FINE GR OCERIES ! I have, at my atore on Ann Street, Silgara, Coffee, Prunes, Raisins, Citrón, Syrups, JtTinest N. O. Molassee. Choice Roll Butter, The Fresnest Eiffs, Apples, Nata and Pop Oom. THE FINEST TEA IMPORTED THURBER'S Celebrated Pomajo Coffee, and ho. 5 Cigars. I sell for Casb or to responsible parties on reasonable time, JNO. W. MAYNARD, Ank Street, - Ann Arbor, Mioh. NEW GROCERY HOUSE ! STIMSON BROS., Proprietors. Kv?iytliiiijsr ia Stock is New and UVeish. A Full Line of Dry and Wet Crocerles; also Fine Assortment of Crockery. Remember the Mace, No. 9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Michigan. CEO. OLP ! PROPRIETOB OF THE New Livery Stable Rosrding and Farmer' Feed Barn. A.t Bajcter's Old Stand, Corner Huron and Second Streets. rURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT Charges Reaionabie. Telephone Connectlon. GL COLLIHS, Dealer ín STONE, LIME, WATER LIME CALCINED PLASTER, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERING HAIR, -And all Kinds of- WOOD AND CO AL. WOFFICE:- Oorner of Flfth & Huron sreets, oppoclte Firemen's Hall. Aun Arbor. Micn. Telephone No. 110. U AU f Elf I lOt quirei a knowlcdge of th value of ncwspapcrs, and 3 corrcctly displaycd advt. To secure such Information IHnlfMAIICI V aswillenablcyou to JUUIWlUUOLl consult LQRD THOMAS NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS1NG, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. WE THOlOCRlf . A.CWINNER AOENT FOB THE Craser & Brand BREWM&BOTTLINGCO. OP TOLEDO, OHIO. I desire to announce to my friemls and the publio generaliy, that I have acoepted the sole agency of the Celebrated Gracer & Brand Pilsiner Beer, of Toledo, Ohio, for Washtenaw county, and that same will b found on tap at my place hereafter, or in bottles. I will sell the same per keg, qnart or pint bottles, and fill all orders in the oity up to 9 o'clock each evening, delivery free. Excellence of quallity guaranteed. Orders addressed Postofflce Drawer No. 25 will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction and prompt delivery guarauteed. Solioting the patronage of a generouï oommunity, I am respeotfully yours, A. CWINNER, No. 4 Detroit street, Aun Arbor. BURGHFIELD'S U the place to Order Your Suits ! The stock is complete and you will be astonished at our prices. You don't need to buy ready-mde clotbing tf you will but come and see our goodn. Bring on your cloth if you want it made up. Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing. Remember the place, No. I O East Huren Street, four door west of the Cook House, NoSideShow Í ■ f S A. A. TEEBT, o" , HAT8 S n Axaom - TheLatestShapes PAY A. YOU GO I I am still in the FLOUR AND FEED ! WOOD AND COAL BUSINESS. I am now doing a Strictly Cash Buiriness. and will sell Hiiyllung in my line ascheap as lt can be bought of any dealer, and will also gire a DISCOUNT OF4 PER CENT On all orders for Flour. Feed and Wood, amounting to J5 and over. IIKÏVÏtY RICHARDS, Next Firemen's Hal!. Last Huron Street.
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