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THE I AND InterestiiEïit -OF THE YOÜNG NEW YEAE ! BEOINB AT Mack & Schmid's Being the semi-annual grand clearing ut sale of all winter and surplus stock t the public's own prioe. The genuine nd trustworthy sale m the oity. Caü nd see how much you may get and for o little. Our entire stock of Cloaks veryone of thern (though we have an túrnense stook) must be closed out in nis sale, without reserve and regardless f oost or value. Drees Gkiods, Silks, 'elvets and Plushes at pnces that liould open the eyes of every lady in ie county and make her a purohaser. Grent reductions in Blankets, Flannels, Jnderwear, etc. It will pay everybody o come to us and see what bargains we re offering and we guarantee to save myers from 25 to 40 per cent. on their mrohases. JOHN WOTZKii! THB Fine tot ui Shoe Maker. A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED The Only Establishment] in Ann Arbor that Manufactures lts Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALU AND SEE SAMPLES. OVER JNO. BURC'S. No. 43 South Main Street. Michigan (Tentrai The Miagara, Falh (Route. Time Tablis, Nov. 14, 1886. AH train run by Ninetieth Meriuian, or Central Standard Time. ome bah, .tatxo,. g fel gg 5á II I A. M. A.M. F. ■ F.H. I. M Chicago Lv. 6.60 9.00 4.40 8.15 9.10 NIIcb 10.20 12.16 8.18 11.13 12.66 Decatur _.. 8.58 2.10 Lawton. ._.... 9.13 a. m. 1.42 Kalamazoo.... 1.50 9.37 6.48 12.38 2.85 Balesburg 7.08 2.51 Battle Creek... 3.27 7.81 1.30 3.20 Marshall S.ioj 7.57 1.58 4 05 Albion 8.88 8.S0 2.28 3.43 A, H. Jacknon.....Ar. 8.10 Jackeon... ..Lv. 3.14 4.23 9.15 '. 3.15 4.50 3rassLake 3.88 9.36 i.18 helsea 3.56 9.28 5.35 Dexter 4.12 10.07 5 50 Ann Arbor 4.38 6.30 10.25 4.S6 6.08 rpellantU 4.60 5.45 10.40 4.52 6 24 Wayne June... 5 15 6.051 11.08 5.15 6.4? Springwells.... 5.50 6.85 11.36 6 60 7 20 Detroit .Ar. 6.00 .45 11.45 6.00 7.30 St. Thomas Ar 11.10 9 50 8.30 X. M. WeUand 1.68 12 44 6 06 Falls View 1 19 Niágara Falls 2.22 1 28 6.86 Suap. Bridge.. 2.80 1 84 6.50 Buffalo....7Ar 3.35 2 46 7.60 eoms wbbt. . c . TATION. 3 hL ï j SÍ ?í i s$ ës f ál fi 4. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. A.X. Buffalo L. 11.30 10 00 11.85 A. M. P. M Susp. Bridge.. 12.30' 12,38 Niágara Falls 12.401 12.66 FallsView f. h. 1.08 St. Thomas... 4.10 1 10 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 9.15 SpringwelU.... 7.10 9.20 4.10 8.10 9.46 Waynu Jane... 7.40 9.53 4.46 8.87 9.55 YpsUantU 8.01 10.12 5.12 8.58 10.21 Ann Arbor 8.J6 10.25 5.30 0.12 10 88 Dexter 8.86 5.80 9.8a Cheleea 8.48 6.05 9.62 Qra Lake._... 9.10 6.27 10.15 P.M. Jackion Ar. 10 51 Jackeon..._LT. .& 11.89 7.10 12 03 Albiou 12.10 7.68 11.11 12.46 Manball 12.30 8.0 11.62 1.10 Battle Creek... 1.1 8.52 12.12 1.87 Qalebiirg 9.25 12.M Kalamatoo...... 1.50 K.4S 4.45 1.S0 2.32 Lawton... p. M. 5.18 1.47 Decatui. 5.35 2.12 NUes 1.40 3.22 6.40 3.08 4.18 Chicago Ar 5.15 6.40 . 10.20 7.00 8.06 The New York Exprejs, a faut train leaves Ch: ;ago at 8.10 ie the afternoon and makes the fol towing stops, Mich'Ran City, 4,55: Nileg, 5.49; Kaltmazoo6.58; Battle Creek, 7.33; Jacknon, 8.49 Ann Arbor, A 45; Vpailanti, 9.5C; Springwellii. 10.35; arriving inDetroit at 10.45 P. M. The (.Iiicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. mak ing the folowmg gtops: Wayne Junction, .(%; Ypsilanti, 2.20; Ann Ar bor, 2.32, (Jackson, 3.32, Albion, 4.08; Marshall, 4.22, Battle Creek, 4,40; Kalamazoo, 5.15; Nilen, 6.32; Michigan City, 7.30; Chicago, 9.80. Stinday oxcoptod. JSatnrday A Sunday exoepted fDaily. O. w. Buoolis, H. W. HA YES, O. P 2. A.. Öhlcaoo. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Kailwnj-. Time table goln; tnto effect Sunday Nov, 28th 1886. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. 4 2 I. 3 B Tass Ex. Mail Standard Timo. Pass Ex. Mail r. m. p. M A. a. L'veJ ' Arr.l A. K. P. u. P. M. 6 10 3 15 516 TOLEDO. 9 SO 130 1180 7 42 4 00 6 06 Monroe Junct'n 8 45 12 42 10 83 8 02 4 10 6 6 Dundee 8 82 12 82 10 22 8 44 4 31 6 US Milán 8 06 12 13 10 00 ft 4 4 62 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 37 11 48 il 4C 10 03 5 10 7 13 ANN ARBOR 7 18 11 30 9 30 10 30 5 8' 7 30 Lelands's 6 45 1112 9 10 p. H. 5 45 7 48 Whitmore Lake a. m. 10 58 8 58 5 52 7 55 Hamburg 10 63 8 53 6 28 8 80 Howell 10 20 8 15 7 20 9 30 Durand 9 30 7 20 7 45 9 52 Corunna 9 08 6 38 7 55 10 00 Ovrosso 00 6 82 9 15111 S3 Ithaca 7 46 5 15 9 S8 11 45 St. Louis 7 27 4 57 9 41 11 53 Alma 7 20 4 60 10 30 12 46 Mt. Pleasant 6 80 4 00 P. M. P. U. A. M. A. M. " All passenger traína run ïiuly e.ict-pt Suuday. Trains run on the South Lyon oranch leave Aan Arborat 10:03 p. m., Leiand 's at 10:30, Worden' at 10:40, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m. ; leave South Lyon at 6:30 a. in.. ■Vorden's at 8:40, Leland'8 at 6:46 and arrive at Ann Arbor at 7:13 a. m. Oonnectlons at Toledo with railroads divergi ng. At Manhattan Junction with Wheellng & LakeErie R. R. At Alexis Junction with M C. R. R. L. 8. R'y, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee, with L. 3. & M. S.,and M. & O. R'y. At Milan with W„ 3t. L & P. R'y. At Pittafleld witb L. S. & M. S. R'y., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and G. T. R'y. H. W. ASHLEr, W. H. BENNETT, Gen. Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agt. Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette S. R. " MAOKINA W SHORT LINK." The onl y Direct Route Between the East and the Upper Península of Michigan. WEST. TIME TABLE. EAST. bead down In effect Nov. 14, 1888. bkad op. I tp m I Leavel [Arrive I ta m I 5:40 ..Detroit 11 10 ta.m ta.m p. m a. ra. 7 00 6 80 lv....8t. Ignace 8 80 5 55 12 10 9 40 Seney 5 15 12 85 5 80 l 40 Marquette 2. ... S 15 t7 00 a. m. p, m. p m p.m. 12 5 1 v.... Marquette. .ar 2 00 1 40 Naganee 1 25 155 Ishpemlnc .... 12 58 5 30 ...:.... Houghton ... 9 20 5 50 Hancock .... 9 01 I 6 85 1 Calumet .... t8 15 Consectionb - (1) Via M. T. Uo's boato with the Michigan Central and Graod Rapici & Indiana raiiroad. (2) Wlth M. H.& O. railroad for Houghton, Hancock, Calumet, etc , and pointe on Chicago and Northwestern railway. Standard- Central time. Daily. tDaily exoept Sunday. A. WATSON, E. W. ALLEN OAn'l Superlntn't, Oen. Pass. Ticket Ag't, Marquette, Wich. Marquette, Mich Report of the Ann Arbor Tanning Co., Of Ann Arbor, made in compliance with the statutee bi Ruch oases made and provided: Amount of capital stock $40,000 00 Amount of capital stock paid in 34,425 00 Amount of liabiliiien 9,110 00 Sigaed, CHA8. E OREENE, Pres., EDWARI) TREADWELL, ZINA P. KING, WILLIAM WAGNER, Directora. State of Michigan, Washtenaw County, ss. w Uliam J. Merkle belng duly sworn, says that the above is true as he verily helieres, and that he is secretary and treasurer of said company. Subscribed and sworn to before nip ths 13th day of January, 1887. HENRY J. MANN, ' Notary Public. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE oorner Hurón and Main streets. Realdence No. 6. South División street. Ome e hou trom 3 to 4 and T to 8 p. m. TelepboQ No. 114. Northern Brewery H. HARDINGHAUS, PROPRIETOR. I ain dow prepared to deliver to my customen, or othen In want of BEER! A. Firat-Clas Artide, posltively manufacturad oí only Hops Malt ! EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER. Give it a Trial and be Convinced. H. HARDINGHAUS. NoSideShow co .- co S A. A. flBBi; o J, HAT8 STheLatestShapes BURCHFIELD'S ís 1 he place to Order Your Suits ! The stock is complete and you will be astonished at our price. You don't need to buy ready-made clothln if you will but come and see our goods. Brlng on your cloth if you want it made up. Repairing, Cleaning and Dyeing. Remember tho place, No. I O East Hurón Street, four doors west of the Cook House. FINE GROCERIES ! I have, at my store on Ann Street, Silgara, Coffee, Prunes, Baisins, Citrón, Syrups, Finest N. O. Molassa. Choioe Boíl Butter, The Freshest Esr, Apples, Ñuta and Pop Corn. THE FINEST TEA IMPORTED THURBER'S Celebrated Pomajo Coffee, and TSo. 5 Cigsrs. I sell for Cash or to responsible parties on reasonable time, JNO. W. MAYNARD, Ann Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich. Palace Grocery ! STIMSON BROS., Proprietors. Kvoivliíii: in Stook ík TN-v and Fireh. A Full Line of Dry and Wet Croceries; also Fine Assortment of Crockery. Rememberthe Place, No. 9 North Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE ARLINGTON HOUSE (Formerly Goodrich hotel,) Corner Ann and Fourth Sfs. Term, j$8.OO Per Day. In connectlon with the hotel is Tl ARLINGTON LIVERY TÜRNOUT8 FIRST-CLAflS. When in want of anything In thia line GT GIVE US A. CALL. FBOFSALS _F0R WOOD. Sealed proposals for 150 corda of Wood, four feet long, young, green, body or straight hickory, bard maple anl seoond growth white or yellow upland oak, in quantities of not less than ten corde, will be reoeived by the nndersigned until the 22d of January, 1887, inolusive, up to 6p. m. The wood to be delivered in the next thirty days after awarding the contract, at the different school hounes, in guch quantities as directed. The right to reject any and all offers is reeerved. L. ORUNEK, Treasurer, Mo 88. Main Street. PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Arrok, Mioh. All applications properlv made. Thouaands of dollars have heen lost because applicationi were not correctly made. No charges unless suocessful. [i f T flldt rs rrcp, bat IhoM wbo writr tA I I SiinsoD A Co. .Portland. Matos, will rectiTA r I I I fre, fall informatioo abnnl work wbich I I I I I ''"'''W 4o nd livet liom.thal will p UUJJXJ thom from .'. to #2fi pr dy Som bT BroeH over S) In adiy Ertber ftex, yonnpor old Cpttl not reqalrd. Too rO tftrtd frM. TboMwbovUrt kt onr r absolotolj are of DOf llttU fortane. AU li mw. TAKE THE A. A. DENIOCRAT.


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