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EBERBACH&SOti Dealers tn Drugs, Medicines AadaflDeVotot French Ha!r Brushei AND Enelish Tooth Brasheti Wè ol! special t tention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importatlon, A full Une ot TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list p rices. STTTDEHsTT S Are oordially In vited to examine our stock uQ qualily and prieel. EBERBACH&SON. JACKSUN FIRE CLAY CO, Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe tm-A-insr tilís i All our r rain Tile anmadi of Fire Olay, ar ot unusual strenpth and light weight, which materially reduces the breakage and exrenso o{ hransportation. The ditching of thls clas of tilIntisless ezpenaÏTA, as they do nut rrquire to be lald below f rost hut ouly deap enough to encape the plow. Wliile thla Ia more económica. tó also aids In obtaining a be tter fall or rade to hke drain. A full asortment of all si zei, for sale in small quanti lies, or car load Iota, at tha FESDON LUMBER YARD, ■ James Tolbert, Agent. ' THe, the Createst Labor-Savlng Machine of the Age." T tht Editor of Thé Chieaao Trtount. Vwimwr, III., Maren 16.- One of the st ron geel and nut convincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is broufht ont In the December report of the Agrlcultural Depar mentoflllinois. 1 1 Is this : ACRBAOa. Awefcge In corn in Livingston Cousty, 1SS1 f. te8,SW Aoreaee in corn in Logan County, 1881.. 140,8H Uringston orer Logas 187,71 TIKLD. TIeI4 of corn in Livingston County, 1881. .8,988 ,5M Yield of corn in Logan County, 18tüi 6.070.DM Llringston orer Logan l,9Ot,5M In other words. Logan County has raised near ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Llvingstoa county has on 268,597 acres. Fut it in anotbef fora, the farmers in Livingston County have been obligad to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (288,597), and have raised but a Ter small percentage of Increase of corn over theii brethem In Logan County, who only had to plow 140,869 acres. Let us gire it anotlier twist! A A farmer who lias bis land well tillad naed onlj work elehty acres of land nd grow just aboul as much corn as the man w ho plows 160 n# talces all the risks of drouth and much beeldea. It is not fair, then', to conclude that the rreatesl labor-savlng machine to-day of the age is the tila drain? From the same source of Information 6ather the following as regards the progrese ot le-drainage in these two countiea: TuL ■ Total number of feet laid In Livingston Countyupto 18Í1 , l.ltó.TM Total number of feet laid in Logan Countyupto 1881 3,((8I,48( Thistable proves beyondall theory that owing to the f ree use of tile that one county hai beea able to produc' nearly as much corn on 140,000 ■cresol land anotlier county has produced apon SÖ8.000 acres, which is nearly doublé, ad Ihe beauty of the wbole is tbat it was done with kalf tha work: Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence sbould lengthen out the spin of our day aatil we saw Illinois thoroughlr tile-drained, where would be put the corn that tuis Stat would produce, aud what would we do with ou "silver dollarsf' Símukl T. K. Fkim;-' RINSEY & SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Orocery Line. Teaa, Cofleea and Siijj ctrai, In large mounts. and at CasIhL ZPz?oOs And oan sell at Low Figure. The latge invoice of tías they Buy and Bell, II Rood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargaint. They Roast thelr own Coffees every week, aai none but prime articles are used. Ihelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Ckei nd Crackers. Cali and sea them. PricesGone Down A. large stock of Wall Paper telling at A CREAT REDUCTION! I claim to hare the largeat and M SELECTED STOCK Of Wall raper and Deoorations in th oonntjr, and oan give perfect natisfiiotioi in (loods or Work . Paints and Painten Bnpplies a speoialty. -A-llDex'ti Sorg, Buocf uor to F. k A . Sorg, IQ 88 Wabslngton it. A Irfcoi S4LERATÜS SODA Best in the Wor IJ.


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