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Resolutions Of Condolence

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Passed on the deatb of Oen. John A. Logan, by Weloh Post, Q. A. R., at a speoial meetiuK beid Monday evening: Whekeas, lt has pleised the Maker and Kuier of this world to remove by sudden death, our comrnde, Oen. John A. Logan, a brave and gallant soldier during the war ; an able, effioient and illustrioug statesman; a trae and honeat patriot, and a trustworthy friend of the loyal soldier: Resolved, That we, rs oomrades, extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and family of the deoeased. Resolved, That we deeply monrn the Iobb of one who has ever been a beíitting example as a soldier, a statesman, and an American citizen. Resolved, That we, as a Post cause our charter, oolors and badges to be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days; and further Resolved, That a eopy of these resolu tions be transimtted to the bereaved wife, t-pread upon the reoords of tbis Post, and that copies of the sume be furnished to the papers of this city for publioation . CHAS. H. MANLY, Com. Jas. B. Saündbrs, Adj't. Few people realize that the denomination known as the Disciples of Christ, or Chnstians, is in numbers the rif th ecclesiastical b idy iu this country, having more than 600,0U0 commumcants, and increasing at the rute of 50,000 annually. They have forty two colleges and twentythree periodioalu, besidea eleven Sunday school papers. For ten years or more they have been engaged in foreign misBionary work, and have now over thirty missionaries in foreign lands. Here's to the women who never slander., who never retails ill-natured gossip, and who does uot feel it her duty to straighten out the world around her. These curios are uot so careo as men would have us think. But tennis grounds, winter ball-rooms, and fashionable tea-tables are not their stampiug-ground. They have to be luinted; they are not matrimonial Dianas aiming at pocket rat lier than heart; they miud their own affaire strictl y. That's why the male creature Beklom hears of them and seldom sees them. They haven't time to purr with the tomraies and tabbies of leisure. - San Francisco Report. " While we are not dixcouraging nor sneering at foreign missions." remarks the New York Commercial Advertiser, "but aiimi) day Ohnstiani may wake up to the faot that New York is one of the largest pagan oities in the world, largor than Boinbay or Singapore or Kioto; that more men and women are dying in the Bight of Ohristian apires and in the sound of Oliristimi bella than are dying outside of Christian iniiuence in any part of these heathen centers nained. And wben Christian people do wuke up to this faut and realize Uu awful meaning, we believe that they will apply themselves with a fury of earnestness to wipe away the peril and reproaoh whioh suoh a state of society now layi upon their shoulders. Prof, MuüíÜl, of Rook ïlaud, UU . . has been in the "weather" business for severnl years And has made some reputation in that line. He predicts tluit 1887 will be a very favorable one for the farmers. He does uot exeopt this to be a severe winter, but there will be some cold terms. His weather for January ih to be moderate; February, the coldest and stormiest month of the year; Maroh moderate, with some storma; April, mild and fair; May, the same; July, hot, and the heat will continue into a plensnnt autumn that will eztend far into November; December, oold and storiny. The following are what the professor calis the dates of the worst planotary storm and earth disturbanoen. These are the dates: January 8 to 11, 16-17, 25to27; February 7 to 9, 22 to 25; Maroh 8 to 10. 21 to 24; April 7 and 9, 20 to 24; May 5 to 7, 21 to 28; June 3 to 6, 21 to 27; July 3-4, 11-12, 20 to 23; Ausrust 3-4. 17 to 24; September 17 to 23, 26-27; Ootober 2 3, 7 to 9, 12 to 18; November 7 to 11, 13 to 20, 25-26; Deoember 3 to 7, 11-12, 23 to 25, 30-31.


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Ann Arbor Democrat