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WlGHIGAN fTENTRAI The JViagarct Falk (Route. Time Tabm, Nov. 14, 1886. All traína run by Ninetleth Merlulan, or Central Standard Time. ome e ■.. „.. g , 5.1 -f a il i _ pa i. ia ia a_ a. M. a.h. r. . r. Jhlcago Lt. 6.S0 9.00 4.40 8.15 8.10 Nlles.... 10.20 12.15 8.18 11.13 12.86 Decatar. ...... 8 68 2 10 Uwton 9.13 k.K. 1.41 Kalamazoo.. . 1.60 n.STi .48 12 33 2.85 BalMhnrR I 7.08 2.61 Battle Creok... ÍJT 7.31 1 30 a.20 Marflhall Ut', 7.67 1.68 4 06 Alhlon 8.32, 8.20 2.23 3.48 a. M. Iackcon.....Ar. 8.10 )ackon I.v. 8.14 4.28 9.: 8.16 1.60 3raasLake 3.S3 9.88 6.18 Jholaoa 8.56 9.28 6.35 Dexter 4.12 10.07 6 60 Ann Arbor 4.33 5.80 10.25 4.36 .08 fpullantt 4.50 5.45j 10.40 4.52 4 24 tfayne June... 5 15 6.061 11.(13 5.16 .47 8pring-vellB.... 5.50 6.85! 11.85 5 50 7 90 Detroit Ar. 8.00 a.4K 11.45 .00 7.80 8t. Thoma Ar 11.10 ' 9 :,0 8.30 4. M. 1 Weiland 1.43 ' 12 44 8 06 Falla View 1 lt Niágara Falta 2.2 1 23 6.86 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 I 1 84 8.60 Biiffalo Ar I 8.85 I 2 4 7.50 7i TTi..m. - „2 3gl_-i gL SJ }_ILÚll.sLÚ. A.H. P. M.'lP. . A.H. A.H. Buffalo L. 1180' 1000 11.36 A. H. P.H Susp. Bridge..; 12.30 12,38 Niágara Falla! 13.40. 12.56 KallsView I p. . 1.05 St. Thomas...! 4.i0l 1 10 4.46 Detroit Lv. 7.00 8.10 4.00 8.00 9.15 Springwelta.... 7.10 9.20 4.10 8.10 9 26 WajueJunc... 7.40 9.53 4.45 8.37 9 65 YpellantL. 8.01 10.12 5.12 8.68 10.21 Ann Arbor 8.181 10.26 5.30 S.12,10 38 Doxter 8.851 5.60 9.8 Cheli-oa 8.48 I 05 9.52 Graas Lake 9.10 1 6.27 10.15 p. m.1 Jackson Ar. 10 52 Jackson Lt. 9.86 11.39 7.10 12 08 Alblon 12.10, 7 83 11.11 12.48 Mt.rshall 12 30 8.20 11.52 1.10 Battle 'Ireek.... 1.1 8 62 12.12 1.87 Gi!eburg 9.J5 12.5 Kulaniazon 1.50 9.45 4.45 1.20 2.32 Uwton...p. H. 6.18 1.47 Decatur. 6.S5 2.12 ...... Nllee 1.40 3.22 8.40 8.03 4.13 Chicago Ar 6.15 6.40 ...... 10. ? 00 8 05 The New York Erproas, a fait tram leaves Ch!" ;aKo at 8.10 ie the afternoon and makea the fol vowing atopa, Mtch'gan City, 4,65: Nits. 6.49; Kal amazoo6.68; Battle Creek, 7.33; Jackson, 8.49 Ann Arbor, 9 45: YpailantI, 9.6C; Sprimrwelli. 10.85; arriving In Detroit at 10.45 P. M. The Chicago Expresa, a fast train leaves De:rolt at 1.30 p m. mak Ing the (olowing atopa: Wayne Junction, .0f; Ypsilanti, 20; Ann Ar bor, 2.82, Jackson, 3.32, Alblon, 4.03; Marshall, 4.22, Battle Creek, 4.40 ; Kalamazoo, 5 15; Nilea, 6.32; Michigan City, 7.80; Chicago, 9.80. 'Sunday exceptad. JSstiirday A Sunday exceptefl fDaily. O. W. Roqolm, H. W. HA YES, a. P 7 A.. OkUaoo. Aqt Ann Arbnr De trolt, Macklnac & Marque t te R. R. " MAOKINAW 8HOBT IiINB." The nnly Oirect Route Between the Eaet and the Upper Península of Michigan. WEST. TIME TABLE. EA8T. rcad down In effect Nov. 14, 188B read dp. I tp m Leave] [Arrive +a m I 5:40 Detroit 11 10 ) ta.m ta.ra p. m la. m. 7 00 6 60 lT....St. Ignace 8 30 5 55 12 10 9 40 Seney B is i 12 SS 5 80 M 40 Marquette2.... 2 15 1 17 00 h mi p. ni p m p m. 1 5'P lv....Marquette. .ar 2 00 1 40 Naganee 1 45 155 1 Ishpeming .... 12 58 5 30 Houghton ... 9 21 6 50 Hancock .... 9 01 I 6 85 Calumet .... t8 15 CoN-iïCTioNS- (1) Via M. T. Uo'a boato with the Michigan CeDtral and Graad HapidR & Indiana railroad. (2) With M. H.& O. railroad for Houghton, Hancock, Calumet, etc , and pointa on Chicago and Northweatern rallvay. Standard- Central time. Da!l]r. tDally except Sunday. A. WATSON, E. W. ALLEN Oen'l Snporintn t, Oen. Pass. Ticket Ag't, Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Hich 't Q BJJ B Bi HLÍjPVVIwK Aftr Kortjr jmtzt' WüÁvtwlffíne xprino in tb f-J f V l'j.l Lll prparation of mor ■ Rj " thn On Hundrd ■ üa ■ Tbonund anpllutlom for puenu in ■ KI ■ th United SUt nd Foreif n oounIml triM, tb publiibari of th 8cintiflo FJH Amricn cantina to ot si olicitora I ■■■ I iorpUnt.oTU. trd-mrki. ooprImm rignu, tc.. for tb Uniud Stata, nd to obUin ptDti ia Ouidu, Endand, Frano. Ormanj . and all othr eouoiriM. Thir ipnbcb ia untQualtd and thlr faoilltl! ar unturnmart Drawinn and ■pttlfloatlM prpard and tltd in the Fatent OfBe on hort notie. Tenna Try rn wnabl. No obargit for xamination of modU r drawinffs. AdTio by mail fr. PatantsobtalnedthrouihMnnnAOo.arenotieed Intb. 8CIEWTIFIC AMKRIC AN, whioh hai th larit ciroulation and la tb moit influantial ■wiparxr of ÍU kind pnblishad in th world. Th drnta of Inoh a notio TI7 pttnt. undntandt. Thia lar and pUndtdly IllnatraUd impam la pabliahad WBnÉKXY at I3.0O a raar. and i. admittad to b th ba papw dtroMd to Hitas. mechanio. inrantioaa, nginatrini workt, and othnr dapartmanU of indnatrial prof raa, puhliibd in anr oountir. lt contalm th namii of all paUntea and tltla of ararr inantion paUntad ach wk. Trr it foor moottu for ona dollar, ■old br all nawadtaUra. It roa han an inrantios to paUnt wriU to Munn Co., publlihtr of Soiantiflo AiaatiM, Ml Broadway, New York. Handbook aboat patenta aalled fra. Estáte of Hiram Arnold. QTATE OF MICHIGA.N, County or Waehtenaw, Om. At a aeaaion of the probate court for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 29th dav of November, in the year one thouaand elght hundred and elghty-alx. Present, Willlam D. Harriman , Judge of Probate. In the matter of theeitate of Hiram Arnold, deceaaed. Noah W. Cheever and Edward Treadwell, xecutora of the laat wlll and testament of aaid deceased, come into court and represent that they are now preparad to reader their annual account aa auch executora. Thereupon lt la ordered, that Friday, th 81at day of Decemoer next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assfgned for examiuing and allowing auch account, and that the derisees. Iegautes and helrg-at-law of aald deceaged, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aesalon of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county, and ahow cauae. if any there be, why the said account ahouldnot beallovfeü. And it ia f urther ordered, that aaid executora glve notice to the persons intereated in aaid estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing tnereof, by caualng a copy of this order to be published in Th Ann Arbor Demockat, a newapaper printed and oirculating in aaid county, three auccessire weeka prerious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. 11AKKIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Dott. Probate Register. PENSIONA CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Arbor, Miob. All applicationa properly made. Thouaanda of dollars have beeu lont because applicationa were not correctly made. No chargee unless suoceasfuL Commissioners' Kotice. o TATE OF MICHIGAN , County of Waahtenaw O sa. The underaigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Oommlsalonera to recelye, examine an i adjust all claim and demanda of all persons agalnst the estáte of Joseph Keedle, late of said county, deceased. hereby give notice that si x montha f rom date are allowed, by order of aaid Probate Court, for creditora to present their claims againat the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late resldence of said deceaaeJ, in the township of Superior, in said county, on the 13th day of December, and on the 14th day of March next, at 10 o'clock a. in., of eacn of said days, to receive. examine and adjust said claims. Dated, September 13, 188H. IJNUS HISCOCK, JAMES M MOOKE, ('omrnioqiAn, r PENNYROYAL WAFERS. aPrescrlption of a phyalcian who ha had a Ufe long experience in treating female dlseases. Isused monthfy with perfect succeas by over 10,000 ladlt'S. Pleaaant, aafe, effectuaL Ladlea askyour druggist for Pennyroyal Wafcrs and take no ■ubstltute, or Inclose postagaforwaledpautlonlan. Soldby alldrurviats,l per box. Address THBIUBEKA CHEMICAL CO.. Diraorr. Mich. MT Sold in Ann Arbor by Kberbach ft Son. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, O es In the matter of the estáte of Frederiek Koch, decease. Notlce is hereby eiren, that in pursuance of an order granted to the understened admlnUtrator of the estáte of said Frederick Koch, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the county of Washtenaw, onthe21st day of October, A. D. 1886, there will be 80 ld at Public Vendue to the highest bidder, at the late resldence of said deceased, on the premlses below deacribed in Scio, in the county of Washtenaw, in said state, on Wednesday, the Sth day of December, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances br mortftage orotherwie exmtingat the time of the death of said deceaged) the f ollowing described Real Estáte, to wit: A one half interest in the Southwest quarter of the southwen quarter of sectlon ten. o a one-half interest in all that part of the west half of the northwest quarter nf sectlon flfteen. which lies north of the center of the highway, and contaiiiinK 33 acres, more or Ie. Also a one-half interest in all that part of the west half of the eist half, of the northwest quartr of section flfteen, which lies north of the center of said hifrhway . Also a one-half interest In the southeast qnarter of the quarter of oection nine, excepting a strip twenty rods In wldth f rom the west side thereof, said severa! pareéis contalnlng together 123 acres more or lees, and all being in town two (9) eouth, range flTe (!) east (Scioï. Washtenaw countr, Michigan. Datcd i ctober21, 18S6, WTLMAM APRILL, Admmistrator W. SNOWS BOARDINC AND LIVERY STABLE ! I sltuated on W. Ann Street, opposlte the New Jall. Best Turnouts in the Gity REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Order at tended to in anypart nf the city and vicintty. Telephona connection. HACKS RUN NICHT & DAY Planing Mili. LUICK BROS., Proprietors. We turn out &11 klmli of Mouldings, SASH AND BLINDS And do all kinds of Joiner's Work. We hay not orders "three months ahead"; only wlsh it was so. Persons wishlng anythinz don in our line oi work can be coommodated. Send in your order and they ieül reeêive Imtnediate Attenlion. LUICK BROS., Cor. North and Fifth streets. Ann Arbor. Mich JWWOTZKÍ! Fine Boot and Shoe lato ! A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only Establishment) In Ann Arbor that Manufactures lts Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL ANO SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURC'S. No. 43 South Main Street. WINTER HAS COME ! Now istlie time fop AND Heavy Suits ! Our principie is LarBSales anfl Small Proflts Which is shown by the amount of business we are doing. We are making up Suits and Overcoats as cheap as ready made of the same quality of goods. If you dont heliere it, come and see, and then you wiil havo them to flt you. WE GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT And don't aak a man to wear a garment that don't glve satisfaction We makc ttood Business Pants tor S4.50 If you have your own cloth we will make it up for you. Come one, come all, and see u before you bu j and we will do you good. No. 10 East Huron Street, tour doors froro the Cook üouse. TV. G. BUBCHFIELD. WINTER VEHICLES ! Do you want a flmtclas pair of BOB SLEIGHS! Made of the very best tlmber, in vhich erery tenant fllls the mortice perfectly, and is painted before being drlven together. liemember, if you are looking for such a pair of bobs, that they can be had at, IMlOSKg BO6ËB8, Ann Arbor, - li-li. HENRY BINDER, DEALER BJ DOME8TIC AND IMPORTO GIGARS ALL KINDS OF SMOKER'S GOODS. Samóle Eoom In connection, where can be found the Finest Grades of Imported WlNKS, LlQDORS, ClIAHFAHNES, C., &C. One Door South of Farmers and Meohanios Bank, Ann Arbor. ThU paper la kept on die Kt tke Ace of ÈYERoSOK Mdvertising JraGENTs TÍME3 BUILDING fSJgS pHTLADELPHW. ESTIMATESL?LS.TS.S.F11EE UX-AYER&SON'SMAWUAl DKAN M. TYLER, M. D. ÜH YSICIAN AND 3UOEON. Office and resiJL dence over postofflee, fint Boor. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS. John Atchinson and MarlanAtch inson, his wife, both of the townahip o: l'lymouth, in the county of Wayne and state ol Michigan, on the Twenty -Second dav of Septein ber, one thousand eigHt hundred "and eighty three, made and executed a mortgage to Michae C. Hughston of the township of Lyon, county of Oaklaud and state aforesaid, to secure the paymentof the tumof Eigbt Hundred Dollars payable on or before the twenty second day o September.A.D 887,with annual interest, payable annually at the rate of even per cent , whlch mortgage was recorded in the office of the reg igter of deeds for the county of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, on tne twenty-flfth day o September, A. D. 1883, at nine o'cloclc and thirtjr flve minutos in the forenoon, in liber flfty-seven of mortgages, on page f our hundred and seven ty twn. And, wnereas, it waa in and by gaid mort gage expressly agreed that, should any defaul Be made in paymentof the said interest, or an part thereof, on any day whereon the same waj made payable as expreased in gaid mortgage and should tne same remain unpafd and in ar rears for the gpace of thlrty days, then and f rom rhencef orth, that is to say af ter tbe lapse of Rale thlrtv days, the aforesaid principal sum of eigh hundred dullars, with all arrearage of interes thereon should, at the optlon of the said Michae t' Hughatou, his executors, adminUtrators or assigns, becorae and be due and payable lm mediately thereafter, notice of which option was thereby in said mortgage expresslr waived although the perlod llmited in said mortgaze fo the payment thereof might not then nave ex pired, anyihing thereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstandlng And, wnereax, the said John B. Atchlneon an Marian E. Atchinson neglect and ref use to pay thi interest which became due on thetwenty-secone day of September, A. D. 18-5, and the twenty second day of September, A. D. 1886, or any par thereof. And, wbereas, more than thirtv days have elapsed slnce jaid interest became due an payable pursuant to the provisión of said mort age, ana the uadersigned, the said Michael C Hughston has elected and hereby electa that the whole principal sum mentioned in said mortgage HhaU become due and payable immediately. And whereas, upon whicb said mortgage the um ol nine hundred and twenty-one dollars and twentyflve cents is claimed to be due at the dat of thls notice. And whereas, defauit has been made in the payment of the money secured by gaid mortgage, whereby the power therin contained to sell has become operativo, and no sui t or proueeding al law or in chancery haring been instituted to recover any part thereof. notice ís therefore hereby giren that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I sbalf, on Saturday, the twenty second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight -seven, at ten o'cloclc in the forenoon, sell at public auctiou, to the highest bidder (the sale to take place at the north front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couuty of Waahtenaw, said court house being the place of holding the circuit court for said county of Washtenaw,) the premisos descrlbed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due on sueh mortgage and legal costs and charges of such sale, that is to gay: All that certain piece or parcel of lana situated in the township of Salem, in the county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, known and described ns follows, t-vwit: Eighteen acres of land off the west ide of the west balf of the northeast quarter of section number ten, in town one, BOiith of range seven east. Dated this 22nd day of October, A. 1) 1885. MICMAEL C. HUGHSTON. Zika P. Kino, Mortgage. Attorney for Mortgagee. Keal Estáte for Snle. STATKOl ' MICHIGAN, Oountyf W.ishlenaw, ss. In the tuif.T il' the ate of Daniel Kocb, tlrce;;sed. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to tne undereigned adminlstrator of the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on tne 2lst day of October. A. U. 18s6 there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased. on tbe premises below degcribed, in the township of Scio, in the county of Washtenaw, in gaid state , on Wednesdav, the 8th day of December, A. I). 1886, at Wn o'clock In the forenoon of that day (subject to all thu encumbrances by mortgae or otnerwie existing at the time of the death of said deceased; the following described r?al estáte to wit: A one-half interest in the Southwest quarter of the southwe t quarter ot section ten. Also a one-balf interest in all that part of the west half of the northwest quarter of section tlfteen, wbicb lies north of the center of the highway; containing 33 acres. Also a one-half interest in all that part of the west half of the eagt half of the northwest quarter of section flfteen, which lies north of the center of said highway. Also a one-half interest in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine. excepting a strip twentv rods in width f rom the west side thereof, gaid several pareéis containing ín all 123 acres more or less, and all being in township two (2) south, range flve (S) east, (Scio) Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated, October 21, 1886. WILLIAM APB1LL, Administra tor. Keal Estáte for Sale. O TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O sg. In the matter of tbe ejtate of Frederlck Borg, decrase d. Notice ia hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undereigned executor of the estáte of said deceased, by tbe Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the 26th day of October. A. D. 1886, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front do jr of the coui t house in the city of AnnArbor,in the county of Washtenaw in gaid state, on Tue.-day, the 14tn day of December, A. D, 18 6, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tbat day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of he death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to-wit: Lot four (1i, in bloeit flve (S), south of Huron street, in range six east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Also lot flve (5), in block flve (5), south of Huron street aforesaid range six (6) east. excepting one (I) chain and nine vft) links in width a toss the north end of gaid lot. Also a piece of land commencing two (2) rods east of the southwest corner of lot eight (8), in biock fl ve (5), south of Huron street, range six (ti east, in said city of Ann Arbor on the south line of R.iid lot; thence est on sa:d south line one and one-half (1 1-2) rods; thence south parallel with the west line of said lot to the north Une thereof; th nee west on said north line one and one-half (1 1-2) rods; thence south to the place of beginning. Also tbe west two (2) rods of lot number eight (8), in block flve (5). south of Huron street aforesaid , in range six (6) eaet, in raid city of Ann Arbor, gaid pareéis above described constituting .the homstead of gaid deceased. Alto lots four (4) and (5), in block four (4), gouth of Huren street, range seven (7) east, in the city of Ann Arbor Michigan. Also the east twentytwo (22) feet in width off froni the following parcel of land: Commencin&r thirty -six (36) reit west of the northeast corner of block two, gouth of Huron street. range flve (5) east, in the city f Ann Arbor, Michigan; running thence west forty-four (44) feet; thence south eigbty-two (82) feet; thence east forty-four (44) feet; thence north to place of beginning. Dated October 26, 1886. JÜUANNA SORG, Executirx. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. In the Matter of the Estáte of John Maroney, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that ín persuance of an order granted to th undersigned, administrator of the estáte of said John M&roney, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate.for the Oounty of Washtnaw, on the SHth dar of September, A. V. 1886. there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the ait front door of the Court House; n the city of Ann the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the II th day of January, A. Ij. 1887, at teno'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of gaid deceased, tbe following described Real Estáte, to wit : Tbe north half of the north half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section sixteen, in the township of Northfield, Washte ■ naw county Michigan. Dated November 24, 1836. ANTHONY BURKE, Admlnlstrator. FOLLETT HOUSE. WH. LEWIS, proprietor, Ypsllanti, Mleh. Houe heated with team.


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