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ÏL-rtdHItMnL Cons & Prevenís tffyWSW sS Colds, I IL Jk MJSr C o u g h s , SïïlYlVm Soro Throat, liüí-iájT ?TV. Hoarseness, IC StlfTNeck, aVy'wV3l9?WJW Bronchitis, B?m waw é lir 'llr Catarrh, pTj9MwflAy Headacho, HjA3ÍUAEr Toothache, l4fiE i Rheumatism, I P8BB Neuralgia, Asthma, Frostbites, II Chilblains, qulokcr than any known remcdr. It nu tbe lint and is the only PAIN REMEDY That institntly jtops tho most excructatiDg palns, allaTS lntiammntlon and cures Congestión w.iethrof the T.iinff, stom ach, Bowels. or other glands, or orgauB, by oneapplication. No matter how violent or excruciatlng the pain the Rheumatte, lïedrldden, Infirm, Crippled, fcerr ous, Neuralglc, ur prosirated with dlsease maysufRADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instant cure. Thirty to sixty drops in ta&lf a tnmbler of water wlll In a few mlirotea cure Craraps, Spasras, Sour Stomach. Nausea. Vomitina i'alpitatlon of the Heart. Miliaria, Chilla and Kever, Kalntness. lleartburn.Suk Heatiarhe. Dlarrhoea, ïyfentery, Colic, Wind in the Boweh and all interna! pain?. JjIetv Cents per Bottle. öold by DrugglstsDr. RADWAY & CO.. N. Y., Froprietora of Radway's Sarsanarllla Resolrent ftnd Dr. Itadway'a Pilli. WIZARD O IL Have been enjoyed by cltizens of every town and city in the U. S. Marvelous Cures have beon wltnesied by thoasands of people, who can testlfy to THE WON'DEBPUI. HKALINQ POWER O Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Earache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords, RHEUMATISM, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fever Sores, Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Sore Nipplcs, Caked Breasts, and All Aches and Pains, are qutclcly relleved by this maeicai remedy. Try It once and you will never be wltnout It. For sale by OrugBiatB. Iric:o. íOc. Our Song Book freo to all. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY, CHICAGO. Pages Árnica Oil The best salve In the world for Burns, Woiinds and sores of all kinds. Boils, Felona, Chtlblalns, Froaen Feet, Pllefl, Barber' Itch, Sure Kyes, Cbapped Hands, sore Throat, Scala Iload, Pimples on the Face, and all skin dlseases. For JUver Complaint. Stek Heatlache, Constipatlon use Page's Mandrake Pilla. Above remedies sold by Druggists or sent by mail for 25 cents byC.W. Snow A tin.. Synu-M. fc. , Y. _ I qüRE FJISJ VhenTBfty curo i dg not mean mereiy to stop tbem ïur fttlmo aad then havo ihem return agalrt, I mean a radical curo. I have made the üiseaao ví FITS, KI'ILEPSY or FALLtNGSICKNESSft llfe-long stndy. 1 warrant my remedy to curo the worst casas lic-canso olhera hT fftlloü fs no reason fornotnow rocelving acare. Sendrt once for a treatlse and a I-'roo Bottl of my tn fallí bl rompcly. Qlve Lxprcns and Post OtileO. It cust yoa notblntr for a trial, and I wlll cure yon. iddress Dr. H. O. BOOT. lftSPearlSt., NewTork. gg P5 HEADACHE, 'ËEL FAT JAhTs P ASTHMA, 33 80 NEURALGIA, Quickly reltercd by nslnff Ciuhman' Menthol Inhale,! and by continued use effect a cure. Satisfftetion (ruaran 1 4 ed or money refundid. It lasts from tix menths to one year. Frica 60 cents; by mail or at Circuí m-8 mailed on appltcation. H. P. CUSHMAN, Three Rivers, Mloh, .A. IVX1AV IIVYBNTION! 7Xrdsof EeechhaTebeenSawedbv oneman nOliours. Hundred have awedftát 6 cords daíly. "d ictly'' whatevery Fftnnor and Wood Chopperwanta. Fírat order from your vicínity secures the Aaency. illustratGíl Catfiloff FRBE. Addrcns 1'oldlmr Huwln ■Jl ach I no Co., H Canal fttM ChUflKO.IlL Ularvellous Memory DISCOVERY. Wliolly unlike Artificial Systems- Cure of MInd Waniering -Any book learnd ín one roadinfr. Heavy re■luctioiis for postal classes. Prospectus, with opïnlona of Mr. Proctor, the Astronomer, Hnnu. W. W. Astor, Judaii P. Bk.vjamin, Drs. j'ixou, Wood and otbors, sent pust frke, by PROF. ÏiOISETTE, 'i:i7 Firth Avenue. Wv Y-v JJOÍV1ES PAYStheREICHT 5 Ton Wagon Sea I en, Ererr lite Scmle, For fre prlrt Mt If ' WÍ0í0rlíNCHAlMT0fSL One Aj[ent(MerchantOnIy)wanied in every town for My Rtartdlnfronters for 15,000 per month of your "Tansill'a Puiil'Ii' :"c clgar deraonatrates lts popaarity. J. H. WXDBt'H, Drucglst. Market and Third Streets, San í'ranciaco. Cal. JOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0S1T10N-I878. I THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS tai cu "es ?WHtat 7i iisTfáit! i8F 3 Best CXjukIi Syrup. Taste goort. Use m in time. Solrt by dnit;KÍstfl. -JS3mm NEB RAS KA LA N D FOR SALE, Ten years' time, low interest, near railroads. Addrei, P. 6. EUSTIS. OMAHA. Neb. 1 asthmTcuSëSTI M M Ucrman A-thuin Cure nfr faxt to fftrtH ■ mm unmrtiiuit rííiílQ tho worst casi, lasares com-B Hfortable sle-p ; effeets curo wbere all other tU. áU Mtriat convinctt the moit tkeptical. Pricc LO ct. andM D1. 00, of Drtiuluti or by malí. Simple FHEE totm Hump. UU.. ít. ftCHIFFMAJJ, St. l'aot MInn.J - FACE, HANDS, FEET, fSt&Zügl pmlall tlioirfcnperfectlotis índudinsr FbL%L?'?LsW clal líevclopnK-nt, HAirand Scalp, Superx8n ■ fliiouu Halí Eirth Mark, Jloíes. Warta; ÍK1 ÍV Molh, KreoKles, Red Nose, Acné, Black 2SrwH Ilí':nis,S(.-ars, Plttine and their tivatmeut fri VF.'ii.l jíkr. fortK)Ok(ir5ixiKw,thi'Iitlon. r.J.H.Wnoibnr.S7.rBrlSt-.AIIittIVY.iN.Y..C3t'ü'(llr(L HDressmakingl Ladles who wpar Featherbone ín Dresses, Waistsot CoTsets are delitthted with it. Soft and pliable. Ahsolutely unbreakable. Kor sale every where. Try It JÜpñS HVBIrlIHIlli ant Information. Sftnd fol OO.. PKfSIOS ATT0BK11B, OBICiOO. ILL. 1IOME TREATMENT ( - VV reamara from Orsranic Weakncss. NeiT■ us or Chrsnic Ailmont?. ehonld wrltO t DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. St., Milwauktt, WÍS. 'oí' a ti-png book. grivinT th pruper tretinent in ful], and toas ivoid quiíckorv. WE WANT YOUÏ ftIive"neryettc man Ei YV#%ni I IwWI or vr ornan needin proíltable empioympnt to repi-esout u in every county. Sal&ry $75 per roonth and expenses, or larjre commission on alea it preferred. GoüUs u tapio. JÊTerrone buYs. Outfit and particulars Free. KTANDAiÜí SILVJfiKWXRK CO.# BüSTON, MASA iSJfl IKi Cured at Home. Tratrneut afiai JIB cent on trial and .NO TAV asked IRR until yuu aro nenefltr i. Térras Low. 1nM Hnmane Jlemlv í'o.. nvrtf. Inri. KÏaFERWAsfïrLÊ&ëESS NiinnnUBSMEIV 'tmilutona, Una, Hl L.I1 I tfUC. Senil for Clreiüar. ■ law. A.W.McCnrmtcli tSon Wüyhlmrton. D. C. VTTír'TXrT A FARMS! Mild Climuta! Ohoan I AlVWlilll Homos! Northern Colonjr: Illuí ratea circular froe. O. BU3S, Centralla. Va. tt P i" Pi a tlfrtj. Samples worthíl. SO PREK. Linos TkH not underthe horse1! feet. W'ritc Bretcster'i tJ SVety Keln Tlolder Co., Toüu. iíich. TC CrPIDUV I.earn hera and eara CLCVnH r_J_ good pay. Situationj fariilsheü. Wrlta Vnlcut Ine Broi., JaueirUlt.WI, W.N.U. P.-5-4 nmllU Morphlnr Itablt url In 1 ■ Wil ItotOdaji. Ko py tIU Cnr4r


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