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EBERBAGH&SONi' Dealera Ib Drugs, Medicines Aad aflne lot ot French Halr Brushes AND- Enelish Tooth Brnsheti W eau special attentlon to our ttoek oí Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importatlon, A f uil line ot TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At ltt priOM. STTJIDEISrT S Are oordlally In vlted to examine our stock U3 quallty and pricei. EBERBACH 4. SOM. JACKSUN FÍRE CLAY CO, Manufacturen ot Stone Sewer Pipe AND iDï-insr tile i All our Train THe ar maii of Fiie Clay, art ot unuuuftl 3trcngih and llfrht welght, wh;ch ma. teríaily reduces the breakage and expende o iransportation. The ditching of tint oian of tU Ing Is less expensive. as they do not require to be lald below fiost but only deep enoug . to Os tape tbe pluw. While ilns is more económica) is aluo aids In obtalning a better fall or grade to the drain. A full asoortment of all Klzea, fot talelnsmall quanliiles, or car load lot, at tha DU LÜMBER YARD, James Tolbhrt, Agent. ' THe, the Createst Labor-Savlnfl Machine of the Aso." To the Editor of Th Chicaao TrUnm. Dwirar, 111., March 16.- On of tbe gtrongaat and mout convincing (acts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage ia brought out In the December report of the Agrlcultural Depar ' ment of minóla. It Is this: ACREAGS. Iwm I oorn in Livingston Oonstx, 1811 ÍM,5íl Aareae in corn In Logan County, 1881.. 140,Mf IiTingston OTer Lor.i ....... 137, TM TIELD. Tteid of corn In LlTlngston 0onnty,18l. .0,963,011 Tield of corn In Logan County, 1883 6,070,84 LMngston OTer Logan l,90t,596 In otlitr words. Logan County has ralsed naar ly as much corn on 140.859 acres as Llvingstoa county has on 26. 597 acres. Put it in anothel form, the farmers in Livingston County nava, ben ob'.iged to plow nearly doublé the acreag of land (68. "7), and have raised but a Ter sniall percentage of increaae of corn OTer theu bretliern in Logan County, who only had to plow ]40,8.9 aerea. Let us glve it anotber twist! A A farmer who has his land well tilled neeri onlj work eiKhty acres of land and grow just aboul as much corn as the man who plows 160 n lakes all the risks of drouth and much bevidec It is not fair, then, to conclude that the greataf labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the UM drainf From the same source of mformaüon j Êather the following as regards the progrea of Je-drainage In these twocountles: röL. i Total number of f eet laid In Llrlngstoa Countyupto 18Í1 ,ltO,nt Total number of feet laid in Logam County up to 1881 8,W, This table prove beyond all tbeory that owtng to the free use of tile that one county ha beea ! able to nea-ly as much corn on 110,000 I acres of land anuther county has produced ■pon !6K,000 acres. which is nearly doublé, and tfce beauty of the whole is that it was done witll : half the work ! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Prorli ienceshouM lenglhenout the spin of our dayl ! BBtil we saw Illinois thorougnly tile-dralned, whrre would be put the corn that this Stat irould produce, and what would we do with ouf allTor dollars!'' Bauusl T. K. FautB. RINSEY & SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington 8t. Har on hand a complete stock of tutrything ín the Crocery Line. Toa, Codees and Sugara, In larga amounti, and at Casli Bjoaea And can sell at Low rtffurea. The lage inTOlce of tías ther Buy and BaQ, i good proof that ia Quality and Price they Give Bargaini. Ther Roast their own Coffeea every week, aa4 ■one but prime articles are uaed. Tktlr Bakery turna out excellent Bread, OakM nd Crackers. Cali and see them. PricesGone Down A large stook of Wall Paper aelling at A CREAT REDUCTION] I claim to have the largeat and BEST SELEGTED STOCK Of Wall Paper and Deoorationa in th oonnty, and can pi ve perfect atifiiotioi in Ooods or Work . Paints and Painten Bupplies a special ty. -5k-lTDextj Sorg, Buoor aor to P. AA. Sorg, te 88 Wibsüiffton t. au Axko nLAND&Circ SODA BestintlieWorI


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