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Death Of General Logan

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General John A. Logan died at his reeidenoe in the oity of Washington on Snnday afternoon last. He had been confinad to his house but a short time and his death has been a great shook to to the public. Even his own family and immediate friends did not realizo that his sioknese was Hable to be fatal until a few honre before he dietl. Oeneral Logan had beoome oue of the most prominent figures in the politics of tho oonntry, and deservedly so Had he lived he most probably would have been the presidential nominoe of his party in 1888. He was in the prime of life. A native of Illinois he had held many of the offloes of his state. He was a soldier in the Mexioan war, and probably the best and most popular of all our volunteer offioèrs in the war of the rebellion. He was indeed a hero and a gallast sol dier. In the darkest hours of the rebellion nobody ever doubted the faith, the courage or loyalty of John A. Logan. He was eqnally popular with soldiers andoivihans, with republicaus and democrats. He was never a Bneak. He was alway s afrank and generous opponent, a warm and faithful friend. In his long military and oivil career his honest hands were never befouled with any job. His pohtioal associates became rioh with the spoils of offloe and the manipulations of the lobby, but this senator died poor. He was uot a soholar, knew nothing of the tricks of rhetoric, and some people have atteinpted to ridicule his ungramatical language, but he was a true ora tor, using the simple language of his mother, so as to move maaaes of men and touch the hearta of hia hearers. Hi death removes one of the ablest, most respeoted and most uneful men trom the senate. There is no probability that his vacant place wül ever be fllled. A hout of small politioians and trisksters are already struggling for the position. What a pitiful oontraet any of them will present compared with this brave, frank, honest, able and patriotio soldier and statesman ! The death of such a man in a national loss. Politioal prejudioes and ambition in suoh a presence shculd be forgotteu.and demócrata and repnblicans, soldiere and oitizens, rioh and poor, white and black, -will gather at his grave, moved with a oommon impulse and touched with a oommon sorrow. tiow rapidly the great figures ot the rebellion are passing away! Already the Grand Arrny oan muster on the other side of the river a more numerous and more illustroua band than those that rematn. Logan goes to " join the majority" of his oompanions in arms, and who oan doubt the greeting he will reoeive from Lmooln and Sumner, and Qrant and MoOlellan, and all that vast host with whioh he atruggled to maintain the great principie that governmeut for the people and by the people should remain upon the earth. ♦ -'- Tho8E Ann Arbor favoritos, Hardie and Von Leer presented the'r famous play "A Brave Woman" to our theatergoers again last night in a most oommendable and satisfaotory mannor. It is no flattery to say that no better play and no better aotresa has visited our city this winter, Fanny Davenport not excepted. It is justice to these people to say Miss Davenport oould 10 more play the Brave Woman in the marnier Miss Von Leer presents it than Miss Yon Leer could play Princesa in Fedora. They play Camille to night and Led Astray, Satarday night. Lokenzo Davis, who has faitlifully disoharged the duties of superintendent of the poor for the past six years, steps down and out to-day, leaving an honrable record. He has been an efficiënt officer. As cierk of the board the accounts against the oounty were well kept. He was also eoonomioal. No impostora were tolerated, and while no deserving poor people were allo wed to suffer no person can say that he has not performed his duties faithfully nnd well. Geo. W. Childs of Philadelphia, has preaented a drinking fountain to the town of Btratford-on Avon. As a tribute from this oountrv to the momory of Shakespeare all Americana have a share in it. Mr. Childs' name is held in high eateem abroad and in honor and affection at home. - 1 m An exohange says that .Tanuarv 1 is a good time to renew your subsonption, and at the aame time it strikes a lefthanded blow at those subsoribera who have not paid up for the past year or so. The new two-oent postage stamp will be put in ciroulation in January. The design represents an embossed head of George Washington in purple, upon a blue-tinted baok-ground. The accidenta that ooour on the toboggan shdes are numerous. You can soarcely piek up a paper without reading aomething about people being injured or kllledA college for Japanese women is to be opened in Tokio, under the auspices of the English, by the professors of Tokio university. When National bank directora sproulate in optiono, and make small fortunes, it is quite natural for young men to try their luok . We underatand that the Hon. Jas. S. Gorman will introduce a bilí ia the next legislatura abolishing standard time. The history of cities where they have the electric light is, that they have dis penaed with half of the pólice foroe. There are now over one hundred women studying medicine in Paris.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat