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The Kansas Magazine

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i $15,000 X3 IN GOLD AND SILVER AND I 0,000.00 ÍN HANDSOME PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY. THE KANSAS MAGAZINE FREE BIBLE COMPETITION! " SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES " AT ONCE. An Easy Chance for a Big Reward. Tothe 800 piernón Bral answerlng correotly, on or before Janowy ■-■:. i-v,,nr Blmplo lüMe quwtlOD, her ibe BlblelB First Fouud the Word BNOW," we wlll glve lUe tollowlng nwaraa: 1 Casta Present lo Oold - .(ÍU500 n one rjirictit Plano, valued } 500 -'li Present in Gold 2,000 12 pfne Tou Burato .... a :i Casb Present In OoW l[u-One Cablnel Organ ' 150 ■i i'asii Preseut In (Jold j.ani 14- One Diamond Rreastnln ] h Present In Gold 1,000 IS- One Sel Furnitnre . J V ' ... 13 6 Cash Present tn Uuld 000 16 One Solitair Diamond iiïiiii .' UK 1 Cash Present In Gold 600 17 One Breech-loading Sliotgu 70 8 (:isii Present In Qold o IS-One Laiiles' (Jold watcb .. : ii Present In (i.i.i _ 200 19-One Ladlea' Pair Bracelete...-! '. 6 10 ( ish Present In Oold 100 20-one Sewiiuj Machine _ 50 To the next 20, eacn aiolldOold Wuti-li, worth fMHeacb. To th p in-i fio, eacfa 1 ciit] sii vit Walen, t?ortn (28 eacb. TothoncM in-, each an RleR nt rimtogmpli Album, worth fcïeach. To tli o nexl 126, 1 ach ;i Built] (ïold Uini,-. worth ?- ciich; Toih next i'. an Elegant Book, worin ll.Weacb. If a competí lor lioulii fjul ou tbe flrat he wlu stand ;i ebjmoe for ono of our MIDDLE REWARDS. To the iftS jHTsniis whose ñames comoln the middlc, euuniiny frum numoer one to the last roceived. we wlll Ive the follofflng rewardi : Fint c;i']i Present In Oold $7 Ftftb Cash Present n (;.; ioo Becond Caen Present In Oold 5x Sixtn t';i]i rr-scnt in Gol7." Thlnl Cash Present In Oold 250 Beyentb Ca-h Present in . . 50 Foutth Cosn Present In Qo}d 175 EIgbtn Cash Present Lu Gold S Tothe Döxt SO.eacli pO In Èash. To the next 20, each f j ín cash. To the next 'JO euch Í2 50 in cash. To the next 70, eacli 2 In cash LAST REWARDS. lo thosn who are too lut! forany of the above rewards, a special chanue still rematns Tothe BS3 persons whose uanaes come In last we win glve the followlng rewards: To the last name ou th list we wili give UQO.OO In cash. To the nexi to the Last name we wï'i f ivo $3(iQ.üo in cash. To the thlrd name from tbe last we wlll glve 13 i.OO In cash Tu tbe ii-t "if euch lü.ouin cash. To the iivt luu, each Ö.OOincafth. Tu the ie.t jai, each f2.50 iu caaïi. TOTAL VALl'ATIOX OVi:K $21, 000.00. "Eaph comprlitor maal In every case end S for oneenr subscription to THIi KANSAS BAGAZIME wltb ïüelr aniwer. K"No answer wil] be recorded unless accompanted by the caab, Coi whJcta we wHJ send, post-pald, uur spietuii.! BCagaElne. Preeent sabsqrlbers can compete by paylog fr another year or for a (riend. Tbc regular snbscrlptton pilos of our elegant Magailne isonty ::;i year bo U PAY NOTHING TOR COMPETING for tbe abqve presen ts. The gjfta wlll 5e sent to tfae Buccessful ones, and their names publlshed in our Febroary Issue of THE K iNBAS MAGAZINE. Don'1 delay. The Magazine is wonh mucb inore than the money, and by a na wering qulckïy yuu may secare one ui the larger iri.fs. Tbla is tbe lourteenth Ctiiiipotition ui i il !■; k a N'SAS m a;aIN e. all f whlch bave glven the utuiost sutisfaction t') the succeflsfal ones. The recelvlng of yoar nmgazine wili be yMir recelpU Svery parent should encourage childnn tu enter ihia contest. Besldea ramiliarlzing themselves wlth the ltmlc tliey secore a blghl) deserVlng famlly Magazine, aod ai-n a chance ror one of the rewards. We refer to ov r 28,cou Rubscrtbers. Wr enter every letter In the order and on the day reeeived, iind nv nber the names as t ecorded In our subscripi Ion books ; henee tiu-i ■■ can be no mistaket. Wc cnn iiot miikc eorrectlónt In answem nftrr lettere are eneercd [f you do not get one of the : ym; may e one f smaller rewards, anti thua tiainplv repald. Jf yo dou'tget anythin bui o you wlll be satisftedt as It 1ia no eoual at the prlce. No answers wili be recordad bcarinfi postniark date nere hit er than Januar i before thai dale. senil money by now postal note, money order or regis tered letter, express, tr draft on Kansas City, Chicago or New Vork. Do not send cbeófcs on local bank. Canada iiills are wot h only !o cents on tbe dollar. Wc pa) no attcntlon to AnHwern iii Ia-Kern, without the SiibNrriptiun to the .'inanviiiKN on l;-i :iN or Tclcaram. The fullowin reoetpta speak lor then: ■ WaShinoton, Kas..0ci 22, 1888, Recelved from 'in i: k xsas m.w; i m., of Kansas City, Mo., tbe - n twenty-flve hnndred dollars tor answerlngthetrBtbieQuestloa where the word "Sllyer" was ffrsi mentloned in ble, my answei belng l'ith Chapter and '21 verse of (.enesis. The money wafl tblá tlay ilulv patd me In ruil. " s. E. VA RIlOw. Argbnta, Akk., Nov. 6, I8ö. 1 have thla flay recelred from tuk kansas MAGAZINE two tbonsand dollars (12,000] as my Si : i for ancweiinfi correcily tlicir Blble Question- " Where was Sil ver first ft mud in the lühle?"- enesls, I3th Chapter. 2d . ni;lk. The followlng are n nartlal list of the names of those who were awarded preaentn In oor December, 1885, and March, I8WÏ, Rible C'ompotltlon: Mrs. iari:i Crawley, Weot Mark ham Street, Llttle Rock. Ark., 2,500; MIsh Mangle Klnebold. Corner Fifth and Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. I2.C00: Cnas. M. HUL Topeka, Kas.,920; Mra. Willium Crawford, Atlantu, Tex., 13,000; lï. Martin. Pri i.'ji; BonJ. w. Avt-rv. [.oulsville, Ark. ,(800; Tbomaa Heard, Texarkapa, Tex., f750; B. li.ou, Magnolfa, Ark., ?i,ix); Miss Dora Crawford, Atlanta, Tex., fi,25O. Write tv ony othrse parttt if ou want CtnyfurtJtrr ;? oqf. tuk KANSAS U ' ai m: is an ui.; establlshw) FamHy Magazine, handsomely printed.flnely Hlnstrated, pure and elevatlng in tone, and a íavurite in thousnmis of homes. To satwfy uil 6 to lts merlts. we mail sample copies for 10 cents, thelr cost, we cauuqt send them iree. AHoliday Present of 10 Books to Every New Subscritor whlch wlll bé maf leri freo of postago on recelpt of their subscrlptlon. "f rcfi-r in tbe followlng prominent citfzens, ali oí Cansas City, Mo.: Major B. P. Jonea, Secrotary and Treasurer Kansas city Water Works ; Charles i. Locas, Re order ol Deeds; First National Bank : The Kanaas City Bank note Co. and any responsible house of Kansas City. Otí Mc ut ion this paper, and address uil letters to Kansas City, JHo.


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Ann Arbor Democrat