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Now is the time to pay your taxes. Schubert male quartet, Fridy, Deo. 10. T. F. Leonard spent Suuday at Eaton Rapids. A. P. Burbank at university hall thm Wednesday night was the coldest of the aeason. Miss Emily Smith spent Ihanksgiving day in Detroit. Mrs. F red. Belser spent Sunday with Detroit friends. Hon. J. S. Gorman of Lyndon, was in the city Monday. J. P. Sage has organized a singing Hchool in Chelsea. 0. O. Brush and wife have been visiting friends in Detroit. The first cutier of the season was seen on the streets Wedneaday. There is a rumor that we are to have a toboggan slide in our city. Do not fail to hear the Schubert male quartet of Chicago, Dea, 10. Mayor Bobison visited Stephen Fairohild in Toledo, Wednesday. Mr. Arthur Bresier, lit '84, will spend the winter in Berlin, Germany. Michael Duffy of Norrhfield, will visit Washington after the holidays. John Iï. Miuer will assist treasurer 8org in making out taz receipts. Lectures in the various departments of the university began Tuesday. Charles Tozer of California, visited his brother, V. W. Tozer, thie week. Prof. 'Baur, who has been visiting his son in Bay City, has returned home. 1. G. Lewis of Hyde Park, 111 , spent Suuday with C. S. Milieu and family. Mrs. Ed. Watrous, of Burlington, Ks., is visiting her father, Thos. F. Leonard. Mrs. Helen Jennings of Detroit, spent Sunday with her father, ex governor Felch. The Palladium for '86, is expected to be the handsomest ever given to the public. Miss Josie Henion of Toledo, spent Thanksgiving here, returning home Saturday. Charlie Jones, formerly of thw city, now of Charlotte, will soon remove to Wiohita, Kas. Dr. W. W. Ramsey will lecture in the M. E. ohurch at Dexter, this evening, on " Star Wondere." Evai't H. Scott attended the state hortioultural society meeting in Grand Rapids on Tuesday. Dr. Winchell has returned from Memphis, Tenn., and will meet his bible class as usual next Sunday. Strassburg, the dancing master, was unable to meet bis pupila in Hangaterfers hall on Wednesday. To-morrow evening tho Alpha Nu lifcerary society will givo a Viotor Hugo program. All are invited. C. Bliss & Son, hiruished the clook which was presented to the M. E. ohurch by the young ladies' society. The annual meeting of the state teachers' association, will oe held in representativo hall, Laasing, Deo. 23-30. Prof. T. O. Trueblood will give a Shakesperean and Dickens recital in Dezter, Tuesday evening, Dec. 7. Those who fail to hear A. P. Burbank, the elocutionist, in university hall, thia evening, will miss a decided treat. The law students are endeavoring to get Judge Chipman of Detroit, to lecture to them Washington's birthday. Wednesday afternoon, after three days' trial, the jury disagreed in the suit of Qeo. Nickerbóoker vs. T. F. Leonard. Judge Walker has fínished his lectures to the seniora, on corporations, and ia now lecturing to both seniora and júniora on agency. Inspector-Qeneral Kidd, paid an especial compliment to Firat-Lieutenant Millard of Company A, tor his fine figure and faultless get-up during inspeotion. Col. L. F. Oopeland of Pittsburg. Pa., wh ) is po favorably known throughout thia atate, will lccture here tliis winter under the auspices of the lecture bureau. , Andrew Peterson found out the depth of the holes of the electrio light polea. Tuesiay night, by falling into one of them Hia head appeared jast above the ground. The record of the series of concerté under the auspices of theuniveraity musical society, will be the well-known Schubert Male Quartette of CliicHgo, on Fnday evening, Deo. 10. John T. Halluck died at hia reaidence on Souh btate street, Monday, at the age of öl yeara. Mr. Hullook was a well known citizen and has carried on a saw mili here for a number of yeara. The inter-national bncklayers' and piasters' unión, No. 7, of this city, have leased and fitted up new quartera over Wm. Mclntyre's atore. '1 his organization is in a most flouriahing condition. Inspector-Geueral Kidd, M. 8. T., was in tbe city Tuesday evening, aud made nis official inspection of Cumpany A anc their quartere. He found everything about right and had few eriticiams to make. A state signal service is now being orgauized in Michigan, with headquartera at -Lansing. Daily indications will be sent to all parta of the state, and the flags will be carried by all the railroac trains. , The deeo rationa for Thanksgiving day at the Methodist churoh, were left te adorii tho altar on Sunday. The shovel, hoe, rake and pitchfork, among the o ibbages, pumpkins, etc, were very suggestive. Mrs. Mary King, mother of Zina P. King, died at her residence, corner of Thompson and Jefieraon streets, Monday, Nov 29, of pneumonía. She has been a resident o' this oity since 1860, and was 83 yeara old at the time of her death. The Board of Regoute meet Dec. 7th Wirt Cornwell has moved into kis new house Joha .1. Robison was in Toledo Wed nesday. Mrs. Lulu Walker is visitintr triends in Detroit. Mra. C. J. Kintner left for Washington Tuesday. Chas. Eister, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday. Charles Kaiohen, (of Detroit, was in the city over Sunday. John McKone, of Mamstee, is visiting his parent-i at CL.elsea. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watts returned f rom Charlotte, Fridsy. Mrs. George S. Brush is very ill with oougestion of tho lungs. Mrs. Elizabeth Wanty returned to her home at Grand Bapids, Monday. Osoar Sorg is the father of a bouncinff boy, that arrived Suuday morning. The new depot grounds when finished will be the handsomest in the state. The show at the opera house, Saturday nigbt, had a very glim attendanoe. John P. Baessler, of Ann Arbor town, died Saturday of dropsy, aged 62 yearsThe Chicago expresa, od the Michigan Central, was rifty minutes late Wednesday. The electrio poles are nearly all set, and tbe maohiuery is oxpected next week. Miss Fannie Kahn, of Bay City. visited her sister, who is in the university, last week. Patrick McGuiness, ex-Supervisor of Stio, was on the jury that oonvioted Wells of murder. The senior laws will make another attempt to elect the balance of their oIhps offlcers to-morrow. Nine reformed drunkards will be the attraction at Cropsey's hall next Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. Will E. Gould, state agent of the De troit Evening News, is in the city, canvassing for subscribiera. Charles and Dewitt Fall were called to Albion last Thursday by the serious illoess of their mother. Jack Molntyre and James Bowen caught twenty-eeven pickerel one day last week at Long lake. O. R. Crozier delivers an address before the Union Lodge I. O. Q. T., of Eatons Mills, this evening. The case against Gustav Boehm for keeping bis saloon open on Sundav, was postponed until next Tuesday. Dr. A. L. Jenkins, who has been oonfined to his house for the past four weeks, is reported as cbnvalescent. A oo-operative si ore is on the tapis, to be run by the mechan ics of this city. They pay in other cities, why not here? Mr Jefierson Bouse, of Pittsüeld. died last Wednesday of consnmptionThe funeral was held Saturday at Saline. Dr. McOollum, vetennary surgeon , of twenty years' standing, can be.found at . A. Polhemus' livery stüble on Main treet . The city charter ought to be amended o that all offioers should be elected by lie people . Not as now a part of the ouncil. The pólice are nn the lookout for boys who ooast on the sidewalks. There is an rdinance prohibiting suoh sport. Look ut, boys. Patrick and John Lacey, of Dexter, nd James Laoey, of Jaokson, were in lie city last week settiing the estáte of lieir father. Mr. James Clanoy, of Paw Paw, reurned to his home last Saturday after a wo months' visit with his parents on "ouutain st . Hon . John Harmon, of Detroit, that ld war horse of democraoy, will soon uoceed Judge Turner as consul at the ort of Sarnia. In the circuit court Mondav, judgment by defauli for $107.96, was entered gainst Edward Reilley in favor of joren Babcock. Monday evening Prof. P. B. B. de Jont will talk of bis canoeing experienoe n Brittish America before the Unity lub of the Umtarian churob. The demoorats in the legisla ture will ast their oomplimeutary votes undoubt dly for Hon. N. B Eldredge, of Adrián. A more worthy demoorat don't live. We cali the attention of our readers to the change in the time table of the Detroit, Maskmac & Marquette railroad, whiuh will be fonnd in another column. Major Soule shot and h id sent here, Monday, a very íiue deer which is being mounted for the museum. This ia the only specimen they have of deer at the museum. Demócrata are tiring of tbe Presidente jolicy retainiDg so rnauy republicana in ollice. Turn the rascáis out. Ño longer anygood reason for their retention if evor any existed. The law relativa to tli i puuishment of jersons who stoal ride.s or boaol freigut :ars shonld be repeuled or else briug it withm the jurisdictiou of justices of the eace to punish suoh offenders. Collector Sorg announces his readii68s to receive taxes Remember all axes paid before the lst of January only ne-half of one per ceut. ís added for colection. A word to the wise is suffloieut. B. H. Feustmann and Jacob Kauffmann sued James B. Gott, before his death, and received a judgment. The case was appealed, and on Monday they eceived a judmeut tor $408 agumst Ldv. Gott, administrator. J. E. Wyman, of roller rink fame, has devised an improvement in signalmg trains. The device is said to be of great attsistance to train dispatchers. Mr. Wyman seems to be very busy with his new iuventions, and we hope he will make some of them pay. The law relativo to flre-escapes in this oity seems to be totally deñed by all property owners. The attention of the counoil has been called to this matter before, but as yet no action has been taken. It is about time they woke up to their dut íes in the premisos. T. R Bachanan, M. P., Fellow, of All Souls's College, of Oxford, Eng , and R. Preston Bruce, son of Lord Elgin, lormer Governor-General, of Canada, are on a tour of inspection of the colleges of the Uuited States. They were the gueats of Pres. Angelí, Monday. The aJministration ought to be magnaninamous enough to appoint a greenbacker to some high office- if John C. is not to be reappointed Chief Ju8tice of Utah, why not felect some representativo national. Some such person as Hon. F. A. Staoey, of Marshall wbo would be an honor. The Schubert male quariet, of Chicago, is strong and well trained, and is fast gaining a reputation. The artists are well-knowu and oocupy prominent positions in choirs and other musical organizations as soloists. Our citizens will have an opportumty of hearing tuis f traous quartet nest Friday evening Dec. 10, in University hall. The lost ia found- Beakes & Morton's printing presa. It has been standing on the sidetrack of the T. A. A. & N. M. railroad for over four weeks. The trouble was that ït was billed wrong. The shipping bill read to "Barnhart Bros., Aan Arbor, Mioh.," when it suould have read Barnhart Bros., care of Beakes & Morton. Ann Arbor, Mioh. Messrs. Beakes & Morton will very properly ask for damages. The Cocker league of the Methodist ohurch held their annual meeting Monday evening. Miss Daisy Biohardson rendered some fine rnusic and Gov. Felch read an interesting paper on "Personal reoollections of Webstev, Clay and C'alhoun." The following otficers were eleoted for the ensuing year : Eenry Wade Bogers, president; Geo. M. Dewex', firet vice president ; Miss Millie Knowlton, Beooud vioe president ; Prof. L. D. Wiues, treasurer ; Mrs. Dr. Martin, icretary. Peter Hanlon is visitmg friends in the city. John Weimer of the second ward, is sick. W. T. Wright has returned trom Eaton Bapids. John Clair is visiting friends in Grand Bapids. Meeting of the pomologioal society to morrow. The next term of court begins December 15th. John Looney will soon celébrate his 7Oth birthdav. Burbank, the elooutionist,in university hall thts evening. Monthly meeting of the oounoil next Monday evening. Charley Donnelly is oa the gain and will soon be out again. G. W. Cook, formerly of this oity, is keeping a saloon in Detroit. Hon . N. B. Eldredge of Adrián, left for Washington tüe 2nd inst. John Coleman of Detroit was visiting friends here Thanksgiving day. Wood is cheapbr - the best seoondgrowth can be had for $4 a oord. A chango of time on the Toledo road, Sunday. Correoted in to-day's paper. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, senior laws, will open a law office in Ohioago, after graduation day. Dr. Maolean is still lame from the injuries he reoeived while crossing the Atlaatic last summer. Wm. H . Lewis, the popular landlord of the Follett house, Ypsilanti, paid the oity a visit Saturday. Fred Boot, who was kioked in the stoniach by a student at a dance, a short time since, is reoovering. The student who went home to eat turkey have returned. and henceforth will attend strictly to business. Samuel McDonald a painter by trade, who formerly worked for Wm. Herz, is in Detroit, working at his trade. Mrs. MoKernan, mother of Patrick MoKernan, is at his residence quite low, with but little hopea of her recovery. M. C. Hheehan oontemplates opening dental rooms in Detroit, and his brother, J. V. N., will pruotioe law in Chicago. A little son of Jno. Muehlig'a had his eg broken last Friday, by falhng thro' a hatchway in a barn in the first ward. Mrs. Larry Hoban of Kansas City is visiting friends here. When she returns Miss Millie Hoban will aooompany her. Geo. L. Yaple, late democratie caudidate for governor, will lecture this winter. Subject: " Thinking and Working." Eider Davis contemplates moving inra the sixth ward. If so Supervisor tiutta will have to look out for his politcal hu ilp. M r. Kiley and wife, of Monroe county, inve removed to this city. At present ihey will reside witb. her sister, Mrs. A. J. Mc Manon. Hou. John J. Robison is the only person to vacate the oourt house Jan. 1, and t is by 110 means certain that he will go. He may be a deputy. A circuit judge is to be elected in this district uext spring, as Juige Joslyn's time expires Dec. 31, 1887. The Judge will no doubt be re-nominated and reelected. Our city will be thoroughly lighted by January 1, as the electric lights will all be in f uil blaat then. Kow all we want in addition to hght, is better sidewalku. The holiday trade will soon begin and our readers must keep a sharp lookout tor the advertisements to see what goods are tor sale, and at what ruinous pnces .hey are offered . Adam Franoisco's dray horse is dead. Where is the man who will start a sub scnption paper to buy him another horse, and thuB enable a poor man to again enrn an honest livelihood? Gov. Alger of Detroit, called all the newB boys into his otflce, Thanksgiving morning, and gave them each 25 cente. What man will follow his example here, next Christmas? Plenty are able; all ;hey lack is the disposition. The excelsior laundry, on North State street, kept by Mr. Covert, is so overrun with work that be contemplates moving up town, enlarging his bufeiness, adding a steam washer, etc., so that ere long we can boast of h steam laundry. Jno. N. Bailey and E. S. Orawford of ;his oity will shirt an independent weekje newspaper in East Saginaw, n the near future, to meet the wants of that tection. The paper will be freely ïllustrated. "We wish tho gentlemen suoeens The Washtenaw county board of school xaminers met last Friday. and gave certincates to the foilowiug teachjrs: Myrtie Baird, Sudie liiiird, Mattie 3harpley, R sa Monroe, Ella Fresley, Lyman Qorton, Geo. Hall, W. D. Stark, and Anna C. Hughes. A novel suit will soon be tried in our circuit oonrt, that of one lawyer suing another lawyer for slander. Great Hcott, wliat next? Michael J. Lehman is the plamtiff and David B. Taylor ofiioiatt in the role of defeadant. The outcome is awaited with a groat deal of interest. Devil's Lake, in Hillsdale county, has been so busy ereoting stores, hotels ani private resideuces, that they have forgotten what they most needed - a ohuroh or ohurches. Their souls were a secondary oonsideiation. They go on the principal of money first and then the kingdom of heaven. Eider Davis' time as superintendent of the poor expires Deo. 31, when he will be sucoeeded by L. P. Masón. Mr. DaTis will be muoh missed for he has been one ot the best superintendent the oounty has had in years, and we sinoerely hope his successor will be as acoeptable as the Eider has been. Mrs. Seth Thompson died at the residenoe of her son, Wilfred F. Thompson, in Salem, on Monday, Nov. 29, of pneum nia. Mrs. Thompson was 82 years old and had been a resident of this oounty over flfty years, part of whioh time she lived on Thompson street in tuis city. Miss Fleming of Dezter, who is attemliug leotures in the medioal college, invited the lady members of her clas to a Thnuksgiving dinner, which was aocepted, and some 25 of them aoompanied her home, where a splendid repast was set before them. Miss F. is thn daughter of Patriok Fleming, exuupervisor of that township. Jeff H. Davis was arrested last Friday afternoon and brought before Justioe Pond, to answer to the charge ol slander, preferred against him by u colored temperance leoturer who formerly resided in Adrián, but who is uow a resident of Jaokson. His tri;l ocoars nexl Tuesday, and from what we can learn a lively time may be looked for. Jeff does not deny the charges, but says he can prove the truth of his assertions. The seventh lecture of the Hobar guild course, will be given on Sunday evening next, in St. Andrew's ohuroh a 7:30 o'clock, by the Kt. Rev. A. Cleve land Coxe, D. D.. LL I)„ D. O. L. Bishop of western New York. Subject " The English Reformation." The last of the course will be given on Monday evening, Dec. C, at 8 o'clook. Subject "Present Aspects of Christendom." Ev ery one cordially invited to attend. "Orand-pa'1 Bailey, as he iu oommonly called by the urobins of this city, and i buxom Germán woman of some 35 o 40 nummers, wended their way, las Thureday, into Justioe Olark's' office, fo the purpose of uuiting their fortunes in this vale of tears. The justice, evidentl; under a misapprehension of the law, re fused to make them man an wife, thinking that the old law was stil in force against the marrying of whites and blacks, but, if we are not muoh mis taken, that law was repealed two yeara ago, on account of the diffioulties tha arose oyer the marrying of a oouple in Detroit. If a white woman wants to wed a b ack man, let her. There is no law to hinder or prevent euoii unions, i the partice thenuelvet are only will ing. Joe Parker is hooi e trom Grand Rapids on a short vigit. Qeorge Greening of Lyndon, has entered the law college. Thos. MoNamara and Timothy McKone of ('helsea, wei in the city yesteruy. ■ We are indebted to Miss Kute Clarey for copies of the Denver, Col , newspnpers. Mamasres are so frequent this fall and winter that old trappers, therelore, predist a hard winter. The stock of goods of Jacob Volland will be eold on a chattel niortgage, sale to commence nest Wednesday. We cali attention to the advertisement in another column, of Jno. Huddy, who has turkeys and chickens for sale. The Grand Bapids Eaerle anounees the name of the Hon. J. C. Fitzg -raid of that city as a candi date for United Sutes Sentor, and urges nis support, claiming tnat the western part of the State is entitled 10 the office, and the western metropolis should furnish the man. The grand lodge of colored masons for thia state will be held in this city, Monday, Dee. 5, in their hall on Main street. A grand lodge festival on Tuesday evening; also a public installation of offioers. J. A. Freeman of this city is deputy grand master. Services in Bt. Andrew's churoh next Sunday as follows : 7:30 a. m , Moming prayer and litany. 10:30 a. m,, Holy Communion and sermón. 12 m., Leoture by Prof. Morris, and Sunday School. 7:30 p. m. Seventh leoture by Bishop Coxe, befóte the Hobart Guild. The Board of Health held a regular meeting Monday evening, the usual numr present. Owing to the preBenje of iphthena and scarlet fever in our oity, he Board would suggest to every citizen bat ït would be wise to take precaution ry measures to prevent the gpreading of tho disease. George W. Hoffman the unfortunate roung man who jumpped from a freight rain at the Central depot, Wednesday Dight, fraoturiug bis skvill, and was removed to the Diehl hotel, where medical id was employé J, died last nifiht. 11 is lome was in Detroit to wnich piace bis emains were taken this morning. Fraternity lodge, F. A. A. M., held heir annnal election Wednesday evoning, with the folio wing result: E. J. dorton, W. M.; W.E. Howe, S W.; Jas. 3ook, J. W.; W. B. Smith, treasurer-, J. I. Starks, seoretary; M. D. Miller, S.D.; ülias. Shultz, J. D. The lodge is in a more proaperous coudition than for several years past. The case of David G. MoVeon vb Thos. ilcNamara, on cali Thursday fternoon, vas settled, defendnnt paving $75. A ew months ho McVeon wagered with kloNamara on a foot race in (Jhelsea, Tommy Mac won, henee the Buit. If HoYeon is a sporting man he deserves o be barred out hereafter. Such conduct on the part of a professed sport, to say the least, is reprehensible. Mr. Irving Storms of Chelnea, met with quite a senous accident when re;urning to Chelsea from Ann Arbor, last week. One of the wheels of his cirnage carne ofi', friht ning his horse, which becameunmanagable, overturniug ;he oarriage and precipitating Mr. Storms violently ayainst the ground. His daughter, who was with him, esoaped with but a few slight bruises. Tbere is no satisfactory evidence of man imbedded in str-ititied rock, as in the cas, of fossilized animáis. The bones of human beings have been found in caves along with the bones of extiuct animáis. These are, perhaps, the best evidences of man's antiquity; but as scientiats differ from lü.tOj 10 2l)U,0u0 years in the matter, man's first appearanoe on earth may be put down as unknown. The Bartholdi statue ia the largest atructure completed. The oolossal statue of Bavaria in Munich ia aöout 94 feet in heiffht; that of St. Charles of Borromeo on the shoree of Lake Mairgiore in Italv ia 76 feet; the Virgin of Puy ia 62 feet. The Bartholdi statue meastirea 151 feet and 1 inoh from tbe bottom of the pliuth to the top of the toren ñame, and stands with ita pedestal 3U5 feet 11 inohee above low water mark. A. W. Hanmer and Secret ary Buck of ihe Ypsüanti Bohemian oata conipany, went to Holly one day last week and Bent for James ölocum, editor of the Advertiaer, wlien they got him in a room it is alleged they threatened to whip him on account of hia artiole- agaiDt the Bo hemian oat business. The altercation called in outaiüers, and the oat mon were luoky to get out of town aafely, which they did at onoe. For the benefit of taxpayers in outlying townf, the following town treaaurers wijl be at Ooftnty Treasurer BeJeer'a office in the oourt house on the days mentioued: Ann Arbor town treasurer - each Friday and Saturday in Decein ber. Scio town treasurer - every Thurs day in Deoember af ter to-morrow Northüeld town treaaurer - every Saturday in December, l'ittafield town treaa urer - on the llth and 18th of December Joseph Qnackenbush of Augusta, has been jailed on a charge of obtainiug gooda under false pretenaea. Ue bor rowed money to buy a horae and the horse was to belong to him when tie hac drawn wood enough at 25 centa a cord to pay for it. He sold the horae and the party of whom he borrowed the money replevined it, claiming $17 atill due Quackenbuah claims that he haa drawn twice as much wood ae necessary to pay for the horse. His trial will take place to-morrow. John Burnett of York, who was recently releaaed from the jail in thia oity on tbe payment of $1,000, for attemptinf to kill hia wife and mother-in-law, hac his wife arrested and placed in jail a Jackeon, Monday, on a charge of poly gamy, claiming that she was also mar ried to V. Clinton Parks of Jaokson Mrs. Burnett claima that while under the inttueaceof whisky a mock marriag was held. She remembers nothing den Díte aboat it. Her examination was se down for Wednesdav, but Burnett no appearing ihe waa allowed to depart oa her own recognizance. Tbe case wl probably be dropped.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat