphlet. RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO., Solo mauufacturers, Jackson, Mich. "What is celerity, Johnniel" "Dunno, guess it's something to put down hot dlshos with." - Ut. Paul Herald.


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