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THE GREMAN A BOTEL CORNER WASHINGTON AND SKCOND 9treets. Win, L. Frank, p--oprietor. Mm ple rcnnu fo traveling ikiii. Kery room n. ated by steam. BOODRICH HOUSE AH. GOODRICH, Proprietor, corner A nn and Fourtu streets, opposite the Court House Square. Evervthing in firstclass order. Newly furnished. Baru accoinmodations. J. R. JOYNER, T ICENSED AUCÏI0N2ÏR, Is nowpre - pared to render his services to all desiring tbem. When you wish to sell anything at auction givo him a cali. He may íe found the first door west of Nat Drake's puee, Huron street. P. mFkERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houses and lots or sale. Office in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposite the postoffice, dealer in Fresh, Sinoked and Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in auy quautity. MÏÏS. N. il. PIKRCE. Ma. ; ,t ■■ hem.;:;;, v thout ji.üvit- ','hr.i i Specidlrr ca1 easf yieiri nt once Will an-wer enlK Bu Inee honra: ya.nuofip iïi í9Poit;#-o Slreot 6th Wanl, rbor Mleh. FOT.I.Err HOUSE 17" J. ;.;■"■ !S propriftnr, Ypsilaitl, Hiph. Vt' . heatpri w th titeam. DKAN Ni T'LBR, M D. PIP SK'.'.lN v:; MUOKON. Office mul r i ller'-t' Ovel potnl! Cl-, lllSl ÜQt P. COOK HOUSE. fR3 .H. HUDSON, Proorietor. lu. Newly Furnlshed. Tlie leadlng house In Ann Arbor. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS In all respecta. Evervthlns new. Fine rooms, well furnished. Tcrms, ' $1 per day and upwaras. Special rates to ! weekly boaiders. Meals, 25 cents. John Bchnelder, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of Washntfton and Second strcets, Ann Arbor, Mica. N1CHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. (J. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental oflice Masonic Temple lilock, over Saviuga Bank, Aun Arbor. JOSEPH CLINTON, VfERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wlnes & iïl Worden's. All work euarautced or no charge. JOIIN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNFY AT L A V. Oftice, nos. 3 and i, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a ceneral law collection and convpyauce business. A moderate patronage is resuectfully sollcited. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISEI.E, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and GraveMones mRnufactured from Tenncssee and Hallan Marble and Sctoch and Araerkan Granite. Shop cor. Detroit and Catharlne êts,, Ann Arbor, Mlcb. WILL1AM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresoo Palntor. fl lding, Calcimfnlne, Glazlu and Paper Han;log. All work done In the V best style and warrauted to give satistactioo. Bbop, No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Aftkr, Mich. Abstracts of Titles on Kcal Estáte 1IIAVE a complete co-nniíaíion of the Official Records of Washiemw Counly to date. Inclod ing all Tax 1 itles. BxrCUÜCKK or inv incumlT.inCfs on Real Estile, thnl 11 ol Record in the Ki-gistcr' oHicet is shown bv "iv books. Office in th offii-uof the secritary of th.'ashunav MuIutI insurmce compaov, in the biisement of the Court House. C H. UtANLY. Ann Arbor, Mich. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank prganbwd lMt, uadr cha Otnerjtl Baukini Lw tt Lu niti ks bow, íBoluoins capital atoí, it., M., 9TMM $500,000 AHSr.T, BulnM mn, Quardlang, Tnuteu, La4lM and ithr persons wlll flud tbia Bank a SAFE AND CONVENICNT nao at whiah to make Dtpoiiu and do timlniw. nterist is Allowed on All Savings Depojlft 0t (l.M and upward, aecerdlOE to th rula ol ika bank. and inlrwt ceoipouuded umi aaim Uonty to Loan In Sums of I2B $,OOO. Kworad kj üluiber Kaal Eatat and onat iad Mrltla. (hrlrtl.n Maci. W. W. ffhio W. D. Uarrluan, vrill'am Dauble, David Rúwct. Owalel H.oook aaa IV ft. Inltk OrriCCRB- CkrliUas Maot. rraildent; W. WlBM. Prwtariil: C. B. Hlicock. ( auklu NEW COAklAP.D ! For the flnest coal In the nmrket„ii(l low prees, the public aro invited to cali on tdTMICHAEL STABLER Cor. Washington and 2d sts. Who also filis orders for W O O 13 2 Now is the time to lay In 7our coal. MICHEL STABLER, Ann Arbor Get Your Proprty InsuredBy C. H. MILLEM, INSURANCE AOIQNT, ■ fie. 4 South Main straat, Ann Arbor. Th o)dot K'ovjr in tka city. Entahliklud a quarW ot emturjr go. Ra preteuting Uit fullowlnc flrrnV claaa companle, wlth ovor t0.C0O,UO0 ttiawu. Ilome In. Co., of N. T.; ContinntU Ins. Co., cf N. l. Niaïr8 Ig. CX, o V. Tv Qirard In. Oo., of Phila.; Oni In. Co., ot Hartford; CöiffWfcrcial C&'.oa Í Londfi; LiTarpool utd Londoa aj4 Olob. W Uw. Lm oJwallr mijmfi a4 rm#rfU. . O.JMjLLm'


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