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San Francisco Cali : Fame, after all, to the wellbalanced mind, consistí In the knowledge oí havingso livedas to aeserve the praise of neighüors. Dr. Bull's Cougii Syrup gives by far the best satisfaction and takes tho lead ot nll cough prepnrations on our shelves.- Carpenter & Palmeter, Jnniestown, N. . Danville Breeze: What is llie difference between a dude and his boots? One is calf skin aud the other is calf's kin. St. Paul Herald: The toboggan shows its inclination to fastness early. It gets on a bender even before it is fimshed. Texas Siftings: The new governor of Pennsylvania canneverbe a lazy man. He must always work like a Beaver. Macón Telegraph : The man who wrecks u train is a munlerer. The man who wrecks a wholo railroad is a financier. New Haven News: An English woman lias loft (50.UC0 íor n canino hospital. This luoks like throwing money to toe dogs. Anybody troubled with rhoumatism, neuralgia, stift" neck, or any pain or nche should procuro a bottle of fsalvation Oil at once, l'rice 25 cents. Puck: The star o{ hope- the histriouie debutante. SOUTHWARP. Hammond, Louisiana, and Jackson, Mississippi. - The tide of emigration has already turned southward, and thousands of poople are asking the question, "Where can I lócate South to best advantage." Every State has its peculiar attractions, but it U : generally conceded that no locality in the South ]ns-essos so many advantages as Hammond, Loiisiaxa. Here over Northern families have located within the past year. The cliinate cannot bo excelled Water, cloar aud pure, only 52 miles north of New Orleans on the main line of the Illinois Central Ilailroad with direct market facilities to every important Northern market. Fruits and vegetables ; are grown with ease and groat profit. Stock does well. A good school, beautiful church, public library, and is in every sonse a Northern town. An Inter-State Dairymens' and Fruit Grower's Convention will be held at Jackson, Mississippi, February lfi, 17 and 18. Northern and Southern lecturers and instructora of national reputation are upon the program. Mardi Gras Festival at New Orleans will take place Feb. 22. To accommodute all who desire to attènd the Jackson Convention, visit Hammond and the New Orleans j Mardi Gras the Illinois Central railroad j will run a low rate excursión from all points on its Illinois and Iowa lines arrivngat Jackson at 4: 10 p. m. Feb. 16. Tickets will be sold to New Orleans and return with stop over priviliges at Jackson and Hammond. Parties residing at point 08 , the line of the Illinois Central thould ask their local ticket agents'for round trip tickets to New Orleans and return and be eure they are routed via. the Illinois Central in order to visit Jackson and Hammond, For excursión circulara, programs of Jackson convention and priuted mntter concerning Hammond, apply to the underslgned at Manchester, Iowa. J. F. Merkt, Geni. West. Pass. Agt. Newman Independent: Motto of a woodawyer - I come, I saw. I corded. QBT Ljon's Patent Heel StilTcners ap?Wed to the new boots und they will never run over. Pear trees in Florida are being ruincd by gpiders, which eat the buds. Xo Opium in Piso's Cure for Consumptlon. ' Cures where other remedios fail. 25c. Sign in a New York resort: "No excusa if found with another man's hat." Don' t Fay a BIQ Pnceöt n+r Pays for a Year's 6UbscrlpOO VClllö tiontothe Weekly American Ii-ural Home, Rochester, N. x.vitltont premium- "the Cheapest and Best VVeokly in tho World," 8 pages, 48 columns, 16 years old. For One JloUar you have one choica from over 150different ClothBound Dollar Yolurnrs, Í100 to 900 pp., and paper one year, post-paid. Book postpge, 15c. Extra. 50.00'! books given away. Among them are: Law Without Lawyers; Family Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia; Farmers' and Stoekhreeders' Guide; Common Sensa ' in Poultry Yard; World Cyclopedia; ! elson's (Medical) Counselor; Boys' Useful Partimesj Five Years Beforo the Mast; . Peoples' History of Uuited States; ! versal History of all Nations; Popular j History Civil "War (both sides). Any ONn book and paper, one year, all ! post-paid, for 1.15 only. Paper alone, 65c. Satisfaction guaranteed on books and Weekly, or money refunded. Reference: Hoc. C. R. Parsoxs. Mayor Rochester. Bample papers, 2c. RURAL HOMK CO.. Ltd., Without Premium, 63e. a year i Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Post-Express: A type of tho pople - tin-type. BilionsneBS, Dizzincss. Nausea. Etc., Are relieved by Carter's Litti.e Liveu 'He who is false to present duty," sayj Henry Ward Beecher, ''breaks a thread in the loom, and will flnd the flaw when he may have forgotteu its cause." A case in point occurs to us. Mr. Wm. Ryder, ol S7 Jefferson street, Búllalo, N. Y., recently told a reporter that, "I had a largo abscess on eacn leg, that it kept continually dischargiog for twenty years, Nothing did me any good except Dr. PiercO' 'Golden Medical Discovery,' Itcurcdme." Here is a volume expressed in a few words. Mr. Ryder's experience is entitled to our reader' careful consideration.- The .Sun. Puck: When it rains hardest- when il hails. A Sadden Dcath from heart disease is now quite common. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certaiu remedy. Chronic irritation, palpitation, excessive or detective action of the heart. shortness of breath, and pain are removed by it in a short period. It also cures all the diseases relating to tho liver, stomach, bowels, blood and skin. TheWhip: faken aback- a boy playinc leap-frog. No lengthy advertisement is necessary to bolster up Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. ICLY'S creambalmCataWRH rlaco a jjarticle - _a_ of tho Balni nitol tLY'S oach nostril "dwjrCfiFAli RMVoX t.reaths throuKfiW?J,CJjRrrCOUl the ose. It willBTOyHFin be absorbed ancW-ioi L CUJ] begin it.s work "frHAYFEVER1! s M cleasinBandheal yyvrru "Wf LM ing the diseasedk J&tvMSi membrane. )t al-B ■y-LM lays Mflaiinnatit)!! rj?BH and pre ven ts f'". ■.liPWSj rl-ovW HotaLiqaidorSnafJI JCtViW1 So o i so n o u mS uBV U.SJL I drugs. Ko offcii tjatr rFÜTrW f i ve odor. HAl'FEVER A pirtlcle Is ll-pllM into efli Ifwtrll nnd In iiKrff ' rl.'"e 5' bT "ll111 "r 'IniKKlsts. ot?ego tf y.roul"r' KIT BHOTIIKRS. I)ruKi!lt, WIZARD Oli. Have been enjoyed by citlzens of every town and city in tbe U. S. Murvelous Cures havo been wit neaaed by thousands of people. who can testify to THB WOXDSBFCTIi IIKAI.IXO POWEU OV Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Neuralgia, Toolhache, Headache, Earache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, Lame Back, Stift Joints, Contracted Cords, RHEUMATBSM, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fever Sores, Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and All Aclies and Pains, are-qulckly relleved by this masicai remedy. Try It once and jrou wtll nover be without it. Kor iale b Drugglsts. ITico.&Oc. OurSo.NO Büok freo to all. Addrtss W1ZAR0 OIL COMPANY, CHICAGO.


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