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The Warrior Statesman

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Not until Sunday morning was it generalij- known eren in Washington, that the i severe rheumatic attack from which Senator Logan had been suffering, was expected to termínate fatally, and tho news of his death, which occurred about 3 p. m. carne with a startling suddenness upon the city and the whole country. The seeds of his disorder were sown during the war, lus Hrst attack of rheumutisin having folio wed iniinediately the end of a 24-hour raareli through a blinding snow storm. IIh last nttack, too, resulted from brief exposuro to the snow storm of a fortnight ago, and his death preceded by but ■ i few minutes the beginning of a heavy Jurry, which, though brief, covered tufe earth t itb a carpot of white. AT TUF. HEDSmrc. At the head of the led knelt Mrs . Logan, one arm encirding her dying husband's neek, and the hand of the other stroking his forehe:id. At her side were John A. Logan, Jr., and the Iiev. Dr. Newman. Opposite these were the daughter, Mrs. Tucker and her husband, and George A. Logan, the generalas newphew. "l'ho scène," said Dr. I aster, "was one of the saddest that I have evor witnessed. All present were deeply nlfected. The grief of Mrs. Logan and her children was pitiful in the extreme." THE HOME LIFE. Gen. Logan had lived a very quiet and even life in his newly acuuired home on the hills to tho north of the city. He had' entered little upon the social gaveties of Washington, but tnstead had devoted his time to literary pursuits and to the enjoyment of the old-fashioued house which he exnected to leave as a homestead to his estimable wife in the event of his death. Hepurchased this place only about two years ago and agreed to pay $20,000 for it. It is understood that he paid only a few thousand dollars upon it and that it is heavily mortgaged to Don Camoron, from whoin it ws purchased. Logan, unlike a major ity of his colleagues in tho upper house, was dependent entirely upon his salary as senator for his living. Although in public life for more thnn a quarter of a centuryit lsdoubtfulif his estáte of to-day would realize the amount of his salary for three years when his debts are paid. Gen. Logan leaves two children- a son, John A. Logan, Jr., and a daughter who is the wife of paymaster Tucker of the army. Gen. Logan's home life was a particularly happy one. He and Mrs. Logan were most devoted to each other. His homo on Calumet avenue, Chicago, was made an ideal house. He owned the fnniily hoinpstead in southern Illinois at the time of his death. AS A SOLDIEU, General Logan's dpath has removed another celebrated soldier from the list of the survivors of the wUT, In spite of the tnisunderstanding which aroso at the meeting in iáan Francisco last year, no living man stands so closely to tlie menibors of the G. A. R. as did John A. Logan, lie ranked with Sherman in popularity among tho rank and file of the union army. Coming ashodid from the volunteer arm of tho service, he was in many respeets more closely allied to theG. A. R. meñ than even that popular hero. Gen. Sheridan and his brother were among the fust to cali on Mrs. Logan. Tho respect between Gen. Sheridan and Gen. Logan was always sincero. Mr. Logan attended the special session of the thirt.y-seventh congress, called by President Lincoln, which met July 4, 1881. H gave his unqualin'ed support to the resolution tendering the aid and support of congress to the president in all measures to enforce the la ws and preserve the union. "Oo to RiohmondI" was the popular cry, and on July ll the union army erossed the Potomac. Three days afterward the euemy was met on the south bank of Buil Run near Manassas. Many members of congres?, taking advantage of the proximity of the battle ground to Washington, drove out to the field to witness the crushing of the rebel forces under Beauregard. Among them was Mr. Logan. Inspired by the conflict and quick to see the perilous jtosition of the federal army, his warlike spirit was aroused, and seizing a musket he fought bravely in the ranks until superior numbers forced the retreat which degenerated into the disgraceful panic and rout of Buil Run. Congress adjourned on August 16, and .Mr. Logan, hustening to Illinois, abtained the recruiting papers for the thirty -ttrst regiment of volunteers, whieh he proeeeded to raise in the immediate neighnorhood nf hts home. baying h'rst enlisted as a private himself. Kesolutions favoring secession had already been adopted by his constituents. Logan had been the idol of his people, but when they heard he had arrayed nimself with the union they heaped upon him the bitterest denunciation, imd perst cution and abuse followed him everywhere. Tho undaunted spirit of Logan did not quail. In a speech of flery eloquence at Marión he announced his intention to follow the flag of his country, and if need be, uhew his way to the gulf." The effect of thlg speech was to turn the tide in his favor and arrest the secession movement in southern Illinois. In ten days the regiment was raised aud with Logan at its hoad was on its way to to rende.vous at Cairo, where it was assit ued to McClernand s flrst brigade unde 'irant. From this time Logan was associated with some of the most important actions of the war, and his personal career and services in the conflict were of a highly dramatic though valuable character. He was at the head of hls regiment at Belmont, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. In Ihe assault on Donelson Col. Logan received a ïmisket ball through the shoulder, but kept his men in position until reinforcements arrived. ïor his bravery in this famous engagement he was recommendcd for promotion by Gen. Grant, and President Lincoln promptly made him a brigadier-general. Gen. Logan was offered "sick leave" but refused it and was placed in command of McClernand's old brigade, iu which was th t wuift h Michigan. Gen. Logan received official mentioa for his service at the battle of Corinth in Gen. Sherman's report. After Corinth Gen. Logan coinmanded a división which captured Jaokson, of which commlssion he was placed in command. During Grant'a northern Mississippi campaign in 1803 '■', he led liis división, exhibiting great skiil in the handling of his troops, and was pronioted to major general of vol un teers. He was assigned to coiuinand of the third divition. seventeenth arniy corps, under Gen. McPherson and loro a distinguished part in the series of battles which followed ach other in rapid sucee-sion prior to the final invostment of Vieksburg. At tho battles of Raymond, Jackson. Mis.. and Champion Hilfs, Logan's división especially disdnguisbed itself b.y its niagnificent flghting qualities. At Champion Hills Gen. Logan had two horses shot under him. Wnen Vicksburg passed into the hands of Grant, Logan was muelo military governor of the city. lie brougnt order out of almost absolute chaos, restrained disorder among the flushed and elated fcroopa-, anti treated the conquered with impartial justice. On Nov. 13, 1868, Gen. Logan succeeded Gen. Sherman as commander of tho lifteenth army corps and with the "Grand military división of the Miaaimippi," in command of Gen. Sherman, started southward on tho march into Georgia, Logan's corps in the van. After twelvo days of skirmi hing the army reachcd Kenesaw Monntain. Gen. Logan protested aguinst its assault as nothing short of murder, bilt nevertheless obeyod orders and led lú corps throngh a terntlc lire over two Unes of the rebel intrenehments. When the confederates withdrew from Renesaw they feil back apon Atlanta. Tho unión forces followed, and in sight of the city were unexpectedly attacked by the enemy in forre. Gen. McFhergon was killed and Gen. Logan assumed temporary command of the atmy of the Tennessee. In this emergency oceurred the most dramatic incedent of Logan's military career. Amid a storm of bullets he rode bareheaded up and down the lines. his long. black hair stroaming in the wind, his sword tlashing in the gnnllght, shouting: "Boys! McPhorson and revenge!" The troops caugbt tli" wild contagión, and seven sneoessive times niet and repulsed that number of desperate assaults. At nightfull n-l,el dead were Ieft upon the field. Gen. Slurman warmly commended Logan's heroism in thls actiou, but did not give him his jnatly won recommendation forpromotion to the command of the army of the Tennessee. With genuine loyalty and unstlfish patriotism Gen. Logan quickly resimii'd command ot the fifteenth corps,and led it in march from Savannah through the Carolinas, fighting numerous engagements and participating in the last battle of the war at Benton Cross Roads. At the grand review in Washington Gen. Logan rode at the head of the army of the Tennessee, being then an army command ir He was mustered out with his corps and returned to his Illinois home. THE VI3IT TO MICHIGAN. It had been General Logan's intention to leave Washington for Detroit Mondny, árriving thore Tuesday night. Ho was to be the guest of Governor Alger, aud on Wednesday ovening leave for Grand Rapids to be present at the dedication of the soldiers' home on Thursday. Returning to Detroit he was to spend New Year's with Governor Alger, one of whose daughters intended going to Washington with him for a few weeks' visit to Mis. Logan. While partially prerpaed for tho news of General Logan's death. Governor Alger was greatly shocked on first hearing of it. In no famfly outside of the relativos of General Logan did it cause greator gorrpw. TBIBDTBS TO HIS WOKTH. Tributes to Senator Logan's wortli as a ínrin and Iris lionest. fearless spirit are numbered by thousands A few aro liere given : President Cleveland: - Wasinoxpressive ly shocked by the newsof Senator Logan's death. From his pwn limitad personal acqunintance with hini he had formed a high opinión of hiin as a sincere, frank and generous man, and his loss would be very sensibly felt by hosts of personal friends throughout the country. Secretary Bayard:- It is sad when a manly career, so active and vigorous as his, eloses; but he fiuds rest and peace at last. General McCook: - He was a most companionable man and as generous as he was brave. Attorney General Garland:- He was very active, energctic and j ward. He was a man of great forcé of ) character, and did, witliin my knowledge, í many kind and good things. His party I and the country as well will deeply feel his loss. Secretary Whitney: His courage and fearlcssness and the absence of all humlmggory nnd falseness of his character were wliat 1 most admire. His is a great loss to the country, in my judgement. Senator Voorhees: - I know of no man's death whioh couldat this time have struck the country with a greater sense of loss than that of Gen. Logan. Senator Beek:- He was a blunt, strong, bold, honest, manly man. His integrity was absolute. He left no more honest man bohlnd liim. Mr. Blaine: - I never knew a more fearless man. He did not quail before public opinión when he had once made up his mind any more than he did before the guns of the enemy when he headed a charge of enthusiastic troops.


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