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RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH CAN BE CURED. Canasdaioüa, N. Ti, May 28. 1886. Pardee Medicine Co., Gentlemen' : - Nearlv all winter I was confined to my room with inflammatory rheumatism. I comraenced using Dr. j dee'sRheumatic Remedy, but after taking t for a time the pain became more intense, j and I was alarmed and feared the remedy was making mo worse, but continuod its use and soon the pain lef t me, and I gradually improved, the aoreness leaving my arma and Bhoulders and seeming to pass out at my toes." It haB completely curcd me. At tho time I commencea using the remedy I had a throat difflculty and tho catarrh, which I found to bo better atter taking it, and it occurred to me to use it ■s a gargle, which I did, and to my great satisfaction I ímpro ved rapidly, and to-day am free from both rheumatism and catarrh. I conslder it indispensable as a family medicino. I take oue teaspoonful after breakfast and find it a splendid tonic. I would advise you to recommend it as a gargle for throat troubles and catarrh, for X know it will cure. I have seen some remarkable cures from the nse o' this remedy, andit isonel can recommend toaU. I am. very truly yours, E. R. McCALL. L033 than Ons-half the Amouut cured Him. John C. Heron, of 46, 4th street, Rochoster, has been troubled for years with rheumatism in the shoulder and about the heart. He gave a physician ten dollars for an examination. and be merely informed him that he had rheumatism of the heart. He was cured by Dr. Pardee's Rheumatic Remedy, and for less than ono half the money paid for examination. Ask your druggist for Dr. Pardee's Remedy, and take no other. Price, $1 per bottle; six bottles, $5. Pardee Medicine Co., Rochester, N. Y. Texas Siftings: "That settles it," as the cook romarked when she put some egg shells in the coflfee pot, and she don't use slang elther. ___ Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" euro sick and bilious hendache, sour stomach, nnd all bilious attacks. New York Morning Journal : The merfiury must stop taking a drop, or we shall have to insist on its signing the pledge. The Housekeepor's Complamt"I am dibcouragod. I have too mueh to do. I am tired. I am sick. I suppose I was put into this house to keep it clean, but it is too much work. I won't try. I will go to sleep. I don't care whatbecomes of the house." The above is an allegorC. The discour aged housekeeper is tlie liver, which, indeed, is often called "the housolteoper of our health." If It doen go to sloep as it threatoned, a crowd of dieases are all rendy to spring up as a consequence. Dr. Pieree's "Uoldon Medical Discovery" acts upon the liver and assists it in its work of housekoeping and house-deaniug. It is the great liver remedv and blood cle nser, and cures all the long train of chronic maladies resulting from a torpid or slugglish, aleepy liver, such as sidc-headaehe, sorofulous diseases, as ulcer. "fever-, sores," "white swellings,'' hlp-joint disease, consumption of tho lungs (which is réally only scrofula nianifesting itsolf in the delicate tissues oftho-e órgano), also all skin diseases, as blotches, rimnle and eruptioiK, and all blood taints. h iwever acquired. Cape Aun Advertiser: i'na rigiit thin; in the right place- A l'i.í bmMe whn i womun falls on the icy sidewalk. Favoritism is a bad thiug, but Dr. Pforce'a ""avorite Prescription" deserves it name. It is a certnin cure for these p:iinf ui maladies and weakneses which emuittei' tho Hvps of no inaiiy women. Of drug:;its. Tid-Bits: lf the on lii ;:i ti.its in tnè thoaters continúes the iuiiLiiu;ry will ha to be called out. A Qbost is a myth, but solid reali! y wlU be knowri , by thoss who write to H:illett & Co., Portland, Maine, theiui'.v uniing. tree, about work that you eau ilo and live vt home, wliercvor th ■■ resid . at n p:-olit of from $5 tolïfl andupwarda .ljily. Somhave earited ovnr $r0 in a dny. Capital not neeileil. Hnllett & o . w -I: start you. All is now. Doiay not. i':iv nloiutoly sure from start. Wen1: .'iwaiti every worker. I'o_th sexos. AU m::o-. Pittsbunr Chroni Telegraph; The Germán Array Bill- Knipc VViUiam. Weakly Womor. wtth ïa'.e ColorlesB faces need Caiitkk's IbóÜ Pills. Yonkers Statemnn: In tho New York boodle aldermen trials the jurymen are the only persons who appear to be locked "P Mr. Buchter, a wel'.-known citizen of Lancaster. Pa., has used St. Jacobs Oil, and considera it an excellent remedy in cases oí swellingg, bruisea and burns. Texas Sifting-i: AnAustin mnnis trying to make a living by attaching an alarm to the silent watches"of the night. Pittsburg Chronlcle-Telegraph: A sciontist suggests that crimináis be executed by eloetricity. ïhis is shocking. Yorkers Ga Bette: An oesthetic gardener calis his spade a "deficit," because it is sometimes needed to make a hole. The publisher of Baltimore, Md., Kvtry Snturday, Mr. T. J. Wentworth, says his child aged six months, was suffering from a severe cold. and he gave it Red Star Cough Cure, which acted like a charni. No morphia. Life: Tho modern society girl is an aocomplisbed uetross, but, as a rule, she is uot fond of long engagements. A Miracnlona Escape from the Grave. I have been in poor health with a diseased stomaeh and liver, causing a cankered mouth continually for ten years. I kept about my house until a year ago last June. For three years prior to that time I had a sovere pain in the región of my heart, at times seeming past enduranee. It affected my shoulder, toon all strongth from my arm; could get no relief only by poulticing. My stomaeh being so diseased, my food caused me great distross. My age also seeraed to be in tlio way of my recovory, and not the least of my sickness. I employed the very best medical assistonce I could get while in Caro, tuis state, but little eneourogement could I get. Was moved to Vassar Oct. 1, 1885, on a bed, giving me every ten minutes a teaepoonful of brandy and ice with only a teaspoonful of nqurishment at a time. I commenced bloating soon after arriving here, every appearance of dropsy. We called our Caro physiciftn to come here, and he said my condition was worse than when in Caro. On the 27th day of May last we called a council of doctors from Vassar, "three in number." All of them pronounced my case incurable. I had with the rest inflammation of the bowels, and I lay almost lifeless, and one of the londing physicians said if I could be reetored to e. sane mind again it would be all my busband might expect, and anything that would soothe me was all that could be done. My husband got me somt medicine at Johnson & Williamson's, druggists at Vassar, and commenced giving it to me, and in three weeks' time they began to put me in an easy chair, "for a short time each day," at which time I had no use of my lower limbs and my back was numb: it was a little more than two months before I could walk without crutches. 1 am now a well woman, have walked one and a half miles within a mouth. can eat all kinds of food and enjoy it, have cained from 82 pounds, since last May, to 116 now, could say more of sickness, putdolieacy preyents. I want to sav to my friends that Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters are thn medicines that cured me. I used four piasters with the first five bottles; have used ten bottles in all and am well. If any one who readi this has any doubt as to the authenticity of my statement, it will alford me pleasure to refer them to my neighbors all about here, as they are all astonished at my recovery. Itis a great family remedy. Very truly. Mus. Chísteb Gaoh. Vassar, Mich., O=t. 11, 1888. This is to certify tbat I have known Mra. Gage since she came to Vassar, and know the facts set forthin her statement above to be true. Very truly. Geo. E. Williamson, Of the firm of Johnson & Williamson, druggists, Vassar, Mich. ' J. K. Delbridge, Conductor on the Chicago & West Michigan Eailroad, Becomes Heir to Sl large Fortune. I have su ffered moro than language can i express with sciatic rheumatism for twelve f-ears. and have expended hundreds of dolars fqr medicines. I have never found anything that has done me as much good as Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and plasi ters. They are truly a rheumatic speciflc, ! and I take great pleasure in recommend; ing them to my friends. Yours truly, J. K. Delbridoï, 23 Pleasant street, . . Grand Rapids, Mich. Rochfister Fost-Express : A murderer ought to cover up his tracks, for blood we have heard, will teil. Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of Piso's Cure for Consumptlon. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by i pushing his head under a gate and choking to death. . WNI. HANSCOKI, Ohkoeh, Wis . who i was for sevcn years bo ütïlicted with pitee tnat he vsB tmablc tu attenil to businesj. Is entirely cnred ; by tbe ute of Cole's Carbolisalv. l'rice SS ; and 50 cents, at I)rnggistt. Life: A game leg- Hindquarter of veni, son. To get relief from indigestión, biliousI ness, constipation or torpid liver without i (listurbing the stomaeh or purging the I bowels, take a few doses of Cartor's Little Liver Pilis. They will please you. New Orleans Picayune: Very young I people show their age. The old ones know ! how to hide it. Kivk dolían aveárearly in booM and iboei bj usilig l.yon'ti Heel tiffeners; coat ouly 250. Tho population of Canada is not much ! greater than that of New York. Nervoasnoss and Dyspepsia Cured ' By Cauteii's Littlk Nekve Pill9. Twenty! ilve cents. __ Dralte's Magazine: Two kinds of keys that sljoulil be hung on the same ring - j Night key and whisky. If afflicted with sore eyes, use Dr. Isaac i Thompsons Eve Water. Druggists sell it. , 25c , Merchant Traveler; The ink bottle is one of the most in-dip-pen-dant things ' known. A City ui Beantifnl Women, Detroit, Mich., is noted for lts healthy, handome ludies, whicb the leading phy sicians r.l druggist there attributo to the ! general uso and populnrity of Dr. Harter's ■ lron Tome. TheJudge: Who i there to mourn for i Logan Every man in the United States, 1 regardless of party. ___ ÏHTlYBleK i Ktiry ttrr.'.a or oold atttcks that neak back and nearlj proatrata you. BRM5ÉIÍ W BEST Toílc i S;rcnffthens tho JIuhcIcs, Steudies tbe Ncrveftt Enricfaea the Hlood. (iven rsew Vigor. Mibb Nellle NOBLK. VaTid;ili;v, Mich., says: "I i hfive used Bruwn'a Iton Bittom for Keneral debility and a weak bsrit n-ui (UimyH derivod much relief." MB. GEO. F. ROBth'rtON Owoss:. Mich.. ftftys: "I i havü ftutïmd with .1 ■'..: .v my baok tor ttie 1 aft ten Íoars, iinl have tried muu;1 remedies without relief, derived much bunefít íiviii thü use of Browui HÏ4, Deï-ia Mtreb, PiirshallTillti. Mich., say8: " I (■ifforod with livbr coiuuUint and ptüns in my back- j Broffii1 Iron B.ttors ourod me. Genuine hm abova 'ZVitde M irk and cnvtaod red linet au wmpper Tfike no tlier. Mtd only by ÏUIOWS CHEMU: I L lí.. BALTIMOHK. MD. WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE ■ -Vlo And ethers sufferlrg from ddKCKQJËÏQtk nerveus delility ,exhnubthi: cl rfTD I ( BEtóiec''r"e J'uU1)t? ur Oid are ' iTTfWÍaifM i "f "?har posi tí vel y cu 1 cd by 1) r ■ití oSBSB'ölJi Ilünii-'s fnnious KlcotroÍPW J XI:tffnrtIo ThoiiMilitis 1 erery qfcAStAte ín thoVnion have bMn cured. IcetrU! -wSty inst.-ui'ly relt. raten ted und eold 10 Uï Whole faiuily cap eur Bame belt. Eleetrlu '. nu pen orles fice with nmle belta. Avoid w-orthleaslmtioni min borus compainia Flretrïo True for ïfupture. 7U cured in'hñ. Sentí stainpfo' pamphlet. UB. vi. J. HORNE. INVENTOR. IS1 WABASH AV.. CHICAGO. Burlington Free Press: We would respeetíully request Gen Hazen not to leave nll tho drawersof the weather bureau open at tho same time again this winter. - - 1 1 - __- The name and fame of Dr. Bulls' Cough Syrup are know throughout the land and i every where it is relied upon as the specifio I for uoughs and colds. Merchant ïra veler: The man who takes an ale to brace liimself u] is pretty likely ; to be bracíng up bis trousers witn a naíl ; bof ore long. Binghampton Republican: Inminerology class. TeacherJohnny, give me the name of the largest known diamond. , Johnny - The ace. New York Graphic : An exchange publishes the naines of 753 women who iove work. This is the first time we ever heard that going shopping was work. Burlington Free Press: Ella Wheoler Wilcox says sbe can see more light than darkness in the world. So can we. Ella, when the sidewalks are one sheet of ice. New Haven News : Again we would like to remark that the man who leaves the snow on his sidewalk is he who drops buttons in the church nontribution-hox. We have heard many of our old friends say that Salvation Oü cured them of rheumatism. Those who have not tried it, should do so. Our druggista sell it for twenty-five cents. Life : The books that Bacon said should be digested are probably those which have been devoured. Corona and Hoakseness.- The irritation which induces cougbing is immediately relievedby use of "Jlrown's UronchUl Troches." Sold only in boxes. Price 25 ets. Rochester Post-Express : A woman wlth a high hat is as bad as a man with a big heaa. For Wcak Womon. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass: "About the first of September, 1881, my wife was taken with uterine hemorrhage. The best styptics the physician could prescribe did not check it and she got more and more enfeebled. She was troubled with Prolapsus Uteri. Leucorrlioea, nunibness of the limbs, sickness of tho stomach and loss of appetite. I purchased a bottle of your Vegetable Compound. She said sJie could discovtr a salutary effect from the Jlrst dose. Now she is comparatively free from the Prolapsus, Stomach's sickness, &c. The hemorrhage is very imich better and is less at the regular periods. Her appetite is restored, and her general health and strength me miich improved. Wefeel that we have boen uoidtrfully b nqfttted and our hearts are drawn out in ' grat'itude for the same and in symputhy for other sufferers, for whoso sakes we aïlow our ñames to be used." C. W. EATON. V - -rston, N. Y. The Compound is put ul. .,i PUI, Lozenge and Liquid form. AU sold by druggists. The Pilis and JLozenges sent by mail on receipt of price. Boston Post : A man may have a great head from other than intellectual causes. Mjike only trüe ÉïfiRON BTONIC L- J Will purify the BLOOD recoleta T - -n Restore the HFAlTHandVIGV Uk. ORof YOUIH DyepepKia.Want Vjr of Appetite, lndicestion.Ijïck of k Btrength and Tirod ï'eelinu abt-V eolutely cureJ: Eones, mm'"';.'■ H cíes and narres receive new SIBt force. Knlivens tho mind Hfck nd uppües Brain Power. ■ m -m. jT" S'Jfferiac f rom complaints I n Ïb 1 ET ÍS pecaüar tothei r spx wlli find fUALIK&U ín DR. HARTER'8 IBON TONICnsafe and pcdyciire. C-ivesnclenr, healthj complexion. Frequent attempts at connterfeitTiioii'y ndd to the populariiy of the oríjnau lío not experiment- et the Obioinai. and Bkst, Dr. HARTER L1VFR PILLS V -.v ConstiiiatlonXier ComT'lalnt and Sickl i.?s. smpïe Poae and Orcom BcokM -. T.,,.;r";. f t - rt rr -'t in postage. F Address the Dr. HARTeq Mkoicine Compant Ï13 North Main street, St. Louis, Mo. REPÜBUGAN VALLËY STOCK FARM. AVERY & COLEMAÏT, PROPRIETORS, WAKEF1ELD, CLAY CO., KAN. The ohlesT at 1 pavSjTp3BMBIWPCÍWSÍWflWBW most e x t e St, -' Wï'st of t il e fflfBfl HE5& 4bI Mi9liipi'i. &' Over Ei cht Head of Par? E---d and wBBBBiHL High Gr ■.!' F.Tuberon c 9t'l StA'lioni au i M ires on ■3BHH9 hund: ;-oa ewreor BUJML.', Rs''l ded lmporit'tt Krench HKsHllBiStftiglB fi'jjf' ■ i Coachen. Save the V iflr' n risk and eipcn e of RSBHjH long ratlr d t nn.l RR :■ H irsfá at li o in .itit.l K Ciiinutei, of i!lalilc BI8SH1 men t ith estAbMhcd gBgBffVnBgBSflBWBBBHH reputa-tions xs breeders. Ourlnipoitt-aytock all retrUteredln the Preheron Stnd Books of Franca and Ame. Ija. We euarantoe . 11 St ck Bteédei-x Jut r.-preiented, Seud for catv logue No. 5, 1 reo. Address, AVERY & COLEMAN, Propa., Wakefleid, Clay County. Kan. Ths Grt Nuresry of PERGHERON HORSES. ii 200 Iinported Crood Mares jfiq fv ■ ïïüK M'.UBGRS, 300 to 400 nil'ORTKD ASMA1LÏ from France. a]l record&ü with extended pediyrees Ín tho Percheron Stud llooka . Tio I'ercheron is the only draft brei'd of Franco ]HJtsesíing a (ttuil book that has the pnpport and endorsa ment of the Frent'h Government. Bnd for 120puKó Catalogue, iUuutrations hj Ho% Bouhour. M. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, DuPago Cd IIMnolB. THE UllAND RAPIDS HEBD Holstem-Friesians, fújfaiwqE H BrfyJflu Abont 100 ITEAD of both sexes and all ages. Sereral Head of BULLS READY for SERVICE Up to two ye;irs old. Choice Cows and Heiferi bred !o ray prize service buUs Prins Midlum and Jong-e Carré, Who h.tve no superiors. A spcciaUyof young pairs not akin for foundation stoelt, Every Head KegiHtrel and Guaranteed Pure-Bred. Wntc for Catalogue and pnces, and itftW age and sex desired, or come and see Uic herd. M. Té. SWKBT, Brccdcr and Importer, [miiniidn i nis rAi-Eiï.j Grand Rapids, MUcli. RÜPTÜRE! Hare you heard of the astoundin? reduction for Dk. J. A. SiitKMAN 's famous Uome Tratments th only knuwn; Kiinrantee comfort and cure without operftttoTi or ninderance fnm lahur! No steel or iron bands! Per ft et retention nlfrtt and day. No chaflnff. Sulted to allanes. Aíow,IOunly. Send for circular of meaMiretnentit, iustruetions and proofs. Get cufi'it at hume and be huppy. Dli.J. A. SHEIiiíAX, 2W llroadway, Xao York, AÍI8IIBII '11'i Jlorpliii'i' llubit i'urml in lOtO IIvIIIBk liOdsvi.. Kfüti ;io paiientf f-ured UriCJni inallparts Dr. Harsh. Quincy.Kioh.


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